Experiment - Cover



Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - To get a large inheritance that a woman feels is rightfully hers, she has her minor-niece committed to an institution and pays a lot to permanently keep her there. But things go terribly wrong when the niece stumbles on the resident doctor's experiments and becomes an experiment herself. When the niece's fiancé hears about what is really going on at the institution, he decides to raid the place and rescue her. Will he be in time to save her? Will she ever be the same again?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Sadistic   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Lisa Carter skillfully maneuvered the cream-colored Austin Healey convertible over the winding country road past the white-fenced fields, and through the open gateway that led to the dorm area of Fairmount College. As the sportscar approached the parking lot, she geared down from third into second and brought it to a sliding halt. Not bothering to open the low slung door, she swung one long sun tanned leg and then the other over the side of the car, showing her softly rounded calves and lower thighs beneath the short pleated skirt that draped loosely from her hips.

The brilliant Saturday afternoon sun beat down on her uncovered head, lighting up the shimmering strands of her long golden hair with bright streaks of yellow-white light. Her wide-set gray eyes, now flickering with sparks of anger, unconsciously squinted against the bright sunlight as she made her way to her room.

A mixture of angry frustration engulfed her thoughts as she proceeded to mechanically climb up the long narrow stairway of her dorm. How could Mark be so thoughtless about her feelings on this of all weekends? How could he? Her anger mounted with each step she took to the top of the stairway. She could still picture Mark in her mind, waving good-bye to her from the train window. It was just an hour ago that she left him at the station and then her anger was momentarily absorbed by the emptiness she felt when he wasn't with her. But now that was pushed away by the disappointment she felt about him not being here for the dance tonight. This was the night of the Annual Presentation Ball given to introduce the girls of Fairmount to the men students at the nearby university. It had a special meaning to her because it was a year ago at this dance that she had first met Mark. She had looked forward to this special evening for weeks and had even picked out a new chiffon gown in Mark's favorite color. Now that was all over, after all the planning there was to be no dance, no Mark... just a lonely evening in her room while everyone else was off enjoying themselves.

The phone call from his mother came Thursday night and it was just yesterday morning that he reluctantly told her he would have to go home for her birthday dinner. His mother had a weak heart and was easily excitable, Lisa thought as her anger began to fade. She knew he couldn't say no to her... the doctor had warned Mark not to upset her in any way. Lisa sudden got mad at herself for being so selfish when she realized that Mark had no other choice but to go home this weekend. There would be other times together, other dances.

When she entered her room, Kathy, her roommate, was waiting for her. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were ill," she said as she watched Lisa slump down in the cushioned chair by the window.

"I'd rather be ill than the way I feel right now," Lisa murmured as she gazed out the window at the rolling green hills behind the dorm. She could feel tears of disappointment swelling in her eyelids and bursting in small trickles down her flushed cheeks.

"Don't sit here all day and mope Lisa," Kathy said as she made her way to the bathroom. "Besides, Mark can't help it if he forgot about the plans for his mother's birthday. And you know anyway by Monday you and Mark will make up like you always do, so why be miserable all weekend? Look... why don't you come to the dance with Pete and me."

Kathy disappeared into the bathroom and began filling the tub with steaming water that fogged the small room with a thick mist.

"You should try this new French bath oil, Lisa, it smells sensational," her voice penetrated through the steam curtain and continued on. "What do you say about the dance?"

"Thanks Kathy, but I don't feel right going there without Mark. I haven't dated anyone else for months."

"Maybe that's your big problem," she called out from the bathroom. Then added with a tone of practicality, "The way I look at it, you two aren't even engaged yet... which is all right because you're both too young anyway. The point is that there's no obligation on your side to hang around here all night while everyone's at the dance. So quit arguing, you're coming with us."

"Do you think Peter would mind taking me along?" Lisa asked with a sudden change of heart.

"Don't be silly," she called out over the splashing noise of the shower, "and once we get there, you'll see how much fun you've been missing while you were out of circulation."

"Ok, I'll go," Lisa responded, "but I don't want to get around any of those wild friends of Peter's. You know what I mean Kathy... I like Peter, but I've heard so many stories around school about the wild drinking parties at his fraternity."

"That's ridiculous!" Kathy defended, coming out of the bathroom with a huge terry-cloth towel draped around her youthful body. "Besides, the wild ones always tame down at a formal party. And don't forget, you'll be with Pete and me, so quit making up excuses and start getting ready."

Lisa's formal clung to the perspiration on her body as she groped her way through the crowded dance floor to the bathroom. It was past midnight and the large ballroom was getting increasingly hot and stuffy. She wondered dimly if her dizziness was caused from fatigue alone, for she had seen Peter sneak in a bottle of Vodka, and was liberally dispersing it into the drinks on their table. Although she had refused his offer, she might have accidentally picked up the wrong glass while he and Kathy were on the dance floor.

