Friendly Couples - Cover

Friendly Couples


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Exhibitionism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ashamed of herself, Janet whimpered quietly as the white convertible sped along the freeway. Now I've ruined our friendship, she thought bitterly. How could I have led him so far? I only wanted to make Greg jealous and now I'll hurt Martin. How selfish could I have been to have thought I could use him like that?

Deep in self accusation Janet failed to notice the bright lights of the exit turnoff. Martin had driven off the freeway far from either of their homes. He knew exactly where he was going. The girl, far on the other side of the car, paid no attention to him, but he didn't care at that moment. He knew the liquor and sex potion were still powerful enough to turn her on again if he played it carefully. Her seduction was assured. The plan was working perfectly and with no possibility of flaws.

Janet watched the lights of the city grow smaller as they drove up Mulholland Drive. Her senses were still fogged. Each impression that she received through her eyes was a singular, momentary one, giving her time to analyze each light, each sense. She felt as if she had been smoking Acapulco Gold, an exceptionally strong Marijuana that she and Greg had tried once at a wild party. The drug had scared her and she had never attempted to try it again.

But for now she needed no Gold. Her mind slowly drifted to peace as she watched the beautiful city unfold below her. It spread for miles in lines of brilliant lights, illuminating every block of the Los Angeles valley. She felt completely alone until the car pulled into a secluded parking spot at the topmost viewpoint of the drive.

"I thought you'd like the view," Martin said matter-of-factly as he got out of the car. He walked to the other side and opened her door, holding his hand for her to grasp as she nearly stumbled from the interior of the automobile. "It's too beautiful a place to pass without stopping on a clear night like this. Besides, it should clear both our heads a little," he said with a reassuring laugh.

Janet said nothing as she followed him toward the edge of the cliff. They watched in silence for a minute. She was awed by the creations of electrical engineers that had illuminated one of the largest cities in the world with bulbs of every size, shape and color, giving it an almost supernatural glow.

It seemed perfectly natural to her that Martin should put his arms around her waist as he stood behind her, looking over her soft shoulders at the spectacle below. They still were friends, she thought, and she felt strangely at home in his arms. For a moment the guilt returned. But I'm not using him now, she thought, desperately trying to convince herself that the lewd sensations flickering through her body meant nothing. We're friends! That's all, just friends!

The rationalizing thought kept pounding through her mind--and then was gone--as Martin slowly lifted his arms, positioning his hands at the fullness of her quivering breasts. He cupped their firmness with his large palms and fingers, prodding at them as they stood quivering straight out from her heaving chest. He could feel the taut nipples pulsating eagerly beneath the thin material of the light dress. The cool air and events of the night had kept them almost hard since they had been dancing half an hour before at the discotheque and his expert ministrations urged them on. Janet's head lolled back without resistance against his shoulder as he urgently massaged her soft, resilient flesh. She put her hands over his, entwining their fingers. "Ooooh, Martin," she murmured softly, her body shifting with the movements of his hands. There was no thought now of her husband, no thought of the man she had vowed to love. Only the gentle urgings of the hands manipulating her flesh into the white hot heat of desire.

Cupping her hands over his at her breasts, she started to turn, but Martin took the lead and pulled her around to him. They stood, their bodies touching full length and looked at each other. He's so good, she thought. So gentle. Nothing he could do would be wrong... nothing... A rock hard bulge in his trousers twitched involuntarily against her smooth, flat belly. She could feel the dampness between her legs renewed as her suddenly salacious thoughts envisioned what the huge swollen member would feel like worming around deep inside her. There was no turning back now. It was good... soooo good. And almost eagerly she let Martin draw her lips to his and kiss her, softly at first, then more urgently.

Her lips were pressed hard against his, open and willing to take his tongue as it probed the depths of her unresisting mouth. Small moans of erotic stimulation gurgled from deep in her throat. The drug had made his touch seem godlike. She was a Grecian princess standing on a hill above ancient Athens, about to be taken for the first time by a ghostlike creature who had come to her in a dream. A strange, erotic dream that knew no right or wrong, only love, an all consuming love that mattered above all else...

They stood motionless. Martin pulled his lips from hers and gazed momentarily into her eyes. He knew she was ready but she surprised him by how ready she was.

"Oh, Martin," she cried, her body trembling like a leaf in the wind. "Do it to me, Martin." Her words were those of a woman who hungered for escape from the fears that plagued every young wife. She was afraid of being alone, afraid of being unloved and her words came as a surprise to her too, but she did not try to take them back. She had said them, and she somehow, through the honesty of her alcohol and drug-dimmed mind, knew she wanted him. The drug had taken complete control of her mind and body and nothing else mattered.

Martin smiled triumphantly to himself and thought for a moment to take her right where they stood, but held himself back and led her trance-like to the open car door. He had not released his hold on her. His hand fondled her one breast as the other hand reached for a lever on the back of one seat, releasing a catch that held it upright.

Janet smiled to herself dazedly as she watched the seat descend to a reclining position, then bent and robot-like entered the car. She released the other catch herself and rolled onto her back on the seat as it fell gently back. She lay back trembling on the car seat, her legs slightly parted and waiting to be taken. And, in spite of her desire, she was slightly afraid. It was all new to her. For all practical purposes she felt like a virgin. No man had ever touched her except her husband, but now he seemed like only a dream. Everything was so unreal. Each movement of arms and legs and bodies as the couple came together in a fiery embrace, was slow motion, preplanned, unhindered by inhibition.

She felt his legs tangled in hers, pressing hard against her thighs. He kissed her neck. His moist tongue pursued a course under her throat and down her chest to the valley between her breasts. She reveled in his touch. No man had touched her in the last three months. No lips had tried to caress her breasts as these were doing. She felt him slip the straps of her dress over her shoulders and pull the top lower until suddenly her quivering, erect nipples were free in the air, free to be touched and tantalized.

"Ooh, yes," she whispered. "That feels so good." The girl spread her thighs farther so that she could feel the fullness of his strong thighs pressing against the wetness between her legs.

Janet responded to the grasp on her wrist as he pulled her hand down to his throbbing penis. She voluntarily stroked the massive muscle that was trying to free itself from the imprisonment of his clothing. She rubbed softly at first, then harder, exciting her partner. For a moment she stopped as he half rose and stripped her dress from her body.

Martin halted long enough to look down in the dim moonlight at the sleek, sensuous curves that lay beneath him. There was no flaw, no blemish. He could see the darkened patch of soft pubic hair beneath the white silk bikini panties she wore. He tugged at them and she lifted her hips to ease their removal.

While Martin hurriedly undressed himself she lay hypnotically back, watching, waiting for the moment she would see his straining cock spring free from his shorts. It was as large as any she had imagined. Even when she had been stroking it she had not thought it would be as large as this. Greg was nothing compared to the giant of a man that kneeled on the car seat beside her and a shiver of lewd anticipation rippled through her again as she thought of its thickness grinding around deep up inside her belly.

For a moment he knelt above her trembling form, his breath coming in quick, excited gasps. Then he fell upon her, ravaging the softness of her naked flesh with warm, wet kisses. His cock pressed hard against the outside of her thigh. Its heat searing into her tortured nerves. She writhed against him, trying to get him to change his position, but he was the leader. They would make love as he wanted, when he wanted.

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