Experiment - Cover



Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - To get a large inheritance that a woman feels is rightfully hers, she has her minor-niece committed to an institution and pays a lot to permanently keep her there. But things go terribly wrong when the niece stumbles on the resident doctor's experiments and becomes an experiment herself. When the niece's fiancé hears about what is really going on at the institution, he decides to raid the place and rescue her. Will he be in time to save her? Will she ever be the same again?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Sadistic   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

The phone rang loudly once, twice, three times before Dr. Quinn slammed his finger down on the hold button and continued to finish the last paragraph of his notes. He was mildly irritated with Nell. What in the hell was taking her so long? She knew he didn't like to be interrupted when he was busy in his study and yet she was taking her sweet time caring for Lisa when he needed her upstairs. He had noticed that Nell had been acting strangely ever since Thea had first brought the girl to Brookdale and he fully intended to get to the bottom of it when he had the time.

The flashing light of the hold button brought his thoughts back to the immediate present, and he pressed down on the open line, wondering who would be calling him so late in the evening.

"Yes?" he answered, not trying to conceal his irritation.

"Dr. Quinn? This is Erik, Erik Holz. Do you remember our last encounter?"

"Yes, Erik. No need to go into a lengthy identification. Did you get the pharmaceutical supplies I ordered last month?"

"I have the supplies, yes. They just arrived from South America this morning, and as soon as you pay me for my efforts, I will be most happy to deliver the articles to your door step."

Dr. Quinn hesitated and softened his tone a bit. "I don't have the immediate cash right now, but I assure that my credit is good. In fact, beyond question."

"I'm not worried about your credit rating doctor," he answered now more sure of his position. "I'm sure it's as flawless as your own reputation. Right now, I'm more concerned with your available funds, or to use an old American phrase... your cold hard cash. You see, in my particular type of enterprise, there is no room for sealing a deal with a handshake and a promise of good faith... or for that matter, charitable contributions in any shape or form."

Dr. Quinn ignored his sarcasm and kept calm. The old bastard had him in an unfavorable position and he would have to use all his ingenuity to maneuver his way out of it.

"I have to have those supplies by tomorrow, so let's be reasonable about all of this. What you have is not going to do you any good stored in your gallery. The drugs are perishable and you know it. I'm sure we can come to some kind of terms until I'm able to deliver the cash."

"A good point, Dr. Quinn. I fully appreciate your position. However, I'm beginning to become quite suspicious over the fact that both of my customers from Brookdale expect to use my goods without satisfying me with immediate payment."


"Yes, Dr. Quinn, certainly you can guess by now who I might be referring to."

"Thea?" he asked with a surprised tone to his voice.

"Exactly. I have been dealing with her for several years and it has been a very satisfactory business relationship. That is, up until last night when she broke into my desk and removed a very valuable item that I now wish most earnestly to retrieve. Where is the lovely lady now, is she still at Brookdale?"

"Yes, she's been sick in her room all day. I've had my nurse take food up to her, but other than that, I haven't seen or talked with her. Look here, Erik, I don't care what you do with Thea or the objects you say she stole from you, all I'm interested in is getting those supplies from you before they perish."

"Very good, Dr. Quinn. The bargain is then settled. Shall I stop by sometime tomorrow morning?"

"Yes by all means " he answered with notable relief. "Make it around ten o'clock."

"Excellent. I'll see you then."

Dr. Quinn put the receiver back on the hook and mopped away the beads of perspiration that had formed on his forehead. That had been a close call. If he had not had Thea to offer, there was no doubt in his mind that the shrewd old businessman on the other end of the line would have rang off without considering the delivery of his supplies. Maybe if Erik knew the urgency of his program, he might be more lenient in the future. It was a chance that he didn't like to take, but he knew that he had no other choice but to entrust him with his secret plans. He would be an invaluable ally if he could get him interested in his cause. Damned money anyway. With it, you could manipulate freely and follow any of pursuits urgent for your needs. Without it, your enslavement was inevitable and to survive you had to prostitute your deepest beliefs, bending to the needs to those that had it, just as he was doing now by entrusting his life plans to a repulsive narcotic pusher.

