Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

None of the children talked much at supper. In fact they all seemed unusually quiet. Once again Linda found herself frowning with concern as they picked at their food, hardly tasting a thing.

"Soon as we finish that north acreage, we'll be set up for harvesting." Dave was talking, lightly keeping the conversation going as he munched a mouthful of steak. "You've done a good job, son. A man's job. This year ought to be our best yet, just wait and see."

Mark didn't seem very interested. He toyed with his mashed potatoes, not meeting his father's gaze. "Yeah. Thanks, Dad."

Frankly, Linda was getting worried. Susie had been visiting almost a week now, and at first the kids had seemed to hit it off extremely well. But they'd been so subdued and unlike themselves all day that she was beginning to fear that her niece wasn't fitting in.

She spoke up abruptly. "Well, enough talk about farming. This is the children's summer vacation from school too, you know. They ought to be having at least a little fun while it lasts! What've you been up to, dears? Are you showing Susie all around?"

"Oh, sure," Pam answered with a little shrug, glancing over at her cousin. "We're having a really nice time, Mom. It's been fun."

A look passed between the two girls, and Mark only stared down at his food all the harder.

Something was going on--that they weren't telling her about. Linda could sense it, though they were trying fiercely not to give the fact away. It bothered her throughout supper and the rest of the evening, though she didn't make another attempt to get the truth out of them.

Later, as they slipped into bed, she mentioned her worries to Dave. "Darling, do you think it was a good idea to have Susie here for the summer? I mean, it seemed that she was getting along with the kids so well at first, giving them someone new to play with, but now... have you noticed a difference in them?"

"Oh come on Linda, give 'em a break. They're just feeling each other out, you know, the way kids do. They'll be fine. And the only difference I've noticed is this."

Climbing into bed beside her, Dave slid forward with a grin on his face. His stiffened cock pressed against her bare thigh, and despite herself Linda had to laugh.

"And just what's so different about that? It feels just the same to me as it does almost every night!"

As usual, Dave knew just what it took to get her mind off worries. His strong fingers dipped between her thighs, plowing through thick red curls to test the moistness they found seeping between her already- slickened cuntlips.

He grunted his approval. "The difference is that I've got a hard-on that just won't quit, and all you've got to worry about is how to make it soft. Where do you want it, babe? Here? Or here?"

A mischievous finger pushed its wet length up her sopping pussy, and another squirmed down to the small puckered rim of her ass and wiggled to its knuckle up that taut channel.

Pussy juice burst into his palm, and Linda's answer was a throaty giggle. "Both. God, I want it up both my holes, and in my mouth too! Damn you, you're getting me so hot I want it everywhere at once! How do you intend to solve that problem, lover?"

She shivered up, bunching on his hand and working both fingers inside her.

This time it was Dave's turn to laugh, delighted. "Well, that does call for an interesting solution, I'll admit. But I've got some ideas on the subject. You'll see..."

He did, too. Moments later he'd twisted around on the bed and was diving into her soaked cunt, his tongue stabbing wetly into her. The finger in her asshole wedged itself even deeper, and his magnificent engorged prick speared up at her face, bobbing urgently for attention.

This afternoon's all-too-brief session hadn't done a thing to satisfy their appetites. Linda hastily pulled his cock to her full lips and slipped them snugly around its rippled surface, sucking greedily as it slithered down her throat. His tongue flicked in and out of her pussy with long loving strokes, lapping its wet slippery length and playing across her large fattened clit as well. The finger up her ass wiggled until it was as far up that small damp hole as it could go.

All other thoughts drifted away as she concentrated on sucking her husband's meaty cock and humping his face, her juices now churning in a froth that slickened his chin and drooled along her ass crevice, allowing his finger to push in and out with a jabbing rhythm that perfectly matched his tongue-stabs.

It didn't take long before they were both groaning and twisting in oblivious sensation, all problems forgotten as Linda bobbed her head on her husband's cock and gyrated onto his mouth, muffling his appreciative murmurs as her pussy slapped at his lips, her ass bunching on his hand at the same time.

Linda loved sucking Dave's cock. She loved the feel of its massive hugeness sliding along the slick warm vise of her throat, threatening to fill it completely and then pulling back to allow her tongue to dart across his cocktip, tasting the first little dribbles of jism that leaked from it. If there was one thing she enjoyed as much as feeling the hot, slick presence of cum in her pussy, it was feeling it on her tongue as well. She gulped and swallowed, drinking his cock like a big long straw.

His tongue shoved up her cunt hole, a finger plunging in and out of her ass with growing intensity. Dave nuzzled deep into his wife's thick bush of fiery cunt fur, his lips pressed against her wet pussy mouth in an incredible intimate kiss.

