Girlfriend's Revenge - Cover

Girlfriend's Revenge


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Torture   Snuff   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The yellow triangle of light shining into Billy's room from the hallway slowly disappeared across the bare wooden floor when he reached back and softly closed the door behind them. In that moment before the door sealed her fate with a small click, Ellen thought she saw a tiny room with a blanket-covered mattress in the corner. An empty light fixture hung from the ceiling, but it didn't work, and Billy disappeared from his position close behind her to flare a match... then the shabby room glimmered with the light of a candle.

Ellen sighed without much feeling as the bleakness of the dismal room registered on her exhausted mind. She had been horrified and shocked for so long that she couldn't have worked up any further distress if she had wanted to. Actually, though, when she looked around the dimly lit room with a view of starless sky evident beyond one cracked window, it seemed almost cozy, and she was glad to be there with Billy instead of back down the hall under the harsh glare of the hanging light, suffering further indignities from the others.

The voluptuous young blonde stepped forward willingly when Billy's hand reached through the darkness and circled her slender wrist, pulling her down on the mattress beside him. Then the door swung open again, and she watched dully as he grunted in irritation and crawled back to his feet, walking across the room to slam the door. It sprang open a second time but he left it, exposing them to a long low wail of anguish from Sylvia once again being assaulted in the other room by the men. Ellen's heart began to pound as the piteous sounds stirred grim images in her mind of what was about to happen to her. She wanted to plead with Billy to close the door again, but she didn't. She sensed that the gang leader had fallen into a sullen bitter mood, and she was deathly afraid of inciting his anger.

She jumped when his hand settled on her shoulder, pushing her backwards, but she fell obediently onto her back on the mattress. She stared as though in a trance at the light from the hallway reflecting now on the ceiling, too frightened to turn her head when she heard him stripping the clothing from his muscular body. She heard him unzipping his pants, then his belt hit with a loud clang against the floor, and she stiffened as he sat down on the mattress to pull the trousers and his undershorts off his ankles. Then there was just the horrible suspenseful silence which was broken only by occasional male grunts of passion mixed with small feminine protests coming from the other room.

Ellen quivered and waited for the weight of his naked body to fall suddenly and heavily in plundering passion on her vulnerably reclining form, but it didn't. Instead, he sat quietly next to her, his deep breathing the only evidence of his rising passion, and glanced for a moment at the flickering shadows the candle cast on the crumbling walls before he turned slowly to her small deliciously curving form. Ellen didn't have to glance to the side to know that he was studying her barely covered young body, his hungry eyes traveling a slow burning path of hot desire and admiration up the entire length of her form, coming to rest on the protruding outline of her large ripely firm breasts beneath the torn ragged tee-shirt.

"You're pretty," Ellen suddenly heard a voice speak softly below the frantic rising shrieks of Sylvia that were rapidly growing louder in intensity from the other room, and her first impulse was to cast a frightened glance around to see who it was that had spoken so gently. But no new assailant appeared, there was only herself and Billy on the mattress with their two separate shadows dancing against the wall. It was Billy who had spoken in that strange, suddenly tender voice. But it was a Billy that she hadn't prepared herself for after the long day in which he had seemed even more aloof and dangerously angry than usual. She had sensed a certain well-hidden protectiveness in his attitude towards her at first, but after his humiliating encounter with the stranger it had seemed to vanish. Now its reemergence left her confused and frightened. She had finally decided after permitting Vito's sadistically cruel assault on Sylvia--and obviously enjoying what the little killer had done to his ex-girlfriend-- that he was as much an animal as the others. But now with this sudden tenderness of the leader she was unsure again.

"I hope they didn't hurt ya," he spoke to the wall and then bent his head, almost as though he didn't want to face her from shyness or embarrassment.

"I'm still alive," Ellen said suspiciously and glanced at his profile in order to see his reaction to her words. She didn't want to get her hopes up. She was surprised when he sighed heavily in seeming agreement at the horror of her predicament the previous night.