It was close to midnight and Nell had been tossing and turning for two hours, unable to sleep with the thought of the helpless girl caged in the cold laboratory, alone in the dark except for the dirty animals that surrounded her. She had to go down, now while everyone else was asleep and check to see if she was all right. If she didn't, she wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night. Not bothering to dress, she tip- toed down the hallway, shivering in the cold night air as her flannel nightgown clung to her cold bulky body as if to hide her ugly form from the unseeing eyes of the darkness

The loose wooden planks on the floor creaked loudly as she gingerly made her way to the door leading to the cellar. She held her breath as the hinges gave out a high-pitched, protesting whine as she opened it. She stopped, sure that someone upstairs had heard her. She waited for what seemed like an eternity, but nothing but silence answered the ringing in her ears. She was safe. No one had heard her. She continued on down the dusty stair that lead to the laboratory until she reached the door at the bottom, and stepped inside. The lights had been turned out and the room was in total darkness except for a few thin threads of moonlight that streamed from the small windows over head. She cautiously made her way to the back of the room, being careful not to bump into any of the large vats that were still plumping and circulating the mysterious chemicals that Dr. Quinn had prepared.

When she finally reached Lisa's cage she was relieved to sec the girl sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of her desolate and foreboding surroundings. What a lovely, breathtaking sight she made, lying there in total innocence with the moonlight streaming down on her beautiful golden hair. The silvery beams of light played across the long silken strands, illuminating them with such intensity that they resembled spun gold. Nell couldn't resist reaching her hands through the bars and stroking the soft resilient locks. Such beauty she had never known or touched before in her life and she was momentarily lost in the wondrous delight of the moment.

Her mood was sharply broken by the loud sound of glass crashing to the floor in the front part of the laboratory. Someone else was back there, making his way to where she knelt! It must be Dr. Quinn, checking up on the animals. He must have heard her after all! She knew her punishment would he swift and complete if he caught her now, and she dashed over to the corner, crouching by the side of Gina's empty cage.

A large shadowy form emerged around the corner approaching the cage where Lisa slept, but Nell could not see who it was, her eyes unable to pierce the darkness to identify the intruder. She ducked down lower as the man passed right by her and pressed her shoulders and face hard against the cold tiled floor, leaving her large, globular buttocks swooping up behind her. In her fear of being caught, she did not realize that stray shafts of moonlight beaming down on her exposed rounded spheres, completely illuminated their provocative position.

Garth stumbled blindly to Lisa's cage with only one thought in mind. He had to relieve the burning pressure of tormented desire that was rampaging from his swollen cock with no let up. All that evening he had sat in his room thinking of the lewd scene that he had witnessed earlier that day, until gradually his own lust had built up into an uncontrollable frenzy. Now as he pulled at the door of the cage to reach the object of his passion, he found that it was locked tight. He jerked and strained his powerful hands against the bolted door, hoping to muster superhuman strength inside of him and break down the barrier that separated him from Lisa. The lock remained firm and secure, and the girl continued to sleep peacefully, unaware of the lust-incited monster struggling with all of his strength to get at her.

The cold steel bars remained firmly entrenched in their locked position. They would not budge nor give no matter how hard he tried to force them open. It was hopeless. He pressed his hot face against the cold metal bars, moaning out his frustrations to the sleeping beauty within the safe confines of the cage. She seemed coldly indifferent to his tortured soul, not seeming to care at all that she could not please him with the softness of her body. His fury slowly built to an insurmountable peak as he, in his ignorance blindly hoped for something to happen that might quench the hot burning pain stabbing at his crotch. He glanced over longingly at Gina's empty cage wishing that she was still alive. He would not be hurting if she were still here.

It was at that moment that he spotted Nell's quivering buttocks wavering temptingly in the air from behind Gina's cage. His dim mind couldn't believe his eyes. His wish had been answered so close to the spot that he had screwed the female chimp that he naturally thought the fleshy mounds had been placed there by some unseen friend to be used until the hot lust burning inside him had been satiated. Fearing that the large accommodating ass was merely a dream, he streaked across the small space that separated them, and before Nell knew what was happening, he had landed on top of her back with a loud groan and jammed his hard lengthened shaft deep in her belly.

Shock and revulsion engulfed the lesbian's awareness as she felt the unbelievable hugeness of the cruel penis suddenly tearing away at her insides with a wild animal-like abandon. She couldn't believe it was happening to her.

"Uuuuuuuhhhhgggg!" she grunted as the giant prick pushed back on the fleshy folds within her vagina and smacked against her belly. Rough callused hands reached down under her nightgown and cupped around her flabby breasts, which hung loosely down like two large cow udders, and greedily began squeezing and pulling at them until it felt as though they were going to be ripped from her body.

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