Experiment - Cover



Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - To get a large inheritance that a woman feels is rightfully hers, she has her minor-niece committed to an institution and pays a lot to permanently keep her there. But things go terribly wrong when the niece stumbles on the resident doctor's experiments and becomes an experiment herself. When the niece's fiancé hears about what is really going on at the institution, he decides to raid the place and rescue her. Will he be in time to save her? Will she ever be the same again?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Sadistic   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

To begin with, Erik Holz was an assumed name. He was born in Warsaw of a Polish mother and German father, the name on his birth certificate being legal at the time, but he had changed all that before the end of the war when he rightly calculated an Allied victory was near at hand. In his youth, he attended the University of Warsaw and studied political history, supplementing his expenses by cleverly duplicating official documents and certain identifications for the more affluent students. He had picked up this talent as a boy, watching his father laboriously carving plates in his small print shop. His father never understood his industriousness and was always preaching right and wrong to him, never realizing that those in control are always right. During the years, he had developed this peculiar philosophy of life: the only truths lie in being right and being right was to be on the winning side, assuming everything is relative. And this philosophy, along with a certain amount of animal cunning kept Erik on top of the heap, although he did have a few close calls. But for the most part his theory proved to be a reliable formula.

After graduation, he had secured himself a small position in the Polish government just before the German invasion. Then later, discreetly approached the German Military Attache with his briefcase containing names of certain key Polish officials still giving aid to the last remnants of the Polish Underground. He was quickly rewarded for his efforts with another minor post in the German occupational government and that was when the money started rolling in. There had been many opportunities; blackmail, supplying information for a price to desperate refugees, and aiding their escape with forged documents.

At the time, he was lucky not to get caught playing his dual role, but he was beginning to enjoy his new position, he even married a German girl who worked at the German Embassy. Just when his future seemed the brightest, the war took a turn in favor of the allied forces, and when the fate of the German conquerors seemed doomed, he contrived a plan to leave Poland, deciding he had crossed sides once too often.

Before leaving Warsaw, he paid a visit to the registrar at the church of his baptism, and on the pretext of looking up details of an old friend, neatly removed the page recording his own name and birth. With the purchase for one thousand dollars, he bought his way on a merchant marine ship and was off to Sweden on the next boat, leaving no word of his whereabouts to his family or friends.

At the end of the war, he flew to Rio de Janeiro and established a lucrative trade falsifying papers for German refugees anxious to conceal their past. His price was high, knowing many of them would face death in war trials then being conducted in Europe if they were caught, and soon he became a wealthy South American businessman.

It was about this time that Erik, as he now called himself, decided that the quickest profit for his growing income would come from the wholesale trade of drugs, namely Heroin. He was right, and for ten years he remained in Rio, prospering on the sale of the drug. On one especially hot day, however, he decided to leave South America and seek a cooler climate. His blood pressure was lagging in the tropical heat, he was eternally perspiring, so he decided to retire in a more comfortable spot and pursue the finer things in life. The U.S. and an art gallery seemed to be the most reasonable answer, and still loving the great fun of making profit, he continued his drug peddling on a retail basis. His art imports from South America provided a perfect front to receive his wares.

After Thea's phone call, he replaced the receiver back on the hook, smiling to himself and began to stroke at his well-trimmed Van Dike methodically as he pondered over the opportunity that now awaited him. He had unmistakably detected the tone of desperation in her usually coolly controlled voice.

Erik found Thea to be an exciting, stimulating woman, despite the nasty habit she nurtured. He had often entertained wild erotic fantasies of having her completely under his control to do with her as he wished. Although at times he had made subtle advances, she had brusquely brushed them off as if shooing away a pesky insect. Now his excitement grew as he realized that tonight was the chance he had been waiting for. Tonight he was going to fuck that snobby bitch as she had never been fucked before, and to assure her grateful submission, he would have two important items working in his favor: the heroin and the powerful aphrodisiac that he had been saving for just such an occasion.

Thea's car drew up in front of Erik's gallery. The dim night lights inside displayed the latest oil imports from South America that Erik made a handsome profit on, peddling them to the summer tourists at cut rate prices. The main street was dark and quiet and there were no other cars around except for Erik's antique Rolls Royce, which was parked in the side driveway.

The apartment over the gallery where Erik lived, showed no sign of life, but as Thea approached the door, she could detect a small shaft of light coming through one of the heavily draped windows upstairs. She rang the bell and a loud buzzer sounded, releasing the lock from the inside.

Erik was waiting for her at the top of the stairway. He was dressed in an elaborate crimson velvet robe that tied loosely around his bulky form with a gold rope tassel. His sparse kinky red hair, expertly touched with gray at the temples for a costly fee from his hair stylist, crowned his over-sized head. Small white pustules caused by a constant constipation problem, budded beneath the thin layer of flesh on his pocked-marked face. He now stood smiling expectantly down at her, his watery blue eyes resting on the saggy pockets of flesh beneath them. The robe did not entirely cover his spindly legs, and they jutted out like two thin sticks mounted under the huge mound of flesh that made up his huge grotesque looking belly. The sight of him disgusted Thea, but she tried to hide her feelings, not wanting to antagonize him.

