Unfaithful Girlfriend - Cover

Unfaithful Girlfriend


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Novel-Pocketbook  

A little over a half hour before, Phillip had obediently followed Bill Dodge's wife into the same darkened room. He had wanted immediately to turn on the light so that he could again see her nakedness, to marvel at that wondrous body of hers, but she talked him out of it. He wasn't aware that her bringing him here was no accident, and that Valerie and Bill Dodge had planned all along to get him into this room with Jessica here at the same time. He had stripped his clothing from his body quickly in the darkness as she had waited on the bed urging him to hurry. His head whirled slightly from too much drink and he had not protested when the moment he stretched beside her she opened her legs wide and guided his head down between them.

He had never made love to a woman this way before, though he had often thought of it wistfully. He parted the softness of Valerie Dodge's soft curl-fringed vaginal lips with his thumbs and found his nostrils suddenly flaring from the sweet, soft odor of feminine arousal that arose from her body.

"Kiss it, darling, kiss my pussy," she had purred from above him, her fingers stroking softly through his longish hair.

He had flicked out his tongue experimentally and felt her jerk and quiver slightly as it came into contact with the smooth moist flesh exposed between the narrow pink ridges of her vaginal lips. He licked gently at the hardening little clitoris snuggled just above the wide- stretched entrance to her cunt where it gave him a sudden sense of power as it brought further jerks from her body and greater moans sifting through her lips.

He pressed his thumbs farther apart, pulling the ragged moist edges of the open slit even further apart. His tongue traced a path up and down the full length searching out the wet hidden crevices between her legs. He gradually warmed to the task as he became more and more familiar with the tiny erogenous zones of her loins and felt her breathing increasing in intensity. His sense of power grew with the familiarity and he found himself teasing for a moment at a particularly sensitive area, listening to her impatient mewlings above him, then flicked his tongue forward at the last minute when he sensed she could wait no longer.

The groans and twisting increased until he pressed his head forward and thrust his tongue out lizard-like sinking it deep into the wet, moistly pulsating opening of her pussy. There was a weird soulful cry from her lips and then a slow, grinding of her loins up against his face began. Her hands tangles tight in his hair, kept his face imprisoned between her hungrily rotating thighs as though held by steel bands.

His cock hardened on the bed covers below and his own loins began a slow thrusting against the spread, rubbing the full tortured length of his rising penis against the softness of the mattress. The tingling sensation rising in his own belly from the pressure against his cock and the sweet soft odor of Valerie's warm fleshy cunt grinding on his face blotted out the thought of anything but this moment. Only for an instant did he think of Jessica, sweet innocent Jessica... how she would react if she could see him now!

"Ooooh, fuck your tongue in and out a little faster, darling," she purred again, bringing his mind back to the task at present. He quickened his thrusts, feeling her buttocks increasing their speed slightly.

"Cup your hands under my ass and pull my cunt a little closer to your face, lover," she sighed heavily.

Phillip slid his hands down from between her thighs and cupped them under the smooth rounded globes of her ass, pulling the wetness of her loins up tighter against his face. He could feel tiny dewdrops of moisture forming against his cheeks on the edges of the soft pubic hair surrounding his lips. He nipped gently with his teeth into soft fleshy folds surrounding the widening hole and reveled in the tiny squeal it brought from her throat. He was enjoying this power he possessed over her and worked to show his complete domination on her every breath. His tongue slavered on and on in the moistness of her loins, increasing little by little in speed and depth until he had brought her to the point of absolute subjugation to the whims of his teasingly flicking tongue.

Then, as he licked and sucked between her widely yawning thighs like a hungry, mewling animal, he heard a sudden noise behind him in the darkness of the room. His first impulse was to raise his head and see what it was, but the strength of her hands holding his face tight to her loins prevented him.

