Widow's Companion - Cover

Widow's Companion


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

In the weeks that followed, the Carters were quite pleased to find Ellen visiting them with increasing frequency. Often she stopped by on her way home from school, then lingered over a glass of soda pop and some ice cream for the longest time. In the evenings she would come by again and they would watch TV, films or play scrabble or go to drive-ins for milk shakes.

Several times they took her ice skating at the big rink in Northfield, and despite her voluptuousness Ellen proved to be surprisingly graceful on the ice. In the short-short skating skirt her gorgeous long, muscular legs were shown off to exciting advantage, and her long blonde hair swirled gorgeously on every turn. Maxwell Carter could barely wait to sink his teeth into her.

His favorite game, however, was taking Ellen downstairs to shoot pool in their game room. For when she leaned over the billiards table he was often afforded an intoxicating viewing of her massively swelling young breasts as they swayed within her clinging tight sweaters. When she was around, his mouth was continually watering and his nostrils flaring.

Not that he wasn't prepared to let his own sexual interests take a back seat to the economic concerns of Midwest Films, Inc.

Consequently it was eventually decided between himself and Dominique that the time had become ripe and that they could afford to wait no longer. Ellen was frequently affectionate, giving both of them hugs and kisses on the check before going home, and she had also taken quite a fancy to Handsome, their powerful German shepherd. All they needed was to time her initiation properly and they felt sure that there would be no fuss whatever.

But the timing was, nonetheless, important.

They decided, finally, to pursue her in a manner that had been successful with numerous other reluctant conquests. A combination of preying on her immaturity and the natural wish of every over-developed teenager to appear older than her years, and sophisticated, and the use of drugs and lewd motion pictures as well. Eventually she would become so aroused that she would no longer be able to control herself. At least, that was the plan.

Meanwhile the virginal golden Ellen suspected nothing. She felt affectionate towards the Carters, and she dearly loved Handsome, but she hadn't even fingered again since the evil night she had caught her mother with Billy Erspamer... not that the thirteen year old hadn't been tempted! She had resolved that she would struggle to retain her purity in order to counterbalance her mother's fall from grace. The Winthrop family of Kenwood Lane would at least have her balancing it in a world that was too evil to survive much longer.

By visiting the Carters frequently, she seemed to acquire some of their strength of personality. They were so good--if worldly--that she came to believe that she could rely upon their judgement utterly. Surely they hadn't become so rich by not having any sense. So she studied everything Dominique Carter did, and Maxwell Carter, too. She wanted to be just like them. Her mother she merely tolerated. The chasm between then widened daily.

It was this innocent trust that prevented Ellen from developing any inkling or suspicion of what fate the Carters really had in mind for her. As a result, she accepted with alacrity when they suggested one evening that she spend the weekend at their house. They had plenty of room, and they did have such fun together. It would be lovely fun.

Her mother agreed with what Ellen considered to be uncharacteristic alacrity, and the young girl readied herself. She got a little bag of her things and toilet articles together, and went over to the Carters almost immediately after coming home from school on Friday.

The afternoon seemed to go along in a relatively mild, innocuous fashion. At dinner they explained to her that they were celebrating Maxwell's birthday with champagne.

Ellen had never drunk champagne before, nor for that matter any alcoholic beverage, but she didn't want to offend her two good friends, and in particular she didn't want to seem childish and immature. For if she refused to drink she knew they would seize upon that to make light fun of her in a good-natured way, and she didn't want that. She wanted to live up to their sophisticated company in every way.

So she drank. And the bubbles went right to her head, making her cough and sputter. What a good laugh they all had over that.

And then Maxwell offered her the cigarette.

It appeared to be no more unusual than any other cigarette, set in white paper with a gold lipstick end and some sort of filter. "Well, if you're old enough for champagne now," he laughed, "you're entitled to a first cigarette as well. Go on, it won't bite you."

