Widow's Companion - Cover

Widow's Companion


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

"That little cunt has cost us a fortune," said Maxwell when she had gone, his voice thick with disgust as he scratched Handsome's ears.

"I'll say," agreed Dominique, putting out her cigarette in the nearest ashtray. Then she began undoing the belt on her robe until it opened fully, revealing the sumptuous pears of her high, widely-spaced breasts, the molten white belly beneath with its soft nest of auburn pussy hair, and the long slender columns of her legs. She lay back on the couch and spread her legs open lazily. The big German shepherd didn't need any further cue than that. He left his master and hurried across the carpet to burrow his nose into his mistress' warmly scented pussy. Dominique sighed and ran her fingers over the handsome dog's sleek furry head. In another moment the well-trained show dog's tongue had lanced out and speared into the quivering pink flesh of her cuntal lips, sending a surge of fire burning through her loins and upward into the rest of her wantonly excited body right to the very ends of her hair.

"Spent a fortune on that fucking tail," Maxwell muttered unhappily again, his voice slurring this time. He finished a spare drink on the coffee table, then got up and went over to the bamboo-and-leopard skin bar to mix himself another.

Dominique's eyes turned dreamy as the big German shepherd's thick red tongue began twisting in and out of her cunt like a corkscrew. "Maybe we should use our more extreme procedure, lover," she croaked huskily, her eyes fluttering with passion.

"We don't dare," said Maxwell, corking a bottle and shaking his head. "She's only thirteen years old. Any seduction has to be of her own accord. She has to come to us with her eyes wide open. She has to seduce herself. Any other course would be strictly suicide."

"In that case, it's time to leave it with Handsome, lover."

"Probably." Maxwell Carter looked over at the powerful dog whose tongue was dredging his wife's wetly surging vagina like a steam shovel excavating Roman finds. Handsome was always the court of last resort; and he had never failed them yet.

Still, though, this was a tricky one. A thirteen year old gorgeous blonde of total innocence. A real challenge! He couldn't remember when before they had encountered such striking blonde wholesomeness. He wanted to see her long, satiny blonde hair cascading over a pillow to form a cushion for her pretty head as he moved upward through her widespread thighs with his warmly throbbing cock working slowly through the moist tendrils and wetly sucking lips of her young virginal cunt, fucking the shit out of the sweet little bitch; he coughed at the thought.

Ellen Winthrop had the body of a lush young Venus, and it had been all Maxwell could do to control his hands in the months they had known her. Fortunately his head had ruled his heart. Finesse always proved the most potent master in the end; and it was lasting. Rape seductions occasionally worked out, but there was always the danger that they might not. Particularly with one so young, where the aspect of painful entrance might assume sizable proportions.

He closed his eyes, considering her lushly ripened breasts whose rose-tipped nipples appeared so prominent even through her brassiere and sweater combined. The child had a slender, girlish waist, luscious round hips, a flat, smooth stomach and long, full- swelling thighs. Her breathtakingly curved calves tapered down into thin, well-formed ankles. And over all of that, her wealth of shining blonde hair. Just one reel of her being taken from behind by Handsome could make a fortune for them. And if that fiercely kissable, sultry young mouth could ever be coaxed into wrapping itself around the dog's enormous pulsating red cock--! Ellen had an almost classical, dainty Greek nose, with a lower lip that protruded in an almost perpetual little-girl pout, a round dimpled chin, and a soft, slightly tanned ivory complexion. To see that pretty young face energetically sucking on Handsome's throbbing, richly-veined penis would be a treat no reasonable buyer could refuse. They had to get her at all cost!

Downing his drink swiftly, he went to the secret panel on the wall of the library, where he pressed a button and a hidden videotape camera came sliding into view from one corner of the ceiling. It hissed and clicked as it focused on Handsome's lavish oral attention he was giving to his lovely auburn-haired mistress Dominique, who was already hurtling through her first orgasm of the evening with a gurgling cry of delight that made the heavy drapes on the high windows of the library seem to tremble.