"Aaaggghhhh--No! You're killing me--eeeeee!"

Sylvia's high piercing shriek that came down the hall like the long wail of a siren interrupted the tender scene. Ellen hoped desperately for the second time since she had entered the small cave-like room that Billy would get up and close the door, but he didn't and she was still too aware of the power of life or death he had over her to ask him to do anything at all for her. Instead, he once again won her startled surprise when he unexpectedly reached into the pockets of the pants he had already removed and left on the floor, and then lit a cigarette; his face turned towards her revealed an unhoped-for gentleness over the flare of the match in his hand.

Ellen waited for a seeming eternity while he leisurely smoked the cigarette and her torn emotions gradually changed from suspicion and fear to relief and acceptance. Yes, she thought, there was just no way of getting around the fact, as shocking and unacceptable as it would be if she were still back in her normal world, that it was better that she be sexually taken by Billy--as she knew he was going to do in a few minutes--than that she find herself once again suffering brutal and sadistic indecencies at the callous hands of the others.

This reassuring train of thought came to a sudden halt when Ellen noticed Billy impatiently stubbing out his cigarette on the dirty bare floorboards after only two puffs. He turned towards her, revealing his fully naked body for the first time, and to her own surprise and amazement she didn't cringe or even glance away. She supposed that they had beaten and abused her so much in the last twenty-four hours that nothing could move her now except the terror of being thrown to the others to be used as a plaything as she had been before. Ellen jerked suddenly as Sylvia's abjectedly pleading moan and loud, sadistically gleeful laughter came from the next room. Yes, yes, she shuddered and sank back onto the bed, anything Billy did would be better than being the subject of those foul male comments coming down the hallway now, indicating that Pop was fucking into Sylvia while Cash and Vito watched in lewd pleasure.

Billy laid his hand on Ellen's shoulder, mistaking her slight tremble in response to the crude remarks from the other men, as the beginning of surrender. And in a way, the half-drunk gang leader was right. Ellen's will to resist had finally been destroyed by the unrelenting torture and cruel pain that the men had put her through. At some inexact moment since the convicts had forced her into their truck off the country road, she had given up the struggle. She, herself, wasn't sure of when the exact turning point in her anguished emotions had occurred, for her resistance had disappeared so gradually and imperceptibly under the seemingly endless torture. All she knew now was that her hopes had changed, and she no longer aspired to escape the men but simply to endure them... to exist... to live! More than anything, she hoped that they wouldn't hurt her any more, and that when Billy made love to her, he wouldn't do it too cruelly. Her determination had been overcome by a fatigue-wracked desire to escape further pain, and now the tenderness with which he caressed her helped allay her fears... and she lay beneath him quietly and unprotesting.

The convict, sobering now from the sight of the voluptuous young girl stretched languidly on the bed beside him, looked at her almost with reverence. He would have given anything in the world to possess her under different circumstances; to come home from a big office where he had a good thing going that enabled him to make the right pay-offs and live in peace... and find her waiting for him. Yeh, she was surrendering to him now. But what else could the poor little bitch do? He would have given everything to feel her squirming beneath him, needing him as much as he needed her. Or if not her, at least someone like her, someone young, pure, innocent, who thought he was and always would be Number One. The others had taken her last night, it was true, but he had heard her screams as they forced themselves on her with sheer brute strength; and anyway, her being there in the first place had been his own fucking fault. Then he'd heard her finally cumming and he had wished he'd been the one to do that for her. No, that didn't really count; the real obstacle between them was the ugliness of his past, his present, and his future. She was something only vaguely glimpsed through lace curtains, singing at a piano, when you're broke and on the lam. He could hardly expect her to throw herself at a two-bit criminal with his record. And tomorrow his role as fugitive would be sealed forever; sure, he'd be the big man then, but there would be no more chances for him to make a new start of it. After tomorrow, having a girl like that... well, it just couldn't happen! He would try to make it out of the country, and then maybe after a few years he could stop running, settle somewhere and build a new life. No, he would be lucky if he was still alive tomorrow night, and after that he might as well face the fact that there would be nothing but to keep moving. Forever.

