Experiment - Cover



Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - To get a large inheritance that a woman feels is rightfully hers, she has her minor-niece committed to an institution and pays a lot to permanently keep her there. But things go terribly wrong when the niece stumbles on the resident doctor's experiments and becomes an experiment herself. When the niece's fiancé hears about what is really going on at the institution, he decides to raid the place and rescue her. Will he be in time to save her? Will she ever be the same again?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Sadistic   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

The full burst of spray from the shower spigot bounced against Thea's naked body like a thousand tiny needles, the stimulation gradually reviving her hazy state of mind into a sharper perception. She turned around letting the full farce of water hit her directly in the face, then lowered her head and drew in a deep breath as the sharp spray of warmth completely saturated her long dark hair. She lathered and rinsed every port of her body several times, but could not wash away the memory of Erik's lewd body, beating into hers. Since leaving his studio that night, she hod lost all track of time, although she could recall Nell bringing her food, as night blended into day then night again.

She looked over at the small clock on the bathroom counter. It was eleven o'clock, too late to join the others for breakfast. She stepped from the shower and wrapped a large towel around her, then leaned over and began to methodically brush her hair dry in long, film strokes. When she had finished, she pinned the long dark tresses back from her face, molding a chic chignon on top of her head. She removed the towel and wiped the steam off the mirror to get a better look at her face.

It was puffy and drawn. Tiny, hairline wrinkles formed in the corners of her eyes, and she looked back at her image with disapproval. The deteriorating effects of the drug were beginning to take it's toll on her. She quickly massaged some moisturizer over the tell-tale lines and into the dry area beneath her eyes, then expertly applied her eye make-up and lipstick. That's better, she thought, giving herself a last critical appraisal. She finally looked presentable enough to go downstairs and face the others.

She opened the bathroom door, and stepping naked into her bedroom, she stopped short and gasped in surprise. Nell was stooped over her dressing table, rummaging through the contents of the drawers, not noticing that Thea was now standing behind her.

"If you'd kindly tell me what you're looking for, maybe I could be of some assistance," Thea said coldly, not bothering to cover up her nakedness.

Nell jumped back in surprise as if she had touched her hands to a hot fire. Her eyes grew wide and bulging from the dual surprise of being caught, and the breath-taking sight of Thea's lush nude body, fully exposed to her gave

The whiteness of Thea's flesh formed around her image in opaque milkiness. Two pointed nipples punctuated the softness of her well- rounded breasts, while the dark pubic growth between her legs brushed crisply against her inner thighs.

"I-I-I brought you up some breakfast," Nell stammered, finally able to unglue her eyes, and nodded towards the tray on the nightstand.

Thea quickly donned her robe, slightly angered by Nell's open look of admiration.

"I want to know what you were doing," Thea snapped, ignoring the food. "By what right were you going through my personal belongings behind my back like a common sneak thief?"

Nell flinched at the implication. She felt trapped.

"I was only following orders, Miss Carter."


Nell looked down at her, but not answering.

"Who's orders? Quinn's?" Thea persisted.

"I only do what I'm told," Nell muttered.

"Where's Quinn now?"

"In the Lab," Nell answered, backing towards the door.

"Well, if you won't tell me, I'll soon find out. Go on... Get out of here!"

Nell abruptly left, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Thea walked over to the door and leaned her weight against it with relief, locking it. She waited a while with her ear pressed tightly against the wooden frame, until she was satisfied that Nell had left the hallway.

There was no doubt in her mind what Nell was looking for. But what did Dr. Quinn have to do with it, she thought, hurrying over to the bed and pulling the package of Heroin from beneath the mattress. Thea's eyes scanned the room, searching for a more secure hiding place. She knew that, given a few minutes more, Nell would have easily discovered the package under the mattress. She must outsmart them! No one was going to take the precious powder away from her now!

Panic seized her at the thought of being without the drug, and she desperately tried to collect her wits. She must think of a place, but where? Oh God, where? A flash of an idea came to her... camouflage, don't conceal. That's it! Place it right under their noses and they would never find it, they'd be too busy looking around it.

She paced around the room like a panther trapped in a cage, her eyes flicking from one object to the next, considering, then dismissing each possibility. It was not until she stepped into the bathroom, that she spotted what she was looking for.

The most obtrusive object in the bathroom was a large, ornamental blue glass vase, filled with bath crystals. It would make a perfect hiding place, she thought, and was exactly what she had been looking for. She quickly spread a towel over the counter and emptied the white bath crystals on it, being careful not to spill any over on the floor. Then, with trembling hands, she unwrapped the packet of Heroin and poured it into the blue container, filling it one-third full. After placing a thin, transparent piece of cellophane over the drug as a protective divider, she proceeded to re-fill the vase to the brim with bath crystals, then flushed the excess down the toilet.