Three houses down on Kenwood Lane from the Carters, the cute teenager had already dozed pleasantly off on the two-seater sofa in her bedroom, her long legs curled up underneath her. She had meant to take a nice hot bath before retiring, but she had gotten so caught up in her third re-reading of Jane Austen's Wuthering Heights--which she thought was the most romantic novel ever written, next to Little Women, that she had quite dozed off. This was not so uncommon; she frequently fell asleep reading some nice romantic story, though usually only in bed.

But now she had suddenly bolted upright to a sitting position. She had been awakened by a noise from down the hall. It sounded like the muffled squeal of some animal being put to slaughter. At first she had heard it as merely a part of her dream, but when it had come again, more forcefully, it had jarred her into alertness.

Something was wrong in her mother's room, she was sure of it. Other muffled sounds were echoing through the thick wall also. Sounds that were not familiar to her, but which seemed to be cries of terror and pleading. She looked at her watch. It was still early. She had probably not been asleep very long, even though it had seemed so.

She got up groggily from the sofa and drifted over to the bed, trying to analyze the nature of what she was hearing. She didn't want to make a fool of herself if nothing was wrong. Perhaps her mother merely had the television on too loud. Or it could be that she had gone to sleep early and was having a nightmare herself.

There was silence then for a long moment, and then another sound, this time of movement. It sounded as though something were being thrown bodily onto a squeaking bed. She could not be certain, of course. Her mother's bedroom was separated from her own by the main bathroom.

Not switching on the lamp, she made her way through the darkness to the door, pressing her ear tightly against it in order to listen better. There was the unmistakable sound of a heavy, dragging movement somewhere. She thought also she could hear whimpering but it was impossible to tell for sure.

She hesitated for a moment, not sure just what to do. Certainly if something were drastically wrong, her mother would scream. She would certainly hear that, if she did. She listened intently, waiting silently, her hand frozen on the doorknob.

There was a long low moan coming softly discernible from the other side now. This convinced her! Her mother might be ill and unable to move for some reason. She hadn't been feeling too well earlier on, and it might even be serious. She had been quite distraught when father had died, and not quite right since. Perhaps Ellen should take just a quick look quietly so as not to disturb her if she were merely having a bad dream.

The apprehensive young blonde stepped into the bathroom between their rooms, and then slipped quietly across the tiles to the door to her mother's bedroom. Silently, she turned the doorknob and opened the door just a crack. She scanned the room, her eyes adjusting to the dim glow of the bedlamp.

And then her heart leaped in her throat! For there, on the bed, was her mother, Amy Winthrop, her long black hair streaming, her naked body churning passionately underneath, with a man on top of her!

He was obviously trying to rape her! The man had her pinned to the bed and had forced her legs open with his own muscular thighs. Ellen felt frozen to the floor. She almost let out a scream but choked it back with the palm of her hand. It was unbelievable! She started to shake uncontrollably, then bit down hard on her hand to keep from crying out. She was shaking too hard to close the door and just stood there helplessly trying to regain her composure. What should she do? She knew it would do no good for her to attempt to intervene. And then she might get raped as well. Or worse! He might kill them both.

But at the same time she couldn't seem to tear herself away from the fiercely lascivious scene. Her own mother! Being fucked! A man had his penis inside her! It was ghastly--but at the same time heart-stopping and intoxicating as well. Ellen had only a minimal knowledge of what sex was all about, despite her premature development, and her curiosity was stronger than her terror in finding her mother was being violated.

So she watched horrified and thrilled all put together, unable to move, as her naked mother struggled beneath the twilight-shrouded man on the bed. Ellen had a good view of them, although she could not see who the man was except that he was naked and wearing only a pair of socks.

