Widow's Companion - Cover

Widow's Companion


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

She had heard of women who did this, and had even heard some rough girls joking in the school toilet about it, but she had never expected to actually see someone doing such an obscenely wicked thing. The woman's mouth was stretched so wide Ellen wondered how she kept from choking on the huge penis, for her lips were locked on the thick shaft of male flesh as if they would never let go. The part exiting from her mouth was heavily ridged with blue veins. God, the young teenage blonde could almost feel it pulsating in her own suddenly salivating mouth.

A ripple of excitement coursed through Ellen's loins as she considered its size. She clasped her legs tightly together and wondered involuntarily what it would be like to have something that big shoved up inside her little vaginal opening. She breathed with hurried, guilty excitement as Mr. Carter flipped over the next photograph. In this one the same woman was sitting on a sofa with her feet flat on the floor and her legs spread wide apart. A German shepherd had his snout between her thighs, and Ellen could see very clearly his long red tongue curling into the flushing pink lips of her vagina. The girl's mouth gaped at the lewd sight. This was exactly what Handsome had been doing to Dominique, what the dog had done in the movie. Despite her best will, the sight of this depraved act was fiercely exciting. She could feel a hot moistness seeping again through her pussy lips as she took a nervous sip from her Coke. Her hands were trembling.

"Like that, huh?" Maxwell Carter asked, a devilish smirk on his face as he held up the picture.

"Well, I--" Ellen was becoming confused again. She could not think of the right things to say. The entire aura of sensuality in the house had so permeated her impressionable young being that she could no longer accurately define what was right and what was wrong.

She could feel the lewd stirrings in her loins beginning all over again, and she involuntarily ground her buttocks down against the seat to quiet the lascivious tingle.

"Look at this girl's face," said Carter. "Obviously she's enjoying having her cunt licked, wouldn't you say?"

"I--I--yes, yes, she is," Ellen breathed tremulously, her budding young breasts heaving with emotion. And then she began panting again as Carter showed her another photo--that of a girl on a bed, three pillows under her hips, with her legs spread wide apart and a German shepherd between them on his haunches, his enormous cock sunk all the way into her up-lifted vagina. The camera angle showed clearly his thick pink penis disappearing into the hair-fringed folds of her cunt. Almost buried to the hilt, only a small stretch was still showing, wet and shining. The girl's face was twisted into the most depraved portrait of ecstasy Ellen had ever seen.

Oh... oh... how she must feel.

Ellen had slid down hypnotized into the deep warmth of the couch again, and scarcely noticed Mr. Carter's hand on her shoulder as she concentrated on the obscene position of the dog and the girl in the photograph. The now-familiar aching hunger inside her quivering young pussy was expanding again, spreading from her stomach upwards into her hardening nipples. She shuddered as Mr. Carter's finger teased again down toward the "vee" of her sweater, through which the deeply breathing mounds of her breasts were seen moving in shapely unrest. And then his hand was moving determinedly inside her brassiere, cupping her naked left mound of softly resilient flesh and massaging it into a greater sensitivity.

Her breathing became more labored now and she twisted frantically into the cushion, attempting to extinguish that swiftly growing fire. Mr. Carter chuckled and began showing her more and more photographs, each one more lewd than the last. His lips had dropped to her ear and he was sensually whispering what the photographed couples were doing in lust-inciting terms. Then he whispered moist entreaties using words that were positively filthy and yet savagely exciting. "How would you like me to do that to you? Look at that girl's face... she loves it. So will you!" Ellen rubbed her thighs tightly together in a last determined effort to avoid the temptation that was building up inside her wetly throbbing pussy. Her passion and alcohol- distorted brain told her implicitly that she should flee immediately or she would not be able to fight the desire that was tugging at the very core of her rippling young belly.

"Please... Maxwell..." she tried to protest, her heart beating like a runaway train. "What will... what will Mrs. Carter say..."

"Let her get her own girl," he muttered, and one hand reached into her golden hair and pulled her head toward him until she could not escape his hungry French kiss. She felt his heated tongue plunging into her mouth and almost all the way down her throat until she almost gagged. It lapped at the sides, top and bottom of her mouth, and some instinct in her loins forced her to suck on it. It tasted not at all bad, and she had to realize guiltily that she actually liked it. His tongue reminded her of a big fat penis like the one she had seen Billy putting inside of her mother. A shudder of alarm momentarily flickered through her passion-drenched loins, but then her will to flee faded and was replaced by pure animal desire, magnified by a savage curiosity which glued her to the couch as she saw what Handsome and Dominique were doing.

