Unfaithful Girlfriend - Cover

Unfaithful Girlfriend


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Novel-Pocketbook  

It took nearly a full minute for the horrible realization to sink in, to etch its rabid truth in the cells of her drugged brain. Again she tried to speak, to scream, anything, but it was useless. She looked at him dumbly, her eyes now glazed with the grayish translucence familiar to chronic hashish smokers. He was fatter than she would have imagined... his flesh sagged and was smeared with the wetness of his perspiration. Under the drooping sag of his belly, his penis jutted out like a small cannon, surrounded by a jet black fuzz of hair. She giggled hysterically, unable to help herself, then shivered violently. The dawning awareness of what he had in store for her revolted her. The very thought of his middle-aged paunch sprawled over her naked body was too much. Just the very thought was enough to turn her stomach... she couldn't believe that she would ever have agreed to even come here. And certainly not... this!

Felder came toward her, his eyes bugged with delight as he mentally undressed his prize young catch, pausing to savor the choicer parts of her ripening anatomy. "Take your dress off," he ordered roughly, a changed, more menacing person now under the effects of the powerful African hallucinogenic.

Jessica shook her head firmly, "N-No, no... I can't. I-I can't do it."

"Take it off, you Goddamn bitch, or I'll take it off for you!" he barked.

Jessica looked around vainly for a way out, but remembered the locked elevator and the intricate winding route back to the outside; she'd never escape him by running, that was certain.

"Well, what're you waiting for, cunt? Take that damn dress off... right now!"

Jessica knew she had to do something to buy some time, even if it meant stripping her clothes off in front of this horrid man. She slipped the short dress over her head with trembling fingers, standing before him now in bra and panties and panty hose, still wearing her leader boots that stopped just below the knee. He gazed wildly at her long legs, so pertly trim and smooth, her firm breasts which made little white mounds over the cups of her bra, her snow-white bare midriff, the gentle swell of her roundly curved young hips. His penetrating look frightened her even more, and she gasped, tearfully, "I can't... Please don't make me do it. I can't!"

He came toward her. His eyes showed no chance of escape for her-they were lustful, cruel and unyielding. Suddenly his strong arms enveloped her and his lips engulfed hers voraciously, sucking them into his wet, drooling mouth. She began to struggle, but she was so dizzy from the hashish she could scarcely stand. She knew any minute she would buckle and collapse in a heap on the floor. She fought to retain consciousness, her one chance to prevent this awful nightmare from happening to her. His tongue seemed to fill her mouth, brushing wetly around inside, and blocking the much-needed air necessary for the young blonde to remain conscious. His flesh smelled sweaty, strongly so in his lustful straining fury, and seemed to surround her, trapping her like a tiny flower in one huge meaty palm.

"No, no, I won't," she insisted, regaining a measure of her courage, "let me go this minute, you hear!"

She struggled furiously but he moved her with him across the luxurious room as if they were one body, seeming to flow like liquid, heedless of her feeble resistance. She felt a great, frenzied fear knotted in her belly and her body and limbs began to tremble uncontrollably. The dizziness was growing worse, the whole room spinning crazily around her in a topsy-turvy kaleidoscope of colors and light.

She found the ceiling was straight ahead. It couldn't be true! She was flat on her back, pinned like some small helpless captive prey before this beast. There was a crushing weight on her that emptied her lungs... a strong hand snatched the sheer fabric of her bra away. The air was suddenly chill and menacing on her naked young breasts. Felder's probing fingers found the taut band of her panties and pulled, yanking them, along with her pantyhose down to her knees.

"Kick off those boots... right now!"

She obeyed, and in another instant, she was naked, her body uncovered now and vulnerable to this sadistic animal's hungry touch. His body seemed to flow over her in a crushing tide, like molten lava. His hands were everywhere, on her face, sliding down over the quivering pink buds of her nipples, down between the sides of her whitely trembling young thighs. She blacked out for a moment, then regained her senses... there was a sudden deep, thrusting entry as if a thick pole had been rammed into her body. She gasped and jerked away, terrified, but the ravaging member followed her splitting into the softness of her pubic hair and the wet mouth came back onto her, nibbling at her lips and her tongue...