The bathroom was packed with girls primping in front of the mirror- lined walls, giggling and sharing confidences through their alcohol stimulated excitement. One girl was hanging over the sink, her mouth slack, with her lipstick smeared over the edges and on her chin.

"Oh God, I think I'm going to be sick again. God, my mother will kill me if I go home like this," the toilet bowl.

Lisa could feel the nausea running through her body and to her throat as the other girl heaved in the stall next to her. She was sorry now that she had come to the dance and she missed Mark more than ever. I've got to get out of here, she thought as she made her way out of the room and back to the table. Things are really getting out of hand this year. Even with her mild disgust of the other girls, she couldn't help but smile at what Miss Hendrick's reaction would be if she knew what was going on now. As Girl's Dean, she helped arrange all of the social functions connected with Fairmount College, and prided herself on the close discipline she held over her girls.

She was suddenly jarred from her thoughts as a hot hand came into contact with her elbow.

"Hey, it's my turn now Lisa," Carl Shankey, one of Peter's friends slurred, as he sidled up to her for the fourth time in the last hour. "You've been turning me down all night, and I'm beginning to think that you don't like me at all."

Carl had a crooked grin on his face, and had obviously been drinking heavily. His tie was dangling to one side from the unsnapped neck of his formal shirt and his breath was rancid with alcohol and tobacco. His brown close set eyes boldly scanned her body as he talked to her. Lisa cringed inwardly at the thought of him holding her while they danced.

"I have to go home now, Carl. Some other time," she replied with a tone of forced gaiety. She then tried to pass him, but he blocked her way and nudged her against the wall.

"Go home with who," he sneered. "Who are you going home with Lisa?" He let his head roll back with a drunken chuckle, then brought it back up with a jerk that brought his thick lips so close to hers that they slightly grazed her delicate skin as he spoke. "With Mark? Well now, you can't do that can you? He's gone home to see his mommy."

Lisa stiffened her body, sickened by his presence and tried to move around him. "Carl, you're drunk, leave me alone."

"I'll leave you alone if you can tell me what that mama's boy can show you that I can't. Come on, we're going to dance then we'll talk about whose taking you home."

Lisa felt her body go limp as he pulled her to the dance floor. Carl was mean when he was sober and cruelly aggressive when he was drunk. He was also unpredictable when he was angry and she was afraid of him, even in this crowd. As he pushed his way through the dancers to the middle of the floor, Lisa looked around for Peter or Kathy for help. Carl stopped suddenly and locked his arm tightly around her waist pressing her body against his. Other bodies around them pushed up against them forcing them together as the band began to play.

The music was slow and heady, and Carl, in his drunken stupor began to undulate his body against hers to the rhythm of the song. His face was pressed to the side of her ear and his hot heaving breath sent cold chills tingling from her neck to her spine. She felt breathless and woozy and tried to back away from him, but his pressure against her body remained secure and unyielding.

"Carl, I can't breath, let me go."

"Mmmmmmmm, listen to that soft sexy music, Lisa. Doesn't it do anything for you?" Carl continued his animal like gyrating against her, ignoring her pleas. His right arm began to slide slowly up from her small waist, reaching under her upraised arm to caress her round, firm breast. Lisa stiffened her body, not knowing what to do. If she moved to push him away, the struggle would attract the attention of the other dancers. She lowered her arm and pressed it tightly to her side, blocking his creeping fingers, and pinning them to the side of her body as they continued to dance. Still not discouraged, Carl removed his other hand from her waist and cupped it around the mounds of her buttocks, clasping and unclasping at them through the filmy gown while he continued to grind his body against hers to the tempo of the music. Lisa gasped in surprise. With utter repugnance, she could feel the hardness of his growing penis burning hotly on her thigh, even through the folds of her dress.

She gave a strong lurch and broke his hold on her, leaving him standing in the middle of the dance floor with a dazed look on his face. Her eyes searched frantically around the room for Peter and Kathy. To her relief, she could see them heading for the table and hurried over to meet them before Carl could catch up with her. Kathy waved as she and Peter made their way over to her.

Lisa was leaning over to get her purse and coat when Carl came up behind her and grabbed her wrist, spinning her around to face him.

"You little tease," he hissed through his teeth. "I can buy you, your old man, and that mama's boy of yours with my week's allowance," he spat at her as he released her wrist and flung it back at her.

Lisa couldn't reply, but stared back at him as though mesmerized by his hateful stare.

His eyes were ablaze and his face contorted with rage. Lisa could feel the shock waves of panic vibrating through her. His anger frightened her, and even in this crowded room, she was not sure he would not try to revenge himself on her for her rather unceremonious rebuff of his drunken advances.

"Hey, Carl old buddy," Peter chimed in, unaware of the conversation that preceded his entrance, "are you having a good time?" He laughed and slapped Carl on the back in a gesture of camaraderie.

