Widow's Companion - Cover

Widow's Companion


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Amy had been using the big brass knocker on the Carters' big oak door for some time before she heard footsteps approaching from the other side.

At first she had assumed that her pretty young daughter and the Carters had gone for a drive somewhere, when there seemed to be no answer forthcoming from the big house. She knew how Ellen enjoyed riding in their convertible with the top down, her waterfall long honey hair floating gloriously in the wind. The Carters were probably her favorite people since they'd come to Kenilworth. They were so refined and well-to-do. Little wonder Ellen found their company so pleasant.

There was a disconcerting one-way peephole in the Carters' front door, and now Amy had the distinctly discomforting impression that someone was peering at her through it. In such situations even the most cool individual would find it difficult to contrive a casual appearance, and Amy Winthrop was by no means cool. She fidgeted and looked alternately away from the little peephole, then back again defiantly with her eyebrows narrowed. She wasn't sure at all that she approved of this sort of circumspectness on the part of ordinary neighbors. One would think they were running a house of ill repute or something.

Then suddenly the door opened and there was Maxwell Carter, a tall, dark and handsome brute of a man with long wavy black hair and steely blue eyes which bored right through a person. "Hello, Amy," he said pleasantly.

"Hello," she smiled shyly. "Just thought I'd come by to borrow a cup of sugar." She looked up at his grand, broad- shouldered form. He seemed to fill the whole foyer. Almost six- foot-three, at least, she thought with a pleasant and easy comparison of his mature and sensual manhood, very dignified, and Billy Erspamer's winsome youthfulness.

He smiled indulgently and took her arm, guiding her inside and closing the door behind her. Their feet clattered on the elegant hardwood tiles of the entrance hall. "Ellen isn't here right now," he said in a masterful tone. "She's gone with Dominique up to our lake cottage at Libertyville. Is there anything I can get you? A martini, perhaps?"

Amy smiled nervously. This was the first time she had ever been alone with this devastatingly handsome man, and she had to admit that it gave her butterflies in her stomach. Her adventure with Billy Erspamer seemed to have heightened her general sexual awareness and sensitivity tremendously. She tried to be casual as she said, "Well, I rarely drink in the daytime..."

"Just one, then," said Maxwell, taking her arm and guiding her dominantly towards the library. In another moment they were down the steps and walking across the plush purple carpeting towards the bar that had come sliding around open at the far side of the room. Amy smiled uncertainly and looked around. She had never been in such plush surroundings before. The Carters indeed seemed to have everything! She had never been in their library before, but the immediate impression of sumptuousness and spare- no-expense was forceful and pervading. She was impressed.

Carter went around behind the bar and began mixing them both a drink as she watched him. He said casually, looking down at his bottles and glasses in the sink below the bar, "The girls probably won't be home until quite late. That gives us some time to get acquainted and get to know each other. We've really been meaning to get to know you better. Ellen is quite a delightful child to have around."

She tried to read his words for anything more subtle, but his manner was so innocuous she failed to uncover any sinister hidden meanings. He was just a decent individual, a good man, and he really meant what he said, obviously.

She took the drink from him and smiled. "Thank you."

"Have a seat." He indicated the couch in back of her.

She sat down smiling and lifted her drink to her lips. The taste was not quite martini, but it was good and warming. She had the heady sensation that it was flowing right down her throat and into her vitals, which seemed to turn over with the minimum reaction required of a cold engine on a cold morning.

"So how are you finding our little town?" asked Carter pleasantly, his right arm resting casually over the back of the red leather arm chair so that she couldn't see his finger press a hidden button wired beneath the piano in back of it.

"Oh, it's very nice. The neighbors are very nice too, of course."

She drank some more of her very pleasant drink and noticed with a dull sort of awareness a very faint vibration which seemed to be in either the couch or in her loins, or perhaps both, as if a truck were passing in the street outside the house. She tried to shift her seat without being too obvious, but it seemed as if she had sat on some sort of ridge in the cushion, and it wasn't very easy to slip off of it.

"I understand you're a widow," he said pleasantly, drinking.

"Oh yes," not sure whether that required a smile or what.

"Must be difficult. After all those years of marriage, to suddenly be without a man."

The vibrations seemed to have increased subtly. There was a rubbery probing just beneath her rounded ass-cheeks. It seemed to be some sort of instrument inside the cushion. But that was absurd. She felt very self-conscious. His eyes were warmly upon her, and she felt awkward about trying to shift to another part of the couch.

She took another sip of her drink, which had turned truly delicious. The warmish feeling in her stomach was expanding into her rib cage, and from there upward into her deliciously ripened breasts. Her nipples began to tingle. She said, somewhat awkwardly, almost afraid of what he might reply, "Well, of course one gets used to having a man about the house..."

"No, I mean for sex," said Carter frankly. He leaned forward, his glass in his large hairy hands. "I mean, after all those years of regular fucking, it must get very lonely inside your..."

"I beg your pardon?" she asked, scarcely believing that she had heard correctly. Surely this well-spoken and good-looking man hadn't used that lewd word! Her eyes lifted and widened with astonishment. Beneath her, the pleasant sonorous drone of his roughly masculine voice had served to distract from the strange sensation of vibration under her loins. There definitely seemed to be something poking up now between her legs. The shape of it was roughly that of the end of a broom handle, round and firm. And she would have sworn it was really vibrating. She looked at her drink, puzzled. It was too late to move, as she seemed to be stuck on this ridged column. And anyway her lower body suddenly felt very tired.

Carter leaned forward, putting his fingers on her knee so confidently that she couldn't bring herself to object. He looked deeply into her eyes, and she found that his were slightly more hypnotic than they had been when he had first opened the door.