And... there was nothing he could do to stop the plan now. If he didn't participate in the killing, the other would do it... after leaving his body somewhere as destroyed evidence. There was not even any going back to prison now. He was trapped just like the senator, whom he didn't care about one way or the other. Except that he, Billy, had always been trapped.

He wished that he could somehow explain all this to the innocent young girl to make her understand why he needed her so much tonight.

But he knew he couldn't! Shit, he thought, we're worlds apart and she's so fucking afraid of me that she would never relax her suspicions enough to believe what I say, even if I could find the words to say it. No, she'd just have to go on believing that he was a murderer who would kill anyone, including her, without a second thought. The only chance he had to express his feelings would come when he made love to her.

That was the only way... even if she wouldn't understand.

Ellen's terrified young body began to shiver uncontrollably as she felt the gang leader reach forward and run his hands over the top of her jeans, looking for the opening of her pants. She wanted to look up and search his face in the candlelight, but she didn't dare. She was too afraid that she would disrupt this suddenly gentle mood that he was in and incite him to the savage lust with which he had brutally raped her in the truck the first night. As it was, she lay as still as possible, listening to his whiskey-scented breath grow heavier, while he ran his hands over the smoothness of her belly and then out to the flare of her hips, finally cupping his hands under her supple young buttocks. He reached forward and carefully unzipped her jeans, but she didn't protest and even lifted her hips when he began to tug the slacks down her long legs.

She sat up for a moment, and he pulled the torn remains of her tee-shirt up over her head and off her arms. She trembled while he struggled with the clasp of her brassiere and then lay back down uneasily, though it wasn't from fear now but the strange feeling of abandon that overcame her as she felt him pulling the ragged garment from her large firm breasts. Her berry-like nipples stiffened and hardened in contact with the air, and a peculiar fluttery sensation rippled through her abdomen when she noticed him glancing down at them in what seemed to be tender appreciation.

After a moment, Billy placed his hands around the fleshy curve of her small waist and then curled his fingers over the elastic band at the top of what was left of her little white nylon panties, pulling them downward and drawing from her an involuntary "ooooooh." For a moment both of their movements quickened in the struggle with her last item of clothing whose removal would leave her as naked and open as he was. She lifted her belly and he pulled and tugged until they peeled reluctantly over the full firm moons of her buttocks.

Now Ellen lay totally naked beside him. She felt no fear whatsoever anymore, and it surprised her, but she supposed it was because of this strange gentleness with which he treated her. He was asking, not demanding, and she even felt that he might stop if she asked him to. But she had no intentions of doing that! He had saved her from another attack by the others who would probably have used her more cruelly than the night before, and he had rescued her from an assault by his jealous ex-girlfriend. Even, now he was still protecting her from both dangers, and she sensed that he had taken her to his room not only because he wanted her for himself but out of simple human compassion.

And she felt gratitude. She wanted him to know she was grateful.

Billy sensed the change in the girl too, though it was hard to believe it. She hadn't struggled or kicked when he had removed her clothing, and she didn't cringe now at him sitting next to her. She wasn't even clinging to him out of desperate fear of the others as she had done back in the other room. No, she now lay next to him in a state of expectant repose, and wild thoughts began to race through his head that it was just possible that the voluptuous young blonde was waiting for his next move with some sort of anticipation. He laid his hands on her taut little belly and caressed slowly up to the soft underside of her warmly fleshed breasts. It didn't seem possible but when the backs of his hands reached their soft fullness, an almost inaudible whimper escaped her lips as though she wanted him to cup his hands completely over them. But he didn't want to destroy this advantage with an abrupt movement, and he began gently kneading his hands over her waist and abdomen. Finally, after a long tortuous wait, he carefully cupped the lush firmness of her breasts, squeezing the small, bud-like nipples in the furrows between his splayed out fingers. To his surprise she didn't move! He rubbed her breasts in small tiny circles and surprisingly, her chest lifted and strained against his hands as if she were offering them to him in silent invitation.

