Dog's Girl - Cover

Dog's Girl


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After losing her virginity to her boyfriend cop, a blonde lady cop goes undercover trying to find a gang of bank robbers. But suddenly she is chloroformed and abducted. She wakes up at the gangs hideout where she is introduced to every kind of sex imaginable, including with dogs. She is eventually rescued and she has a very healthy attitude towards sex with men and mans best friend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Then Betty heard the voices more distinctly through the haze. She could hear Fingers and Joey arguing about her.

"... but I want to!" demanded Fingers.

"Nobody is going to touch her now," Joey stated. "There'll be plenty of time after we get Mack back here."

Betty gathered from this short exchange that they didn't really mean to exchange her.

"Ya," Joey continued, "Albert had the great idea of making a dummy with the young cop's clothes. We will be so far away that they shouldn't be able to tell."

"That's really good!" Willy exclaimed, slapping Albert on his back.

"You bet," Joey said. "Now all of us are going to have to get on it to get the dummy finished in time. Willy, you and Shorty go to the store and get some paint."

Willy looked down at the spent Negro. "I don't think he's ready to go anywhere," the chubby man said with a sardonic laugh. "I'll take Fingers with me."

"No," Joey said. "I need him here. Take Albert." The short, thin man bowed in Betty's direction, turned around and left with Willy.

Betty realized that she was still nude, and it embarrassed her. She wrapped herself in the sheet and tried to be inconspicuous in a corner of the bed.

"Well, look at the shy one!" Fingers exclaimed as he watched her move across the bed. "You'll get your chance to be shy with my cock in your mouth, you pig bitch."

Betty realized that their scorn for her was not purely because she was a woman, but more because she was a cop. She took pride in their dislike of her; she knew that in that dislike there was a spark of respect for her being in the police force. She smiled to herself and pulled the sheets up around her nakedness.

She watched as Joey came back from the bathroom with her clothes. He smiled over at her sarcastically. She now took the time to note all of his features. His hair was short but wispy along his receding hairline; she thought that he would look distinguished if it were not for the fact that he was a wanton criminal. His broad shoulders and narrow hips added to this appearance of distinction.

Joey dropped the clothes on the coffee table near Fingers and walked over to Betty. He still had that same smile of sarcasm glued to his face as he reached down and yanked the sheets from her grip. "We need them for the dummy, darling. Sorry that your beautiful body has to be exposed for everyone to see, but there's no helping it. We need to keep you here in case anything goes wrong."

"But it's going wrong from the first if you don't keep your word and let me go." She wondered how she could have ever spit out all of those words in one harsh breath, but she knew that her point had been made, even if he wasn't going to be affected by it.

She huddled naked in the corner now, trying hopelessly to cover herself with her hands and arms. She knew that most of her tits and all of her cunt were still open to view, but she couldn't do anything about it.

She watched, curiously, as the two men worked at making the sheet into tubes of cloth, taping and twisting it into legs and arms. Then Fingers turned around and faced her, pulled out a gravity knife and flicked it open with a twist of his wrist as he walked toward her. Betty was frightened now, and she knew that the training that she'd had in karate and judo were not much good against a knife.

Fingers then pointed the knife toward the mattress and put a big slit in the side with one motion.

"We need stuffing," he said with a sardonic smile.

Joey laughed and went back to work tying off the sheets that were going to be stuffed. Betty watched as Fingers took large handfuls of cotton stuffing. The fright had disappeared and left a cold feeling in her chest. She was glad that she didn't have to try to fight him while he had a knife in his hand.

Betty then realized that the two were very occupied with what they were doing. She looked at the door and knew that they hadn't locked it. She began moving across the bed to where the door was. She knew that she would have to move fast to get out before they catch her. She suddenly realized that she didn't even know where she had been taken. She swallowed deeply and decided to try the break anyway.

Just then she heard their watchdog bark. Her heart sank. Willy and Albert walked in holding cans of paint. Shorty was still asleep on the foot of the bed, snoring away quite wildly.

Willy walked over and shook the big black man by the shoulder. "Hey, wake up you big oaf!" demanded the fat man.

The spade jumped up violently, flaying his large arms around in circles as if to strike some invisible adversary. Betty watched as his cock swung around in circles. She laughed and the Negro turned around and glared at her.

He was approaching her in an aggressive anger just as Joey called out for him to get his ass over and help. The large Negro shrugged his shoulders as he got off the bed. He pulled on his pants, still glaring at Betty.

"We're almost finished," Joey said. "You can help stuff this last leg."

Shorty ambled over and began shoving cotton into the empty leg of the dummy. He would look over at Betty between handfuls and glare at her with mean eyes. She decided that he wasn't going to do anything as long as the rest of them were there, so she relaxed and returned his awful stare each time he looked at her.

Finally the dummy was finished and they were all preparing to leave. For a moment Betty thought that they had forgotten about her, and were going to leave her untied. But as they were walking toward the door, Willy turned around and walked toward her. He picked up the discarded cord and began binding her in the same position that she had been in before.

