Dog's Girl - Cover

Dog's Girl


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - After losing her virginity to her boyfriend cop, a blonde lady cop goes undercover trying to find a gang of bank robbers. But suddenly she is chloroformed and abducted. She wakes up at the gangs hideout where she is introduced to every kind of sex imaginable, including with dogs. She is eventually rescued and she has a very healthy attitude towards sex with men and mans best friend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Betty had never been so frightened in her short life. Joey had been there so unexpectedly. She assumed a karate stance, as if to protect herself. "You're a real fighter," Joey said with a cynical smile as he pushed Buddy at her. "Here, fight him."

Buddy was pushed at her so fast that she grabbed onto him, and they both fell to the floor. Everyone in the room began laughing at them as they scrambled to get free. Buddy's hands were tied behind his back, which made it much more difficult to get untangled

"I see you tied up Albert securely," Joey said sarcastically. "But how did you get free?"

"I got free by myself, you sadistic pervert," she said bitterly. "Then he came in and I had to tie him up and take his clothes."

"Well, you can give his clothes right back to him. Now!" said the ringleader of the gang.

Betty began taking off her coverings, looking at Buddy with sad eyes. They began communicating immediately, without words. Betty felt the soft pressure of his affection for her as she had to strip for these other men.

"Well look at that," said the perceptive Willy. "They know each other."

"I'll be damned," Joey said. "I guess the police department isn't as big as we thought it was."

"We went to school together," Buddy said. "Cadet school."

"It looks like you're closer than that," said Willy, arching his eyebrows in disbelief.

"No we're not!" Betty stated emphatically.

They had untied Albert and given him the shirt that Betty had taken off. She felt naked without a top, but tried not to show any embarrassment at the fact. She knew she would feel even more naked without her pants. She looked around at all of the people in the room; they sat like vultures waiting for her pants to fall. Even Buddy had a glimmer of anticipation at the prospect of seeing her furry cunt.

Without further ado, Betty let the slacks fall, the gleaming whiteness of her thighs flashing into view. Everyone sighed when they saw the lovely patch of pubic hair and Betty felt a little like she was on exhibition at a carnival or vaudeville show.

"Look at that twat!" exclaimed Fingers, shaking his hand as if he had just grabbed something hot.

"Ya!" said Joey and Willy and Shorty all together.

"Maybe these two do care for each other," Joey said. "I bet we can find out."

"But what about the exchange we were going to do again?" said Willy.

"After the way the police tried to double-cross us with this cop as a phony decoy, I don't think I will exchange. This lady here might be more fun than having our money."

"But you tried to pull a fast one, too," said Buddy. "That fucking stuffed clothing isn't hardly Betty... I mean Officer Brady."

"You're on a first-name basis with this beautiful cop, huh?" said Joey. "Well, I'm just mean enough to do things to her in front of you that ought to make the next exchange a real one. Because you aren't hardly worth a stuffed dummy."

The rest of the men laughed heartily at his joke until Joey held up his hand, signaling them to stop.

Betty was afraid now, really afraid. She had no idea what Joey intended to do, but she knew that it wouldn't be as kind as what she'd done with Albert.

"It's you and me," Joey said to Willy. "We're goin' to have us some fun."

Betty looked over at Bud and saw him struggling against his restraints. It was no use, and they both knew it; he was tied far too securely for him to get free. And besides, Shorty was standing right over him, ready to lay him low if he tried anything funny.

"Okay, Willy, pull her over to the bed."

The round man took Betty by the wrist and began tugging on her arm, moving her toward the bare bed. She wanted to scream, or fight, but she knew that it would be a waste of her energy. But she still planted her feet securely on the floor, and Willy had to pull extra hard to get her to the bed.

"Now what?" said Willy, holding Betty with his brutal, plump hand.

"Throw her onto the bed," said Joey.

Betty shook her wrist free and climbed on herself, looking as deviant as she could. She saw Joey take off his shirt and pants, remembering the bitter taste of his cum that he had made her swallow. What will he do to me now? she thought.

Willy began taking off his clothes also, keeping a wary eye out for any false move from Betty. As his shirt came off, she was amazed to see that he wasn't as fat as he looked with them on. His chubbiness was mostly muscle packed into a short frame. She even saw ridges on his stomach where she expected to see a pot belly.

"You get on the bottom," Joey said as soon as he had his clothes all the way off. His sinister eyes and dark smile told Betty that something malevolent was going to happen to her.

Willy grabbed Betty by the shoulders and swung onto the bed, pulling her on top of him.

"Stop it!" Bud yelled.

Joey turned slowly toward his other captive, and then spoke to Shorty. "Gag him, and if he tries to make another sound then shut him up any way you want to." The big spade rubbed his hands together and looked completely ready and willing to do what his boss said.

