Doggie Doctor - Cover

Doggie Doctor


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

He did more than stop. Ed Buyers pulled completely out of her. One long sucking stroke and he was out.

"Hey... don't... put it back in," she whispered.

Ed grinned. Then it slowly faded, his eyes twinkling, seeming to grow a shade murkier. "Now... cunt, you're going to show a little respect for a real cock." Ed's eyes telegraphed messages as he pointed to the corner of the room, his free arm swinging in a long sweeping arc-- pointing.

Mimi's eyes followed his movement, then stopped, suddenly very wide, very shocked with understanding.

Motionless, alert and obediently rooted to the spot where he had been told to stay stood the stud German Shepherd!

Ed's outstretched fingers snapped once, commandingly, and the German shepherd crossed the room dutifully. "That's right, come here, Lancer!"

Oh, there was that awful dog again!

The dog bounded gracefully onto the bed and stretched out on the bed, head raised in anticipatory acknowledgment.

Ed patted him affectionately. "Good boy... now you get your reward."

Lancer snarled softly.

Mimi's frightened eyes flicked back and forth between the two males.

And from behind her came a muffled gasp.

Mimi's head pivoted and her eyes perceived the figure of Carrie, sitting naked in a chair, legs spread wide over its sides with just a trace of the tell-tale vibrating dildo peeking out from her lewdly exposed cunt. "No, Ed, not that," she gasped.

Mimi's mind was swirling with confusion. What did Ed plan to do to her? And more importantly, when did he plan to do it? God, she had to come soon!

Once again, Mimi looked questioningly from Ed to Lancer and back again. She followed the man's gaze, saw the pink furry skin of the dog's belly lying exposed to her and, with it, the long sheath of his animal cock and its twin, furry black sacs. She took it all in, slowly realizing Ed's intentions.

She started to turn around to confront him, but his hand grasped her head, forcing it to remain there. "You don't want to be making any sudden moves now, cunt. Lancer might get mad and take a hunk out of your ass," he sneered. "You just give him a good blow job and don't make any quick moves unless..."


Mimi's mind spun crazily at the prospect of the dreadful things he was demanding of her. Was she crazy or was the rest of the world nuts? Suddenly she felt terribly out-of-synch with the rest of humanity, as if she'd been raised in a closet, only now emerging to find out what life was about. Could she make herself do this... ? Would he kill her if she didn't?

"Make up your mind, little girl. Give my stud here a little face, or let him eat your ass off!"

Her hand shaking like a falling leaf, Mimi slowly reached down and stroked the furry sheath of the dog's animal cock. Lancer wriggled impatiently under her touch.

"Turn your head so I can watch," ordered Ed. "I want to see it going in and out of that dog-sucking mouth of yours! Come on, give him head!"

Vainly, Mimi tried to blot out all thoughts of what was happening, to hold back the choking wad of nausea filling her stomach. Placing the side of her face against the huge animals' warm belly, she began to fondle his long, fur-encased member with her hand. Slowly, ever so slowly, she stroked it, while Ed looked on wide-eyed, and suddenly... it appeared... the pointed scarlet, glistening tip of Lancer's long animal-cock oozing out of its protective sheath, slowly moving forward. She took a long, deep breath to fight back the nausea.

"Now! Suck it!" her employer hissed.

Holding her breath now, Mimi did it. Pushing all the degradation from her mind, Mimi opened her lips and allowed the slender red cock tip to slide into her moist mouth, then farther and farther, until it touched the back of her throat. As she brought her tongue into action, the taste surprised her. Amazingly it was almost sweet, tangy. Lancer responded immediately, hunching his rear flanks forward as she began to suck and twirl his lewdly distended organ in her mouth. As she moved her hand to his balls, caressing them lightly with her fingertips, a long low whine came from the dog's throat and his left rear leg began to quiver convulsively.

Mimi hollowed her cheeks slightly as the long tapered shaft shot into her mouth in one steady pumping rhythm. She closed her teeth, but not enough to hurt the dog, swirling her tongue around his member as the excitement of this incredible depravity sunk into her mind. Somehow it didn't seem nearly so awful as she'd anticipated--rather, almost enjoyable in a terribly wicked, forbidden sort of way.

"Suck it, bitch! Suck it good!" commanded Ed, pulling her full widespread buttocks closer to him.

Mimi felt the sudden surge of the man's hot penile shaft plunging wildly up into her seething cuntal passage, and she had to cry out, but the fantastic fulfilling animal cock fucking into her ovaled lips wouldn't allow it. It was beginning to taste even sweeter, and the way it plunged to her mouth was driving her wild with pure primal lust as Ed began to screw into her again with renewed energy, but this time from behind.

And suddenly Mimi began to thirst for Lancer's animal cum, thirst for it to gush down her throat, to choke her as it spurted forth in a hot sticky torrent! Maybe she'd finally cracked up like the rest of the world, but she accepted her fate and sucked and tongued his glistening cock while Ed fucked her from behind. She could feel his heavy, sperm- laden balls slapping with a loud thump against the sensitive nub of her erect little clitoris, and she closed her eyes, savoring every second of this abandoned ecstasy she had suddenly found.

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