Dog's Girl - Cover

Dog's Girl


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - After losing her virginity to her boyfriend cop, a blonde lady cop goes undercover trying to find a gang of bank robbers. But suddenly she is chloroformed and abducted. She wakes up at the gangs hideout where she is introduced to every kind of sex imaginable, including with dogs. She is eventually rescued and she has a very healthy attitude towards sex with men and mans best friend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BDSM   Rough   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Betty's ears perked up from the half slumber she found herself in after Bud had lifted her off the hook in the doorway. Fuck a Dog? When will this ever end? The man has no limits to his perverted imagination.

"No, you don't!" Bud said as he dove toward Joey. Shorty blocked his dive, catching the rookie cop by a thigh and an arm, stopping him.

"Tie him up again and then go get the watchdog," Joey said.

"But we need the dog out there to warn us," Willy said. "You're goin' crazy, boss. Let's just get our money and run."

"No," Joey said. "You don't fool me. You want my money too, you want it all."

"Bullshit!" Willy said. "I just want my fair portion, but I want it pretty soon. We might not have as much time as you think."

"We're goin' to have as much time as I say we have. Fingers and Shorty are behind me, so if you aren't, we would love to divide your share of the profits up among us."

"Forget it!" Willy said, looking silly and disgusted after being talked down like that in front of everyone. He walked over to a corner while Shorty dragged in a complaining, huge German shepherd.

Betty looked at the animal with fear in her eyes, real fear, the kind that only gets worse when you start to think about what's going to happen to you.

"Ain't he a beautiful animal, lady?" Joey said with a sneer. "Look at the way he's hung, almost like a horse."

Betty was appalled at what was being said, and she could see the slick-looking pecker in its hairy sheath begin to extend, half from fear, and half from seeing her naked body huddling in the corner. She looked into the dog's eyes and was surprised to see something resembling human compassion, something she didn't see in Joey's evil eyes. But instead of soothing any of her fright, this only heightened it--a dog feeling like a human. She began to wonder if all the sex today had driven her to the brink of sanity, for she looked again at the dog and saw nothing but a very dumb animal.

"Pull him over here!" Joey demanded. "Over by her side."

Betty cowered deeper into her corner as the huge dog ambled toward her shivering body. He must weigh a hundred pounds, she thought as the dog approached her.

"Sit, boy!" commanded Shorty as he pulled on the leash.

Betty watched as the panting animal sat on its haunches before her, his chest and stomach exposed to her frightened view. The dog's cock began extending out of its hairy covering, looking sticky like fly-paper and very nasty.

They don't expect me to be fucked by that animal? They can't mean that. But they obviously did.

"Reach out and touch his cock," Joey said, leaning down with an awful smirk on his face.

"No!" answered Betty, putting her hands behind her back as if to protect herself from the thought.

"Oh, yes!" Joey said, reaching behind her and pulling her hands out. "Stroke him or I'll break your arm."

Bud moaned, but he couldn't do a thing.

"He won't hurt you," continued Joey. "In fact I bet he'll like it!" He laughed and Fingers and Shorty laughed with him.

Betty reached out for the awesome-looking member. Instead of biting her as she had supposed, the dog moaned in a deep whine, letting everyone hear that he liked his genitals touched.

"Now stroke it!" commanded Joey.

Betty felt the stickiness of the distending tool coat her fingers as she pushed down on the member. The dog cock expanded in her hand, filling it.

The dog continued to moan as Betty watched two knobs of hard flesh form above its balls at the base of its cock. She wondered what they were until she remembered her father tossing hot water on the dog she had when she was a child. That locks the dogs together when they mate. Oh, God! That's what'll happen to me.

She released the dog cock and tried to back away, but the dog walked toward her on its haunches, humping its rump across the floor. When it got up to her, it wrapped its front legs around an exposed thigh and began pumping on her foot.

"Nasty thing!" she sputtered, slapping it on the nose. The big dog bared its teeth to her and she pulled her hand away very quickly. It looked like some beast out of a class-B horror film.

She reached out again to appease it, stroking the back of its head in as lovingly a way as she could. This exposed her right breast and the dog leaned forward and lapped across the pink nipple with its rough, sandpapery tongue.

"Ohhhggggmmm!" Betty uttered. The feeling was one of intense pleasure, but she hated herself for showing it.

"You're goin' ta have trouble, boss," Fingers said. "She likes anything with a cock."

"Wait until he sticks that pecker into her and starts driving A dog ain't like a human being he doesn't know when to stop." Joey held his stomach and laughed at the thought, unable to control himself. "Just wait!" he said again.

Shorty pulled the dog back with the end of the leash, and even as strong as the big Negro was he really had a hard time of it.