They'll play hell trying to find it now, she thought, feeling relieved and more ready to defend her position. She knew the best thing to do now was to face Dr. Quinn with indignation, for if she let the matter go, her silence would only be proof of her guilt.

When she stepped into the Lab, no one was in sight, but she could hear some movement in the back where the animals were kept. She angrily strode to the back of the room with her argument fully rehearsed in her mind. But as she rounded the corner, all of these thoughts were suddenly wiped from her mind as she viewed in horror, the lewd scene before her.

Lisa's naked body was strapped down to a medical couch in the center of the room. Both her hands and ankles were tied securely with leather belts that buckled into the slots placed strategically on the aluminum side panels. Although her nude body was painfully stretched it's full length across the leather upholstery, she gave no sign of struggle, and her face was peacefully relaxed with her eyes closed as if in deep slumber. In the cage next to the table, Garth squatted obediently on his haunches, also completely nude, while Dr. Quinn, reaching through the bars, injected serum into his buttocks. The whole scene was unbelievable, like a fantastic nightmare being played out in real life.

Thea ran over to Lisa and stood in front of her as if to shield her nakedness from their view.

"Quinn! You've gone mad!" she shouted at him, not recognizing the shrillness of her own voice.

Dr. Quinn looked up and glared at her, clearly angered at her intrusion, but not surprised or alarmed at her presence.

"Nell said to expect you," he said. "She's upstairs now, finishing the job she started earlier, by my instructions. As for all this, you're niece unfortunately let her curiosity get the best of her, and after I caught her I decided to include her in my experiments, rather than do away with her."

"Release her at once, or I'll call the police," Thea commanded.

"The police?" he said. "Really, Thea, you of all people should realize that you're in no position to enlist the help of the authorities. In the first place you've stolen a very valuable item from a man that I also do business with. He wants it back, and needless to say he's very upset about the loss. Then there's also the fact that you are completely involved, an accomplice to everything that's happened here since you've been in my employment. Can't you just imagine the discomfort of prison... say, three to five years, and they're sure to discover your addiction."

"I don't care," she said, turning away from him to undo the leather straps, "this time you've gone too far. I'm leaving here right now and I'm taking Lisa with me."

"I wouldn't be so hasty, my love," a heavily accented voice breathed threateningly into her ear. She jumped back in shock as she saw Eric standing by her side. He must have been behind her all the time, enjoying every minute of her anger. Now he grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them ruthlessly behind her back, twisting her arms upwards until the pain was unbearable.

"Agggghhhhhh!" she screamed, "let me go, you're breaking my arms!"

"Not until you tell what you've done with the package," he hissed, twisting her arms back, until she was forced into a kneeling position.

"I don't have it... please, let me go!" she pleaded, almost blacking out from the extreme pain in her limbs.

"Tell me, you bitch!" he shouted, releasing one of her arms, and with his free hand, placing a hard blow on the side of her head.

"No... no, I don't know where it is," she sobbed.

Erik lifted his hand again, ready to strike down on her, when Dr. Quinn interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, Erik. I know of a way to make her talk. Bring her over here and we'll see if Garth can persuade her."

The next thing Thea knew, her clothes had been ripped from her body and she was being shoved into the cage with Garth. She turned back and desperately pushed against the cage door, but it was being forced shut with the combined strength of the two leering men on the other side. She stared back at them with horror in her eyes as slowly the inevitability of her fate penetrated her anguished mind, then turned around to face Garth as the lock clicked shut.

Garth was rising slowly from his haunches and staring with bulging eyes at the tempting morsel placed before him. The hormone injection was now circulating through his body, stimulating his animal senses to a sexual frenzy. His crazed mind gave no recognition of Thea, but could only perceive the lush nude body before him that he knew could bring him indescribable pleasures. The thought of this reward made him giddy with delight and a huge moronic grin spread across the expanse of his ugly face as he slowly lumbered across the cage to the cringing Thea.

"K-K-Keep away from me," she stammered, pressing her back against the cold steel bars and trying to choke back the sickness building up in her throat. Behind her, she could hear the lewd, low chuckles coming from the two sadistic men on the outside of the cage. But, her pleas were cut short as Garth grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and flung her cruelly down on the floor.

A sharp, penetrating pain flashed up her back from the harsh impact with the padded cushion on the floor of the cage. But it was quickly forgotten with a renewed terror as she looked up at the salivating monster standing over her.

Garth was so beside himself with uncontrollable excitement, that he didn't seem to know what to do next. He stood over her sprawled legs, gazing down on her beauty with glazed eyes as if the sight had hypnotized him into immobility.

