Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up! Come on, Pam--up!"

Racing into the bedroom all flushed and surging with energy after her recent experience, Susie pounced on her cousin's big double bed and tumbled over the sleeping shape snuggled there, shaking Pam awake.


A thick mane of glossy dark brown hair cascaded across the pillow as she jerked back the single sheet wrapped about her cousin's shape, and uncovered Pam Harmon's attractive face.

"Susan, don't!"

Pam tried to pull the sheet back over her head, but Susie wouldn't allow it. "Get up, Pam! God, I think you could sleep forever! Come on, I've got something to tell you!"

Reluctantly Pam gave up the struggle and blinked awake, her large brown eyes focusing up at Susie's beaming face. "Oh, all right. But it had better be good!"

Grumpily she kicked away the sheet and sat up, yawning widely. In a sheer blue nightie that showed off the thrust of her tits, Susie could see why Mark thought his sister's tits were big-- because they were. Jutting out against the flimsy material without the least little bit of sag, they jiggled slightly as she pushed herself groggily into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes, blinking.

"Okay, I'm awake." She frowned a bit, puckering her full lips. "Now, what's so important?"

"Guess what I've been doing?" A gleam flared in Susie's eyes, a playful glitter as she felt the warm seeping ooze of Mark's cum leaking from her cunt.

"Su--san!" Pam made a face. She was always a sourpuss in the mornings. "How would I know? Are you going to tell me, or not?"

Susie would've enjoyed tormenting her cousin more, but she was bursting with the news. It wouldn't hold back, no matter how hard she tried.

"All right. Guess who just showed me his cock?"

At first the words didn't register. Pam pushed back her long brown hair, hardly listening. "Oh, I don't know. Who?" Then the statement penetrated. Her eyebrows flew up, and she gasped-- "Just showed you... his what?"

That was the reaction Susie wanted. "His cock--you know what a cock is, don't you? And if you don't, you sure ought to find out from that brother of yours! Wow, is his ever something!"

Pam reacted as if she'd been punched. Her eyes went round and wide with shock, growing rounded and wider as the whole episode spilled out. Susie told her everything, down to the smallest detail. She hadn't intended to be so explicit, but the words just poured out of her.

"And then I let him put it in me," she finished casually, as if it happened every day.

Pam's face was slack, her mind stunned and, whirling with the images her cousin had described. When she finally managed to speak, it was with a breathless awed gasp. "You... what?"

Susie shrugged, enjoying Pam's response. "I let him put his cock in me and it was like... , well, like a giant firecracker going off or something. I mean, it really felt great! You ought to try it sometime. I bet you'd like it too, if you did!"

Finally something besides shock crept across Pam's high- cheeked face. Her expression turned into a look of pure disgust at the mere notion of letting a boy shoot his cum in her. "Ugh! That's gross!"

"No it isn't! It's nice. Real-l-l-l nice! I mean... wowwww!" She made a face of sheer ecstasy, just at the memory.

For her part, Pam was adaze. She couldn't even imagine Mark and Susie doing such a thing, and just wouldn't have believed it if her cousin hadn't been so convincing. Mark. and Susie--fucking! Ugh!

But despite herself, she felt a tingle of curiosity stir deep within her, emanating from her cunt. The images Susie had conveyed were having their effect. When she spoke again, it was in a small voice.

"Did it... did it really feel nice? Like in the books and movies?"

"Oh wow, did it ever!" Susie's answer was a gasp of vivid recollection, as if she once more felt those gushes of hot cockcream spurting up her cunt.

Pam blushed, tingling with an excitement she couldn't quite ignore. "What'd it feel like, Suse? I mean... was it tingly, sort of?"

"More like an explosion! Like... like when you finger yourself, only ten times better. A hundred times better!"

At that statement Pam's blush deepened and her soft brown eyes dropped. "I... I've never fingered myself."

"What?" Susie stared at her, blankly amazed. "You've never even--oh, what a dummy! Don't tell me you think that's disgusting too! Oh wow, everybody does that! Don't you ever get horny at all?"

Her expression was so astonished that Pam hung her head in dejection. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she nodded. "I guess I do. That is, sometimes I get this funny itchy feeling and it doesn't go away for a long time. Is that being horny?"

Her absolute innocence was so overwhelming that Susie felt a surge of pity, and softened her scoffing tone.

"Well, that sounds like it, all right. Look, we've got some time before your folks get back, and Mark's collecting the eggs. Do you want me to show you some stuff?"

At any other time Pam would have burst out a horrified "No!" But after all their talk about Mark and fucking and how nice it felt, her cunt was all wet and achy in that ominous way, demanding attention. She knew how it felt to be horny, all right. She was horny right now.

"Well..."she let the word linger, then shrugged. "Okay. Do I... do I have to do much?"

"Only as much as it takes," Susie said in an authoritative tone, wiggled up onto her knees. "The first thing we have to do is get rid of these clothes. Take off your nightie, while I peel."

Instantly she jerked off her tee shirt and squirmed out of her jeans, for the second time that morning.

