Widow's Companion - Cover

Widow's Companion


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

When Ellen remembered fully what had happened, she had flushed with shame and tried to flee, but the fat man had stopped her at the door of the kitchen, and Dominique and Maxwell Carter had quickly followed after him. In the ensuing struggle, they had literally ripped her clothes from her ripe young body until her naked breasts were quivering in the air and all of her flesh seemed to be prey to the maddening grasp of demanding hands as well as hungry lips and lapping tongues.

The fat man pressed her mouth open in a frantic, raping kiss, shoving his big tongue all the way down her throat until she gagged. At the same time fingers were inserted and toyed with her tender little pussy, sliding sleekly in through the sparse pubic hairs and tickling at her defenseless cuntal lips until they were finally rewarded a light seepage of clear fluid. There were fingers on her rounded buttocks as well, taking big handfuls of flesh in greedy grabs; hands pulling at her bobbing breasts as if they were cow udders; lips sucking hungrily at her nipples; and worst of all, dogs' tongues lapping all over at her nakedly vulnerable flesh, licking up the moist crevice of her ass-cheeks to make her tiny puckering anus tingle madly. She seemed to be mere food, animal prey, for a gang of sensual vultures. Every time she slapped a hand away, another came to take its place, or a tongue. She was licked and lapped and kissed and squeezed and fondled in so many different places that she couldn't keep track. Eventually she weakened and surrendered to the unequal struggle. Everything in her lushly ripening body seemed to go lax. Their continual massaging, groping, fondling of her newly-aroused flesh simply destroyed her will. Now the beautiful thirteen year old blonde was naked as the day she was born and a mere plaything in their urgent hands and lips, while two searing German shepherd tongues burned off any resistance that might have been left to their ravishingly savage depredations on her quivering young flesh.

"Oh! Oh!" she cried. "Where are you taking me?"

Maxwell Carter easily lifted her struggling form and carried her back across the marble-tiled foyer beneath the high, dangling chandelier, down the steps and into the library.

"Please! Oh, please let me go!" came her piteous wail.

"She's not near enough softened up yet," came Dominique's answering husky voice somewhere behind her. "We've got to fuck her until she's crazy about it, and remembers everything, and lives only for that. Get Lucifer and Handsome to fuck the life out of her again, Maxwell. This time so that there's no mistaking the total effect. We can't afford to have her running home to momma with naughty stories. If we can't get her to beg us for it, then we're finished. She's only thirteen years old."

The fat man, behind her, laughed as he grappled with their struggling young love-slave. "Don't worry," he smirked. "No young doll ever got fucked by Lucifer that didn't live just to love him for it. She'll never want a man as long as she lives."

"No!" Ellen screamed, her arms and legs thrashing wildly as yet again a burning hot animal tongue snaked into her sweating backside crevice and pressed lingeringly against her trembling anal opening. "What--what are you doing to me? Help! Don't! I beg you. I don't need it! I don't want it! Please let me go!"

Maxwell Carter laughed, as if he had just heard the funniest statement ever made. They dragged her with ferocious, enslaving resolve across the plush purple carpet, then up the brief stairs into the secluded bedroom with its large round bed and bright red sheets. Now she was struggling and squirming and kicking in something akin to panic.

"Stop it, you silly little bitch! You'd better do as we say," said Carter, shoving some photographs under her nose. "Don't make us tie you up again, or we'll show these to your high- and-mighty mother."

Ellen shook her long blonde hair around and gazed weakly at the pictures. They were of herself and Handsome and that other dog, doing the most obscene things imaginable!

"Please, please," she whimpered, tears welling from her pretty blue eyes, her arms straining in their dominating grasp. "What--what have you done to me? Why are you doing this to me!?" The full horror of what was happening swept scathingly through her incredulous mind. This couldn't be happening to her. She had heard about teenage girls being raped, but never by nice people like this. And certainly never including German shepherds in the vile act! How could she have allowed herself to be so used?

"It's no use," came Carter's surprisingly rough and husky voice, "she's resisting too much. We'll have to tie her up."

"She hasn't been fucked in the ass yet," said the fat man. "She's still a little virgin in her ass-hole. That's where Lucifer really wins them. Let him ram that big red pike up her ass-hole until she goes dizzy with it."

Dominique had readied the bed now, and they gripped her tightly from seemingly every angle as they forced her naked teenaged body down on it. She damped her legs tightly together and drew them up, attempting to hide her precious treasure from their licentious gaze. But it was no use. In another moment they had spread-eagled her legs and her arms were above her head as they tied wrists and ankles, securing them with leather straps to facsimile bedposts at four points around the circular bed. The helpless young girl squirmed against her bonds, sobbing, until they felt as though they would cut through her wrists. It was hopeless.

Maxwell Carter sat down on the bed and it sagged under his weight so that she rolled slightly towards him. "I'm going to ask you just to save us all a lot of trouble. Believe me, eventually you're going to be in love with Handsome here,"--he indicated the panting dog--"everybody is! Without exception! So why make things hard on yourself? If you'll just submit and admit that you love him fucking you, you'll make it easier on all of us."

"I'll never do that!" she cried, her face contorting with outrage and fear combined. "You drugged me last night! I know you did. Otherwise I'd never have done that. Let me go and I'll promise to forget it all. Please!"

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