Apparently Mrs. Carter had removed all her clothes while she wasn't looking, and now was engaged in the same sort of depravity that Ellen had seen only dimly in the darkness during the motion picture.

Dominique was nakedly spread-eagled over the chaise lounge not six feet away, her auburn head rolling back and forth, her face contorted in an agony of sexual delight. Handsome's big body was wedged between her widespread legs, and he was running his tongue moistly up and down her sensually quivering flesh. He lapped at her ripely heaving breasts until they glistened and then traced a shining path down to the flat plane of her stomach. Dominique writhed in passionate delight beneath his animal caress, her long hair flailing from side to side across her lust-contorted face. Her hands tangled tightly in Handsome's sleek fur, pulling his skin up in great bunches as she guided his muzzle from one erotically tingling part of her body to another--from breasts to vagina and even to her wildly puckering anus.

Ellen leaned forward to grip the edges of the coffee table until her hands ached. She could not believe what was happening, but she had to look, regardless of how lewd Dominique's behavior was. The scene was positively mesmerizing.

Maxwell pressed a lit brown cigarette to her lips and she drew deeply without hesitation, not even coughing this time. The sweet, acrid smoke of the marijuana curled into her lungs like a soothing syrup, sweeping away all trace of revulsion. Her head lightened, and she shut her eyes tightly as each drag burned its way down into her pulsating little pussy. Then after several deep inhalations she found she could no longer deny the primitively intoxicating nature of what she was seeing.

Dominique was beautiful, after all, with all that wealth of long auburn hair, proudly uptilted breasts and long slender legs. Why wouldn't Handsome want to lick her blushing pink cuntal furrow? Anybody would! Ellen gazed in intoxicated rapture at the enchanting woman spread open in animal sacrifice on the chaise lounge, where the closed side had been unhinged, let down, and made into a bed. Her German shepherd appeared to have worked her up to a fever pitch, and Dominique's mouth was hanging open once more with rapture, her glassy, lust-smoked eyes rolling upward into her skull until she looked as if she were dying from ecstasy.

Handsome had placed himself in position over her roughly rising and falling belly. His face was hanging within inches of her sparsely curled pubic mound, his forepaws pressing into her sleek trembling thighs. He worked his nose in and out of her wetly glistening cunt and Dominique moaned with increasing fervor. Ellen gasped again as his long pink tongue lashed out and parted the hair-fringed furrow of the older woman's vagina with one long, swiping lick. The dainty bud of Dominique's clitoris was clearly visible, throbbing with hardness and desire just above the stretched elastic opening of her vaginal entrance. Her moist red slit seemed to shine and trickle more with every lick of Handsome's talented tongue, which flicked maddeningly at the quivering little nub of raw lust at the top of her furrow. Dominique's body shuddered; she sighed as her legs clamped snugly about the furry head, imprisoning his alert animal ears in a vise- like grip. Then her pelvis began a slow up and down fucking movement in rhythm to the probings from between her tightly clenched teeth. She appeared trapped in a mindless fit of uncontrolled licentiousness as her full sensuous breasts bobbled like a belly dancer's.

Even as Mrs. Carter's voluptuous body was twisting lustfully to the depraved lapping of her loins, Ellen's magnificently proportioned torso began an involuntary swaying in time to that of Dominique's.

Maxwell Carter's hands were all over the blonde teenager's now, and he was massaging and cupping her breasts in a titillating circular motion that made her squirm her trembling young ass- cheeks into the cushion. Abruptly he pulled her up onto his lap. She didn't resist, but only rubbed herself snugly down onto the hard thick bulge beneath her. The throbbing thickness of it pressed through her skirt into the crevice of her buttocks, causing the thin folds of bunched material to grate heavenly against her sensitive little anus. Warm spasms of pure pleasure were sent rippling up through her churning belly and right into the hard rising nipples of her thirteen year old breasts.

