Doggie Doctor - Cover

Doggie Doctor


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mimi Spender clenched her eyes tightly shut, refusing to give up the lassitude of afternoon dreams, despite the insistent tap on her left shoulder. Her eyes blinked once and the summer breeze blew silken strands of her chestnut hair across her relaxed face. The effort of reaching up with one hand awakened her senses, then, and the events of the day flooded back on her in startling reality. Her father's encouragements, the empty house... and later on her own lewd masturbation while a girl she didn't know had twisted and writhed with a dog in sexual coupling... a debauchery Mimi, despite her countrified experience, didn't even know was possible. And then finally her own uncontrollable release as the sensations of lust had built into an insane tempo and she had succumbed to her pent-up desires. Her inhibitions--usually well guarded and labeled chaste by an over-active morality--had crumbled unexplainably, with the fingers of one hand sluicing wetly into the hotly gushing portals of her cunt until she had come to orgasm. And that was what clung to her fingers now as they grazed across her nose to wipe the hair from her eyes--the telltale scent of her own lust. And that rawness and vague feeling of being spent and used had come from fingering herself. Oh Shame!

"... Mimi... ?" came a far-away sounding voice. "... Mimi... ?" it repeated, as gentle as the wind in the pear tree above.

Reluctantly, in slow motion, Mimi raised her head to stare into the dimpled face of Carrie who stood above her, her golden-wheat tanned body audaciously exposed in a pair of white tennis shorts and a stretchy tube- top of a brilliant cherry red. "What are you doing asleep under the tree? We've been looking for you...

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry..." Mimi's bewilderment at Carrie's change of heart attitude left her vulnerably impressionable, and for a moment Mimi wasn't sure this was even the same cattish green-eyed girl who'd so suspiciously assayed her the day before. A friendliness, vague though it seemed, had replaced that razor sharp edge of distrust. Is... Is Ed waiting for me?"

Carrie's dimples deepened. "He sure is... he wants to show you around the grounds and get you set up in the summer house. Brenda's leaving tonight for the week... I'm not sure what her excuse is, but Ed needs to show you the kennels and give instructions on feeding the pups."

Mimi stumbled to her feet, following Carrie's footsteps to the summer home where Mimi deposited her suitcase and bedroll and then made her way to dog kennels where Ed waiting with foot-tapping impatience. His glowering smile made her stiffen, and instinctively, she didn't like him.

My Lord there's something so familiar in that look... Dobkins... the way he looked at me before he attacked me! That same dirty old man grin that wouldn't accept no as an answer!

Her eyes shot back at Carrie and found no reassurance there. Mimi shivered in the bright afternoon sunlight, feeling trapped in a time zone like some crazy midnight space odyssey.

Wobbly kneed, the coed forced her concentration on the six week old puppies yelping and whining at her feet, one nibbling at the toes of her sandaled feet, while another--the runt of the litter--ran with his tail between his legs, hovering at her feet while the bully of the litter chased him, nipping at his stubby tail. "Poor little baby," Mimi empathized, getting down on her haunches to scoop up the yelping puppy in her arms, and looked straight into the eyes of the male German Shepherd who'd made love to that girl in the summer home! Mimi stiffened. An evil, menacing stare leveled at her from intense dog's eyes, and an ominous shiver coursed up her some.

Ed hovered about, grating out directions, instructions, rations, and cautions. Mimi heard little of it. Those canine eyes held her captive, causing something obscenely sexual to trigger in her mind. Lord what was going on inside her head?

They left her then with the bag of dog food, the empty dishes and the water bucket, with a horde of dogs jumping lip on her legs begging for attention, hungry and impatient. Calmed now that Ed and Carrie had left her alone, Mimi went about her task of scooping out a handful of dry dog food into each dish, then pouring fresh water in the centrally located watering dishes. It was dog for dog competing for the food, and as always, the bigger animals gulped down their food then moved to their neighbor's dish to finish his before the smaller jaws had gotten their fill. Like dominoes, the bigger puppies shoved the little ones over... one down the line... leaving the runt of the litter a hungry waif. Mimi was considering refilling the dishes when she heard a sharp whine and glanced over her shoulder to watch the big male German shepherd take off after the runt of the litter, chasing him through the open gate of the kennel, down the path leading toward the summer home and disappear around the corner.

"Oh, God, no!" heaved Mimi. First I fell asleep on the job, then the dogs get loose! Great... they're really going to think I'm a stupid chick! Dropping the scoop of dried food, she took out after the dogs, careful to close the gate behind her, wondering what trumped up excuse she could give Ed for her blatant negligence...

She found the great male dog standing outside the door of the summer house, the door still ajar. Guessing the pup had found refuge under her bed or in back of the single dresser she would be sharing with the mysterious blonde, Mimi got down on her knees under the bed and found the pup shivering with fright, huddled in the corner near the wall.

How to get him out? Tact... Down on her knees, she bent even lower, her face close to the floor, her breasts touching it, her shapely buttocks spread and raised in lewd enticement as the narrow crotchband of her Levi's hiked up to wedge in the crevice of her buttocks.

