Vicki's Furry Friend - Cover

Vicki's Furry Friend


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The cold, winter rain beat a relentless tattoo against the glass panes of the bedroom window, and Victoria Young shivered involuntarily beneath the thick quilt covering her firm young body. The curvaceous brunette drew it tighter around her chin, listening to the gurgle of water in the roof drains, and wished her husband, Kirk, were home on this afternoon of all afternoons.

It was New Year's Eve.

But he wasn't home, and he wouldn't be home until six o'clock--it was a little after three now. He was a physical education teacher at Valley Glen College, and had the misfortune--or fortune, depending on whose point of view was taken--to be a hundred miles away in Lakeland, coaching the college's freshman basketball team in the championship game of the Holiday Classic Tournament.

It would be nice, she thought, if Kirk were here right now, lying with me under this warm old quilt with his arms around me. Perhaps we could even make love; yes, that would be nice--to make love with Kirk on this cold New Year's Eve afternoon.

She thought about her husband of less than a year, about his tall, handsome body and his pleasantly freckled face topped with that funny little shock of dark red hair. She thought about Ws quiet tenderness, his concern when she was feeling low or under the weather, his self-assurance about future prosperity, when his enormous talent was realized and he was entrenched as Valley Glen's head coach. He often talked of the day when they could live in their own home, perhaps one of the older but aesthetically appealing homes along faculty row or one of the newer, more modem ones in the hills above the campus, instead of this small and somewhat shabby guest house six miles north of the college on a once prosperous citrus ranch now withering into obscurity under the crush of exorbitant property taxes brought about by the greed of the area's land developers; when they would drive an elegant Cadillac or Lincoln instead of the five year old Volkswagen they owned at present; when they could have a couple of kids and take yearly vacations to exotic ports of call such as the Virgin Islands.

And Vicki believed that all of these things would one day come true, because she believed in Kirk. He was ambitious, and was willing to put in long hours to achieve the goals he had set for himself and his lovely raven-haired wife; Victoria, in turn, was just as willing to sacrifice such things as companionship on a regular basis and luxuries, both personal and household.

Still, Vicki thought, there were times when she wished that such sacrifices did not have to be made--times like now. She had begun to picture her husband's strong body as it looked when he was naked, and the mental image caused little tingling sensations to race along her flesh. He had such a magnificently muscled body, with little curling red hairs and a flat, hard stomach that curved into a thickly thatched mound of dark red pubic hair. And his penis--so long and hard, trembling like a leashed animal when he was aroused, its head so thick and reddened and secreting warm white seminal fluid...

Vicki flushed a bright crimson at the thought of her husband's huge sexual member. God, it was so big it frightened her at times; she remembered her anguished cry on her wedding night, the thought that it would split her apart. Her fears had been groundless, of course, since she had been able to take all of it inside her--and quite comfortably, too, after the first initial pain of her broken maidenhood. Kirk had been gentle with her on their honeymoon, and she had found herself able to respond to his lovemaking very quickly, to even achieve an orgasm once in awhile. Her mother had once told her that most women never reach a climax in marriage, and she considered herself a lucky and blessed person to be able to cum with her husband perhaps once every four or five times they made love.

Lying there on their big, brass-framed double bed, beneath the heavy quilt, the voluptuous brunette knew that this afternoon was one of those times that she could--surely would--reach orgasm with her husband. But Kirk wasn't here. She couldn't have sex. She couldn't have an orgasm...

Now relax, she told herself, he'll be home at six and you can make love then. The party at Dr. Kaye's isn't until nine, and that will be plenty of time--six to nine--to do it. Oh, but damn it, I can't seem to get the picture of that wonderfully hard penis of his out of my mind... I can almost feel it inside my vagina right now, moving in and out while he kisses my breasts and puts his tongue in my mouth...

"Now stop that!" Vicki reprimanded herself. Think about something else, for heaven's sake; it's not going to do you any good to get yourself all worked up like this and not be able to have release. Think about the party tonight; think about Doctor Eric Kaye.

Victoria smiled to herself as she pictured the salt and pepper haired, distinguished looking psychology professor for whom she worked as a personal assistant. He was extremely good- looking, polite and well-mannered, and a privilege to work for; she considered herself extremely lucky to have been chosen over a number of other applicants four months previously. There were times when she wondered why he had selected her over some of the other girls who had applied--oh, she had all the necessary qualifications, of course; she had been to college, which was where she had met Kirk, and she had excellent grades and references--but still, some of the other girls had been equally well-qualified. Well, perhaps she had impressed him somehow during their personal interview, and that was why she got the job.

Vicki had to admit Eric Kaye was an extremely attractive man, one whom she would definitely have been inclined to fall for if she wasn't already married. He had a smile which could melt butter--that had been one of her mother's favorite expressions-- and he made you feel very at ease when you were around him. She had caught him casting an appreciative glance her way a time or two which couldn't be considered of the strictly impersonal type, and she supposed he found her attractive too. But he had always been the perfect gentleman--had never so much as intimated a pass at her much less made an actual overture.

That was the reason she had eagerly accepted his invitation two days ago to have her and Kirk spend New Year's Eve with he and his wife, Christine, at the secluded home in the hills above Glenview. They had decided on a quiet evening, he had said, and since Vicki had mentioned to him that she and her husband hadn't anything planned for the occasion, why shouldn't they spend it together? They could have a couple of drinks, talk shop, and get to know one another socially.

