Helpless Captive - Cover

Helpless Captive


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Novel-Pocketbook  

High cirrus clouds slivered across the moon, shedding shreds of light on the beaten, weathered cabin where Kathy McGuire lay entangled with her young lover on the barren mattress. All was silent except for an occasional snore from one of the drunken teenagers and the crickets who serenaded the strange and rowdy newcomers to the peaceful country side. For a hopeful moment, the night animals thought quiet would fall over the forest again... until Lydia Johnson stampeded through the woods, the pine boughs cracking under her sandals.

Resting her hands on the rotted window ledge, she shaded her eyes against the moon's glare and peered inside the cracked glass. Jim was raised his leg off Kathy's thighs, the moon light catching the blonde highlights of his hair. Infuriated, she clawed at the glass, her fingernails making an eery, spine-tingling squeak.

Inside the cabin, Kathy lurched. "What was that?"

"Nothing," yawned Jim. "Probably just the trees rubbing against the window." He rolled over, contemplating whether or not he should tie up Art McGuire's wife, wondering if she would try to fool him and run out in the middle of the night.

The door bust open, swinging on its rusty hinges to slap into the cracking plaster on the yellowed wall.

"A great show, Jim! Just great!"

Jerking, he raised his head to stare at a dark shadow standing in the doorway. The voice... Lydia's voice! OH, Christ! She stood there with her hands on her slender hips, her long raven hair shimmering in the moon light. How the hell did she knew where he was? He smelled trouble.

"You bastard!" She took another step forward. "You stood me up for a date tonight, or don't you remember? Leaving this note on my window sill... how stupid... maybe you didn't realize this, you moron, but the paper you wrote this note on has the plans to your little kidnapping all spelled out. Wouldn't Art like to see that?"

"You... you wouldn't!"

"Oh, wouldn't l?" she spat venomously. "You don't have time to take me out and fuck me, but you have time to fuck this woman who's old enough to be your mother. Your ass has had it when Art finds out about this."

"Who is she?" whimpered Kathy, holding her dress up to cover her naked breasts, hugging her knees.

"That's Lydia... my girl friend," Jim answered miserably.

"Was your girl friend, pal," Lydia said bitterly, her full mouth curling in a snarl.

"Get out of here!" Jim said, his mouth white with anger. "If you tell Art or anybody about this, I swear to God I'll break your fucking neck!"

Although taken aback by his threatening words, the young girl stood defiantly as she composed herself, scheming. "Take a flying fuck at the moon, Jim. I plan on getting my revenge. You let me have a crack at the cop's wife and my mouth is sealed. That simple."

"I'll... so help me!" Jim blurted out, starting to reach for the young girl, but suddenly thought better of it. Maybe she wasn't lying... what the hell.

"Okay," you win, Lydia."

"No!" Kathy screamed sharply, mustering up as much dignity as a woman stark naked with her lover's cum still dripping her pussy can manage. She eyed the beautiful teenage girl coldly.

"I just changed my mind," grinned Lydia sadistically. "I want both of you together." With a smile, the black-haired teenager began stripping her clothes off. She looked at Kathy's wet cunt and said, "Jim, you sure dropped a load of cum in her hot little pussy--I've just got to lick that up first, even if its secondhand. Kathy--you don't mind if I call you Kathy, do you?--lie down and open your legs!"

Dazed and shocked as she had never been before in her life, Kathy watched the now-naked young girl advance toward her as she half-crouched on the bed that was still soaked with the mixture of her cum and Jim's. For the first time she took a good look at Lydia's face and found it impossible to believe that any youngster so evilly could be so beautiful!

For Lydia was indeed beautiful. Her smooth flesh was deeply tanned and her hair shone blue-black. Her face was classically sculpted, with a slight almond-tilt to her dark brown eyes. Her full mouth was a sensuous slash, needing no lipstick to make it glisten provocatively. Her eyelashes were too long and thick to be false. And her young, thrusting breasts fairly begged to be caressed, even to be squeezed tightly together while a man ran his long cock up between them.

Lydia's waist swept out to hips and thighs that were made to cradle a man. Her cunt was covered with hair as dark as that on her head, softly curling. Her legs were long and slenderly tapered in proportion to the rest of her lush young body. As she lowered herself to the mattress and reached for Kathy, Lydia's pink tongue flicked across the wide fullness of her lower lip in lewd anticipation. Then her searching fingers touched Kathy's tense body for the first time, causing the young housewife to close her eyes and groan in abject humiliation.

