Girlfriend's Revenge - Cover

Girlfriend's Revenge


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Torture   Snuff   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Ellen turned where she sat on the mattress next to Billy's chair, and saw him glare at the vanquished, miserable form across from them with a contemptuous condescending look. He seemed to have no sympathy whatsoever, no pity for the girl at all, and Ellen sensed it was because he foresaw an equally harsh fate awaiting him tomorrow. He had struck her as colder than the others from the first, but she had never seen him so aloof, and she was glad--for some reason she didn't understand--that he seemed to have a special fondness for her.

Or, at least, he had seemed to before, but now she wasn't so sure.

The gang leader had sunk into an angry mood of depression since the well-dressed stranger had arrived and made him look like such a fool in front of the others whom he was already having problems bending to his leadership. Ellen knew that, in this horrible frame of mind he was in now, he would make great demands on her, and she was more frightened of him than she had ever been before. But she would exert every ounce of her energy and concentration to satisfy those demands no matter how perverted or gross--and to please him so as not to lose her position of favor with him. The other fate of being thrown to the others, and particularly Vito, was inconceivably worse.


Ellen's attention shifted abruptly back to the girl on the floor. Sylvia moaned in a low incoherent voice through her daze of pain and began to move her limbs tentatively as though to see if they still worked. She seemed to be coming slowly back to life, and gradually she opened her eyes and lifted a limp arm to her forehead to push back her wildly tousled jet black hair. She managed to raise herself painfully onto one elbow from where she stared hard at Billy and Ellen, glaring at them both with a look of implacable hatred.

"You picked that bitch, Billy. Well, alright! You take her," she spoke in a faint cracked voice. "But you better enjoy her before I get her, cause I'm gonna cut her to tiny shreds."

Chills ran the full length of Ellen's spine as the girl's bitter eyes seemed to pierce through her. Sylvia slowly pulled herself up to a sitting position on the floor and then wobbled onto her knees like a drunken woman. Ellen looked at her tottering, unsteady figure and only then realized the full sensual beauty of the girl for the first time. She was much taller than Ellen and possessed an arrogant animalistic sense of assurance even in her present battered condition. Her shoulders were broad and supported enormous widely-spaced breasts with large dark pink nipples like the petals of flowers. She created an illusion of strength and delicacy at the same time, and her sliver of a waist blossomed out over wide womanly hipbones to the roundness of her firmly fleshed buttocks. Her lithe, strong looking limbs and flashing eyes reminded Ellen of a cat that was about to pounce, and Ellen shuddered as she considered what might happen to her once the girl did get her strength back. Her pride had suffered a disastrous blow and, though there was nothing the girl could do to retrieve her lost status, Ellen sensed she would do everything for revenge on the person she considered responsible. And that person was Ellen! Instinctively, the young blonde hostage found herself glancing frantically at Billy for protection. He was her single bulwark of security in this depraved chaotic world against the rejected and angry girlfriend.

Ellen began trembling in spite of herself and moved closer to the gang leader. Her fearfully trembling hand shook his arm as though to alarm him to the impending danger. She cringed behind his chair until he was directly positioned between her and the infuriated girl, seeking vengeance. Her mind grew almost frantic with fear again, and she realized she would beg or humiliate herself in any way that he required for his strength and protection. She had to, there was no one else to turn to.

Billy had been drinking heavily and he chuckled out loud as he felt the blonde bitch tugging in panic on his arm. She was in a position of complete dependence on him now, he knew it, and she knew it! He hadn't planned for Sylvia's wrath to drive the girl to him, but now that it had happened he wasn't too surprised. He had known from the beginning that he couldn't lose in his desire to totally possess her, it was just a matter of the particular circumstances that would drive her to him. If it hadn't been this, it would have been something else, probably Vito.

As it was, he was satisfied. No matter how it had happened. The young blonde girl was now groveling at his feet and tugging at his arm as though he were her absolute last hope in life-- trembling like a frightened little wild animal in sheer terror of what could and would happen to her if the humiliated Sylvia ever got her hands on her. And she was correct in her fear! He knew what Sylvia was capable of doing to another female if she ever got the opportunity; it had taken 197 stitches to close the knife wounds on that Puerto Rican girl. But she wasn't getting the opportunity. No, he would take the blonde girl to bed with him tonight, and Sylvia would have more than her hands full as soon as she was alone with the others. They would be even rougher with her than they had been with the blonde bitch, but that was all right. Finding oneself at the whims of others seemed to be the order of the moment. He realized that he, too, was at the behest of the arrogant stranger, just like Sylvia was at his command. If things didn't go well he would pay for the miscalculations just as Sylvia was suffering for her miscalculation of not leveling with him about laying around town while he was behind bars. Still, though, his decision to toss her to that little bastard Vito had been made in a moment of anger. He wished he hadn't done it, but there was nothing he could do about it now, and it seemed to fit in with this new incomprehensible system of justice.