"Oh, but I--"

And then Dominique's face turned more stony than Ellen had ever seen it before. The older woman blew smoke out through her nose and looked at Ellen frightfully, and the pert teenager realized that the weekend could become very unpleasant if she was going to hold onto her childishness much longer. And anyway, who was it who had warned her of smoking? Her mother, whose opinion could scarcely count for anything now.

So she allowed Mr. Carter to light up the cigarette and she took a slow but even puff on it.

To her surprise, she didn't even cough, and in fact the smoke, coming on the heels of the champagne, seemed to have quite a heady effect on her. With the second puff she began to feel very lightheaded indeed, and she was very much ready to retire to the living room when it was suggested.

Another glass of champagne was put into her hand when she had finished the first, and although she didn't want to add to her escalating tipsyness, she couldn't bring herself to refuse. As she drank, she could hear the servants finishing off in the kitchen and dining room somewhere, and finally there was silence from that direction with a series of doors being slammed. The three of them were alone again in the big house. Handsome nuzzled his furry snout against her party exposed thigh and her fingers played affectionately around her ears.

Maxwell Carter had started the stereo, and, as they relaxed over their drinks and cigarettes, the most sensual music seemed to waft through the air of the living room-cum-library. By now the pungent sweetness of the smoke seemed to hang very heavy as well. It seemed to Ellen that the scent of that smoke was exceptionally honeyish, but she was not experienced enough to know what that meant, or to distinguish it from ordinary smoke.

"Time for our evening movie," Maxwell whispered, and then he disappeared behind them and could be heard doing something in the projection room. In another moment the library's lights had dimmed, the screen had slid down from the ceiling, and white flashes were flickering across it as the film began.

The room was perfectly quiet now except for the film running and the occasional deep inhalation and exhalation. Occasionally one of them coughed as well. And then there was a picture on the screen.

The film showed a large bed in a bedroom with a small vanity to one side with a large mirror standing near it. While Ellen puzzled at this, her empty champagne glass was taken away and a full one substituted. She had lost all sense of proportion now and wasn't sure if it was Maxwell or Dominique that had given her the glass. But it didn't matter! The cigarette made her thirsty and dreamy, and she poured the cool liquid down her throat greedily.

It was nice to have someone looking after her the way the Carters did; she loved them as if they were her real parents now. A happy, relaxed feeling suffused her voluptuous young body and a soft smile of appreciation flooded her sensual face.

On the screen, an innocent-looking young red-head had appeared by the bed. She could not have been over sixteen and was the most lovely thing Ellen had ever seen. She had a look of loneliness on her face that touched Ellen to the depths because she felt all alone too. She identified with this beautiful long- haired girl and concentrated on her completely.

On the screen, the actress picked up a picture from the dressing table, looked longingly at it for a moment, then pressed it tenderly to the pear-shaped fullness of her proud young breasts outlined so clearly beneath the tight black dress she wore. Then she placed the framed photograph gently on her pillow and began to undress.

In a close-up, Ellen saw that the picture was that of a handsome looking German shepherd. Her beloved pet, no doubt.

Meanwhile, the girl pulled her dress slowly upwards, exposing her high-set calves and full, well-rounded thighs. The black of her long silk stockings, held in place by a dainty lace-trimmed pink garter belt, contrasted sharply with the creamy alabaster of her nakedly exposed flesh.

"What is this?" Ellen could hear her own voice saying groggily, but it sounded too unreal.

Dominique patted her hand gently. "Ssssh, darling. Shhh."

The dress snaked its way over the girl's head and her magnificently-rounded torso emerged. Then her white brassiere fell to the floor with a flick of her fingers and the full grandeur and beauty of her firmly ripe breasts swung into view. They stood high and proud, accentuated by the lighting in the film. Their turgid little nipples stood out on the luscious half- spheres, peaking still higher as the girl raised her arms high up over her head, unpinning her long shining red hair and then releasing it to cascade softly down over her alluring shoulders.

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