The final shattered remnants of her vow to run faded into nothingness as she felt his hand leave her breast and gently lower the zipper that ran down the back of her sweater. Then he undid the zipper on her skirt as well, and his hands slipped unimpeded inside her clothes. He pushed the snug restricting brassiere up and away from her ripely swollen breasts. Then his hands greedily cupped her throbbing mounds as they came free of their nylon confinement, trapping her hypersensitive nipples between thumb and forefinger, squeezing until excruciating sensations dredged a cry of pained delight and surprised pleasure from her wetly parted lips. He jerked upward, sinking his covered masculinity deeper into the panty-covered split of her involuntarily undulating buttocks.

Ellen couldn't help push back onto his rapidly lengthening thickness as she watched Mrs. Carter with wide-eyed wonder. Handsome's tongue was continuing to drag groan after wanton groan from the gorgeous auburn-tressed woman. Then Ellen noticed something else--Handsome's long red penis had begun lengthening out of its furry sheath, and it seemed to be wagging dangerously beneath his slender stomach. It looked hard as a tree stump, and was enormously thick and evil-looking. The young girl gasped as he suddenly leaped atop his mistress, after viewing the movie she knew what was about to happen. But instead Handsome straddled his eagerly trembling legs over the panting woman's face. Dominique jerked as the well-trained dog stuck his front paw against her wetly heated cunt and rotated it, teasing the sensitive vaginal walls until she cried out in a moan of lascivious surrender and struggled up onto her elbows, her face only inches away from his belly and visibly quivering scarlet penis.

Her fingers gripped his long moist cock and pulled it toward her wetly parted lips as her mouth struggled to meet it. Her tongue darted out and teasingly licked at its glistening underside, then even more hungrily at the oozing open hole in its tip. A thin string of lubricant seeping from it stretched across her chin as she licked greedily up and down the animal shaft.

The muscles in Ellen's body were as taut as bow strings as she reacted to maddening fondling of Mr. Carter's hot fingers. She jerked as his hand trailed a slow, teasing trail down her passion-tightened belly and inserted itself into the elastic band of her white nylon panties, teasing thrillingly at her sparse blonde pussy hair rising from the "vee" at the top of her thighs. His knowledgeable hand played for a moment, then slid downward into the moist, ready slit up between her legs, the nail scraping gently at the sensitive little bud of her clitoris and making her cry out with the electricity of that sensation. She shuddered and jerked as his outstretched middle finger insinuated itself further into her eagerly throbbing flesh, parting her pussy lips to snake inside the seeping cuntal mouth, sending wild shocks of forbidden pleasure racing through her still immature nervous system. His virilely pulsating penis was pressed deeply into the well moistened crevice of her buttocks now, and throbbing with a life all its own. She ground back against it, becoming imprisoned licentiously--deliciously--as his invading middle finger slipped through the sealskin-smooth wetness of her tight little cunt.

Maxwell Carter began a gentle rocking motion to which her own body responded enthusiastically. There was a deep gurgling from Dominique's throat as Handsome, his tail wagging and one forepaw still playing in her hair-lined pussy, pumped his haunches forward to bury his long animal cock deep into her gaping mouth. Ellen held her breath, unable to believe Dominique wouldn't choke from the sheer size of the organ rammed between her moistly ovalled lips. But she sucked at it hungrily as though she had waited all her life for just this wonderful moment. Her cheeks hollowed on the out-stroke, expanded obscenely on the in-stroke, and her eyes were glazed with a wild ecstatic film of primitive lust more erotic than blue eye shadow.

The rawness of the lewd scene before Ellen drew a little moan of helpless surrender from the golden-tressed thirteen year old as she felt the liquid passion of her own wildly quivering pussy increase its flow, drenching Mr. Carter's fingers and hand with its sticky moisture.

She could feel Maxwell's long thick penis jerking under his pants, inching inexorably upward into the cleft between her ass- cheeks. The sight of Mrs. Carter obscenely sucking on Handsome's animal penis was obviously just as exciting to Mr. Carter as it was to her, and she gasped in delight as his moist tongue licked at the inside of her ear. Then he whispered, "Bend over on the floor--I'm going to fuck you in the ass."

"Oh no, please don't! No, I can't! Please... Mr. Carter! Maxwell!" she panted, unable to stop the rhythmic rocking of her vagina over his passion-drenched fingers.

"I'm going to fuck you good, Little Miss Virgin," he whispered huskily. "And we can watch Handsome fucking Dominique at the same time. Come on now. Down on the floor."