Betty was still trying to squirm off Willy, but his strong arms held her on top of him. She could feel his prick starting to rise up between her legs, pulsing hotly as it expanded past her asshole. Her cuntlips had been spread, and they were kissing his fat cock. Much to her dismay she was beginning to get hot herself. The blood of excitement was rushing to her head and she felt her cunt involuntarily clamping itself spasmodically against the thick prick.

"She's ready for us," Willy said with a smile. "I can feel her twat twitching around my cock."

"Good," said Joey. "You stick your cock in her while I go and hunt up some cream."

Just then Betty knew what degrading thing they were about to do to her. Two at the same time, she thought with a grimace. They're going to kill me that way.

Willy was moving under her now, reaching down to his cock. She tried to squash her body up against his to thwart his effort, but he was too strong for her. His hand first stopped at her cunt, one fat finger slipping up her slit and tickling her reddened clitoris.

She buckled, pulling herself away from his hand, even though it felt good. She had pulled away because she was ashamed that it felt so good.

Willy then grabbed his prick and rubbed it. Betty could feel his arm working along her thigh, and was even ashamed that that felt good. She could feel the warmth running up her leg to her cunt. Suddenly she felt the tepid head of his cock pushed up against her glistening cuntlips.

A deep groan came from across the room, and Betty knew that it came from her fellow rookie. Shame and disgust welled up in her, knowing that Joey had been right in trying to unnerve them both by this trick.

She saw Joey enter the room just as the bulbous, purple head of Willy's huge cock was stuffed quickly between her labia.

"Ohhhhnnnngg!" she moaned, trying not to let it sound as good as it felt. The prick was pushed up into the silky channels of her soft cunt. His cock wasn't as big as Albert's, but the expanding width of it fit snugly into her tight twat. She held her breath and felt him ram his hips once more with a powerful grunt, jamming the silky, stiff cock up to the hilt in her cunt.

"Now hold her still," said Joey. "I'm going to climb on." He moved up between both Willy's and Betty's spread legs and placed a glob of chilling cream on the flower of her asshole. Betty's ass twitched and convulsed as he spread it around and then stuck one finger into her ass.

"Ohhh... GOD... NO!" she screamed. Albert had been so gentle when doing her ass that it felt good, but Joey just stuffed his finger as fast as he could into her.

"Hold still!" Joey demanded, extracting his finger and holding her asscheeks open. He then put his thumb slowly into her rectum and forced the sphincter open again.

Betty moaned, not daring to move for fear of being injured. Joey began to pump in and out of her ass with his thumb, oblivious to her having any feeling there at all. The thumb dug into her open asshole. Faster and faster Joey went, until Betty could hardly feel anything but her swelling ass.

"She's coming," yelled Willy. "She's coming all around my cock."

Betty knew what he was saying was true as she felt her insides melt and flow out of her cunt in a torrent of passion. Shame washed her body at the same time. She wished Willy hadn't yelled it out so that she could have kept a little self-respect in front of Bud, but now it was impossible; he knew how depraved she was.

"D'you like that?" Joey asked, turning to the tied and gagged Bud, who was struggling ferociously against his ropes. Bud was obviously as mad as a hornet and struggling like the devil. Shorty reached over and knocked him on the head with his fist. Bud looked stunned and quieted down for a second.

Joey withdrew his thumb from her asshole and Betty felt cold air rush into the opening, chilling her and making her shudder.

Willy began moving his cock inside of her, sliding the fat prick in and out like he couldn't help himself.

"Stop!" said Joey. "Let me get into her first, and then you can fuck her all you want to."

"Look boss," said Hilly, "if you don't hurry up, I'm going to come without ever getting to pump into her juicy cunt."

"Hold onto your balls for a second," said the leader. "I'll be right with you."

Betty felt the man at her back put his hands on her shoulders and position himself over her. She could feel his hands, and she didn't know where his cock was. Joey moved suddenly on top of her and pushed his soft, spongy cockhead against the entrance to her ass.

"Be careful! Good God! Please be careful!" she pleaded with heart-rending sincerity.

"Just hold still," said Joey, "and no one will be hurt."

He barely began pushing the brutal length of his prick into her ass before she felt the chilling sensation of anal penetration and let out a howl.

Joey backed off and slapped her hard across her ass, leaving a hand print where he hit. "Now shut up," he warned. "Or you'll really be hurt."

She relaxed, much against her wishes, and felt the prick insinuated again at her asshole. Joey leaned down over her and breathed heavily in her ear as his cock began digging into her asshole. She felt the muscles tense all over the front of his body as he lay against her. Willy, below her, was trying to relax, but he found himself twitching and pumping ever so slightly with his large, muscular hips.

Betty wished she could forget she was being degraded, but try as she might the thick cock in her ass wouldn't let her forget. She wanted to scream for Joey to stop as the silky glans oft his turgid cockhead began pushing up her ass, but she had lost her voice.