"Lead her over to the bed," Joey said to Fingers. "We'll let the two animals fuck there."

Betty hated Joey, hated him more than ever, but she couldn't do anything about it. She was just hoping that someday he would be caught and have his goose really cooked.

She was forced to lay down on the edge of the bed with her legs dangling off obscenely. Her cunt was exposed for everyone to see, especially the dog.

The huge animal ambled up to her and immediately put its cold nose in the fishy, soft folds of her labia.

"Shit!" she yelled, trying to pull herself away. But Fingers had tied her hands to the bedposts again--she couldn't even turn over.

Lapping again and again with its prickly tongue, the dog was making Betty's poor cunt raw and supersensitive. She hated to admit it, but she knew that the dog was forcing her toward orgasm. Trying as hard as she could to suppress her excitement, she only succeeded in building up the pressure of the impending climax inside of her.

She felt dizzy and frayed, heat swelling in her belly as the dog continued to lick.

"Stop him! Stop him!" she cried, on the edge of both despair and orgasm.

The dog continued to lick, not heeding even the tone of her plea for salvation from the plight of bestiality. She was sunk now, and she knew it. She would never be able to live down the awesome fact that an animal had forced her to orgasm.

The springs inside of her broke, and thick fluid dropped out of her sopping, red cunt. She squirmed and twisted, but that only made her orgasm even more, pouring the precious liquid into the dog's lapping, hungry tongue.

Bud was tied in his corner, moaning and complaining through his gag. Bud had been bound very securely, and the twisting he did only made his bonds dig deeper into his flesh.

Betty looked through her haze at the animal at her crotch. She was sure that once she had come he would leave her alone, but the dog didn't know any restraints, and only kept licking on the spent pussy lips with renewed vigor.

The animal put its paws up on her thighs and started to pull its face toward hers, licking and slurping on her soft belly as it went. She was so weak from her orgasm that she didn't even have the strength to give a verbal protest.

The dog hesitated at her tits, licking the luscious mounds of flesh all over. Her nipples perked, even in her tired state, and the dog ran his long tongue the full length across them. She tried to move her tits out of the way, but the dog thought she was playing a game, and he swiped at her bobbing nipples as they passed his huge face.

Betty was tired beyond words, but the dog had obviously only begun. She tried to cross her knees and discourage the animal.

Suddenly she felt a great heat at her crotch and she knew that the dog had forced her legs open and had placed his cock at her pussy. He began pumping wildly, still not in her cunt, his slick prick sliding up and down her white thigh. She tried to lift up to see the evil thing that was happening to her, but the dog put his front paws on either side of her neck, forcing her back down.

The hot tip of his cock was at her pussy lips, pushing its way down her slit over the inflamed nubbin of her clitoris. The hood slipped back from the naked knot of nerves and Betty felt the prick touch her point of pleasure.

"Ohhhh! Shit!" she screamed, more in excitement than in disgust.

What am I being reduced to? They're making me nothing but an animal and I can't do a thing about it.

She tossed and turned, but it only helped slide the cock down to her cuntmouth. The dog hovered momentarily there, and then shoved his hips in and out with great rapidity, pushing the head of the huge, sticky prick further and further into the mouth of her cunt. She bucked some more, trying to force the dog cock out of her, but with one final thrust the dog was buried to the two knots of hard flesh into her cunt.

Betty tossed and turned more violently. But she could feel the hard, iron like balls of flesh at the base of his cock pushing hard at her for entry. Still jack hammering his haunches at her, the dog was wedging his entire cock into her succulent pussy.

She tried to close her legs, putting her heels on the animal's flanks and squeezing, but he was securely embedded between her lily-white thighs. The hairiness against her body tickled every inch of her fighting form, making it more difficult to resist his advances.

She felt the bulbs of hardened flesh begin to slip into her cunt, and she started yelling at the top of her lungs. She imagined that she would have to have hot water thrown on the dog to get the animal off. Shorty reached over the bed with his big, black hand and covered her face, muffling her scream.

"Fuck her doggie, fuck her!" Joey encouraged. But the animal didn't need any encouragement. Its haunches were already moving, jamming the knots into her cunt.

Betty felt the knots pass it, spreading her cunt like it had never been spread before, even by Albert. Panting and slobbering on Betty, the dog stopped pumping for a second and looked around bewildered, almost surprised that he had done it.

"Stop it, you beast, stop it!" Betty demanded in hoarse tones. She wasn't talking to the dog, but to Joey. "You're the sickest human being I've ever met," she said, spitting out her words with a venomous tone and a sneer.

"I ain't never fucked a dog, lady, so watch out who you're callin' the kettle black!" Joey was laughing harder than ever.