"Good evening Erik," she said stiffly. She was close enough to him now to hear his heavy nasal breathing.

"Well, my dear, you've finally come," he said mockingly. "I've waited a long time for you to accept one of my invitations. Come in and relax, and we'll discuss your problem." He ushered her into the plush living room, and directed her to the huge circular sofa situated in the middle of the room. Soft, seductive music came from hidden speakers in the wall, and the lights had been turned so low, that when Erik walked over to the portable bar, Thea could see only the burning ember of the cigarette he dangled carelessly from his thick lips.

"I've just come to get the 'H, ' Erik." Thea tried to hide the mounting irritation and was in no mood to try to humor him.

"Yes, I know. But first you must join me in a drink, I don't like to drink by myself." He crossed the room extending the glass to her, and raised his own glass in the air. "A toast, my dear, to a lasting friendship and satisfactory business transactions."

Thea tipped the chilled rim of the glass to her lips and sipped slowly at the dry liquid. She tried to hide her hands that were now starting to tremble. All over her body, the raw, ragged nerve endings were coming alive and throbbing. God, she thought, the methadone isn't going to hold me until I get back. I'll have to have a fix soon or I'll turn into a mass of jelly before this slob.

He walked over to the sofa and sat down close beside her, boldly leering at her body, undressing her with his lewd blood-shot eyes. Thea we sure now that he could see the trembling hands and beads of perspiration on her forehead, but he made no comment about it. She looked at his ugly puckered face for a sign of recognition, but all she could see were two hot coals in his eyes, burning with unmistakable lust. His thick moist lips quivered in anticipation at the beautiful woman sitting beside him. Finally, when he spoke, there was a smile in his eyes, and Thea knew that he was delighting in the power he was now holding over her by depriving her of the drug.

"You look nervous, my sweet. Would you like another drink?"

Thea nodded and looked down at her hands, wringing them with growing anguish as he refilled her empty glass. She took the second drink and gulped it down quickly, setting the empty glass on the coffee table. When Erik returned, he placed his body even closer to hers until their sides were pressing heavily against each other. His heavy breathing seemed even more pronounced with his intake of air coming more rapidly, as Thea felt the heat of passion expanding from his body and burning the side of her that was touching him. She could see from the way his eyes continued to rove over her hungrily that he was going to ask a high price for the drug this time, and even though her tortured body cried for relief, she wasn't sure if she were capable of giving herself to the salivating pig beside her. Thea sat motionless not speaking, knowing that it was useless to continue the conversation. Erik would give her the drug when he felt she had earned it and not before. From now on, he would call the shots and she would be helpless to stop him. She had to get relief fast, and he was the only person she knew who could help her.

Erik studied Thea over the rim of his glass, waiting for the effect of her second drink to take hold. It had been a very special drink, indeed, he thought, chuckling to himself. The tasteless powder should warm her up fast, it was known as one of the most powerful love potions that could be found in South America. On impulse, he leaned forward and breathed heavily in Thea's ear, talking to her in almost a whisper.

"Now Thea, shall we discuss our business transaction? Let's be practical. I've got something you want very badly and you've got something..." he leaned further forward and harshly sucked at her ear lobe between his tobacco-stained teeth, and then let go, "and you've got something I want." He finished his broken sentence and leaned back to continue his lewd penetrating stare.

"I've brought the money," Thea replied, fighting back the growing pain and another new strange sensation that shot through her like an uncontrolled fire the moment his thick lips had touched the lobe of her delicately curved ear. She made a concentrated effort to steady her voice.

"If you're low on supplies, I'm prepared to pay double the regular price." Then she made one last attempt to call his bluff. "Get me the stuff now or I'll go to another source, Erik. I don't enjoy playing games to satisfy your demented sense of humor," she said looking at him cold in the eyes.

Erik shrugged his shoulders in a gesture of mock defeat. "You may leave anytime you wish, Thea. The door isn't locked."

Thea could sense that he was stalling for time and it wouldn't be long now that the pain would overpower her will, soon she would be begging for relief. He must be crazy, thinking she would want to participate in any love games with him, she thought, watching him closely, waiting for him to make the next move. She knew she wouldn't have the strength or will power to stand up and walk out of the room without first satiating her physical craving for the drug. Thea shuddered at the thought of those thick hairy hands touching her body, but the pain was now steadily increasing and her knees had turned to liquid.

The perspiration on her forehead now built up into heavy beads, began to break and run down the side of her face. She took a lace handkerchief from her purse and dabbed nervously at them and leaned back further on the sofa in an attempt to steady her reeling body. A warm probing sensation enveloped her body, fighting back at the drug craving pain, and she swallowed hard to control the nauseous impact that racked through her body.

Erik continued watching her with an amused gleam in his eyes, visibly seeing the potion take control of her emotions.

"You truly look ill, my dear," he said with mock concern in his eyes. "Is there something I could get for you?"