He heard the noise again, closer this time as though someone were struggling quietly on the bed across from them. The smoothness of naked skin rustled against the bed cover punctuated by low, excited whispers. He closed his eyes and continued thrusting his tongue into Dodge's wife's cunt and then opened them again and tried to see Trough the darkness to the next bed. It was too dark, though the rear door to the bedroom, opening onto a lighted bath, was ajar. He was thinking why bother, it was probably some other couple trying to find a quiet secluded place of their own. He hurried his sucking of her cunt, hoping to satisfy her quickly as a thought of the others possibly sharing their hideaway began to nag him. And besides, he sort of wanted to get back to the party, for there was a girl out there that he had glimpsed only for an instant at the bar that he was dying to see closer. She looked strongly like Jessica, though a bit more sophisticated, and the curiosity of seeing her in better light was intriguing him.

His thoughts were interrupted by series of soulful gasps coming from closeby. It sounded like a woman in pain. He stopped for a moment, holding his breath. He wondered if he should continue but the question was answered by a tightening of Valerie's fingers in his hair. His tongue snaked forward again into her soft, warm, liquid depths as he heard a distinct female murmur followed by the sound of heavy male breathing. God, it was another couple and they were going to fuck right next to them. They must have either drunk a lot, or been so fired up with each other that they couldn't hear not to have noticed him and Valerie in the same room.

"Ooooo, God," he heard in a heavy throated female whisper, barely audible even in the almost total silence of the darkened chambers.

"I'm gonna' fuck you until you can't walk straight, baby..." Bill's voice followed in an equally soft murmur.

"Yes, Bill, darling, I want you to... I want you to fuck me. Fuck me good, please!"

Phillip's tongue came to a sudden halt in Valerie's cunt as he heard the familiar pleading voice. He couldn't believe his ears at first... but he heard it again... it was Jessica! That girl downstairs hadn't just looked like Jessica, it was Jessica! He was dumb-struck by the sound of her voice, the startling revelation that she was there, naked! And with another man! It had to be Bill Dodge... Bill Dodge with his girl, and him with Valerie Dodge! Christ, it was too much to even comprehend!

He was shocked back into reality by Valerie's pleading shriek above him, "... Keep sucking, Phillip darling... don't stop!"

Her legs jerked out and over his shoulders and her thighs wrapped around his head, pulling his face back into her crotch wet and hard. His face flushed as he realized she had screamed out his name and now Jessica would know. He sucked to keep her from screaming again and listened for some sign that she knew he was there and had pushed the man away. But there was none... just the continued rustling of naked bodies against the mattress and the wet moist sounds of lips slavering out of control across soft bare flesh. Oh God, he hoped she wasn't sucking him, but he didn't dare raise his head from Valerie's wildly grinding buttocks to find out. She would shriek again and if Jessica hadn't heard it last time, she would the next. But anyway, she must know that someone was here now. Jesus, how could she do whatever it was she was doing, knowing someone else was in the same room and listening? And what was she doing here, with a married man old enough to be her father? It was different for a girl, girls just don't do things like that. At least not girls like Jessica... or maybe like Jessica used to be, he thought sadly, painfully.

He wished he could see them. Was she lying on top of him, straddling him with her legs open? Was she completely naked or had she just lifted her dress up over her hips, taken in by the liquor and Bill Dodge's smooth, honey-dripping line of bull? His tortured mind formed a thousand lewd obscene pictures of his darling Jessica lying in the darkness across the room, her dress pulled up over her hips and lying back on the mattress with her legs spread obscenely open while this woman he was sucking's husband plundered her soft, defenseless cunt with his hands and mouth, that sweet innocent little pubic cleft he had treasured so much. Or was she haunched over him, her head bobbing up and down with his thick hard cock shoved into her clean soft mouth. He groaned and pushed his face as tight as he could into the warm moistness of Dodge's wife's pussy, trying to drive from his mind the anguished thoughts.

He had known Bill was here, at least Valerie had said that he was coming, but she hadn't said anything about this! His own sweet Jessica being lured into this swingers' set!