"I was going to leave her free," said Joey, "because the dog would make sure she didn't escape. But I guess you're right, Willy--she could have gotten out of the window, even though they are nailed shut. These cops are pretty tricky sometimes."

"And just plain old pretty sometimes, too!" Fingers exclaimed emphatically, as he walked over to her outstretched body and ran a quick hand down her still juicy slit.

"Ya," Willy agreed as he fastened the last knot.

Betty looked at them all sneering at her, and only saw compassion on Albert's thin face. She knew he was the smartest one of the group, and she deduced by his look that he was also the kindest one.

When they left, Betty tried pulling on the thin cords at her wrists again. This time they seemed to have been done looser, and they gave a little each time she pulled. After about ten minutes she could feel that they were going to give way eventually. She decided to rest a minute before trying it again, her wrists being very sore and red.

She looked up at the head of the bed and saw where the cord was tied to the bedpost above her left arm. It wasn't tied right. She stretched her body, trying to reach it with her left hand, but her feet were tied too well and she couldn't move up enough.

Shifting her weight seemed to help as she bounced on the bed and continued pulling on the cord.

Suddenly it came loose and Betty sighed deeply. She quickly untied the knots on her right wrist. She sat there for a minute with her legs still tied, rubbing her sore wrists until they felt better.

Betty then began undoing her leg bindings. Just as she was getting her right leg untied, she turned around and saw Albert staring down at her. She hadn't heard him enter.

"Can I help?" he asked in a sincere voice.

She was prepared to be shocked, but his words had sounded so full of honesty that all she said was, "All right!"

Albert moved his thin body gracefully over to Betty's side and began undoing the last restraints that had been put on her. As he did this, his fingers kept brushing up and down her ankle. Betty could feel the sparks of excitement running up her lithe leg. She tried to shut it off, but the tingling sensation kept running up her.

The knot finally came undone, but Albert did not let go of her ankle right away. He caressed her leg before he let go. Betty could tell that he had been affected by helping her. His face was flushed and his eyes gazed at her nakedness.

"Ah... ah... can I..." He kept hesitating, trying to say something that he just couldn't get out.

Betty reached over and touched his arm to tell him that it was all right, and he turned to her quickly and grabbed her breast.

"I'm a virgin!" he yelled at her.

Betty caressed his arm lightly. He had released her breast, but now he turned back toward her and began fondling both of them, but much more gently than before. She accepted his caresses and forgot completely about getting away for the time being.

Albert's dark eyes wandered over Betty's voluptuous body, and she blushed. But she kept control of her composure and ran her hand down the front of his shirt to his belt buckle. Her lithe fingers quickly undid the brass buckle and pulled the belt loose. Albert just kept staring at her and fondling her tits.

When she had the buckle undone, she ran her fingers down the front of his pants, feeling the bulge at his crotch expand as her hand brushed over it. She was becoming excited now herself, the flame in her belly burning hotter all of the time.

She ran her hand back up the ridge under his zipper, causing Albert to moan loudly, and then he grabbed the brass tab of the fly and began pulling it down very slowly.

Betty was worried. She'd never been in a position like this in her life. But now that she was taking the lead she didn't know how to drop it, and she was scared.

Albert kept pressing her tits, the great mounds flattening to his pushes. The zipper dropped easily in her small hand and the purple head of his turgid cock protruded from the opening. Betty looked down between his arms and saw the organ throbbing.

She licked her lips, it looked so delicious. She imagined herself running her tongue along the huge glans and then popping it into her mouth. The bottom ridge pulsed as more of his cock became exposed. She could see herself nibbling lightly and teasingly on it.

Betty slipped her hand over the head and felt its intense heat throbbing in her grip. The shaft was narrower than the bulbous head, and she pushed down on his prick, making the skin wrinkle around the base as the cockhead became tauter.

"Ohhhhmmm!" moaned Albert, pulling his face away from the full globes of Betty's succulent breasts.

Albert frantically pulled off his shirt as Betty's lithe hand began moving up and down the length of his blue-veined prick more rapidly. He was on his back and he turned himself so that his legs were beside Betty and she had a clear view of his organ.

Suddenly her fantasy of putting his cock into her mouth overwhelmed her. She lowered her head quickly and took his prick between her lips. The first taste was salty and bitter, and she almost spit his cock out of her mouth in disgust. But then the taste became like saltwater taffy. She sucked deeper and felt the big head of his mighty cock go to the back of her mouth.

Albert seemed as shocked as she was by her conduct, and he jerked away involuntarily.

"Why did you do that?" Betty sputtered as she grabbed for his hips and tried to pull him back.

"I don't know... I don't know..." he said, hesitating a second before lunging toward her. He planted an open-mouthed kiss upon her lips, and ground his full, sensuous mouth down upon hers with complete and utter abandon.

As he continued to grind his hot, sucking mouth against hers, Albert covered her breasts and kneaded them until her nipples grew firm and rigid against the boniness of his fingers.

Betty gasped deeply at the piercing pleasure he was giving her; she could feel the sticky moisture forming on the thick lips of her cunt. When Albert finally withdrew his lips from hers, she pulled him down on top of her. He seemed to find the opportunity to pull his unzipped pants the rest of the way off. He lay across her chest, forcing the bristling hairs on his chest to dig into her sensitive nipples, and she groaned loudly.

