Doggie Doctor - Cover

Doggie Doctor


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mimi Spender cried, screamed, kicked, and pleaded to her guardian angels. It did no good. Pinned to the hay stack with that smirking photographer squatting victoriously over her, she wondered how she could have been so stupidly ignorant as to let this man sweet talk her into getting naked. His immense hairy balls were brushing her flat smooth belly, his thick knob of a cock beginning to swell and harden as it dangled beneath his taut stomach.

"C'mon, honey, stop playing hard to get. I know you aren't a virgin, for Chrissakes. Nobody takes off their clothes like that... not if they got a cherry!" leered Dobkins, gripping his stiffly hardening cock in his right hand. "You and I both know you want to get fucked!"

"No! You've got it all wrong!" cried Mimi, her eyes wide with terror. "I don't want to do it!"

Easing his form forward, the older man slid his naked loins over the pinioned girl's trembling belly until his heavy balls dangled lewdly between her bulging, quivering breasts. As he knelt, her pink crinkly nipples jutted straight up at him, the soft curve of her ripely molded breasts resting against his thighs where he straddled her, pinning her between his thick legs.

Pushing the full fleshy mounds of her heaving breasts tightly together with his thighs, he squeezed the turgid rubbery length of his throbbing cock hardness between her warm resilient breasts. A barely audible sigh of pleasure escaped his lips as he felt the yielding softness caress the sensitive length of his rapidly swelling shaft, urging his slumbering member into rosy, blood-filled stiffness until the swollen bulbous tip poked stiffly against her chest, hidden between the tremulous 32D breasts.

That's it, old boy... just keep growing like that right in front of her eyes... harder and harder... thicker and thicker!

Suddenly, his rigid penile spear sprang from its hiding place between her trembling breasts, shooting out like a quivering arrow from his loins. Still gripping it tightly in his right hand, he pulled back the sheath of flesh that covered the blood-engorged cock head until it poked free with a moist plopping sound. Squeezing the hard shaft of his urgently pulsing cock tightly, the bulbous tip swelled with deep, blood-infused fullness, distending until it was twice its normal size, pulsating with eagerness scant inches from Mimi's fright-widened aqua eyes.

Tears began to trickle, against her will, from beneath her now closed lids as she refused to admit to herself--her only chance for escape--what was happening to her!? It was hopeless, she knew. "Oh, please, Mr. Dobkins... just let me get dressed and I'll get on my bike and ride back to the dorm... nobody will ever know..."

Dobkins grinned with a leer that could freeze rain. "That's right, nobody will ever know..."

Mimi opened her eyes, nearly afraid to believe her own ears. "What did you say?"

Dobkins aimed his throbbing swollen cock at her face like a weapon. "Suck my cock, Mimi! Suck it really good just one time and I'll let you go home."

It took a full second for the words to register in her luridly confused brain but, when they did, they slammed into her like a ton of falling steel. "No! No! You're out of your mind! I can't do that... I won't!" she gasped, struggling with all her strength to free her naked body from his grip. But his thick hairy thighs pinned her like glue to the hay pile so that she was powerless to escape him no matter how hard she tried.

Then she remembered something she'd learned from a high school football player she'd once dated--hit him where he was most vulnerable... and it wasn't his Achilles heel! Gritting her teeth and summoning all her meager courage, the desperate girl slammed her tightened fist into his scrotum with all her strength, smashing her small hand all the way into his groin.

" Oh... oh... aaaggghhh!" he snarled, immediately clutching at his painfully throbbing testicles with both hands, releasing for an instant his grip on her.

And that fleeting instant was all Mimi needed. Like a serpent, she quickly slithered out from under the weight of the horrible naked man and flung her legs toward the barn floor.

Snapping to her feet, she grabbed her clothes and bolted for the barn door, trailing undergarments behind her in a mindless dash for safety. Nothing mattered except putting as much distance between them as she possibly could.

Nearly stumbling as she raced across the worn cold cement floor, she reached the door in three bounding leaps, leaving a whining bray of horses behind her.

"You stupid little bitch!" roared Dobkins, still clutching his pained groin. "I locked that door... you think I'm stupid or what? Maybe you're not as smart as you thought, huh? You coulda gotten off by just sucking my cock, but now you're gonna get it!"

Staggering clumsily to his feet, the man came toward her, his eyes squinting with menacing maliciousness. "You goddamn little bitch. Come here!"

Too frightened to run, and knowing screams and confusion would only upset the horses, Mimi cowered before him, awkwardly covering her chestnut patch of pubic hair and the pink points of her resilient young breasts. "Please... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," she whimpered weakly, her lips trembling, again feeling beaten by a man. First Dr. Osborn refused to give her a B because she was a woman and now... and now this man was treating her like a slut for the same reason. It didn't make sense.

"And cut out that shit, too," muttered Dobkins. "Crying won't do any good... not after that cute little stunt you just pulled!"

He grabbed her by the waist, shoving her roughly ahead of him, back down on the hay pile. Her eyes darted toward the pitchfork, and for a moment she considered leaping for it and stabbing this vile man right where it hurt. But if she wasn't faster than he this time... God only knew what he'd do to her then. Stab her? Slit her throat? No, better to take the passive route, crooked and threatening as it was.

Timidly, Mimi sat on the hay, numb to its prickling, her knees clamped in ludicrous modesty as the naked man advanced on her, her arms folded in a reverent cross over her chest.

