Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Hey, watch it!"

Mark veered the tractor with a sharp twist of the wheel, braking to a stop as Susie popped out of the barn and stood before him, waving blithely.

"You want to get run over or something? Jee--zus!"

With that scoffing admonishment he climbed off the heated vehicle and pulled his tee shirt from his black jeans pocket where he'd stuffed it, wiping it across his sweaty face like a rag.

It was late afternoon and the sun was blistering. Sweat poured over his bare, tanned chest and soaked his pants, adding to his irritation.

But Susie took it all without a qualm and smiled back, her voice lilting. "I was just waiting for you, that's all! I thought you might be tired after being out in the field all day and want to relax! Want to relax some more, Mark?"

She pushed her tee-shirted tits out in a blatant arch, showing him just the kind of relaxation she meant.

Mark's irritation instantly drained away and for a moment he even forgot how worn out he was. "Well..." he glanced back at the house, a bit uncertain. "What about my folks? And Pam?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry." Tingling with excitement, Susie beamed. "Uncle Dave and Aunt Linda are keeping to themselves, and Pammy's no problem. I'll bet we could relax really nice in the barn, and no one would notice us at all."

She added a sway of her full hips to that wager, and Mark's eyes followed it with growing interest.

He'd been thinking about this morning's incident all day, going over and over it in his mind until his cock was so swollen and aching that he'd had to concentrate on other things.

Now, the offer of repeating that episode had his cock blossoming in his wet jeans all over again. It didn't take long to form an answer.

"Okay, let's go. I guess I could use some more relaxing, at that."

He grinned wide, his mouth already watering in anticipation.

"I thought you might." Susie flashed a smile of triumph. "And for that matter, so could I! Let's go."

She led the way, slipping into the barn ahead of him.

Though the Harmons' barn was certainly an improvement over their chicken coop, it was still little more than a wood-slatted shell with a stall for Old Bess in one corner and a small hay loft above that. However, it was cool and dim after the hot day he'd spent on the tractor, and instantly Mark felt more in the mood for another session with his horny cousin.

Susie darted ahead of him and instantly clambered up the rickety ladder that led to the loft, calling over her shoulder. "Come on, lazy! If you don't speed up, I'm going to start without you!"

"And just see how far you get!" Mark retorted with a chuckle, watching her firm jutting ass wiggle up the ladder and disappear in a flutter of thrown hay.

But he followed quickly, his prick already pulsing in his crotch with a painful insistent throb. By the time he reached the cozy hay-carpeted niche, she was already shedding her shirt. Susie hadn't bothered wearing a bra, and her tits jounced free.

A fresh wave of heat swept over him at sight of those luxurious bouncy tits, but this was a much more pleasant kind of heat than that which had his clothes sopping.

"You're really asking for it today, aren't ya? Oh man--"

Deftly unsnapping her jeans, Susie smiled back. "I don't have to ask for it, Mark Harmon! You're going to give it to me anyway, whether you want to or not -- just wait and see!"

She fell back in the hay and arched, pushing her jeans down and off. Her blonde curled pussy tuft hovered in the air before him, and Mark's throat constricted.

"Ohhhh, shit!"

He tore his plastered shirt off and flung it down, then kicked off his sneakers and fumbled at his own jeans. That was when a motion caught the corner of his eye, and his head jerked to the darkened corner of the loft. He came face to face with his little sister, Pam, who stood there goggling.

"Jesus -- Pam!" He froze, clutching his unsnapped jeans, caught in the act of shoving them down.

Pam stood staring down at the fringe of cockcurls popping into view beneath her brother's smooth stomach, at the juncture of his unzipped jeans. Her brown eyes were wide and round, her mouth open with an intake of breath.

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck's this? Pam, you--" Stunned, he was at a loss for words. His mouth worked soundlessly.

"What's the matter, Markie?" Susie said teasingly as she wiggled her jeans off and tossed them aside, now sitting nude in the middle of the hay pile. "I promised Pam she could watch us, that's all. She only wants to watch -- there's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

Mark stared from one girl to the other, speechless.

Slowly Pam's head nodded up and down. "I... I only want to see you and Susie do it, Mark. You... you don't mind, do you?" For an instant he was too surprised to answer. Then his face went red, and a flush crept across his shoulders.

"The hell I don't mind! This is crazy!" Blushing hotly, he realized his cock was practically showing and jerked his pants up. "I'm not gonna go showing off my cock to the whole world -- and especially not to my own sister!"

"Oh, don't be a baby!" This time it was Susie's turn to be irritated as her pussy itched for satisfaction. "I already told Pam everything, and she knows every single detail! Now she just wants to see it, that's all. Do you want to show her, or not?"

She raised one knee and let it swing out leisurely, splaying her moist, dewy cunt before him with uninhibited temptation.

Mark stammered, torn between the ache in his cock and the surging embarrassment. "Look," he said slowly, forcing his eyes off Susie's gold-trimmed cunt crack. "I'm just not gonna -- you know-- in front of my own sister! It's... it's..."

"Oh, Mark!" This time it was Pam who spoke up, her voice pleading. "I'm not going to tell on you, or anything! It's just that... I've never seen anyone actually fuck before! Fuck Susie, and let me watch! Please?"

He'd never heard Pam use the word 'fuck' before, and that was another surprise. He hadn't even thought she knew what it meant.

Susie was getting impatient. Her pussy was juicing, aching to be filled with prick again. She reached down and massaged it, feeling cuntcream spurt onto her fingers.

"Well? Are you going to just -- ahhh... stand there? I... uhhmmm... I told you I'd start without you! Oooooh..." She fingered her now-drenched cunt with open delight, obviously not the least bit bothered by anyone's presence.

It seemed wrong. A guy doesn't strip down to his bare cock and go at it with his horny cousin, when his little sister was standing there watching the whole thing!

On the other hand, Pammy seemed so eager to watch them fuck, and Susie's pussy was spread out so hot and wet in front of him that his prick was aching...

With a deep breath he gave in, still blushing furiously. "Okay, you two asked for it. But I'm gonna give you a fucking you'll never forget for setting me up like this!" He jerked his jeans down and kicked out of them.

Pam gasped loudly as her brother's cock swung up bare and stiff, bobbing into sight with a sheer hugeness that made her tremble. It was enormous! Not at all like the vague image she'd pictured, but big and thick and veined and blooming into a fat round head that looked as big as her clenched fist. "Well, are you satisfied now?"

His own fists clenched as well, Mark let her look. And surprisingly, despite his embarrassment, he felt a nudge of pride at the expression on his sister's face.

"What's the matter, Pam? You act as if you never saw a cock before!"

Lips twitching in what was almost a grin he shifted subtly, making his cock rock up and down in long swinging arcs.

Pam ogled at that. Her wide, shocked eyes traveled along his immense cocklength, reaching its thickly furred base and taking in the hefty sag of his large wrinkled ball-sac. His nuts looked as large as chickens' eggs to her, jiggling slightly. Altogether, it was much more than she'd ever imagined and she spoke in a hushed tone of pure awe.

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