The redheaded woman had never even considered having sex with another female, yet she knew full well that she had to submit to this licentious debauchery for the sake of saving her own life. Kathy's breath came in stifled gasps. She looked to Jim for help, but he obviously had no intention of stopping his girl friend. Then, as Lydia snuggled her lithe young body close to her own, Kathy realized the teenaged girl was trembling as violently as herself. She felt the younger girl's finger caressing her breasts and moving over the flat plane of her stomach and then fluttering down between her still wet thighs, sliding in on the thick coating of cum that Jim had spewed out there when he had fucked her only minutes before.

Art... Art was right. The morals of teenagers these days was downright deplorable. And it all had to do with drugs! It was true. What was immoral was illegal, too. My God, these children would stop at nothing to debase and humiliate her only because she was married to a man who tried to help.

"Why do you want to do something so vile?" Kathy murmured even as Lydia forced the older woman's tense thighs apart and climbed between them like a man, crushing their pussies tightly together. Unconsciously, and against her will, Kathy found her own body responding to this flagrantly immoral lovemaking, feeling the heat beginning to surge once more through her rebellious loins. She could see the stunned face of young Jim across the room, and could see that his bulging eyes were glued to the forbidden scene that was unfolding before his eyes. She felt her full, aching breasts pressed hotly against the teenager's firm bosom, her nipples rubbing together suggestively and hardening erotically. "You're really so beautiful, you don't need anything like this!" Kathy gasped, trying to sound motherly, to convince the young girl that the difference in their ages was an added perversion.

"I know what I need," the young girl murmured. "It's called sex. S- E-X!" Her dark eyes looked mockingly down into the redhead's glazed features. "And so do you, Kathy. Now I'm gonna show you the other side of the coin--how great it can be with another chick! And Jim is gonna get so hot watching that he'll fuck me twice as wild as he did you!"

Stunned by this lewd lascivious declaration of lust, Kathy could only lie absolutely still as Lydia slowly began to run her lips over the housewife's body. Her tongue was like cool, wet fire as it flicked and laved every inch of Kathy's flesh. Kathy could not prevent her yearning body from betraying her. Nerve-ends tingled with just the feather-light brushing of Lydia's hair over her smooth flesh. Whereas Jim had been urgently male in his licking and kissing of her body, Lydia was torturously feminine, and Kathy suddenly realized that something she had once heard was turning out to be true--that only a woman really knew how to make love to another woman, and knew all the erogenous zones that can set a healthy female on fire! And that was exactly what this dark-tressed beauty was doing to her right now.

Kathy heard herself moan and felt her legs involuntarily parting as the girl's face disappeared between her thighs. She tried to concentrate on Art, on the love she felt for him, their marriage, the motorcycle ride, but with Lydia's flicking tongue tip dancing wetly up and down the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, and her delicate fingers spreading the flexing lips of her cunt, baring the soft, pink, inner mouth of her cunt, she realized there was no distraction strong enough to shut out the agonizing pleasure.

Lydia bent low over the older woman's splayed thighs. She had never thought it possible that she would actually get to eat Kathy McGuire, wife of Art McGuire, the town's favorite narc-cop.

Lydia brought her lips lightly in contact with the hair-lined warmth of Kathy's pussy, blowing her breath softly across her naked little cunt furrow, almost laughing at the way the redhead writhed and involuntarily raised her hips to every caress. She could scent their mingled cum, see the glistening droplets still oozing from the moistened entrance to Kathy's cuntal passage. Sighing, Lydia tightly fastened her soft lips to the young wife's dilating pussy and sucked voraciously even as her skilled young tongue swept the length or her quivering pussy slit, butterflying from side to side, eagerly licking up the copious sex juices that the couple had orgasmed forth just a short while before. She was rewarded instantly by feeling Kathy's smooth, hot thighs closing around her burrowing face and Kathy's hands pulling her head tight into her seething genitals. Kathy was moaning incoherently as Lydia licked away every drop of their lewdly intertwined cum before devoting herself to driving Kathy wild with her tongue and lips.

"Oh, My God!" Kathy moaned in helpless surrender to this new form of unbelievable torture. Wouldn't these children stop at anything? The way the dark haired girl was kissing and licking and sucking her pussy--it was even better than the way Jim had done it to her!