The only thing left for him to do was to enjoy himself, and he planned to enjoy this night, probably his last night in the United States, with Ellen to the fullest. He would take from her all she had to give and more besides. Last night he had heard her shrieking out her wild orgasms; she was a hot little fuck, even if she didn't know it herself yet. Yes, he would put her through all the paces he could think of, and he wasn't going to let this tenderness he seemed to momentarily feel for her get in the way of his pleasure. It had been a long time since he had felt this gentleness toward anyone and it bothered him. There wasn't any way to consider it but utter sentimental weakness and he meant to overcome it. In fact, it would be dangerous for him if he started thinking like that.

Still, though, last night it had almost torn him apart when he had laid in the other room and listened to her screaming and fighting impossibly against the greater strength of his underlings when the men had taken her. Then her screams had turned to moans, then mewls, then shrieking encouragement to "fuck harder!" It had been humiliating for her, he guessed, but there was nothing he could have done about it. He had offered her as prize in the crap game and hadn't considered the possibility of himself losing. Well, he had lost her, and once that had happened there was nothing he could have done for her. She'd had to eat her humble pie just like he'd had to this afternoon with the man and Sylvia was doing now. Still, maybe tonight the blonde girl would get with it and really enjoy it; after all, he was prepared to be gentle as long as she wanted him to be gentle.

His attention suddenly jerked back to the brutal present with the tightening of Ellen's hand on his arm once again. He started when her fingers grasped his hairy forearm in a tight pinch, and he looked back in time to see the homicidal Sylvia swaying on her feet towards Ellen with her face contorted in an unbelievable look of venomous hatred and anger. The tall brunette tottered on her shaking legs and her arms swooped out in front of her unsteady body as though she were about to pounce on the crouching Ellen, then she did exactly that...

"Catch her, Cash," Billy shouted quickly, trying to fend off the suddenly attacking Rex who thought Sylvia was coming at his master.

Cash jumped forward, intercepting Sylvia in her wild lurch towards Ellen, and clenched his powerful arms in a vise-like grip around her nakedly supple shoulders and neck. Sylvia tottered out of balance for a moment in mid-air, then fell back against Cash's chest, her falling weight sliding down his front until her bare buttocks hit the floor. She lay at his feet totally naked and helpless, and stared vacantly at the rough plank flooring. There was no fight left in her now at all and she covered her face with her hands, beginning to sob uncontrollably as she realized her attack on Ellen had only succeeded in speeding her ravishment by another one of the men.

Cash grabbed her by the arms and dragged her like a dead horse over to another chair. Then he sat on the chair and grinned down at her, enjoying the spectacle of her kneeling naked like a slave at his feet. He, too, had grown tired of her haughty airs and flirtatious looks that were really meant to mock him, since she knew as well as he that Billy would kill him if he ever touched her. Well, she had lost her protector! He had wondered for too long what her full soft lips would look like warmly ovalled around his long white cock, and he was about to find out now.

He was about to find out just exactly how it would feel to shoot his hot stream of impatient cum down that long swan-like throat. He would spew it into her until her adam's apple bobbed up and down as she gulped it into her to keep from choking. The thought of his heatedly pulsating hardness wormed between those untouchable lips that had scorned him before, goaded his organ into a rock-like rigidness that jerked painfully against his pants. He bent over, a lewd grin on his face, and with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand pulled her lower lip tight between his fingers, enjoying her look of startled horror. He pulled the full fleshy lip out, studying its soft pink undersides, and relished the obscene feeling of power it gave him to watch her beautiful young face as it dawned on her what he meant to do to her.

Ellen froze. She could not move and her heart raced in total sympathy for the girl who strained her head backwards, the cords in her neck standing out, trying to escape the teasing fingers in her mouth. The men were heaping more and more humiliations upon her. They would not stop. The blonde hostage knew that the girl was an avowed enemy and that Sylvia would hurt and maim her without thoughts of mercy or hesitation if she got the chance. Ellen also knew that she was lucky it was Sylvia there so nakedly prostrate at the man's knees and not her. But she couldn't help identifying completely with the tall brunette for this was what had happened to her last night when Cash had brutally raped her vagina at the same time the grossly fat Pops had raped her virginal mouth.

"What ya movin' back for?" Cash chuckled down to the once-haughty girl kneeling at his feet. "Ya know it ain't gonna do ya no good, and ya might as well enjoy it."

