Unfaithful Girlfriend - Cover

Unfaithful Girlfriend


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jessica's aunt, Mildred Whithers, was asleep when they arrived, a small blessing she was indeed grateful for, as Aunt Mildred had a tendency to ramble on for hours, particularly when she had the rare privilege of meeting new people. Jessica helped her boyfriend make up his bed on the sofa and tip-toed upstairs to her bedroom, kissing him affectionately before her departure.

She unfastened the clip at the back of her head and brushed the day's knots and tangles from her thick blonde hair, sitting before the antique vanity mirror on a padded stool. Her thoughts went back to the last time she and Phillip had been together, other than their daytime meetings for job-hunting. They had borrowed a car from a friend of his from school and driven up into the New York upstate hillsides. Her heart nearly missed a beat even now, thinking about the beauty and romance of it all. They had found a gorgeously secluded place for sharing their picnic lunch, and before either of them realized it, their warm kisses had become flaming hot caresses. She remembered Phillip's hand on her breasts; the way she'd offered no resistance as he unfastened her bra, thinking that nothing would be wrong with it, the tender tingle of his fingers on her young nipples, the way he made her gasp for breath and squeal as he played with her breasts there on the grassy hillside beneath a sheltering elm tree. And she recalled also how she'd been so dreamily unconcerned with the reality of it all, blinded by the rapturous music of romance, that she hadn't stopped his hand as it slid up her leg with one smooth, unhesitating movement and went straight under the thin sheerness of her panties to the pink moist lips of her vagina. Even now her mouth went dry at the memory of that moment, at the frightening closeness she had experienced that afternoon, a closeness to losing her virginity she had failed so blindly to see coming. She had been nearly crazy with love for Phillip that day when his fingertips played tenderly with the ragged pink flanges of her pussy, tweaked playfully the tender nerve-filled bud of her clitoris. His fingers had probed deeply into the hot thin vaginal passage up between her slightly parted legs as he had tried to tug her panties down. It seemed now that perhaps it was the chill of the air on her unaccustomedly naked thighs that triggered her response, returned her to normalcy. Phillip had first pleaded, then argued, and finally, demanded that she cooperate, but she had resolutely stood her ground, and in the end, she emerged the winner. He had pouted for awhile, looking for all the world like a five year old who'd been deprived of a toy. Then, he'd finally begun to speak to her again, offering to do anything she liked to make it safe. Use rubbers, pull it out in time, anything... and the rest of their day was far from the spring-like romance it had been before. They had driven back to the city in near silence, speaking only as necessary, and then only in monosyllabic utterances, her with an uncomfortable wetness between her legs that soaked her panties and threatened to stain through her dress. And Phillip with that bulging hardness under his trousers that she could see so clearly in the light from the automobile dash gauges.

And now this! How could she reconcile all that with what had just this evening happened? She couldn't pretend she didn't know what Marty Felder wanted of her, that she didn't know the full lurid extent of his proposition. How could she leave her own real love alone on the sofa when tomorrow she would be called on to... Oh God, she just couldn't bear to think about it! It was just more than she could handle tonight... tomorrow would have to take care of itself.

Jessica undressed and slipped between the cool crisp sheets and soon sank into a tossing, fitful sleep.

Jessica's restlessness had kicked the covers off her naked young body as she dreamed a tormented dream of lovemaking, of Phillip's nakedness against hers. And of Marty Felder.

Her door opened gently and squeaked a shrill alarm that seemed a dozen times louder in the quiet of the night. Jessica opened her eyes as Phillip stepped into the room, wearing nothing but his white under shorts.

"Phillip! Have you lost your mind?!" she tried to whisper and shout at the same time.

He came over toward her in the pale moonlight from the open second story window; she could see the bulging mound concealed inside his shorts and knew instantly what was on his mind.

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