"Hold on to her!" said Joey with a grunt, "'Cause here I go!"

Betty felt Willy's strong arms encircle her as Joey's cock spread the sphincter to its fullest and plowed on toward the vital organs in her ass. The chamber of her ass expanded to make room for the searing prick as it plunged in.

"Holy shit!" she yelled.

"Calm down!" said Joey, earnestly trying to soothe her.

Betty just panted and lay there with his cock stuck halfway up her tender ass. Soon she began to adjust to it, but it was by force of will and nothing else. She could feel the two cocks stuck in her two holes as they rubbed against each other. She held her breath, waiting for the extremely crowded feeling to subside, but it didn't.

As soon as Joey began to move again, fear struck the pit of her heart. She imagined herself being torn apart from the pressure of the sliding, thick cocks, and all of the muscles in her little body tightened.

"Relax, honey," said Willy below her. "We're goin' to fuck you, and that's for sure, so you might as well relax and like it."

"Well spoken," Joey said.

Willy pushed now while Joey tried to remain motionless, but he had the same problem that the heavy man had had his cock kept twitching madly inside of her. Betty could feel the wall between her anal track and her cunt spread thin by the intruding pressures of the two blood-engorged pricks.

Willy's cock began moving slowly, plowing a path up the collapsed channel of her cunt. She could feel the silky glans spread her membranes as the chunky man stuffed his cock into her.

"Ohhhhh... Help..." she said as the pressure and pleasure built up at the same time.

"We're trying to," Joey said in a hoarse pant. All of the muscles of his body were tensed and she could feel his ragged breath in her ear. She wanted to scream.

Willy now had his cock up her cunt as far as Joey had his up her ass. She sensed the rhythm of their cocks through the fleshy wall which separated the two members. They both began to draw out their cocks, pulling their pricks free and drawing all of Betty's strength out of her at the same time.

"Hold it!" Joey commanded. "We're going to have to get a rhythm going so that both of us aren't in her at the same time, or else we'll bust her wide open." Betty was having the same terrible fantasy and she was glad that Joey realized it really could happen. "I'm going to pump in," he continued. "Now don't start until I'm on the way out."

"Okay!" said Willy.

Joey began shoving his prick back up the slick tract of Betty's rectum while Willy kept only the head of his thick cock stuck in her cunt.

The pressure diminished, and Betty was quite relieved. The pulsing cocks even made her feel warm and secure in a very perverse way. The prick dug up her channel, hotly pushing away the cotton-soft tissues of her rectum. She sighed deeply and was able to relax into this degrading display of carnality for the fist time.

Betty could feel her nipples harden against the soft hair of Willy's chest. The little nubbins seemed to be pulsing at the same rate as the cock in her reddened cunt. She suddenly sensed an emptiness in her pussy and tried to push herself back, to impale herself on the chubby cock in her juicy cunt. She relaxed again and Joey kept going up her ass.

Willy could feel when Joey had reached the end and began his retreat from Betty's tender ass. He started to pump his cock slowly up her pulsing cunt. Now the two cocks were pistoning in her like a two-cylinder engine, pumping fuel for the fire of her passion.

Her head was beginning to swim from the fire in her ass and cunt. She could feel her sphincter spread wide each time the cock in her asshole hit the base and hair tickled her rectum. Two deliciously different sensations were careening through her body at the same time.

Betty had forgotten about Bud, who was tied up and forced to watch this awful scene. She was ashamed of herself for beginning to enjoy the "torture" that the criminals were trying to put her through, and ashamed for abandoning the trust Bud had in her by enjoying it. She didn't know what to do to help ease Bud's mind, but she knew that she couldn't do anything else but feel the awesome pleasure of what was happening to her asshole and cunt.

"Pick up a little speed," Joey said.

"Ya... Ya..." replied Willy, straining between strokes.

Betty could feel her pulse begin to race as their pumping increased in velocity, digging deeper and deeper into her as they went. Her cunt began to twitch wildly, pulling and holding Willy's cock like a powerful vacuum. Her asshole began to wink like a small fist of pleasure, squeezing Joey's cock to new fullness and rigidity. The two men lost control of their rhythm and began pumping wildly and without restraint. Betty felt her insides about to explode from the pressure. Every time one of them moved, she felt her clitoris forced maddeningly against the stiff rod of Willy's tool.

She writhed between the two horny cocks. The mingled sensations of hurt, degradation and wild passion were overwhelming in their combined force.

Bucking and heaving, she took Willy's searing cock deeper into her cunt, her slick, inflamed cuntlips rubbing the prick to new hardness. Then she fucked back against Joey's impaling cock, her asshole spasming around him. She found that even with their weight and strength she could move her cunt.

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