"Come on little puppy," she encouraged. "Come on little puppy," she encouraged. "Come on... don't let that big bully scare you. Come on... Mimi won't let you get hurt..." Slowly, she reached out her hand to grab his leg or the scruff in back of his neck. Balancing herself with the palm of her left hand placed flat against the floor, she reached for it with her right, stretching her arm as far as it would go in the narrow space. It was no good--she couldn't reach the pup who huddled closer to the wall now.

Backing up a little, she levered her body around her weight was balanced on her knees and elbows, then slithered forward, her hips arching up as her torso dipped and extended, her head, shoulders and arms wedging into the restricted space. With her chin touching the floor, she shifted slightly, bringing most of her weight onto her left elbow as her right hand groped for the elusive puppy. Her fingers touched his front leg, and he pulled back, yelping.

Damn! "Come on puppy!"

One again transferring her weight, Mimi eased it off her elbow and onto her chest, making it possible to scoot another three, perhaps four inches forward. With her hips guiding her actions, she inched forward on her flatly mashed breasts until she felt the small of her back wedge against the edge of the bed frame. She could go no further, unless she began all over again and slithered back under on her belly.

Carefully then, for now she could see not at all, she began searching blindly with her fingers for the fluff of puppy fur, inching them along the bare floor, right arm fully extended, moving slowly in an arc from right to left. Her fingers touched something soft and warm and again it huddled closer to the wall and out of her reach.

Careful, now, she thought, easy does it. Don't scare the pup. Slowly, ever so slowly, her fingers crept over the floor, her senses tuned for the slightest contact with the warm fur.

Suddenly, like snapping whip, her head banged up against the bedsprings and her torso shot forward, wedging her helplessly between bed and floor.

She had experienced a warm touch all right, but not with her fingers- -with her half naked, lewdly displayed buttocks! Something warm was nuzzling between her helplessly spread thighs!

She was hopelessly trapped, wedged between floor and bed, and her roommate's dog-lover was sniffing between the cleft of her upthrust buttocks, his warm wet nose rooting obscenely there!

Oh God! That damned dog! After the performance she had witnessed this afternoon, there was no doubt in her mind what he wanted. Perhaps if she remained motionless he would become bored and go away.

So, teeth gritting, she did her best to remain still, but every touch of the dog's nose sent a fresh shiver of fright racing along her spine. What kind of madness was this? She couldn't cry out for help... that would be rather silly. She'd never be able to look that arrogant Ed or snide Carrie in the eye again if they found her like this.

She shivered anew as the dog's moistly quivering tongue suddenly lashed out, licking the sensitive folds of her helplessly proffered vagina. Her whole body tensed and she wiggled her buttocks, but he wouldn't budge. She tried again and in response he growled, softly but menacingly.

She was hopelessly trapped! There was nothing to do but remain still and wait for the frightening beast to go way!

Again his tongue licked over her puckered anal crevice, licking up tinder the ragged edges of her cut-offs, coursing down over the fleshy ridges of her quivering pussy that pouted out beneath in succulent folds, still fragrant with this afternoon's love juice.

She shuddered in abject horror as the animal licked her crotch from one end to the other and he showed no signs of stopping.

Like the lashing tongue of a lizard, the dog's rough tongue licked again and again at the moist warm juiciness of the trapped woman's vaginal cleft, and she found herself quaking from his savage contact--not from fear but from something she suddenly couldn't control, a strange sort of primitive excitement that emanated from deep within her near naked cunt.

What's happening to me? What's going on inside my body? First I let that awful Dobkins lick me down there and I begged him not to stop, and now I'm feeling the same way from a dog licking me!

The dog's bristly tongue raced over her clitoris as it slithered up under her shorts; he lapped at the tangy tasty wetness of her narrow slit. Mimi's belly was knotted to the breaking point and she strained to hold back a tortured, relief-giving scream. I can't stand anymore! I can't!

Hungrily, the dog's lapping tongue snaked deep between the soft pliable lips of her moistly seeping cunt, the rough tip brushing over her pulsing clitoris now and then, each time sending a convulsive shiver racing along her tightly clenched cuntal furrow.

His hot probing tongue wormed up into the warmly trembling entrance to the mouth of her cuntal channel, lapping at the warm wetness deep inside her grasping pussy walls. Her body was shivering out of control... she didn't know how much more of this she could take before he licked her to orgasm. Then suddenly she knew... none. "Oh, no! Oh no!... ohhhhhh!"

She clenched her teeth to muffle her deep throaty moan, then lay there, heaving convulsively in the dying throes of her sudden overpowering orgasm.

After a moment the huge dog left and painfully Mimi backed out from under the bed.

From the doorway Carrie watched amusedly. Her sweet approach this afternoon would pay off, and if she could get to this young lovely before Ed did, she could have them both.

"My... what kind of problems are you having, Mimi?" a syrupy voice breathed femininely as Mimi struggled shakily to her feet, "and so appreciative of our well trained stud's talents, too..." she chuckled.

The young coed spun around to face the open doorway and her amused woman who's stinging words prompted Mimi to gasp in denial, but before the thoughts could be put into words, her climax-weakened knees betrayed her and she struggled awkwardly to prevent herself from falling, instead bumping the bed and flopping backward onto it.

"Are you okay?" asked the svelte brunette, hurrying across the room.

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