When, after a moment, he dropped one hand to her thigh, she merely parted her legs without resistance of any kind. The small soft tendrils of pubic hair brushed temptingly against his fingers, but he kept his caresses confined to her legs, avoiding the tempting vaginal mound as he gradually moved his hand underneath her to the wonderfully pliant cheeks of her warm ass. He clenched their smooth, satin-like softness in his hand and drew his fingers down the slightly spread crease between them. Despite himself, his wrist made contact with an unexpected warm dampness growing rapidly between her legs. Now the gang leader could stand it no more, and drew his fingers irresistibly downward to the soft moist flanges of the young hostage's pussy that quivered so warmly in his hand. He tried to press one outstretched finger into the tight little opening of her cunt, but she jerked spasmodically away, not from pain or fear, but from the sudden contact that sent another wave of erotically rippling sensation through her belly.

Billy withdrew the finger and looked down at her sensually naked body presenting such an incredible picture of lovely young femaleness to him. Christ! He'd never seen a picture of anything as lush as this, and he still couldn't believe she was here... and his!

She was just as firm and full-bodied as he had sensed in the terrible rush of raping her in the truck, and just as soft and young and innocent in a fiery way as he had imagined while listening to her squeals and protests and screams--both of protest and rapture--with the men last night. She was all that he had hoped she would be, except that now she was lying willingly beneath him, her ripe young body quivering with desire... for him!

He kneeled up over her and ran his uncontrollably trembling hands reverently over her warm young breasts, her flat little belly, her firm upper thighs, and then behind again slowly over the full sweep of her lushly rounded buttocks pressed against the mattress. His heart gladdened as his hands and caresses brought small animal-like mewls of pleasure from her wetly parted lips. His passion increased as her tautly smooth abdomen and its blonde pubic mound lifted quickly up to him in invitation when he pressured his hands gently up from behind.

Billy watched as she looked up at him with smoky blue eyes that were half-closed and already dimmed from the forbidden pleasure that sent waves of lewd warmth rippling over every inch of her sensuously quivering young body.

Ellen, in the deep exhausted haze and dimness that follows relief from severe mental anguish, had drifted off into an alien world of soft pleasure of the flesh. At first, back in the distant and rapidly receding past that she could now barely remember, she had let herself be led to this candle lit room so that she could escape the other convicts, then out of gratitude she had lain unprotesting while the gang leader had undressed and fondled her body. But now her passive acceptance had been replaced by a driving desire that she not only didn't comprehend but couldn't control. The aroused young girl didn't know who the gently caressing hands belonged to or how they had managed to work this miracle upon her. With a sigh of rapture, she gave up the impossible effort to even think beyond the wickedly flickering inferno of pleasure that devastated her entire body, the flames rippling outward from the throbbing center of her vagina that ached to be filled.

"Oh God, Oh God," she heard a female voice crooning, unaware that it was herself who was speaking.

Billy bent down, pressing his wet lips tightly to hers, and immediately felt the soft shaft of her quivering little tongue spear into the hot cavern of his mouth, circling around his own hard rigid tongue in a flicking embrace like a poor moth attracted by an open flame which it could not resist.

Feeling sure of himself for the first time, Billy placed his hands on the soft firm inner sides of her full upper thighs, and this time she didn't move away or even jerk in the slightest degree. Instead, her legs parted slowly and willingly outward as he pressured against them with his hands, pushing them outward as though he were opening the pages of a sacred book.

Sudden bewilderment raced through his brain at her passionate response to him. For a moment he suspected a trap--suspected that she was pretending. It didn't seem possible that this was the same virgin he had raped so brutally only last night who was now lying quivering and moaning beneath him, waiting in what seemed to be helpless desire for the moment when he would take her a second time.