Thea gasped at the unbelievable size of his growing penis, which hung stiffly between his hairy stump-like legs like a giant projectile ready to launch itself into her body at any moment. A loud groan hissed through her clenched teeth in astonished disbelief as his fleshy giant rod continued to grow larger and larger, encouraged by the half-wit's stubby, stroking fingers.

Dear God, he's going to kill me. They can't let him do this to me! They wouldn't dare! Lewd visions raced through her panic stricken mind as she pictured the ugly monster fucking into her, while being taunted on by Quinn and Erik in the background.

"Get on with it Garth! Fuck her good," Dr. Quinn harshly commanded.

Suddenly, with one jerking motion, Garth was on top of her, trying to force his hardened cock beyond the soft flesh of her inner thighs and up into the wet, moistened slit of her cunt. Thea pressed her legs tightly together trying to protect herself from the bombarding cock, but little by little, it was ramming itself deeper between her limbs and up against the soft pubic hairs that hid the inner flanges of her cringing pussy.

Eager hands from either side on the outside of the cage reached in and grabbed her ankles, forcing them wide apart, assisting in the cruel rape as if impatient to see her ravishment begin. Garth sucked in his breath with delight as her long, beautiful legs were slowly forced apart, exposing her opening completely to his lust-filled eyes. The soft, fleshy lips trembled in fearful anticipation beneath the flat, pubic hair-covered plane of her helpless up-turned cunt. They seemed to be beckoning to him, delicately urging him to enter their folds and plunge his cock into their moist, quivering depths. He grinned down at them, swaying his wide Neanderthal hips over her in lewd, gyrating, circular motions.

Thea clenched her eyes shut, unable to watch the huge member with its great bulging head ram itself into her. She knew there was no merciful way to take something that size inside her unless she could completely relax her body against its force. In desperation, she let herself go completely limp, and concentrated on relaxing her inner muscles, while preparing herself for the impending implement. And suddenly it came!

A wall of hard unyielding flesh jammed itself brutally against her throbbing cuntal opening, stretching it almost beyond endurance, as it tried to make its entrance into and beyond the tight ring of vaginal muscle pushing back against it in protest to its monstrous size.

The slow hot burning pressure began to grow in intensity as the burrowing huge shaft slowly began to make its penetration. Waves of shock and nausea penetrated her being, and she let her mouth go slack, sucking in deep breaths of air to keep from blacking out. She desperately spread her legs wider apart to help ease the pain that was racing up from the base of her spine and exploding into a million multi-colored flashes in her tortured brain.

A hot thick tongue lapped crazily at the brown, budded peaks of her quivering tits, spilling its saliva forth in gushes of hot, humid wetness, as the huge, pulsating rod of flesh between her wide-stretched legs gradually worked its way harder and harder against her straining passage.

"Aaaaaaggggh! God, Oh God, noooooo!" she screamed above the lustful animal grunts of the half-wit lodged between her thighs as she felt the throbbing, bulbous head suddenly lurch forward and sink a cruel hard inch inside her. The soft, fleshy lips of her cuntal opening were swept wide apart and the long, smooth channel leading to the depths of her heaving belly was now breached and defenseless to be used and ravished as he desired.

"Ooowa, Ooowa," he grunted over her as he felt the warm moist flesh close tightly around the tip of his pulsating cock, sending spasmodic jerks of further lust coursing through his dangling testicles. His head dropped slavishly to her breasts.

"Please, stop, Oh God, stop," she groaned, the savage attack on her body swirling through her mind with the sharp flickers of pain that shot from her tits as he began to suck down harder on them. She could feel her soft, flaccid flesh being squashed beneath his hairy loins as he continued to force his shaft inch by inch into her cunt with each cruel in-thrust. She was helpless and writhed painfully beneath him as it penetrated her hot, open tunnel until suddenly it filled her and felt like it was lodged firmly up inside the full length of her tortured body, threatening to burst through the wall of wet, soft flesh surrounding it.

She slowly opened her eyes as if by magic the pain pulsating through her every pore began to lessen slightly. Through her dimmed senses, she was aware that Garth in his own clumsy way, was actually trying to be gentle with her. His ugly, hairy face now whirled above her with a look that seemed to be torn between defeat and victory, as if he realized he was no longer in command of his physical senses, but just an object being motivated through the stimulus of a super-powerful hormone. At that moment, Thea almost pitied him, just as she would any dumb animal without control of their senses. He was actually just as helpless as she was with his desperate aphrodisiac inspired lust and trained to obediently follow the commands of his cruel master. She made up her mind. That bastard Quinn was not going to win--no matter what!