Betty could see Bud across the room, his face red and his body vibrating with anger. She sympathized with his helplessness just as he was sympathizing with hers.

She could feel the dog start to move again. Fire began surging inside of her, spreading from her bloated, tight cunt to her belly, from there to her bobbing, jelly like tits.

The hard bone in the animal's chest rested on her breastbone, almost hurting. It would have hurt if the dog was not supporting its heavy weight on its front paws as it drove the turgid, seeping cock into her. She wanted to cry. She grimaced as the stroking cock began to give her pleasure.

I hate myself! I hate myself! her thoughts kept saying, but the excitement and pleasure kept mounting. She felt another, nasty, dirty orgasm drifting down her body, begging for escape. The frenzy of the animal above her told her that he was going to have his also.

The rasp of his fur on her skin became more and more exciting until she forgot her distaste for the scene and abandoned herself to the pleasure of his cock.

She began humping in time with the dog's short strokes, pushing up her hips as he was coming down at her. The redness of her pussy was flaming. She felt the juices in her rosy cunt flowing down to aid the orgasm which was approaching at runaway speed.

The cock was swelling up inside her, pulsing with the rapid heartbeat of the animal. It was difficult to match his demonic, frantic pace, but soon Betty forgot about her disgust and caught up with him, the reddened lips of her cunt surging up around the base and knots of the pounding cock. It was strange feeling the bristling fur scraping her soft cuntmouth, but she began to think of the dog as friendly--just an animal getting pleasure--and she abandoned herself.

A strange hotness welled up within her, something she had never felt before. She couldn't imagine it being the dog's orgasm, because his pace hadn't been affected at all. But it was! The hot spunk began flowing out of her tight cunt, seeping down her dangling legs. All of the muscles of the animal were tight as his orgasm spent itself rapidly.

The dog then tried to pull out, the knots and its cock still swollen inside of an unsatisfied Betty.

She screamed again, the dog's attempted withdrawal nearly tearing her cunt open. She finally came as the dog struggled to get free. Betty screamed again, the pain mingling with her orgasm, becoming indistinguishable from it, and flowing out of her cunt.

"Hold the dog still!" Joey yelled. "It'll kill her!"

Shorty bounded over the bed and grabbed the dog with his powerful, black hands, holding his hind legs.

Betty was relieved as she felt the brutal prick begin to go flaccid inside of her. She sighed deeply and the dog slipped its meat out of her.

"Have you had enough?" she asked Joey bitterly.

"No!" Joey said.

"What do you mean?" she asked indignantly, pulling as hard as she could at the ropes.

"I mean you have to blow the dog first."

"Look, boss," Willy said. "It's already past dark. We got to get our money. I ain't waiting here another minute."

"Tie him up, Shorty," Joey said casually. Willy had forgotten that Joey held all the cards. Shorty would do anything for him, even kill if he was asked.

"Okay, boss, you win."

"You're goddamn light I do. Nobody fucks with me, you hear?" snarled Joey.


"Well, you're setting tied up anyway. Tie him up like I said, Shorty." Shorty moved over to Willy with the only remaining piece of rope in the room and bound his hands.

"I been good to you boss, why do this to me?" Willy asked almost pleading.

"Because you're more damn trouble than you're worth," Joey hissed, arching his eyebrows, making his face look even darker than it already was.

Joey turned back to Betty and untied her wrists. He moved her over to the middle of the bed and then whistled for the dog. It moved slower than it had before, still recovering from a giant orgasm.

"Now blow him!" Joey demanded.

"Not on your life!" Betty answered.

It might be your life if you don't do it!" he said, sneering and looking evil.

"It'll have to be," Betty said. "I've gone through enough today. If you want any more, it'll have to be as a necrophiliac."

"What's that?" Joey asked, angry that he didn't know.

"That's where they fuck dead people," she said.

"Not a bad idea," he said facetiously. "But we need you for the exchange, so that game's off for today."

"Then forget it, because I'm not doing any more."

"Tie her hands again and then put the dog's cock on her face," Joey said to Shorty.

Shorty was just following out his orders when the door burst open and a dozen or so policemen rushed into the room.

Betty swooned and fainted, the last thing she saw was Albert coming in before the chief.

She opened her eyes to see that a blanket had been tossed over her naked body, and her hands had been untied.

"You did a very nice job," began the chief. "Holding them here while Albert went to get us. We heard screaming and thought that they were torturing you. We didn't dare to barge in then, they might have hurt you. When they took that dog away was our best luck. We didn't know how to get by him without being detected."

Betty stared up at the kind, older face. He didn't look half as mean as when he assigned her to this difficult job--trying to track down the biggest bank robbers in the state while still a rookie. Respect was in his eyes, and Betty forgot all else and knew that what she had done had been worthwhile.