The convict couldn't wait any longer, and he let his naked body sink down onto hers where he rested a moment, feeling the softly sensual hollows and mounds of her voluptuous body pressed tightly against him. Then he drew her legs up from her pinioned, splayed-out body until her knees bent out at each of his sides. He lifted her arms, wrapping them around his neck, and she groaned in acquiescence and eagerness. Her passion spurred his own desire. Her helplessly lewd response to each of his moves goaded his passion until his head reeled with the power he had over her. He wanted to thrust his tongue down her throat, to totally pulverize every inch of her sensual young body until she quivered in a thousand helpless pieces. He breathed heavily and had reached down to implant himself into the soft wet crevice of her pussy pressed so warmly up against his loins... but at the last moment he stopped!

He wanted her to surrender totally to him tonight in every way, drawing her to him with her own hands so that he would never be uncertain in the future days to come--if there were to be future days--that she had wanted him. She was in a pliant dreamy condition now and, anyway, he would never again have the opportunity to fuck her like this.

"Put it in," he lifted his mouth from hers and spoke in a low whisper. Then he added, even though it was obviously unnecessary, "... please!"

He stopped breathing for a long tortuous moment as he waited to see what she would do. Then his choked off breath heaved out in a deep sigh of relief when he felt her little hand push immediately down between their warmly sweating bodies and curl around the long rigidity of his heatedly throbbing shaft. He lifted his loins slightly to give her access to him when she hesitated a moment as though trying to figure out what to do with the hardened flesh that jerked and throbbed so vitally between her tightly clasping fingers.

The gang leader groaned when she pushed the thick foreskin back, exposing the blunt pulsing head that brushed lightly against the smooth skin of her taut young belly. He lifted his hips higher, letting her hand to direct him, and swung slightly backwards. The blonde girl's fingers ran tentatively down the full length of his shaft, then with a sudden assurance she moved it against the soft fleece-covered curvature of her pubic mound. For a second time he held his breath, feeling her sparse tendrils tantalizingly curl around the head of his hard column that was pressing against her warmly pink slit. He waited in agony, desperate with desire, as she fumbled with the strange stiffness of his cock, tentatively sliding it up and down the full wetness between the swollen lips of her moistly aroused pussy. Finally she found her mark, and the hotly throbbing penis in her hand rested at the warm vaginal opening which was now willingly being offered to him--unlike last night when he had taken what he wanted without gentleness or mercy.

But he held back tonight!

He waited with the greater desire to slither into her at the exact moment when she needed it as much as he did. It would mean everything to hear her pleading, to feel every sinew of her supple young body begging for him to finally plunge his long hard cock into her, pleading with him not to wait a single moment longer. He held back in full confidence that that unbelievable moment would actually come, and she would implore him in a final admission of surrender that neither of them would ever forget.

But she had to know it! She had to be fully conscious when she did it! He wanted the voluptuously naked girl to keep it in mind forever, to remember how she had wanted him more than pride itself. That way, no matter how many cocks plunged into her in the years to come, his would always be there. He was sure she would try to forget the pain and humiliation that Pop and Cash and Vito had forced on her helpless young body, and he knew that one day she would succeed in forgetting; but she would never be able to forget the first man who had given her the pleasure of making love--man and woman. And he would be that one. Tomorrow night might be his last day in this world, and even if it wasn't, there would be no place after that for him to go or anyone waiting for him. But he would leave something behind that would at least be in this innocent young girl's memories for as long as she lived. She would remember, and that would bring him alive again.

Ellen, with only the slightest pressure of his hardness against her wetly quivering little cunt, lay trembling in tiny uncontrollable spasms that bound her entire helpless body to him with as much painful intensity as if he had fastened her to a torture rack. She felt mesmerized by his warmly pulsating penis and the aching hunger it caused in her womb, a surprisingly ravenous need that couldn't be satiated no matter how much she lifted her still-empty loins up to the dimly-seen figure that hovered between her widely-spread legs over her body. Every movement against his maddening hardness merely increased her craving and torment. The lewd sensation extended itself into the deepest recesses of her hazy mind where it transformed itself into thousands of sensually flickering images. They mixed with the obscene grunts and sucking noises coming from the next room to form lascivious pictures of the ex-girlfriend being crushed between the aroused bodies of all three sadistic convicts, adding to the throbbing sensation in her dilated vagina a thousandfold.