"Aaaaaggggghhhhh!" The red-hot poker was suddenly in her, pistoning between her thighs and on up into her open cunt so that the smooth moist walls inside seemed to be burning in raging flames and her whole lower body felt about to split apart. Tears gushed down her cheeks and she began to sob hysterically. The room began again to spin and tumble and, mercifully, she lost consciousness.

It seemed hours later when Jessica came to. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but the night was still outside at least. She was aware that her breasts were being stroked and that there was a great hot weight of flesh along her back. She discovered that she was lying on her side on a leather sofa, completely naked. The surroundings seemed unfamiliar, she had forgotten her own entry a short while ago. Her head ached and, more noticeably, her vagina throbbed with a painfulness that seemed to radiate throughout her whole torso. It felt as if a solid wedge of something was inside her, but there was nothing. Gradually her memory returned; without moving she lowered her eyes to the alien hand that openly caressed her breasts. It had actually happened... she wasn't a virgin any longer. She'd lost it, and quite completely, judging from the aching between her legs. It didn't seem to matter now. All that fear she had had was just in her mind. Except that it would have been much better with Phillip; she regretted now having rebuffed him. She spoke, not particularly to anyone, as if Marty Felder didn't exist.

"How about something to drink?"

The hot hand slipped down over her belly and the fingers traced a line over the curve of her girlish hip to rest on the smooth naked flesh of her buttocks. There was a grunting heaving movement accompanied by pressure on her firm buttocks-cheek. Felder lifted himself from behind her.

"Sure, baby. You deserve a drink after the performance you gave."

He came into view between her feet. She watched with revulsion as his thick flaccid cock dangled from the clump of hair beneath his paunchy belly. It was wet and sticky, and a thin trail of semen broke away as he moved from her. It seemed impossible now, but it was true enough... this man had just fucked her... yes, that was the word... fucked her, used her like some common whore. God, it was too much to believe.

"How about a beer? I've got some cold ones here in the cooler."

"Anything. Just make it quick."

He handed her a glass mug of chilled beer and she quickly gulped it down. He climbed over her and she lay perfectly still, offering no resistance. He lay down behind her again, his body tight against her backside. She tried to ignore him, as if somehow by not having to face his hot presence, he would vanish. She'd never felt lower in her life; it was as if she had sunk into some bottomless pool of depravation and shame. She finished the last of the beer; it offered some little solace as the alcohol seemed to clear the cobwebs left from the hashish from her brain. She felt his body snuggle closer; he had a big, hard erection. She could feel it poking into the cleavage of her naked buttocks from behind, its bulbous head prodded between the firm, softly yielding cheeks of her youthful ass.

"I've never had a virgin before. Didn't know how much I was missing," he said slyly, a sinister grinning smirk on his sweaty face.

"And what makes you think you've had one now."

"Wow, baby, you've got to be kidding! Right up till you went under, you were like a wild woman." He spat out the words with gleeful enjoyment, obviously relishing the memory of his vicious sadistic assault.

She didn't say anything. She simply lay there, her mind almost blank, broken only once in awhile by the flickering memories of her nights with Phillip, the times they had come so close. She had refused her lover so many times... and now this!

"I think I'd better go, Mr. Felder."

She felt his answer, his pulsing rod of flesh pressing harder against her buttocks as he slipped his fingers around her waist and tightened her against him, pressing his loins hard against the fleshy globes of her well ripened young ass cheeks. "You don't have to leave yet, honey. There's lots of night left."

His body pressed very close to her and his lips took a gentle nibble from the warm nape of her neck to the curve of her shoulder. She lay still, uncooperative, but with no strength or will left to resist. She felt his hand ooze between her thighs where her buttocks joined them; it no longer shocked her or revolted her to have him exploring her nakedness this way; there was simply no feeling at all.

His fingers caressed the lips of her fragrant young pussy and finally entered and stroked the moist tender walls of the gently throbbing passage, now ravaged of its innocence. Her insides contracted involuntarily; she supposed you couldn't help getting some enjoyment out of it even if the man was as repugnant to her as this one. His rigid penis oozed between her thighs after his fingers and poked and prodded for the opening in her ravished pelvis.

"Not again, no... I'm sore there. Please, let me go home now!"

"Now, now, baby you wouldn't want me to have to get rough, now would you?" He smiled as he spoke, but his evil smirk belied his feeble attempt at pretending a trace of warmth in his cold being.

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