Girlfriend's Revenge - Cover

Girlfriend's Revenge


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Torture   Snuff   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Ellen crouched down below the pile of gleaming white sand, then began inching up over the smoothly sloping mound. The sound of voices was clearer now, and the sharp groans from the girl seemed to be turning into squeals of pain that sent a shudder of fright through Ellen's stomach.

"Oh yes, that feels good, yeeessss, I like it like that!" the female voice echoed out clearly.

Then in a flash of startled recognition Ellen knew the pleading sounds that were obviously mixed with pleasure were coming from her own sister's mouth! Now, she was too close to move away, and no matter what was happening to Jennifer, and no matter how her sister might be fighting or enjoying whatever the man was doing to her, she must at least see what was going on to clear up the confused thoughts that raced through her brain.

The crouching young girl took a deep breath and worked her way slowly and silently up the long slope of sand. It seemed as though it took hours for her to move just a few feet, and she found the sand catching uncomfortably in the cuffs of her jeans and scraping against her calves and sandalled feet as she inched gradually to the top. Her whole body tensed as she reached the flat ridge of sand at the summit of the long slope.

The sand suddenly gave against the pressure of her body, and some of it sifted down towards the shadowy figures she could barely make out below. God, if they saw her now it would be all she would need! Her heart stopped and she dared not to breathe. They must have heard it, she thought fearfully; but no, the strange noises still came from below her without letup, their intensity increasing with each passing moment. She could discern sounds of heavy breathing and a rustle of clothing scraping against the sand, punctuated by animal-like grunts and moans of pleasure. Her eyes were becoming accustomed to the dark shadows below the hill, and now the light scud of clouds covering the moon opened up and exposed the half-naked figures of her sister and two males on a blanket only a few yards from Ellen.

There was no mistake about it! Jennifer's clearly outlined profile stood out in the moonlight as obvious as a photograph. Ellen paled again and sucked in her breath. This couldn't be happening to her sister it was far beyond her wildest imaginings! Jennifer sat with her legs splayed wide apart, the small bra of her bikini swim suit pulled off to expose the smoothly rounded firmness of her full, pink-nippled breasts. The two boys beside her sat stretched out with their bathing suits clinging to their feet and their fingers and hands fondling Jennifer's large breasts. It was impossible to believe, but Jennifer appeared to be enjoying it. To Ellen's complete shock and further disgust, her sister was holding the two boys' rigidly erect cocks in each of her hands and was stroking them in lewd rhythmic time to the sensuous movements of their fingers which fondled and pulled at the nipples of her breasts.

Ellen let out a low, exasperated sigh as she inched closer to the three figures sprawled out on the sand below her. She could make out the shape of Jennifer's features. God! She was really enjoying it, Ellen whispered unbelievingly to herself. Her sister's mouth contorted into a lewd smile, her tongue licking softly at her wetly parted lips. Her eyes were half-closed, her brow furrowed as if in deep concentration, and her thighs were making a salacious grinding movement that swished softly against the blanket below her smoothly curved buttocks.

Suddenly the boy sitting closest to Ellen turned and she immediately recognized him as Phil, Bob's brother. Ellen remembered Bob's comment earlier about Jennifer probably making out behind some sand dune with his brother, and she almost gasped when she realized how true Bob's sarcastic remarks really were. Yes, her sister really must be troubled to be doing this and loving it the way she was. She watched as Jennifer's hand clenched around the long expanding rod of Phil's cock, and she flinched as she heard a trio of groans rise up from the dim moonlight lit forms below. The two men's hands moved in sensuous arcs across Jennifer's breasts bringing out stronger moans from the voluptuous young girl who seemed as though she were about to break into swoons of ecstasy any minute.

Phil's head bent toward Jennifer's round full breast and his tongue slid out of his mouth and began licking at one of the pink erect nipples. His head seemed to move in tiny circles around it, and Ellen could hear wet sucking sounds and further mewls of pleasure spilling from her sister's lips. Jennifer's stomach arched up and wriggled obscenely as though to lift her breasts closer to the tantalizing fingers and warmly moist lips pulling and sucking at the pink tipped buds of her breasts. Yes, Ellen thought, there was no doubt about it, Jennifer was definitely enjoying this, and she acted as though she had done this with other men many times before. The younger sister clenched her hands in the sand as tears of rage and confusion welled up and flooded her eyes. Now there was nothing she could do but watch and remember this moment which was already etched indelibly into her mind like a painful scar she couldn't get rid of.