Billy looked down at the voluptuously naked young girl who lay underneath him with her breath coming in rasping pants of sexual need. He shifted slightly and she glanced up, then quickly her eyelids fluttered shut as though pleading with him to get on with his next move. Small beads of perspiration had formed on her lips that ovalled in unintelligible whispering mutters, but he was sure now that she was beginning to bend in her heated need of him. He lifted his body closer over hers in a push-up position, and his massively, thick cock pressed into the warm slippery fold of her pussy that lay wet and open to him without meeting the slightest resistance.

"Ooooooh," she gasped in pleasure and surprise at the closer contact.

The gang leader resisted with all his determination and control the desire to end this insufferable waiting stance and plunge into her; but he had waited too long and worked too hard to destroy all his efforts now. Besides, he could see her changing right before his eyes, and the sight of her transformation kept him going.

His eyes, gleaming with desire, fastened on the large, ripely pliant mounds of her breasts that swayed slightly out towards the sides of her body. The sight of the little pebble-like nipples at the ends of them, stiffening and quivering in arousal, made his mouth water with the urge to bite into them. Yes, there was too much of her he hadn't tasted to simply take her now. Everything she had was open and available to him, and it never would be again.

With a rush, he fell onto her chest and sucked one of the small, succulent pink nipples up into his mouth. He ran his hungry lips and tongue moistly around and around the wide coral areole, then sucked the hard budding tip into stiff quivering hardness. The naked blonde hostage gasped as his hand massaged her other breast in tiny teasing circles, tweaking the soft nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Her legs involuntarily scissored open beneath him, thrusting the thinly bearded slit of her vagina hard up against his loins. Billy let his tongue trace a wet path of searing desire down to the flat plane of her rippling belly, as the shamelessly aroused girl began to writhe beneath his flicking caresses like a woman possessed. Her firmly rounded buttocks twisted down against the soiled mattress as though she were trying to bury herself in it. Her arms stiffened, and her hands shot out to tangle tightly in his hair pulling his lips greedily to her erotically tingling breasts.

Billy lifted himself back up and gazed at the sheer wanton desire which was shaking her naked young body. His eyes fastened again on the excitedly quivering mounds of her large firm breasts, and he had to have more of them in some way. Suddenly, he slithered forward up her chest and settled his buttocks just above her navel, his legs straddling her delicate ribcage at either side. He tilted his hips and gasped as his cock fell easily into the damply narrow crevice between her perspiring, closely-spaced breasts.

Ellen's eyes opened and she gazed up at the escaped convict with wide startled blue eyes. But once again they grew hazy and lust-smoked and, with a deep sigh, fluttered closed again.

He straddled her stomach heavily. The bloated sperm-swollen sac of his balls squashed hard against the whiteness of her belly, causing his heatedly thick cock to jerk in anticipation. He inched upward along her sensually writhing torso, worming his hardened stiffness deeper into the valley between her full fleshy breasts. Without warning, he reached down and cupped a hand on either side of the warmly quivering soft mounds and pushed them together, trapping his long throbbing cock softly between them. Ellen wiggled under him, and he rode with her body, causing the red bulbous head to slide all the way up to her bent chin. A tiny bit of lubricant popped out from the gaping head and, when he drew back, traced a thin wet line down the curve of her neck. For a moment he sat still, taking in the unbelievable sight of the voluptuous young girl he had been forced to rape now willingly letting him use her as he wanted. With shaking hands, he began kneading the full resilient mounds and watched the soft doughy flesh poke up between his grasping fingers in tiny white bloodless ridges that softened back into a firmly voluptuous shape the moment he released them. He tugged and pulled at her pliant warmth, stretching the nipples over his hotly throbbing long cock until the bead-like tips touched and her warm flesh enclosed his member in their vibrant softness on both sides.

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