Billy's former girlfriend began trembling visibly beneath him, and her sudden obvious display of fear signaled clearly to everyone in the shabby room that she knew Cash was right and that she was hopelessly cornered.

Then, even as Ellen watched in sympathy, the trembling ceased, and the gang girl regained her almost arrogant sense of animal-like composure. The piteous expression on her face was replaced by a fatalistic acceptance as she realized it was useless to continue to resist Cash or the demands of the men that would follow. Anyway, nothing could be as bad as what she had already gone through, nothing could equal the shame and humiliation of lying wide and open under weasel-like little sadist, Vito, and feeling his depraved sperm ricocheting around in every inch of her belly.

No... there was no hope whatever of escape from her defenseless position. Billy was not going to help her, and she might as well do everything she could to please the men and get them on her side for later... when she sought her revenge on that blonde bitch who had taken her man away.

Yes, it was Ellen's fault that Sylvia was now in this degrading and shameful position before the men that she wouldn't have stooped to spit on under ordinary circumstances. Ellen had taken her protector away from her and stolen the position that Sylvia had always possessed, and now she was utterly helpless and vulnerable before Billy's men. But she would get even, she would make Ellen suffer each indignity she was going through herself now. What Sylvia had to fuck, Ellen would fuck. What Sylvia had to suck, Ellen would suck. She would make that bitch go through everything she'd had to and more... and then she'd fix her so no man would ever want her again... maybe even perform a little plastic surgery on her--the same kind that was used on the Puerto Rican bitch Alicia, "Titless Alicia", they called her now.

Then Sylvia's thoughts of sweet revenge abruptly faded as she saw the hungry expression on the faces of Cash and Pop... and Vito again. Her fear returned as she recalled how she had mocked and teased each of the men, and something about their cruelly glinting eyes made her realize how completely aware they were of the disdain and scorn she'd always had for them. There wasn't a one, not even Pop, that she hadn't led on with promising glances and then dropped with a mocking laugh, or that she could count on now not to take full revenge on her and put her through all she had coyly hinted at when she had been teasing them. There would be no mercy for her, and now that her time had come, she knew she would get it good and hard, right down her screaming throat... just like so many other women she'd seen brutally gang fucked in the past.

"That's right," Cash hissed down at her suddenly submissive form. "Part of playing the game is losing. You've got to know how to lose. And, baby, you just lost. Did you ever!"

Sylvia's glance shot up to Cash, her eyes burning in a reflection of her inner fear and contempt for him, but she didn't speak or move a single one of her sleekly velvet muscles. Instead, her face turned into a kind of mask, a death mask-- expressionless and totally immobile--as though she had suddenly thrown a switch which had shut off all feelings, both mental and physical. Cash bent down and cupped his hands over her large nakedly swinging breasts, and she remained still, looking like a statue of a Greek Aphrodite with only a slight quivering of her nostrils belying the anger and revulsion building deep inside her.

"I love a good loser," the stocky convict chortled, his voice becoming hoarse from his mounting excitement.

He ran his open palms over the full weight of her firmly rounded white breasts and then pulled with his thumbs and forefingers at the small pink nipples. The exposed buds quivered and throbbed into hardness at the squeezing pressure of his harsh touch. His breath deepened and grew heavier with lewd desire, he was all too aware of the control he had over her and moved his hands with tortuous slowness down to the curving indentation of her small narrow waist. All the while, the tall brunette kneeled perfectly still; she was forced to let him do what he would with her.

"I ain't takin' no seconds," he murmured as though in explanation as he bent lower over her. "I ain't goin' to fuck you where Vito did. No, you're gonna take my prick in your sweet little mouth and suck it good."

Still, he let his hands roam slowly over the flatness of her firmly taut belly and then gradually moved to her sparse, kinky hair-covered pubic mound. He ran one outstretched finger between the swollen, tender-fleshed cuntal lips into the warm steaming slit still wet and slippery from the repeated gushes of heatedly thick sperm Vito had spewed into her a short while ago. Sylvia began trembling again, and Cash smiled confidently as he continued his probing exploration. A low helpless groan escaped from between her tightly clenched teeth when his finger slid mockingly over the straining little bud of her clitoris.

His arms swung out suddenly, and he harshly grabbed at the quivering white cheeks of her full firm ass. Sylvia jerked and squealed as he stretched the damp crevice between her buttocks wide and searched with the tip of his extended middle finger for her tiny, tightly puckered anus. Suddenly, he found the cringing opening, and she jumped forward, almost crawling up his chest, to escape the first unexpected pain. The stocky convict ignored her squeal of protest and pressed hard, feeling the brown starred orifice give a little, and then suddenly the tight elastic anal ring gave way completely, and his finger slid in up to the first knuckle joint.

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