Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 9

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

Oddly, when Pam dashed into the house loaded with the packages her mother had bought, she found the place empty.

"Daddy! Susie? Is anybody here? I'm back!"

Her only answer was silence.

That seemed odd. She dropped the packages on the couch and went to search, certain someone had to be home. It was past lunchtime, but they weren't in the kitchen either. She went upstairs and called out.

"Daddy? Susan!"

They weren't in the house at all.

Perplexed, Pam headed for the only other place they might be. She slammed out the back door and made for the barn, bouncing with light exuberance. Mark's warm oozy cum tickled at her damp cunt, making it tingle. Her panties were still crammed under the seat of the station wagon, and a surge of wicked pleasure licked through her at the naughty sensation of being nude beneath her skirt. It was one of the nicest mornings Pam had experienced yet, and she wanted to share it with her cousin just as soon as she got the chance.

It was with that intent that she opened the barn door and slipped inside, on the verge of calling out.

"Yeah, yeah baby that's it, suck it good, ahhh..."

Pam froze at the sound of those words. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the barn, and she saw the rest of her family in a far corner, near Bess's stall.

Dave Harmon lay sprawled out, totally nude. He was propped on his elbows, watching appreciatively as Susie knelt before him, his prick engulfed in her mouth. She was sucking it back to full hardness, giving little muffled murmurs of pleasure in her throat as it swelled up, growing long and fat and stiff all over again. Her head bobbed up and down.

Pam took it all in at once. At first she was too shocked even to breathe, at the sight of her father's cock vanishing between Susie's lips. The voluptuous blonde groaned, and her tight, rounded ass wiggled as she bobbed her head faster. Pam heard her father give a husky laugh.

"Oh yeah, that's just right. Keep it going, do it..."

It was too much to hold in. Numbed by the sight she'd walked into, Pam let her breath out in a startled gasp.


Susie heard it first and her head twisted up, letting Dave's cock slip free. It wagged in the air, slick and veined and waving like a massive pendulum.

By this time Dave had long since given up trying to fight off his seductive niece. His head turned at the sound of his daughter's voice in a kind of dazed slow motion, as if he'd hardly heard it.

Then realization sank in, as he saw Pam standing in the barn doorway, her brown eyes wide and mouth wide open.

He tried to make his voice work. "Pub... Pammy -- I didn't... oh Christ I... this isn't what you... uhh..." He stumbled, his face going red.

For the first time in her life Pam got an unobstructed view of her father's prick. It was all big and hard and looming from his thickly nested balls with unbelievable hugeness, looking just like Mark's cock all grown up.

It made her pussy itch and cream. She strode forward in a dream-like movement, her gaze fastened on her father's nude, muscular body and big stiffened prick.

"Oh... oh Daddy..."


Caught in a situation that couldn't be explained, Dave could only work his mouth silently. Then a stunned expression filled his face, as Susie spoke.

"Well, it's about time somebody got home! Come on Pam, join us! It's fun!" Susie's expression was openly gleeful, without even a shred of inhibition. And if that wasn't enough of a surprise, Dave saw his daughter slowly nod, her attention obviously turned completely to his bare bobbing prick.

Before Dave quite realized what was happening, Pam reached up and unfastened her skirt, letting it drop. Since she wasn't wearing panties, her thick spongy brown mound of cunt fur burst into sight. It was all richly curled and glistening damply, undulating a bit as she pulled out of her blouse.

Dave's voice came out in a horrified croak. "What... just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Her blouse and bra slipped to the floorboards, and that spectacle cut him off with a hiss.

Pam smiled. She could see the effect she was having and that made her cunt churn even more. "What's the matter, Daddy? I just want to have some fun too, like everybody else. That's all right with you, isn't it?"

Suddenly she knelt and grabbed his swollen prick. It lurched in her hands as Dave moved to feebly protest. Susie giggled.

"Oh wow, this is really going to be nice! Let's show Uncle Dave how much fun he can have with both of us. Come on, Pammy. We'll show him... uhhmm..."

Her head lowered, she flicked her tongue along the sagging creased sac of his balls. Instantly Pam knelt and took her father's inflamed red cockhead between her pink tender lips, sucking it like a big piece of candy.

Taken all at once, it was more than Dave could handle. He watched in sheer astonishment as the two sexy teenagers licked and sucked at his cock. He saw his daughter's mouth lower onto his prick, taking in inch after inch of its enormous shaft. Her tongue was working furiously over its knobbed tip, her brown hair cascading across his bare stomach as she picked up where her cousin left off.

He couldn't fight it. The incredible sensation of those two sensuous mouths working him over sent waves of horny pleasure shooting up through him, overwhelming any fatherly reluctance he may have had left. Almost as if of its own accord he saw one of his hands reach out and tangle in Pam's thick dark hair, urging her on.

"Oh Christ, that's... that's good, real good. Pammy, please -- oh damn, baby, yeah. Yeah, yeah..."

It happened very quickly, without warning. Dave wouldn't have believed himself capable of enjoying the feel of getting sucked off by his own daughter, but it was really happening. Vaguely he realized that Susan was responsible. It was obvious that she and Pam had been up to something, and right now he was enjoying the result. He couldn't help it. Pam sucked on his cock with greedy need, while Susan slurped at his balls and rolled them against her full lips with youthful expertise, working them to an ache.

Within moments he was groaning once again, forcing Pam's head down on his prick and arching up to feel both wet warm tongues sliding over his balls and cock. It was the most fantastic sensation he'd ever known.

"Ahh... aaahhh."

He sank back, sighing heavily.

At the same time, Susie sneaked a hand between Pam's slick thighs and felt the textured moistness of her flared cunt lips. Pam moaned softly and sucked on her father's cock even harder. Susie slipped a finger into her drenched pussy, and worked it around.

"Muhhm... fffhhhuuum."

On her hands and knees, she gyrated. Her mouth glided up and down the huge rippling shaft of her daddy's cockmeat, trying to taste every swollen inch. Until this very instant she'd hardly dared imagine anything like this happening, but now that it was she could feel her cunt erupting in waves of wet delight around her cousin's plunging finger. She wiggled ecstatically, sucking and humping her way toward a fresh explosive orgasm that made her tongue her father's prick more furiously than ever.

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