Thea rolled her head back and a low soft moan escaped from her anguished lips, while her body began to slowly rise and squirm against the soft velvety material of the sofa.

The sight of Thea's shapely body completely out of control, writhing before him, incited deep lustful passions in Erik, passions that he had forgotten even existed. He reached under the fold of his crimson robe and began stroking his giant penis, until it grew to its full length, and protruded menacingly outside the robe. With his free hand, he untied the gold tassel and let the robe fall free behind him. Still keeping his eyes on the tortured woman, he spread his legs wide apart before her, now pumping at himself with both hands until his cock was rock hard and glistening in the soft light of the living room.

Thea's tightly shut eyes had not seen the lewd display, but now she could hear his distant voice breaking through her spasms of pain.

"Look at me, my love. I want to help you."

Thea dazedly opened her eyes and dimly gazed into Erik's face. He was grinning lewdly up at her between the unshaven stubble on his face, and feasting his eyes on her squirming curvaceous body.

"Look at me," he persisted, thrusting his hips up towards her. Thea lowered her eyes and saw the huge cock swaying in front of her like a cobra dancing for the tune of a snake charmer.

"No... no..." she stammered, "stay away from me.

But even as she pleaded with him, she could feel the strength completely leave her body with a burning sexual craving filling the void it had left behind.

Erik now began to boldly undulate his hips and she kept her eyes glued on the swaying penis, hypnotized by its rhythmic movement.

"Stand before me and remove your clothing. Stand here on the table before me," he slurred at her through his thick lips.

Thea stood up in a trance, completely under his control now, and kicked off her high-heeled shoes. Lifting her dress high over her knees, exposing her long, softly curved calves and thighs, she stepped up onto the teak coffee table, and stood waiting for him to speak. Her eyes remained glued on his large thick cock as Erik continued to stroke it in a teasing manner. The stereo music now engulfed the room with a pulsating Latin beat and her limbs began to unconsciously sway to the tempo in round circular motions.

"Now my love, I want you to slowly... gracefully, remove all your clothing and toss them down to me." His voice came to her pounding ears in short jerky rasps, as she mechanically began to unzip her dress.

Erik's beady eyes bulged from their sockets at the breath-taking erotic strip being performed on the table over his straining, throbbing penis. It took all of his control to keep himself from ejaculating his cum up at her. Her black dress slipped softly from her rounded hips and down to her narrow ankles. When she stooped over to step out of the material that encircled her tiny feet, he got a clear view of her ripe, rounded breasts, protruding over the lacy edge of her black silky slip. The music intensified to a faster tempo, and Thea, seeming to be controlled by the sound, writhed and jerked her lush body in more pronounced gyrations. Erik leaned over to the control panel by the side of the sofa and turned the volume up full blast until the music pounded and reverberated through the room with a maddening sound. Thea instantly responded, rapidly jerking off her slip and throwing it down at him in a frenzy, her body swaying back and forth while her head tilted back and her eyes rolled up at the ceiling. Small moans, barely audible over the beating drums from the stereo, rolled from her open mouth, now salivating tiny tickles of spittle down the sides of her chin.

Next, her trembling hands removed the black lace bra and her breasts sprang out with amazing resiliency, peaking forward with the tips pointed and throbbing passionately. Rotating her hips, in the circular motion of a belly dancer, she inched her panties over her hips, letting the flimsy material slide slowly down her contoured legs and fall to her ankles.

"Give me your pants," he commanded, leaning forward to retrieve the black silk and lace material. As Thea leaned forward to step out of her panties, her full ripe breasts dangled before his reach and he grabbed for them with both hands, viciously kneading and squeezing at them, ignoring her squeals of pain. Then he pulled her right breast down to his gaping mouth, almost throwing her off balance, and stuffed in as much of the soft white flesh as his mouth could hold, running his tongue around the ridges of her nipple. Slowing rising to his feet in a half-kneeling position, he ran his thick finger up between the inner thighs of her crouched legs, until they reached the hair-lined moistness of her cuntal opening.

His ugly face loomed before the stooped, drugged woman with his eyes void of pity. They shone into hers coldly, lustfully, cruel and unyielding, boring into the very depths of her wild dilated eyes. His fingers continued their probing until they found the opening between the vaginal lips. With a sadistic smile tightly pulled across his yellowed teeth, he gave a brutal up thrust, driving his middle finger into the depths of her passage.

"Aaaaaaaggggg," she screamed between clenched teeth, "I can't stand it... It's driving me crazy!"

She continued groaning as the exquisite feeling of pressure in her burning void further ignited and stimulated the uncontrolled longing that possessed her body. She strained the muscles of her thighs and began grinding her hips against his thick finger, trying to satiate the tormenting urge in her loins, while Erik slobbered maniacally over and around her soft full breast with his moist, hot mouth. Crouching lower and spreading her legs wider apart to give him more access, Thea groaned in frustration. His short stubby probe was doing no more but to drive her sexual urges to a higher peak, tormenting her hot clasping cunt.

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