God, he was getting turned on beyond belief! Excited from the wet sucking noises coming from Bill's hotly licking tongue as he plundered the very depths of Jessica's hot steaming pussy. And suddenly, without knowing, he forgot it was his own girlfriend there, he forgot it was another man bringing cries of pain and pleasure from her lust contorted lips. It was just another woman, a hot passion-crazed naked woman writhing and twisting in the throes of an act as old as the ages. He felt his cock throbbing and aching against the covers below, his testicles felt swollen and angry at their neglect and he could feel small droplets of cum begin oozing from the tip of his penis wetting the mattress beneath where it had rubbed. It jerked when suddenly he heard her cries and pleadings for further and further indignities to be heaped upon her. He moaned in piteous masochistic torture as Bill Dodge followed her screams and rammed his small finger deep into her virginally unplundered little asshole.

And she was begging for more! He was sucking her harder and harder!

He heard her murmuring obscene words, words he didn't know she even knew, broken and slurred, mixed with the animal mutterings of passion from deep in her lungs. She groaned incessantly and he could hear the rustling of her naked skin against the bed as it twisted and turned beneath Dodge's relentlessly licking tongue. He could picture her with her face wildly contorted in abandoned ecstasy, her body bent double with the toes of her feet touching the bed up over her shoulders, her loins presented up in defenseless virginal surrender to his voraciously sucking mouth.

And then, then she loosed an unearthly squeal that was low and sharp and sounded as though he were killing her except that Phillip knew only too well that wasn't the case. She was at the point of orgasm, brought there by another man, and the wet sucking noises coming from Jessica's widespread and nakedly open young pussy filled the room as Bill Dodge licked and sucked between her thighs faster and faster with his tireless lizard-like tongue. God, it was something only he should be doing, yet somehow it didn't anger him, it excited him!

He heard her voice gasping, "Aaaaahhhhh..." trailing off to a small almost helpless cry of piteous whimpering as she moaned out her completion through desire tortured lips.

Phillip's body was tense, and he sucked harder against Bill's wife's open loins trying to no avail to kill the furious aching desire building in his cock below as he heard his own nakedly spread girlfriend being debauched as she had never been before.

He heard her breathe deeply, a sigh escaping from far down inside her still heaving chest. She gave small occasional cries of further sensation as her teasing lover nipped for a moment longer at the still throbbing bud of her tiny erect clitoris.

There was silence for a moment, broken only by the heavy spent breathing coming from the other side.

He listened intently to see if they would stop or go on to something else as equally perverted and dirty as the act they had just finished. His own sucking was forgotten now; his only desire the need to contain this restless urge in his loins to leap the distance that separated them and rape his girlfriend where she lay. God, he wanted more than anything to fuck her now. He wanted to bring the same responses from her lips that the older man had, he wanted, needed to show her he could do it just as well, maybe better.

There was a rustle of the bedspread and the soft sound of a naked body twisting around on it. Soft whispers that he could not make out drifted across in the silence. They were moving about for some reason, and there was the audible sound of heavy, coarse male breathing becoming more and more excited by the second. He was whispering things that Phillip could not make out clearly but from their tone alone sounded lewd and forbidden. Then suddenly, there was a gasp from Valerie Dodge's husband's lips as though he were in sudden pain, his voice broke through the stillness like a knife, loud and clear so that Phillip could not mistake Heir cruel sadistic significance:

"Ooooh, your mouth is so nice, baby."

Phillip groaned into Valerie's wetly gyrating cunt and clenched his eyes tightly shut, wishing to blot out the horrible picture forming in his mind of the sweet young Jessica's virginal lips ovaled wide and slipping obscenely down over the man's thick, excitedly glistening cock. This was the ultimate humiliation, lying here with his face pressed tightly between another woman's thighs as his own beautiful young innocent girlfriend sucked another, at least Dirty years older than she, man right on the next bed.

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