Relentlessly, Lydia kept up her oral ravishment of the now wantonly undulating redhead. With her wide experience, she was able to judge perfectly Kathy's mounting passion, and sensed when she reached the point of no return. At that instant, Lydia raised her half-contorted cum-slick face, only to have Kathy groan and pull it down to the "vee" of her loins again. Lydia raised her face up once more and began to mock her.

"I've had all I need--unless you want to do the same to me," she said, a licentious grin on her semen-smeared lips. "You want to lick my pussy, don't you Kathy?"

Already debased beyond belief, yet out of her mind with desire, Kathy could only mumble, "Yes... oh yes!"

With the grace of an acrobat, the younger girl wriggled around on the mattress and slid her leg over Kathy's staring face, rocking on her knees and slowly lowering her pussy with its dark, softly curling hair toward Kathy's nervously flicking tongue. The redhead was aware of Jim gaping at them, and though she didn't want the young boy to think ill of her, she could not help herself as the heady aroma of Lydia's young pussy filled her nostrils. Sighing, Kathy reached up to pull the perfect hemispheres of the girl's buttocks downward. Less than an inch from her parted lips, Lydia's cuntal flanges were steadily dilating with anticipation, and Kathy could see the pale inner flesh of her cunt. Abruptly, Kathy thrust her pelvis downward, gluing her pulsing cunt to Kathy's waiting mouth. Kathy hesitated only a second before urgently spearing the hot, wet tip of her tongue far up into the teenager's lust-swollen pussy, trying to lick and suck this young girl to an earth-shattering orgasm.

"Ummmm" Kathy moaned involuntarily as for the first time in her life she tasted the piquant sweetness of another female's aroused cunt. With her tongue she fucked-deep into the exposed pussy folds, then let the tip slide snakelike through the girl's quivering cuntal furrow until she found the erected button of Lydia's clitoris. She thrilled as the wanton younger girl jerked and ground her cunt downward in frantic response to the slightest touching of the sensation-filled bud. Just above her face, centered in the raven-haired girl's perfect buttocks, was the tight puckered ring of her anus. Remembering how it had felt to her when Jim had fingered her there, Kathy began working the middle digit of her right hand against the tiny aperture, forcing the tightly resisting rectal muscles to give way to her prodding pressure. As she got her finger in to the first knuckle, the redhead was rewarded by a muffled cry of animalistic joy from the avidly tensing teenager. Lydia screwed urgently back on the invading finger and Kathy quickly inserted a second--and then felt Lydia doing the same to her!

Wildly, the two beautiful young women finger and tongue fucked each other, rolling on the bed, gasping, sucking and licking, and moaning in wanton sex, savagely devouring each other's sweating bodies. With her greater experience, Lydia held back until she could feel the first tremblings of orgasm begin to wrack Kathy, and then as the redhead's spasming pussy spewed forth its sweet fluids into her sucking mouth, she let her own released come surging down the streaming tube of her cuntal channel to Kathy's eagerly awaiting mouth. The flood inundated the red- haired woman's lust-twisted face and she mindlessly swallowed the fragrant juices as they spilled into her gaping mouth and joined the male sperm that was still churning deep within her belly.

Her beautiful face still buried in Lydia's cum-flooded cunt, Kathy began to sob out her shame and humiliation. But quickly she rationalized the emotions aside... Art need never know. She had been forced to do what she did--and she was only human! Could she be blamed if her body betrayed her? Certainly not! What would they have done to her if she'd refused?

She could not look young Jim in the eye as she turned to lie on her side. She let Lydia's hands rove at will over her trembling flesh, all guilt vanquished by the very touch of the sex-skilled young girl. With a satisfied grin, Lydia winked at Jim.

"Well, I feel much better now that I've had the cop's wife... and hey, is that a hard-on I see? Bring it over here and let me check it out."

Jim wanted to break her neck! The little bitch had him in her grasp, all right. He'd have to please her or she'd go running to the cops, tell everything. That would be the end of his short career. His dad had been able to get him off the possession and selling charge back East, but kidnapping... that was a Federal rap! Damn it! He'd planned on just keeping Kathy McGuire around for an afternoon, letting her go home that night. It would have been her word against theirs, but when they started smoking dope and drinking that whiskey, everything seemed to fall apart.

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