She felt his cock start sliding down over her abdomen, dragging through the soft hairs of her pussy, finally resting hotly against the sensitive skin of her naked thigh. His slavering mouth rushed wetly to the hollow of her shapely neck, down her collarbone to the upper slope of her breasts. He sucked in the tender flesh of her nipples.

She felt a new pang of guilt flash through her. She felt numb and powerless because she knew what he was about to do, but deep inside herself she knew she couldn't, and didn't want to, stop him.

The kidnapper's hot, demanding mouth closed over one of her taut, raspberry nipples and sucked insistently, his bristling, dark chin rubbing against her resilient, white flesh. His long- fingered hands, mauling her soft tits as he sucked her hardened nipple, increased her excitement over and over again.

Making an animal groan, Albert released one nipple from his mouth and, moving as quickly as a snake, he darted over to the other one.

His hips began moving his cock up and down. Then he moved down her luscious body, letting her full tits bobble free. His hungry mouth caressed and nibbled its way down her ribs, then settled at her navel as he licked and sucked and nibbled at her slightly rounded abdomen.

"I thought you said you were a virgin," Betty said.

"I am!" he said, releasing her navel for only a moment.

"You're sure doing this like you've done it before," she said in a soft tone. He didn't answer her, but just kept on sucking at the softness of her belly button.

Betty bit down on her lower lip to stifle a cry of mingled desire and fright that she felt welling up inside of her belly. What he was making her feel was sinful and totally outrageous. But it was also very greatly satisfying and deliciously wonderful.

The small, dark criminal lifted one of her legs and slid his extended tongue along the whiteness of the inside of her thigh, gliding upward toward the warmly throbbing cunt. Betty could not imagine that anyone would ever do something like this to anybody else, but it sure felt good.

Betty sighed as Albert nibbled the smooth flesh of her inner thigh, his ear sometimes brushing against the heated sensitivity of her reddened cunt. Then Albert brought his hand into play and touched the hairy, fleshy lips of her pussy, pressing his fingers into the lush softness of her most private place, caressing up and down between her twitching legs, wiggling the outer lips of her steaming cunt as he went.

Betty shuddered with delight, longing to roll her pussy hard against Albert's close hand. She could feel the thick juices of her hungry cunt seeping warmly through the folds of her pussy; she longed to have him spread her legs wide apart and let the cool air wash over and cool down her overly impassioned twat.

Twisting her neck to stare down at the outlaw, she watched him kiss her soft belly and thighs, his hot lips gliding sensuously over her satiny skin. His long fingers continued to caress the folds of her pussy, pinching them slightly now and then.

Betty tried not to let her reaction show. She thought it was unbecoming of a policewoman, but she was aching with passion to heave her pussy at him, forcing him to penetrate her with his nimble fingers.

Inwardly she began to convince herself that this was inevitable. But she also promised herself that she would not enjoy it. She didn't know what was happening now. Everything was becoming so confused.

Albert pulled his head back and stared down at her sopping pussy. Laced with soft golden-red ringlets of silky hair, the outer lips concealed the succulent folds within, like a secret, hidden and delicious flower. Betty looked up and watched him swallow and then dart his tongue over his lower lip. Then, fixing his dark eyes on hers for a second, he lifted her leg over his head, spreading her thighs widely. The cool air rushed in, but didn't dampen her passion at all.

Then, pressing his thumbs against the outer lips of her cunt, he peeled open the succulent folds and stared down into the moist red flesh of her cunt The smooth, coral-colored flesh gleamed with the passionate glaze of her juices. In the outermost folds her slick secretions had thickened into milky droplets.

Betty moaned softly, throwing her arm over her eyes as if blinded by the intensity of her passion.

The aroused girl began to feel the tension generated by his more than casual admiration of her cunt. The frantic pitch kept growing until her excitement was almost too much to bear. She screamed, still not daring to look up.

Betty took her arm away from her eyes slowly and looked down at Albert. Little by little he was lowering his head toward the pulsing heat of her cunt. The excited cop held her breath.

Albert pressed his full lips gently against the slick entrance of Betty's open cunt, his long, hot tongue burrowing deeper into the warm, wet, slippery folds of her throbbing pussy.

"Glaaaggghhh!" Betty rasped, her back arching, pushing her hot cunt closer to his dark, almost sinister-looking face. She could hear her flesh slurping against the heat of his lips and she gasped as she felt his tongue slither into her honeyed folds. The intruding muscle fluttered madly on her very sensitive clitoris. Even though what this criminal was doing seemed filthy and perverted, the distraught girl had never before known such soaring pleasure.

He lifted her trembling legs onto his shoulders then, burying his face even deeper into her juicy, musk-scented cunt.

Since Albert was no longer holding her cuntlips apart with his thumbs, the slick elastic folds closed over his flailing tongue. The gusts of his hot breath poured over the silky, golden ringlets of her pubic hair from out of his flared nostrils.

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