Grabbing her painfully by the shoulder, Dobkins squeezed the tender flesh in his tight grip and shoved the defenseless girl down supine, forcing her then, by a mere flip of his arm, into a humiliating kneeling position before him. Mimi offered no resistance--the will to live her own goal. She had learned her lesson and she couldn't afford to enrage him any more than she already had.

Pulling her head roughly toward his hairy loins, he smashed her face flat against his again limp cock.

"Mmmmmfff..." She could barely open her mouth to speak as he held her crushed against him, her lips touching the smooth rubbery head of his twitching cock.

Her stomach tightened in sudden panic as she tasted the salty tanginess of his flaccid cock crammed against her quivering lips--she'd never touched a man's penis with her mouth, not even her old lover Joey's under the apple tree, and that was so long ago she wasn't even certain if that affair had happened. Maybe if they'd been together longer she would have done this for Joey. The burning knot of fear in her stomach grew larger, like a cancerous growth of repugnance threatening to burst her insides, but she fought it bravely, determined not to add to her humiliation. Tears of abject degradation and helpless surrender streamed down her flushed cheeks as she realized she was about to be forced to perform this lurid act with a total stranger. With Joey, it would not have seemed so despicable. But with this awful filthy man it became an act of total debasement.

"You know what to do with it, baby," growled Dobkins, gripping her long chestnut locks tightly with his fingers of both hands and twisting until her mouth opening in searing pain. "Suck it, cunt! Suck it! Suck it real good and use that sweet little tongue of yours to clean it nice and slick!"

With one last surge of hope, the defenseless young girl sought to beg for mercy, but when her lips parted, his turgid cock was swiftly rammed between them with a sudden snap of his pelvis, filling her vulnerable virginal mouth with his fleshy, blood-swollen length. Her cheeks hollowed instinctively to accommodate its full size and immediately it began to swell and harden even more in the moist warmth of her confining mouth.

"Lick it clean, bitch!" he ordered. "Lick it til it's nice and hard. And if you're real good, you'll get an extra treat." She glanced up at him with soulful, pleading blue eyes, but the mean smirk that streaked across his face told her there was no hope left.

Instinctively, she tried to keep her tongue from touching his obscenely throbbing cock head, but she found it impossible as the thick shaft continued to swell in the warm clinging moistness of her mouth.

His fingers tightened once again in her thick wavy hair. "Lick it, I told you! Lick it nice!"

Timidly, Mimi touched her virginal tongue to the instantly throbbing head of his fleshy cock, afraid of what response it might bring. At the mere thought of his hot seething semen emptying into her throat, she gagged in repulsion, then tried to keep those thoughts out of her mind.

Filled with throbbingly hot blood, the swollen penile shaft grew more huge as her tongue reluctantly caressed the thick hardening length. -And as it began to grow even longer and thicker, Mimi was suddenly terribly scared! This time her fright was very physical, very real!

It's going to choke me... asphyxiate me! This ugly thing will go right down my throat and I won't be able to breath!

Without a hint of warning, Dobkins suddenly pulled back with a quick jerk of his hips, and Mimi looked up at her cruel captor with wide-eyed wonder as his stiffly pulsating cock slipped from between her moist clasping lips.

"Surprised, bitch, huh?" he sneered, holding his dilated cock in his left hand so that the distended tip lewdly brushed her lips. "Well, don't be... I just decided I'll take a rain check on my blow job. You've got a nice little pussy between those pretty legs of yours, and I aim to have some of it. What d'ya say? You gonna give it to me, or do I have to take it?

Mimi admitted defeat. "I... I can't fight you any more... I'll do whatever you say..." Then defiance flickered in her aqua eyes. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to like it," she spat.

Dobkins guffawed, his shock of stringy blonde falling over his forehead. "We'll see... but-first, get up on your knees!" Mimi shamefully obeyed, unable to look her tormentor in the eye. Shivering involuntarily, she lowered her naked body until she was flat on her belly.

Dobkins looked over his choice prize appraisingly as if she were a hunk of roast beef ready to be sliced for a deli sandwich. Her twin firm buttocks were clenched tightly together, that he could see. "Up on your knees!" he barked. "I want to see that little brown eye looking at me!"

Cringing, Mimi obeyed, resigned to her plight. Oh God... how could I have been so stupid! No wonder I got a C in horse-face's class. I hate being a woman... I'm so vulnerable to everybody!

Gripping her firm young buttocks with both hands, Dobkins spread the deep crevice of her trembling ass cheeks with his thumbs, opening up to his unobstructed view the taut muscular ring of her tiny cringing anus, then the warm moist pink softness of her vaginal cleft, her fleshy puckered lips spread ever so slightly in a tempting display of lewd feminine appeal.

Mimi's whole body tensed like a coiled spring in horrified anticipation of the bruising pain she expected to slam into her at any minute. But she wasn't prepared for what happened next!

Pain she would have been ready for--but not this!

Skillfully, Dobkins spread the soft pink flanges of her vulnerably proffered young pussy, opening wide the warm moist lips and brushing aside the softly curling hairs that lined the sides of her damp crevice. When the narrow slit was spread wide enough for his amusement, exposing the fluted coraline edges of her moist vaginal hole, Dobkins lowered his head to her soft fragrant pussy-lips, catching the young girl completely by surprise.

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