"Ah go to hell," Carl snarled as he pushed away from him and stumbled out into the crowd.

"What's with him?" Peter asked, then dismissing the subject, turned to Lisa "how about the neat dance," he asked, bowing down and waving his arm out in a clown-like manner.

Lisa said nothing, still numbed by Carl's tantrum.

"Hey, Lisa," he persisted, "didn't you hear me, I just ask you for a dance."

"Yes, you two go ahead, I'm beat," Kathy said as she dropped down into the nearest chair.

"Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say?" Lisa asked as she turned back to Peter and Kathy. She felt bloodless as she watched Carl disappear back into the crowd and his vicious words were still ringing in her ears. They had shocked her beyond feeling. How could he say such horrible things? Oh Mark, I'm sorry I came here, why can't you be with me now, she thought, as the closeness of the room and noise sent her head reeling.

"Kathy, I just have to get out of here, would you and Peter mind taking me back to the dorm now?"

"Ah, Christ, Lisa, I don't want to drive all the way back there now," Peter argued, "besides we were going to drop by an after party just down the street. We promised the group we would, so let's stop by for a while and then go back. Ok?"

Since Lisa had no other way of getting home that night, she reluctantly agreed to go with them.

The cool night breeze rustled through the golden strands of Lisa's long flowing hair as she made her way alone down the dark pathway to Peter's car, which was parked at the far side of the road. Tears of frustration streamed down her cheeks as she half-stumbled, half-ran through the darkness trying to control the fury building up inside of her. The "after party" had turned out to be even wilder than the dance, and when she tried to find Peter and Kathy, someone had slyly remarked about them disappearing to one of the back bedrooms. Now, she had no choice but to wait for them out in Peter's car and try to get some sleep.

Inside the car, she regained control of her feelings. The peaceful calm of the night compared to the frantic crowd of sweating bodies back at the house helped to soothe her shaking body. Making a pillow out of her coat, she decided to rest in the back seat. Lying there, she could hear the scattered trills from the night birds in the nearby grove. Not too far away, the piercing mating growl of a tom cat could be heard. These sounds soon blended into one as her nerve-racked body found a troubled but deep sleep.

Later, Lisa suddenly awoke with a start. The car was rolling and had come to a quick stop at the bottom of the hill in a thick grove of trees. A dark figure leaned over the steering wheel in the front seat, guiding the car to a halt under a huge low-hanging pepper tree.

It was Carl Shankey!

Oh God! she thought. What's he doing, and how did he get the keys to Peter's car?

"Carl," she gasped, "what are you doing? How did you get the keys?"

"No keys, baby," he slurred, "just smarts. A simple matter of slipping the brake and coasting down to this cozy little grove. Isn't that a kick?" As he spoke, a low cruel laugh could be heard building up in his voice. There was no doubt now in Lisa's mind of his sinister intentions to revenge himself for her actions back at the dance.

Fighting back the panic, she lunged for the door and pushed down on the handle, but Carl, anticipating such a move, reached out and in one swift movement grabbed a handful of her long hair, snapping her neck back and forcing her back down on the seat. He swung his legs over the front seat and slid down beside her, sitting near her head with his hand entwined around the clump of hair at the base of her neck. He tightened his grip on it and pulled back sharply, bringing her terror-stricken gaze in line with his. His head was close to hers, the smell of Scotch overpowering her dazed mind. She struggled and tried to loosen his grip, but without success.

"That was so uncool, Lisa," he whispered. "A very uncool move. You know you're going to get fucked don't you, so you might as well relax and enjoy it. That's what they say isn't it?"

Lisa stared back at him, unblinking, her body frozen to the seat. Hysteria swept over her as the grim realization that she was totally at his mercy penetrated her tortured thoughts.

"Well, isn't it," he hissed pulling down harder on her hair, "isn't it?"

"Y-Yes, it is... it is," Lisa choked, out, tears clouding her vision. "Carl... please... please let me go."

"Let you go, why Lisa baby, you may not believe me now, but I'm doing you a big favor. Yes, a big favor. Just wait, you'll see."

Lisa began to struggle violently, contorting her body and kicking back trying to free herself from his hold. Carl lifted his arm and struck down viciously at her face with his open hand, slapping it from side to side till she felt stunned and ready to black out. He lifted himself off the seat and sat sideways on the flat of her stomach, his weight smashing her body cruelly down into the seat. Hysterical sobs of pain and fear began bubbling uncontrollably from her tortured lips.

"Go ahead, make all the noise you want," he snickered, "nobody's going to hear you way down here. Jees, are you stupid anyway. All the girls are begging for it back at the house, and here you are wasting all your strength fighting me."