She was still too weak to answer, but held her hand out to him. Albert was standing beside the chief and took her hand. Betty looked over at him and saw love in his eyes.

Two policemen walked over to the bed with her clothes. She gathered the blanket around her as modestly as she could and headed for the bathroom. She felt funny having clothes on--she had been naked so long in front of so many men. But it was good to feel protected, secure in her wrappings.

As she walked out, she saw Bud, the chief, and Albert talking. They seemed to be arguing about something, with Albert and the chief seeming to agree.

"What's the matter?" she asked as she walked slowly, still feeling weak from the day's activities.

"They want to set this sonofabitch free!" Bud said. "He's the one who planned the whole damn thing; he said so!"

"Ya," said the chief. "He was the one who led us to you, without even asking for clemency. What do you think, Officer Brady?"

Betty thought for a minute, not wanting to betray either Albert or Bud, she was caught in a dilemma. She hesitated.

"Well, what do you think?" repeated the chief.

"I think without Albert we might never have gone free," Betty said, reluctantly looking at Bud. He seemed less mad than she thought he would be, but he wasn't smiling.

"We have to take you down to the station," said the chief. "Forms and that sort of thing have to be filled out. It'll only take an hour or so, then you and Bud can go home for a deserved rest."

Betty suddenly realized that Bud had volunteered for the job of decoy because of the way he felt about her. She was glad that Albert was going free, but sorry that she had had to disappoint Bud.

At the station Betty was forced to remember exactly what happened to her. She found it difficult to recall each degrading position she had been made to assume. But events began coming back to her and, after an hour and a half, she had everything down. The only thing she didn't tell them was that Albert had balled her. She didn't know why she did this, her entire police training had been toward relating the whole truth. But she knew beyond all else that she didn't want him to get into any trouble.

"You've earned a long rest," said the chief. "So you and Bud are getting a week off, as well as a big raise."

Betty knew she should feel delighted at what he was saying, but she was just too damn tired.

On the way back to her apartment she even fell asleep in the back of the patrol car.

She entered her room and looked around. It had only been sixteen hours since she had seen it last, but it was different.

She reached the couch, where she collapsed in exhaustion and slept for sixteen more hours.

In the sixteenth hour Betty dreamed about everything the gang had done to her--all their cocks fucking into her cunt at the same time--and then she dreamed of a strange-looking cock, one that had a big red knot on the end. It was a dog's cock that she saw so vividly, a German Shepherd's prick that was as big as a man's cock.

The big dog was burrowing his nose into her pubic hair in spite of her tightly clamped thighs. She laughed nervously and locked her hands under his chin to raise his head. "Nice doggie. You wanta fuck Betty, don't you?"

In her dream she uncrossed her knees and parted them. The German Shepherd edged around her leg to thrust his head between her thighs. The chill of his nose as it touched the inner bulges of her thighs shocked her.

"Ohhh!" she gasped, and flung her knees apart.

He touched the edges of her cuntlips. A thrill of guilty pleasure surged over her. She laid one hand on the top of his head and buried her fingers in the dense fur.

"Oh my God! I didn't know I was that horny!"

His tongue probed between the hair-covered folds of flesh at the base of her cunt, arousing an agonizingly intense sensation in her pussy.

"Jesus! Oh, Jesus! I'm terrible, but I like it!"

The dog raised his head momentarily to look into her face, then dipped it and explored her cuntlips with his tongue. She watched briefly, then dropped to her back and lay with forearms raised and fists tightly clenched.

"Ooooh! Ooooh!"

He lapped gently and steadily, the roughness of his tongue dragging at the hair that grew on the fatness of her cuntlips, then tentatively dabbing at the moist, hairless inner membranes. The sensations seemed incredibly pleasurable to her. She strained to separate her thighs to their greatest possible width.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, doggie!" she whispered hoarsely.

She recognized the feeling of fullness in her cunt; her tissues were swelling and parting to expose her cuntmouth under the excitement that was building in her pussy. Her elbows were tightly clamped to her sides and she felt her thighs trembling violently. The tonguing could have been rough and greedy, she reflected. Instead, it was gentle and thorough and deliberate.

As the dog savored tiny portions of her wet cunt, he worked his way along a narrow strip of flesh from back to front, then stripped the same narrow band on the other side of her pussy before starting on a section a fraction of an inch closer to the center.

But little by little, he was working his way closer to her slit and the rim of her cuntmouth. And he was stimulating every nerve ending as he did so. Her belly muscles repeatedly snapped taut in a savage, involuntary contraction; she yielded to them as if they were a different kind of orgasm. The flood of sensation was growing so intense she found her hands opening and closing spasmodically and she realized that she was lifting first one foot up, then the other.

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