They thrashed in simultaneous frenzy, building to climax amidst hasty sucking sounds as their bodies entwined with the expertise of a long- married couple, each of them soaking up every bit of pleasure before the final crescendo.

In what seemed mere moments Linda was whimpering and purring ecstatically, pussy grinding to his face and clit pumping up hard against his teeth. His finger was pistoning in and out of her ass to add extra jolts of pleasure as she soared up and sucked at his gliding prick with a fury. A long groan slid from her throat.

The explosion of orgasm built up within her to incredible proportions. Her cunt was twitching and creaming onto her husband's face in a fountain of juices, until she couldn't hold back another second. And just at the moment she erupted, Dave came too. "Muuuhhhmmmfff!"

Linda gave a stifled wail of release, writhing deliciously as Dave shuddered in her arms. His big swollen cock jerked between her lips, and an arc of sweet cum poured down her throat in thick, pearly splatters.

She drank it all up, head bobbing and ass thrusting. His tongue lunged up inside her and twisted around in the clenched vise of her pussy hole, finger reaming her out hard and fast as they both tossed on the bed in mutual culmination.

Their climax went on and on, in a chain of eruptions that made the bed squeak. It wasn't until Dave pulled from between her thighs gasping for breath and his cock slumped from her lips, now emptied and lolling, that their blissful gyrations ended.


Linda sank onto the bed in a heap, groaning softly. Dazed and delirious in a cloud of satisfaction, she was hardly aware that Dave had shifted around until he took her in his arms, breathing heavily.

"Ahhhh, now that's what I call the end of a very pleasant day," he muttered, snuggling against her. "And that's what you ought to be worrying about, instead of the kids. Just concentrate on keeping your husband happy, and things around here are going to be just fine."

He chuckled, sighing blissfully.

She smiled. "In that case I've got no problems at all because you're easy to please! Now, if only everything else could be solved like that... uhhmm..."

They clung to each other like a pair of happy teenagers, just enjoying a few more moments without having a houseful of kids underfoot. But even in her haze of fulfillment, Linda hadn't forgotten her worries. And they came back, nagging at her like an itch.

Long after Dave had drifted off to sleep she lay there, restless and thoughtful. Finally, after it seemed she had lain wide-awake for hours, Linda carefully rose and slipped from the bedroom, moving away from her husband's soft, comforting snore.

The upstairs hallway was dim, lit only by moonlight. Nude, she walked to the door of Pam's room, intending only to peek in and see that the girls were all right. It was a silly, motherly thing to do, but if it would help her sleep...

Her hand turned the knob, and gently eased the door open. That was when she heard the voices, and froze. "Uhmm, that feels nice! Ohhh now you're really doing it Mark, yesss that's real good! Now do Pammy too, so she can have some fun!"

"Like this?" Mark's voice filtered into the hall, followed by his sister's squeal.


Stunned, Linda recognized those sounds all too well. She'd been making very similar sounds herself not long ago, with Dave's tongue and prick urging her on.

But to hear them coming from Pam's room--

Pam, and Susan... and Mark!

The awful realization sank home. A flush crept over Linda, growing fiercer with each of Pam's gasps.

"Oooh--ooh that's nice, yes do me some more! Ohhhh..."

The children seemed to be getting along just fine, after all!

Linda stood there, trembling in a confusion of emotions. Her first impulse was to burst in on them and confront whatever shocking scene she would find.

But on the other hand, she might be jumping to conclusions. Just because those ominous groans sounded shocking enough in themselves, that didn't have to mean anything wicked was really going on, did it? After all... oh God, not her own children!

Hoping against hope that her imagination was wrong, Linda carefully eased the door open and peeked in. Her breath hissed out in choked horror. Moonlight filled the room, cascading across Pam's big double bed. They were all three nude, the two girls on their sides with Mark between them on his back, his hands moving rhythmically between their spread-open legs and mouth groping at the firm big tits that thrust at him from both sides, pushing forward for attention.

She took it all in at a glance, as the girls both wiggled.

"Faster... do it faster! Yehhss..."

"Ooooh! Oooh yes, yes ahhhh..."

Just as carefully Linda shut the door, drawing in a breath.

It was true. It was really happening. Her Mark, and innocent little Pam... oh God, no!

Unable to merely stand by another second, she reached up and knocked with a trembling fist.

"Mark? Mark, would you come out now and let the girls rest? You can all visit tomorrow, but right now they need their sleep. Mark?"

At her first rap on the door all activity froze. Her voice came out surprisingly smooth and unconcerned, as if she were simply interrupting a late-night chat instead of the terrible thing she'd seen.

For a long moment she thought Mark wasn't going to answer, not daring to admit he was in with the girls.

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