The lewd words excited her strangely, and through her drugged gaze she groaned in surrender as he pushed her now naked upper body over the marble coffee table, squashing her ripe young breasts out on either side as her defenselessly open buttocks presented itself to him. Her muscles felt like rubber, and she was forced to support herself by placing her hands on the floor.

Her smoothly rounded ass-cheeks waved in the air behind her, and she shuddered as she felt Mr. Carter's hands lifting her skirt above her hips. He bunched it around her wasp-like waist, then drew her flimsy white nylon panties down over her nakedly trembling buttocks and let them hang at her knees.

A cool rush of air hit her backside and she flushed with shame. Her whole rear end was exposed to him, waving back in lewd invitation to any humiliation he might choose to inflict. She heard the metallic sound of his zipper behind her as Mr. Carter opened his fly and his long thick penis burst into an eager freedom. He dropped to his knees behind her straining white buttocks and licked moistly down the entire length of her sweating cleft, pausing only to flick the tip of his tongue into the tight puckered ring of her anus.

''Oh... oh... no... you mustn't," she groaned as the tantalizing licking invaded her vitals, driving her almost insane with desire. She quivered back against his tongue, screwing her buttocks in small circles around and around in order to feel the delicious oral rape of her virginal loins.

So dazed and lust-enslaved was the young blonde that she didn't notice when Dominique got up abruptly from the chaise lounge and pulled the disappointed German shepherd over to her backside by holding his collar. There was scarcely a second of delay as Maxwell drew his face away from her burning crevice, and the big, well-trained dog's tongue lashed out to flicker electrically at Ellen's wildly puckering little anus. The cuddlesome thirteen year old groaned again, not noticing the change except for the fact that, if anything, the titillating licking of her organs felt all the more wonderful now.

Ellen had never known anything like this feeling. It seemed to consume the whole of her sensually awakening being until there was nothing of interest in the entire universe but that wonderful tongue-lashing. Wild thoughts of Handsome and his great slobbering tongue slithering over Dominique's moist, hair-lined furrow ran through her mind even though she didn't know it was he. All she knew for sure was that her ripening teenage flesh reveled in this lewd tingling pleasure until she felt as if she might explode from it.

Meanwhile Handsome slithered his tongue up her moist crevice again and again as Maxwell Carter went to the wall and pressed a secret button that started several motion picture cameras going at once. Then Dominique signalled to the powerful German shepherd, who abruptly ran his tongue over Ellen's ass-cheeks to the base of her spine, then followed the boney ridges up her back until this progress was halted by the bunched skirt around her tiny waist.

Then he stood, straddling her legs awkwardly, and placed his forepaws on her, his long scarlet penis thrusting up into the split of her widespread buttocks, his tapered cock-head bumping rubberishly between her straining ass-cheeks.

It scarcely registered that Handsome's paws were on her shoulder blades and that his panting and saliva was dripping in back of her. Ellen was still thinking of Mr. Carter and of what a wonderful tongue he had. When what she assumed was his penis began bumping around in the moistened cleft of her nether passage, a savage thrill of delighted expectation coursed through her nakedly quivering flesh. But this quickly changed to abject fear.

Oh no! He's too big! she thought. He'll split me open!

Her buttocks cringed forward, drawing away from the dog's rubbery-tipped cock, but the long animal penis followed. She panted hollowly as he worked himself into position, painfully aware that there was nowhere else she could go. Her naked young body was trapped between the coffee table and the searching instrument behind her.

Oh good lord! Mr. Carter would split her! He was trying to impale her!

And then Maxwell's hands actually were around the tops of her thighs, gripping them tightly, his fingers parting the soft white flesh so that Handsome could get his fiercely jerking cock inside of her hot young wetness.

"Reach behind--put it in," he whispered to her from behind.

"No, I can't," she whimpered. "Please don't make me, Mr. Carter. It'll hurt."

"Only for a little while. And then it will feel wonderful! Hurry!"


She winced as one of his hands slapped her bottom smartly, a smack which seemed to only drive her desire still higher into her breasts. "Put it in, I say. Put it in now!"

Ellen whimpered and tears of humiliation fell from her lower eyelids to drip down over her cheeks. He was squeezing her thigh flesh so painfully she wouldn't be able to stand it for another moment. Anything would be less painful than that savage grip. In desperation she reached behind her for what she took to be his penis, found Handsome's long slick organ, and closed her hand over it with more tenderness than she should have allowed.

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