Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

"The thing about milking cows is to be firm but gentle." Dave's big shoulders moved as he talked, fingers working Old Bess' udders and milk spraying into the bucket at his feet in long streaming arcs. "If you're not relaxed, it makes her skittish -- even cows can sense that sort of thing. And if Bess gets skittish, you get less milk from her."

"Oh, I see."

Susie leaned across his crouched form, watching his hands push-squeeze with determined intent. Morning sunshine filtered through the barn and beamed across her supple young figure, clad in skimpy halter top and short cut-offs. Her long blonde hair cascaded down, a strand of it curling across Dave's shoulder as he worked.

"Are you sure you want to learn this?" he asked, strangely uncomfortable under the voluptuous teenager's scrutiny. "I mean, wouldn't you rather be with your aunt and cousins in town right now having a good time instead of being here with me learning how to milk Bess?"

Aunt Linda had taken Pam and Mark on a shopping spree that morning, but on impulse Susie had pleaded to stay behind, to watch her uncle work. She bent forward, nudging a big ripe tit against his arm.

"That's okay Uncle Dave, I like to watch! Can I try it too?"

Very aware of that swollen tit pushing against his bare arm, practically spilling from her halter right into his face, Dave gave a polite cough and rose.

"Sure, go ahead and give it a try. That's the best way to learn, anyhow."

Under his watchful gaze Suzie scooted onto the small stool and reached out, deftly catching two of Bess' flopping udders. She began to knead rhythmically, the way she'd seen her uncle do.

"Like this?"

Her hands pulled up and down, only no milk was coming out. She frowned, and darted a glance up as he laughed.

"Well, you've got the general idea down fine. Now be firm, let the old gal know what you're after. There you go."

A burst of warm white liquid squirted across Susie's bare leg, and she squealed. "Oh, I did it! Did you see that? I'm doing it!" "Good girl." Dave grinned, amused by her exuberance. "Now if you'll just aim for the pail, we'll have Bess done up in no time."

Delighted, Susie attacked Old Bess with a fury. Milk splashed into the pail, and the cow's head turned as if to peer at the girl in wonder over what all the excitement was about.

Her tits bobbled in their sheer confines, and Dave found himself standing there staring at their creamy exposed cleavage with a gaze that just wouldn't tear away, no matter how he tried. Ever since Susie's arrival, he'd noticed the aura of youthful sensuality about the girl, but this was the first time he'd been alone with her long enough to catch the full effect.

His niece was sexy as hell, and she obviously knew it. Her big lush tits bounced in the halter as if aching to escape, and her taut little ass wiggled on the stool with small, tantalizing gyrations. Christ, he was getting turned on by a girl! And his own niece, yet!

As if suddenly aware of what he was thinking, Susie slowed her milking and looked up with a bright, glowing smile. "The bucket's almost full, Uncle Dave. Should I stop?"

"Uh, yeah." Dave's voice came out gritty and he rushed on. "Yeah, that ought to just about do it. Here, let me get that."

He reached down to take the pail, and by accident one of Susie's large soft tits brushed his cheek.

Dave jerked as if he'd been struck, and the pail toppled.

"Oh, Christ!"

He grabbed, but it was too late. Milk had spilled everywhere, soaking into the hay-strewn floorboards.

"Oh no!" Susie grabbed too, wailing as her morning's work seeped away. They both scrambled forward, in a tangle. One of Dave's feet slipped out from under him and he crashed into the girl, tumbling.

She fell atop him with a little scream, and in the next moment they were both laughing and rolling on the floor of the barn, caught up in the unexpected ludicrous situation. Bess gave them a look and sidled away, as if to remain aloof from these strange goings-on.

It all happened that suddenly, without warning. Abruptly Dave found himself flat on his back, gasping with laughter as Susie squealed and giggled on top of him, her large tits mashing against his chest and her long, slender legs flailing, her crotch bumping hard to his.

Instantly he felt his prick soar up with embarrassing awareness, even in the midst of their laughter. Flushing with humiliation, he moved to slide out from under her.

"Well, that's that. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow..."

"Oh, do we have to wait?" Still smiling, she made her voice woeful. She didn't make the slightest effort to let him up. "I was doing so well, and now it's all ruined! Can't we do another bucket, so I can show everybody?"

Despite his growing hard-on Dave had to grin. "I don't think Bess'd take too kindly to that. We've just about tapped the girl out for today! But tomorrow we can have another go, okay? Now, we'd better get to cleaning up the mess I just made..."

He started to rise, but Susie didn't move. Instead she squirmed atop him with playful enjoyment, their crotches grinding together even harder.

"That's not fair, Uncle Dave! I was just learning how to milk, but now no one's going to believe me! I ought to have something to show for my efforts, at least!"

By this time his cock was bulging up stiffly, pressing against his trousers with an insistence that couldn't be missed. And with the way Susie's crotch was rubbing against his, there was no chance she didn't feel it.

He blushed more fiercely. "Come on young lady, up! We can't just roll around in milk all morning. I promise I'll tell the whole family what a great job you did."

"Oh, well..." Susie smiled, beaming.

This was the moment when she should have finally given up and let her uncle wiggle out from under her, but she didn't want to. His prick pushed against her crotch with a stiffness that had her pussy tingling. She'd learned a lot about bulging crotches lately, and it was perfectly plain that her uncle had an enormous hard-on. The last thing she wanted now was to let it get away from her.

"I know!" she said suddenly, smiling down at him with an impish gleam. "Why don't we just practice, so I can really know how to do it next time! There's nothing wrong with practicing, is there?"

There was something in her voice that Dave didn't like at all. He didn't like it, because it made his cock strum up like a fence post. His hands had gone to her bare shoulders, but he couldn't seem to make himself push her off. When he spoke, his voice was weak and not nearly as stern as he meant it to be.

"Come on, Susan. I'm not going to have you practicing on Bess after we've worn her out already--"

"Oh, I didn't mean Bess." The gleam in her eyes brightened, and suddenly she reached down. "I meant this!"

Her fingers groped along his bulging crotch and Dave hissed with a mixture of shock and lust.

"Susie, stop that! Jesus--"

He started to push her away, and that was when his thumb caught in the loop of a shoulder strap on her halter. It pulled away with elastic ease, and one of her big creamy tits plopped free. It burst out of the flimsy material and jounced loose, quivering and jutting and topped by a pink swirled nipple that made his mouth go dry.

"Why, Uncle Dave!" Susie giggled again, pleased at his stare. "If you wanted to see my titties, all you had to do was ask! Or did you want to do some practicing too?"

She raised up a bit with those words, hefting her shoulder. Her big pendulous tit dangled above him, its nipple puffing out to a distended erection of rubbery hardness as it danced over his face, hanging tauntingly near.


His jaw worked. Her fingers were rubbing at his crotch with blatant arousal now, with the certain knowledge that her uncle wasn't going to object. Dave's mouth opened, but no words came out. Only a throaty groan, as he feasted on that young tender tit with a hunger he couldn't hide.

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