By now her mother had her ankles locked tightly around the man's hairy thighs as he moved up inside her. Ellen's breath caught and her nostrils flared as she watched them, her loins suffusing with a warmish kind of sweetness. The man's body rose and fell powerfully between her mother's long white legs, pinning them even wider apart on each punishing in-stroke. Now Ellen could make out his wetly glistening penis as it moved rhythmically in and out of her mother's splayed cuntal lips, gobbling it into her as if it were candy, then clinging to the thick base as it slid out on the upward stroke.

God, it was immense! Ellen had never seen a man naked like this before, not even her father. How on earth could a female take such a huge thing up inside her belly? She didn't see how her mother kept it from splitting her open.

For a moment the man's penis lay quiet, like a great log, along the visibly throbbing vaginal furrow, the two great testicles hanging down wickedly from its hairy base. The trembling young girl could see the foreskin slipping back over the pulsating purplish tip as it slid down along her mother's widespread buttocks, the blood-engorged head bursting forth again like some primeval monster crawling evilly from its lair. And then the long thick cock slid smoothly forward again, its entire wet length again being devoured hungrily by the voracious lips of her mother's cunt.

Ellen stood transfixed, her golden hair practically standing on end, unable to take her eyes off the lewd spectacle in front of her. She could not understand why her mother had stopped struggling underneath this brutal monster. Now there seemed to be a continual flow of deeply felt incoherent moans from her moistly parted lips. Her naked body seemed to be churning in an altogether different manner now. It was almost as if her mother actually wanted that enormous penis to be sawing in and out of her.

Ellen found herself breathing more rapidly in a growing excitement. She could see clearly the exposed hair-covered vaginal furrow up between her mother's trembling thighs. The narrow red slit glistened wetly in the dim light, and she could make out the mouth-shaped lips of the cunt that seemed even from this distance to be stretched so cruelly apart by that lust- thickened shaft of flesh. Even as the thirteen year old girl watched, it contracted, opened, and closed like the mouth of a gasping fish out of the water.

The man's hand reached down between them on one outstroke, grasping his long hard instrument, and raised his buttocks high in the air, pulling out until only its bulbous head remained within me sucking mouth of her mother's feverishly churning cunt. Ellen watched and listened horrified as the muscles of his powerful ass- cheeks tensed, and then he drove into her whimpering mother again brutally, sinking his heavily veined shaft all the way into her wet gaping channel until only a brief stretch of it showed, moist and glistening, jutting out from his hairy balls. Ellen winced as her mother's unearthly wailing cry came like the scream of a wounded animal, her toes curling up in what Ellen felt certain must be some terrible agony.

Now the two nakedly entwined fingers on the bed seemed to be locked in a stillness more mobile than motion. Ellen's heart pounded like a jackhammer until she was certain everyone on Kenwood Lane could hear it. She pressed a fist tightly into her budding young breasts as if to dull that thudding sound in her ears.

Gradually the male began a slow rocking motion over her lewdly impaled and moaning mother. He withdrew slightly, the thick fleshy penis sliding out for several inches, then thrust forward again, grinding his hips in order to move it around inside of her tightly clasping vagina. Then he withdrew again until the throbbing glans head could be seen by the hypnotized blonde teenager. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief as her mother's long full legs wrapped sinuously, almost affectionately, around his naked buttocks, squirming in togetherness under him, her heels firming snugly into the cheeks of his buttocks as if she were straining to pull him even deeper inside of her. The cords on the insides of her thighs flexed as she pushed her hair-covered pussy back up over his moistly glistening penis. Her hollowing buttocks lifted several inches off the bed as she struggled upward, desperately trying to absorb the entirety of the long thick cock back into the fleshy pink folds of her hungry cunt and a wet viscous sound drifted through the room each time her pussy slithered up its full length like a cat climbing a tree trunk. Her flexing buttocks began a rhythmic beat up and down his heavily ridged manhood, and his swaying testicles slapped in time against the puckering little anus below.

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