"But don't you feel," he asked, "that you are missing something when you don't have a man's long hard cock sliding up and down inside your juicy cunt from time to time?"

Amy gasped and put her hand to her throat. This conversation had gotten altogether out of hand. And now the strange sensations building in her loins served to keep her rooted to her seat. She didn't know if this tingling feeling was being caused by the vibrating prod in the cushion or by the drink or by the terribly wicked things he was saying, or perhaps by a combination of all of it. But in any case, despite her brain's insistence that she flee, her belly and thighs didn't seem to want to let her. Her sensually excited body seemed to be drenched with a weakness somewhat similar to what one feels during a bad case of the flu.

Then too, there was the fact that Maxwell Carter was a very handsome man. Now that Billy Erspamer had opened the floodgates with his masterful awakening of her voluptuous body, she had become aware of other men, too. Of men in general. Of sex in general. Where was the harm? She was a mature woman! Maxwell Carter was a mature and attractive man. For all she knew his penis might feel even better than young Erspamer's. That might be worth cheating on Billy for. And he wouldn't demand pay, either. With Ellen and Mrs. Carter away for the afternoon, it might prove a joyous respite to somewhat vary her sexual activities.

But on the other hand she mustn't appear too easy. Men never respected women who were human punchboards.

She crossed her legs at the knees, showing just a small amount of thigh and said absurdly primly, "I really don't think that's a topic open to general discussion. Isn't there something else we could talk about?" She scrunched down into her seat over the vibrating prod, which seemed to be stuck right up into the softly flanged lips of her warmly tingling pussy now. She tried to move slightly away in order to relieve the tantalizing sensation, but this only seemed to make it worse.

"Then you don't enjoy it when Billy Erspamer rams his big hard cock up into your sweet little cunt, Amy?"

The startled young mother gasped and put a hand to her throat. "Where--where... oh God! Who... told you that?" Suddenly she felt like screaming. If this man knew of her transgressions with Billy, then everyone in town must know it!

He came over abruptly and sat down next to her. Now it was really impossible to move. The vibrating broomstick beneath her loins was making her breath come faster and faster, and she knew her panties were already soaked from the lewd excitement. It was going to be impossible to retain her composure for very much longer.

"Oh, little boys have a way of bragging about their exploits," he said, his hand moving casually up inside her skirt along her sleek inner thigh. You should have selected a more mature and discreet individual for your amorous adventures. Believe me, that would work out best. If you're going to fuck with children, they only fuck you back. Your hot little cunt is probably the talk of the locker room at New Trier High."

The sensations swimming through her internal organs were undeniable now. She wanted to push his hand away, or slap it, but his words were so startling that she was thrown into confused rout. This was not orderly, this approach. Like most women, she was befuddled and disarmed by any approach to her vault of love which was distinctly out of the ordinary. She honestly didn't know what to do. And now that terrible vibration of the bony prod inside the couch cushion had increased dramatically. She was being masturbated and she knew it; but the furthest thing from her mind was flight. Far from it! By now she definitely wanted something stuffed up inside of her wildly throbbing cunt that would help to still the live sensations swarming in her belly.

His words were also adding to this incitement dramatically. Shit, fuck and piss, suck and lick and eat were all words that Billy Erspamer used to turn her on and make her want to have wild uninhibited sex. She was programmed to respond to obscene language.

So she just stared at him, hypnotized, like a rabbit watching a python slowly uncoil. His hand came to rest softly against the white-pantied pubic triangle up between her thighs and, surprisingly to her, she did not resist automatically. Then his fingers were tickling at her frantically aroused genitals as his leonine head came forward, blocking out the light until she felt as if she were slipping into an immeasurable abyss. Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers, hot and heavy, breathing with passion as his tongue attempted to penetrate through her nervously quivering red lips.

At first the beautiful young widow was not sure how to react, but by now she was besieged by so many mutually distracting sensations that she was at a loss as to how she might cleverly resist without putting him off too much. After the initial minor resistance, her mouth opened instinctively and she sucked in his massive tongue, helpless to do anything but stroke it with her lips in the way honored by so many thousands of generations of womankind.

Her body shivered as his hands moved down over her softly round buttocks and began lifting the rear of her skirt. Now her excitedly tingling loins were totally open to the magnificent masturbatory sensation of whatever was going on inside the vibrating cushion with its unseen dildo.

He nudged her hips up then and she lifted them without resistance, breaking off their kiss long enough to mutter, "You're sure they won't be coming home soon?"

His only reply was a primitive grunt, and then his outsized fingers were slipping her panties off ripely rounded ass-cheeks and down her long tapered legs, finally dragging them off her feet as he took off her shoes. Amy smiled dreamily, going along with the tide, running her fingers through his curly hair. It would have been senseless to protest this far along.

She murmured something unintelligible and put her wet little tongue into his ear as his masterful hands slipped under her blouse to unhook her brassiere, which fell away without effort as she moved around so that he could pull it off. Her proudly upthrust breasts trembled and hardened slightly as they made naked contact with his big rough hands, and she groaned in ill-concealed eagerness.

She was naked now and yet curiously felt no extreme apprehension. Indeed, her lush mature body strained and worked with his hands as they coursed over it. He rubbed her quivering ass-cheeks in small circles, gently pressing apart the two full white moons in order to slide his finger toward the tiny puckered hole of her anus where it lay winking like a red star in the night within its soft hairless crevice. His tongue was again forcing its powerful presence down into her open mouth, and she found herself sucking on it ravenously.

In another moment his searching fingers had begun sluicing through the satiny moisture of her ebony black pubic hair. He pressed his outstretched middle finger up between the wetly heated flanges of her cuntal lips and she jerked spasmodically from this unexpected contact which sent a warm ripple of erotic sensation up her naked spine.

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