Down below the watching girl, Phil moved his hand over the erect little nipples of Jennifer's breast, while the other man, who seemed a few years older, caressed the rounded plane of her nakedly exposed belly, and thrust his fingers in a smooth motion beneath the girl's bikini panties. Jennifer began stroking the two men's hardnesses more rapidly now, and Ellen could see the long thick shaft of Phil's large fleshy penis burgeon out with each successive jerk. Ellen was only a few scant yards away, and her impulse was to run from the horrifying scene; but she realized mat one false movement could send down another slide of sand and call attention to herself.

And so she watched in horrified fascination as her sister's fingers skinned the thick foreskin of Phil's uncircumcised cock rapidly up and down the full length of it, the huge bulbous head bursting evilly into view like a giant monster crawling from a secret lair with each downward stroke of her hand. Ellen was close enough to see Jennifer's contorted face let out a deep groan as Phil's hand moved down and joined the other man's finger beneath her thin bikini panties. The older sister began hard spasmodic jerks on the two sperm-inflated cocks as Phil slid the panties down her hotly writhing thighs, exposing a glistening mound of thin curling pubic hair just inches away from his huge impatiently pulsating penis. The moonlight shone brightly down on the strange orgiastic scene and cast a lewd glare over the boy's long white shaft that was closest to Ellen's vision. She was near enough to see the head was covered with a white sticky-looking fluid that must have been the lubrication men secreted from their organs when they became excited. Both penises looked monstrously large to Ellen as she had never seen one before, and she wondered how it would be possible to have something like that inside of her. It looked like it would be terribly painful, almost impossible to take.

Ellen knelt down closer to the edge of the sand dune. Phil had looked up and must have seen something from the way he had turned away from Jennifer for a moment. Oh God, he would never forgive her for spying on them, but she just had to find out what was going on.

Ellen suppressed a moan of relief as Phil turned back again. Her sister was now completely naked, her long legs stretched out obscenely wide while the other boy ran his fingers and hands up and down over her stomach to the moist fleshy lips of her nakedly glistening cunt. Ellen leaned forward a little to see what the next step in the lewd spectacle being played out before her would be. As she pushed aside some of the sand that obscured her vision she felt her heart begin to pound thunderously in her chest. It beat so hard she thought the three naked figures down below her might hear it as though an alarm had been sounded!

But it was clear that they were so engrossed in what they were doing that a sand storm could have blown up and they would have remained undisturbed! Phil stood over the two embracing figures and began making long smooth strokes on his fleshy instrument that stiffened into greater hardness. He signaled to the older man who paused in his lewd task and removed his massaging index finger from Jennifer's up-thrust young cunt before pulling away from the girl. It appeared as though the two young men had made some kind of an arrangement before they had begun their dual seduction, and it had been agreed that Phil would be the first one to fuck the obviously aroused young girl. Ellen watched in horrified amazement as Phil leaned down over Jennifer's white supple nakedness in the sand below him. The youth slowly lowered himself to the ground and crawled up over her lewdly squirming body, and Ellen could see her widespread thighs stretch wider apart to accent the entrance of the huge blood-engorged cock inside the lips of her moistly glistening vagina. Phil's muscular buttocks squirmed for a moment as they thrust down toward the soft juncture up between Ellen's sister's legs. His hands reached down beneath the firm white moons of her buttocks, and pulled them up toward the blood-filled head of his cock as it slowly pressed into the narrow hair-lined slit of her cunt.

"Ooooh, God," she heard her sister moan, "Ram it up to my tits!"

Ellen felt the blood draining from her head and fought to retain her balance and keep from falling down the sloping edge of the sandy precipice. Her head whirled. She began to feel faint and weak, and she tried to blot out the unbelievable obscene act going on before her eyes. There on the sand below her, lewdly displayed so anyone who came along could see, was her own sister pleading for Bob's brother to do vile things to her, while at the same time an older man kneeled next to them stroking his monstrously hardened cock above their thrashing bodies.

"Hurry up, Phil, damn it. Leave some of that hot little pussy for me will you?" she heard the man growl in eagerness and lewd impatience.

Ellen wanted to lunge down the hill and rip the bodies apart. She felt her muscles tense and me cords of her neck strain out as though she were being drawn involuntarily towards an act which would only make things irrevocably worse. She tried to erase the incomprehensible violation of her own sister's body from her eyes by shielding her vision with her hand, but then she heard the low mewling groans of pleasure rise up with greater intensity, and for some strange reason Ellen felt she had to look. She stared in detached revulsion at Jennifer's long slim legs rising up above Phil's grinding thighs and watched as her sister pressed the sides of her ankles like strong fists into Phil's driving buttocks, sending his groin plunging towards her wide stretched young pussy, the thick, wetly glistening cock disappearing and reappearing with each cruel thrust and withdrawal that he made into her.

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