Kirk had thought the invitation a godsend when she had told him about it, and had accepted at once. He had told her that an evening with Dr. Kaye--who was one of the most respected researchers and lecturers in the field of behavioral science in the whole state--was to be considered not only an honor, but a potentially valuable asset to his own career. When you labeled such men as Dr. Kaye among your personal friends, you had one foot in the door already to tenure in one's chosen field. There were few administrative committees of which Dr. Kaye was not a respected and influential member, including the Faculty Appointment Committee, that illustrious group of individuals that held in their weighty hands the fate of all faculty appointments, be it Chairman of the Department of Physical Sciences... or head coach. Vicki couldn't remember Kirk having been happier over something since she had told him she was going to work for Dr. Kaye those four months previous.

It promised to be a fine evening if Eric Kaye entertained as well as he performed the duties of his profession--and Vicki was certain that he would. She was looking forward to it immensely. Who wanted to go out to a nightclub or a boisterous house party on New Year's Eve, anyway? Crowds, a lot of noise and too much drinking, not to mention amorous inebriates who had but one thing on their minds and didn't care whose wife they fondled at the stroke of midnight. No, she didn't want any of that this New Year's Eve; she just wanted to be with her husband and with someone like Eric Kaye whom she liked and admired and enjoyed talking to.

The young dark-haired girl shivered again as the sky grew blight for a brief instant with a zigzag flash of lightning, and a clap of thunder rumbled outside the bedroom window. The rain hammered against the panes as if demanding entrance. Vicki sighed, wishing she could fall asleep and have the nap she had intended for herself when she'd come to bed. But she was wide awake, and still thinking about Kirk, about him nakedly lying there with her on the bed with his arms around her...

Once again, the mental image of his huge, warmly pulsating penis came into her mind. She tried to dispel the lewd picture, but it refused to go away this time; she kept seeing his thick shaft of virile flesh vividly, as if she could reach out and touch it. The little tingling sensations had increased now, and she could feel her nipples harden beneath the old housecoat she wore over her brassiere and panties.

Now this is silly, she chided herself primly. Stop it this instant, Victoria Young! You're twenty-three years old and too big to indulge in sex fantasies, for goodness sake!

But the vision of Kirk's long hard cock remained in her mind. And it was joined now by another image, a scene from her pre- marriage days when she and Kirk were just engaged. Lying there, she remembered the occurrence clearly, very clearly and graphically...

It had been a hot night in early July, and they had just come from a small dinner party at the home of Kirk's parents in Santa Rosa, over a hundred miles north of the college both were attending at that time. The dinner had been given in honor of the soon-to-be-wed couple, and both their parents--as well as a select group of their respective relatives--had been present. There had been several bottles of California vintage champagne consumed during the course of the evening, and she and Kirk had had their share--and then some. They had departed shortly before midnight for the drive back to the campus.

She had sat very close to Kirk on the drive, feeling closer to him mentally than she ever had before. She even put her hand on his leg, stroking it gently but without any real sexual connotation. When they approached Stinson Beach, Kirk suggested they stop and park awhile on a remote section of the highway overlooking the dark, restlessly stirring ocean. Vicki, feeling the effects of the champagne, didn't object; she was in a responsive mood, and the idea of parking with her betrothed for a little light pre-marital kissing and petting did not seem in the least wrong to her.

Kirk put his arms around her and drew her tight against him the moment the car was stopped and the headlights switched off. He kissed her then, their mouths fusing with the ease of lovers, and she opened her lips almost eagerly to accept his probing tongue. Their tongues met and tasted one another, exchanging a lover's kiss. Kirk's hands were restless on her back and shoulders, moving back and forth, up and down, around and over her low-cut white silk dress. Vicki felt an almost overpowering surge of desire at the nearness, the intoxicating male odor of the man she loved; his kisses were eliciting a full and total response inside the bride-to-be, and when his moving hands gradually worked their way around to lightly cup her firm full breasts, she made no effort to stop him from doing so. Her mother had warned her against allowing Kirk to become too familiar before their wedding night, but the closeness she felt for him at that moment transcended all the parental warnings and instilled taboos.

He began to caress her lushly ripened breasts in earnest then, as his eager tongue probed in and out of her opened mouth. God, his gentle touch felt so good on her! She wrapped her hands in his hair, kissing him even more passionately, and then his fingers had dipped inside the low-cut front of her dress to slide inside her brassiere. The contact of his hand on her naked flesh thrilled Vicki beyond recall, and before she knew it, she was allowing him to unbutton the back of her dress and slip the garment down over her shoulders. His deft fingers found the catches on her brassiere, unsnapped them, and she felt a cool rush of air against her now-erect nipples as her firm white breasts were fully exposed to Kirk's hungry gaze.

He began to stroke her naked young breasts gently with his palms, rolling his hands over her perfectly-formed voluptuous mounds before bringing them up to massage the hardened nipples. Taking the taut, dark-brown buds between thumb and forefinger, he tweaked them into a quivering rigidity. Vicki moaned with increasing fervor as Kirk's caresses wrung soft cries of delight from her throat; little shivers of arousal began to course through her, and she had felt a warm wetness up between her legs seeping from her excitedly throbbing cunt.

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