As he talked, he removed his dinner jacket, and flung it over the front seat. He began fumbling with the buttons on his shirt until it was half way unbuttoned, then impatiently jerked back on the rest of the material, ripping it open. Lisa could feel a hot burning from his crotch and a hardness spreading heat over her belly and down to the rising mound between her legs. She jerked helplessly against him as he removed his shirt and pinioned her arms in back of her head.

"I'm getting real tired of trying to humor you baby," he rasped in her ear, as he wound the material of his torn shirt around her wrists. "My prick is so hard right now it just might shoot all over you, if you don't quit squirming."

He reached behind her, unrolled the side window, and lifting his weight from her body, jerked up her bound wrists, placed them on the edge of the window and rolled it back up, trapping her arms behind her.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhh!" Lisa's piercing shriek cut through the dark night, as a hot flash of pain rippled down her arms, sending quivering muscle spasms through her back and legs.

Carl leaned back and sat on the side of the seat, panting from the exertion of the struggle

"Christ, you make a lot of noise," he muttered pulling a handkerchief from his back pocket. "You almost scared me soft that time Lisa, and right now that's the last thing I want to happen. Open your mouth," he commanded and he pushed the cloth hard against her tightly clenched lips.

"I said open it, damnit." He clamped his forefinger and thumb cruelly down on her nostrils and she held her breath for as long as she could, moaning in protest at this harsh attack on her lips. Until finally she could stand it no longer, and opened her mouth to suck hungrily at the air to relieve her almost bursting lungs.

Carl was ready, and he jammed the cloth into her gasping mouth, prodding it deep inside, gagging her. Lisa's body writhed beneath his uncontrollably as she choked and heaved, nauseated at the thought of what was occurring to her helplessly bound body.

"You asked for it, baby. You ask for it. I told you I was tired of fighting. Yeh, begging and pleading and fighting. But no more, do you hear me clear, no more." Carl leaned back again and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his forearm. Lisa's moans were now a muffled echo and she let her body go limp, exhausted from the violent struggle. Her thin, delicate wrists ached and throbbed in the window above her, and when she tried to move her body in protest, the pain intensified a thousand-fold.

Carl placed his hand on the cleavage between her firm pointed breasts, and stroked at the two fleshy mounds, gradually massaging them into hardness. And then, with a sudden jerk of his wrists, he pulled her strapless gown down to her waist and unsnapped her bra. Her breasts burst free from their imprisonment, and rose pulsating and white in the moonlight. Her tiny bud-like nipples peaked hard involuntarily from this sudden exposure to the cool night air.

"Ohhhh," he marveled, sucking in his breath, "you are a woman, yes you are, yes you are." He muttered as he dropped his head and ran his thick, moist lips hungrily over her breasts, his saliva drooling hotly down his chin and onto her trembling flesh. He began to suck like a piglet on her right nipple, bringing it to a hard, quivering point. Then he worked on her left nipple, until it too was stiff and rigid from the unsolicited stimulation of his obscenely sucking mouth.

And, in spite of her revulsion, strange sensations rippled through Lisa's body, penetrating the tortured haze that clouded her mind. An expanding heat-filled wave licked at her body as his wild, voracious sucking continued for a seeming eternity.

Oh God, what's happening to me,... oh, Mark, someone, help me,... help me now, her thoughts raced incoherently through her mind. A stifled sob racked her body and burst forth through the saliva-soaked gag in her mouth.

"What's wrong baby," Carl murmured as he looked up at her with a dazed look on his face. He seemed completely unaware of what he was doing. Nothing mattered to his drunken mind except to satiate his burning desire to use and humiliate the defenseless body of the girl who had spurned him earlier. But now, he paused momentarily and gazed down into her gray wide-set eyes, dilated by fear into two great terror stricken pools. A softness came into his voice.

"Oh, baby... I don't want to hurt you, you know that, don't you? Here, let me help you," he mumbled as he reached behind him at her balled- up coat and placed it behind her head. He leaned back and inserted his trembling hands under her chiffon gown following the fullness of her thighs up to the tight elastic of her panties. Then, running his fingers between the taut band and the soft, white flesh of her waist, he began to knead at her belly until the tautness released into a soft yielding mass of helplessness.

"Ohhh... that's it, nice and mellow and easy, Lisa," he slurred as he bunched her gown up to her waist and leaned low over her throbbing cunt. He slipped her panties down to her ankles and stroked greedily at the moist, open lips of flesh between her thighs Lisa groaned in humiliation at the sudden more intimate touch and suddenly recovering her composure, she without warning, jackknifed her legs and kicked up at his lust filled face. Her toes caught him under the chin and flipped his head hard against the window behind him. He grunted in surprise and forced himself back over her wildly thrashing body. In blind anger at her resistance, he drove his closed fist down on her unprotected belly, sending the wind from her lungs, the impact vibrating through her entire body, and cracking her shoulders hard against the metal on the door frame.

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