Doggie Doctor - Cover

Doggie Doctor


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

After all these years of debauchery, Ed Buyers for his thirty-eight years was still a good looking man. Bachelorhood was his key: He didn't have to devote any time to covering evidence of his debauchery... the late nights with women, the empty Jack Daniels bottles... nothing. Just he and his dogs and his assistants. Clearly, he was the master of his castle, and that was rule number one here at Bartholomew's Kennels.

His property was vast. A full three hundred and fifty two acres of fine Davis land, though the new freeway ran a cement ribbon through the middle of that acreage. In the center of the property, down in a valley between the freeway and the scrub pine hills bordering it, sat his two- story wooden frame house with a wide screened in front porch where he ate his meals when the weather allowed. Behind the main house, as his 'assistants' called it, was a summer home where one of his two coed assistants lodged, using the kitchen in the main house whenever they wished. In the winter the summer home would have been far too chilly to be habitable, but the scorching summer months found it ideal. The girls didn't complain... that was Ed's thermometer for change. Off to the right, under a small grove of peach, pear, apple, and plum trees were the dog kennels--a small shed painted in cherry red with Bartholomew's Kennels painted in an expert, feminine Gothic hand. Beside the shed was a fenced- in dog run constructed of heavy mesh stolen from the depot of supplies when the freeway was being built.

At five-thirty on this Monday afternoon, with the sun hanging hot in the cloudless sky, Ed Buyers settled on the chaise lounge of his front porch, a cold Dos Equis in a frosty mug clutched in one hand. Carrie, a well-endowed black haired girl with deep dimples on her cheeks and one to match on her chin, paraded before him cleaning up the luncheon dishes from the table. She had come to Ed's looking for a job... just as Mimi Spender had done that afternoon... and Carrie had decided this was her avocation in life and stayed, forgetting about college, forgetting about pompous sorority sisters and frat parties.

"Tell me..." urged Ed, grasping out to touch Carrie's ripely tan well exposed flesh, "what do you think of her?"

"Her? Who's her?" The dishes clanked together as he piled up the coffee cups.

"Mimi... the girl I just interviewed."

"Oh, great... !" An edge of jealousy didn't escape Ed's practiced instincts. "Carrie turned then. "You got the hots for her, don't you? I don't understand... she's not your type at all... so innocent."

"Oh yeah, maybe she's a little too country, but baby, those tits! Jesus, she's got a pair of knockers on her that won't quit!" He took a deep sip of his beer. "Besides," he started decisively, "we need some new blood around here. Something to liven the place up."

"Now you're turning into a tit man, huh? I thought you were an ass man from way back!" She started for the kitchen with the dirty plates.

"I am, I am! But she's no slouch in that department either. Man, would I ever like to throw the ol' meat to that little honey!"

Piqued by this sudden fixation of Ed's, Carrie set down the dirty dishes on the counter-top next to the dish washer and slipped her hands back to undo the hooks of her bikini top. Ed's raving about another woman's body made Carrie's ears buzz with envy and distrust of his intentions, and there was only one way to keep Ed's mouth shut. Carrie had wriggled out of her bikini top now and her rich full breasts had spilled free of their cups and swung tantalizingly down to her chest, twin white melon-shaped islands in a sea of tanned flesh, capped with the crinkly dark half-dollar nipples that peered at him like an extra pair of eyes. She stood in the doorway adjoining the porch to the kitchen now, her hands braced against the door jam, making her breasts perk out all the more. "Anything wrong with the knockers you have at home?" She was all too conscious of who she, Carrie, had happened to replace Josey, Ed's lover before her, and by God she wasn't about to be replaced by anybody.

Seductively, she put one hand under each breast, lifting its soft weight lightly and holding the resilient mounds up and out in unmistakable offering to her lover.

"Oh, baby, you know better than that!" Ed exclaimed, putting down his beer glass. "Come here you gorgeous little hunk of ass!" he commanded, crooking his finger at her.

As usual, she obeyed with a little giggle, slinking down to his side on the chaise lounge. Like a sailor hot for a lay, he pounced on her. All at once his lips were everywhere on her naked flesh, warmly licking the hardening tips of her nipples, tracing a path with the moistness of his tongue-tip between her proudly bulbing peak of feminine flesh.

His hands coursed over the smoothness of her bare back and down over the lust-inciting swell of her shapely buttocks, as his finger probed deeply into the moist and hairless nether cleft and his thumbs hooked in the tight elastic strip of her bikini, pulling it down and over the full womanly curve of her ass cheeks. She spread her thighs just a little so that he could tug the tightly fitting swim suit bottoms down along her long thin legs and she kicked out of them with a little shiver of anticipation and excitement. She liked being naked, it felt good to her, and if there was a man naked too, well all the better! Her lover's tongue dropped from the tingling fleshy mounds of her breasts and traced a thin trail along the smooth flatness of her belly, rubbing over the soft, nearly invisible little hairs that led the way to the fluffy vee shaped mound of pubic softness below. She shivered again, more violently this time, as his tongue made its initial electric contact with the nerve- filled bud of her tiny pink clitoris. "Ohhh, God, Ed, that's so good! Your tongue there on my clit like that is fantastic!" Carrie sucked in her breath. The chaise lounge squeaked under their weight.

Standing up, Ed pulled himself free of his trousers and undershorts without ever once taking his tongue away from the fragrant dampness of her warmly secreting vaginal cleft. Christ, it was so delicious! It was uncanny, but there always seemed to be something different about Carrie... some exotic forbidden taste she had to her there that was so good it was addictive!

She pushed him away firmly but gently and for a second he looked up at her with a puzzled expression but when he saw that certain little tight grin spreading across her beautiful face, he knew what was coming. God, how that woman liked to suck cock! Man, she could eat four before breakfast and still be hungry!

Carrie looked down into Ed's eyes and pushed on him back onto the chaise lounge until he took the hint and let himself lay supine. Christ, how she wanted him now! She'd suck him and nibble on that cock of his till he wouldn't remember what that little bitch Mimi Spender even looked like. Nothing could turn her on like the hot, hardened feel of a good thick cock there so deliciously in her mouth. And when it squirted its scalding thick load down her throat all she had to do was merely squeeze her thighs tightly together to massage her clitoris between the moist warm lips of her cunt and she would cum like a speeding freight train! No college course could teach you that!

The heavily panting brunette was trembling as she leaned over her husband to trail her full lips wetly down over the taut muscles of his hairy stomach. Then, lifting her head, she purred softly, "Ready, lover?" He moaned under her practiced touch and she kept it up, knowing he liked it when she talked like that... Most men did. It seemed to appeal to their baser instincts and it never failed to get the action started. Her fingernails scratched lightly over his stiffened hardness which was so achingly erect there jutting out from the slight paunch of his abdomen. She crawled in between his spread legs to hover on all fours with her face just above the towering red length of his lust-engorged penis, knowing that he could feel her heated breath on him there and he was squirming in eager anticipation of the feel of her moist warm lips clasped tight around his aching rigidity.

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