She raised her legs and pressed her muscles down hard on the half- wit's pleading cock in a silent vow to bring their dual torment to a rapid climax and determined, above all not to break down or tell Erik of the secret hiding place of the heroin. Her very existence depended on her keeping silent, for she knew that the torture and degradation of sudden withdrawal from the drug would be much worse, and much more terrifying than the fucking she was being forced to endure under the lewd eyes of Quinn and Erik.

"Look at that whore," Erik snarled. "She's enjoying every minute of it." In a rage, he grabbed a long black whip from the wall, previously used to control the animals, and snapped it through the bars, flailing the stinging tip down on the now wildly fucking couple with well placed aims.

The first shot of leather flicked through the air, catching Garth between the legs, and landing at the base of his large globular balls.

"Aaaaggghhhhh!" he screamed out in blind pain, as he rammed his pelvis hard against Thea's wide-open slit, in an attempt to escape the torturing leather tongue. The force of his unexpected forward thrust, plunged his blood-hardened prick deep into her, ramming it into her up to the hilt. Thea gasped, momentarily losing her breath as the swollen head of his cock smashed brutally against her cervix with tremendous force, but she gritted her teeth and ground her writhing hips harder up against the half-wit, determined to take on whatever new tortures were in store for her.

"Fuck her faster," Erik shrilled at them, now gone mad with lust and hate. More than anything else, he wanted to break the stubborn woman's will and have her come crawling to him, begging for mercy. He raised the whip again, bringing the tip of it down on the tender undersides of Garth's huge sperm-filled balls.

A blinding pain shot up from between his crotch as the whip cruelly hit its target on center for the second time. Tears sprang forward in his eyes, fighting against the torturing sensations that were driving him on to a merciless fucking into the cringing woman beneath him. He let his heavy body fall down on her twisting form, smashing her buttocks flat against the cushioned floor. Then with greater rapidity he lunged and plunged his thick pole into her cunt, pushing the unresisting moist folds of flesh in rippling waves before its cruel searching head.

"Faster... you dumb animal... faster!" Erik raved, bringing the third stinging blow down on his upraised buttocks, and cutting into the expansive area of flesh until tiny trickles of dark red blood oozed from the wound and ran down the inside of his leg. Garth screamed out in terror. He had never known such extreme physical pain before in his entire life, and his panic stricken mind obediently reacted to the harsh commands of Erik so that the horrible punishment would stop.

Garth frantically scooted forward, balancing himself on his hands and knees and bucked forward again, driving the bulbous head of his fleshy shaft almost through the walls of her womb.

"Eeeeeeeaaaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhh," she screeched through tightly teeth, as the brutal impalement of his whole length fucked into her, building up the pressure and momentum of his thrusts and smashing his balls against her cringing anus without letup.

Another whistling snap spun over them, this time landing on the peaked rigid nipple of Thea's right breast.

"Noooo! Noooo!" she pleaded as the hot flash of excruciating pain flicked on her budded tenderness, transmitting ripples of shock and pain to other parts of her body.

"Move that ass faster, whore!" Erik screamed down on her blindly in the throes of sadistic pleasure, then flicked the merciless whip down on her left breast, laughing out loud as the tender skin cringed and jiggled under the harsh blow.

Thea began to wildly buck her body in rhythm with Garth's, silently praying for relief from the torture in her loins, and bracing herself against another tearing blow from the whip. Her breasts and cunt throbbed in nervous twitches from the shock of the dual torture, but she continued to smash herself into the half-wit with seeming abandon, hoping for an end to it all, and at last feeling the total degradation of her mind and body.

The half-wit's breath now came in heaving gasps and sweat covered his entire body as he strained and jerked to please the man behind the whip. The incredible buildup of hormone injections kept his cock rock hard, but his terror of the man with the whip unconsciously controlled his mind and prevented him from emptying his sperm immediately into the hot pulsating tunnel beneath him. His knees felt like they would give and buckle from under him at any moment, but when he paused to rest the hot flicker of the whip would find its mark again so he continued on, driving and lunging his prick into the gaping cunt without cessation.

Dr. Quinn's head reeled at the lewd scene taking place before him, and though he tried desperately to divorce his emotions from his clinical observations, he could not. His body was on fire with lust and desire and there was nothing he could do but stand back and watch with enviable longing. He turned his head away in disgust at the sight of Erik, completely consumed and out of control with lust and hate, and walked over to Lisa's limply sprawled body that was now loaded with the hormone injection. If she were to be awakened now, he knew she would be almost as animalistic and uncontrollable as the ape-like Garth now fucking her aunt half senseless. He reached down and gently stroked at the opening of her cunt with the tips of his fingers. Immediately the soft, hair-lined lips twitched in repose, and a soft moan hissed from the young girl's lips.

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