Pam hesitated, suddenly shy in front of her own cousin. She watched Susie's big jutting tits spring free, and was still timidly looking on as she dropped her jeans to the floor and turned, her blonde cunt fleece shining all downy and moist from her earlier activities.

"Well what're you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Oh honestly Pam, don't be such a big baby! Here, raise your arms, I'll do it."

Abruptly she reached forward, grabbing the hem of Pam's blue nightie. The brunette barely had time to throw her arms up in surrender as the crisp material slithered up and over and off, drifting away in a crumpled heap.

She sat absolutely nude, shivering a bit as Susie took in the spectacle of her large trembling tits and pale slender body, the girl's blue eyes traveling down across her lithe figure and coming to rest on the thick rich thatch of dark brown cunt bush that curled at the juncture of her closed thighs, hiding her pussy from view.

"Wow, Mark was right." Susie gasped, her gaze approving. "He said you were really built, and he sure knew what he was talking about!"

"Mark said that?" Pam was wide-eyed, shocked that her own big brother would even think about her like that. But at the same time, a pleasant ache surged through her cunt at the notion.

"Uh-huh. Now come on, do you want to learn or not?" Susie waited for the brunette to give a reluctant nod, then went on. "First you have to relax and think sexy. Think about boys you've had a crush on, or someone you'd like to have peeking in the window at you right this very moment--that's what I do. Like... well, like Mark. Boy, wouldn't he just love to look in and see us right now like this!"

With those giggly words she flopped onto her back and gave a lazy stretch, pushing her huge pink-tipped titties into the air in a blatant display.

Pam did the same, and felt a pleasant oozy warmth sneak through her at the image of Mark gaping in the bedroom window at the two nude girls, his mouth hanging open. Wouldn't he just be surprised!

That thought made her feel sexy and desirable, as if she were the kind of girl boys liked to stare at, which she was. But she'd never before stretched out naked in bed, all hot and tingly.

"Do you feel it?" Susie asked, her own pussy tingling by now. "It feels nice, doesn't it?"

"Uh... hunh." Pam agreed, trying to keep the huskiness from her voice.

"Good. Now reach up and cup your titties, just as if Mark's watching the whole thing. You can feel him looking at your tits, and I can guarantee he sure likes tits. It feels so nice that they feel all hard and sore in a nice sort of way, and when you touch them... aaah..."

Susie sighed, rolling her thumbs across the swelling spikes of her oversized nipples. They twanged up, and a gush of cream leaked from her pussy. She gave them a flick, and gasped. Then another.

"Susie, I can't!" Pam suddenly broke the spell, jerking her hands away from her own uplifted tits.

"Whuh--why not?" Susie's eyes unglazed, and she looked over at her cousin.

Pam was blushing furiously. "It's not nice to do those things to yourself! I just can't help it!"

For a long moment Susie simply stared. Then she burst out angrily. "Oh, bullshit! Look, I'll get you started, okay? Then when you're good and horny, I'll show you the rest."

"I don't think that's such a good idea..." Pam began, but it was already too late.

Susie rolled onto her side and reached out, capturing one of her cousin's big soft tits in a cupped palm.

Pam gasped. Her gasp turned into a groan when the blonde thumbed her quarter-sized nipple, bringing its peak to stiff erection.

"Oh--ohhh, Susie don't! This is so awful, feeling ourselves this way! Don't--ooooh..."

Her nipple swelled up hard and rubbery and taut, itching like crazy under Susie's thumb. She worked it like a button, alternately pressing and twiddling until Pam's shoulder arched up in response.

"There, see?" her voice was triumphant. "You like to have your titties touched too, just like any girl! And I'll bet I can get you good and horny, too. Then you'll be ready for some fingering! How about it, Pam?"

"I... I don't..." Pam's cunt was creaming wickedly now, and the last thing she wanted to do was stop the wonderful feelings that shot all through her. Instead, she gave in. "All right. Let's-- let's do it! I want to!"

"That's better." Pleased, Susie felt her pussy churning up a froth of juices as she massaged her cousin's big tits, determined to show Pam just a little of what she'd been missing. "I knew you'd come around. Look, it's working already!"

She watched with delight as Pam's nipple popped up stiff and quivering from its pink textured areola, straining under her rippling fingers. Pam's brown eyes took on a glaze and she squeezed her thighs together as hot juicy warmth spread through her.

"See? That feels nice, doesn't it?"

"Yeh--yesss," she gasped, reaching up to grasp Susie's hand in one of her own. She urged it to knead faster, rubbing across her tits in a furious massage. It was all happening so fast that her tender virgin cunt was sopping. Her pussy ached, and the ache was getting worse.

"Do it... do it just like Mark did you, Susie! Do it good!" She wiggled, her face ecstatic.

Susie smiled. By this time she was fully aroused herself, her cunt juicing as well. "All right, since you asked for it. But he did more than just rub my titties. He did this, too."

Suddenly she leaned over and caught the brunette's rigid nipple spike between her lips, giving it a tentative tongue-flick.

"Ahhhhh!" Pam's eyes flew open, and her cunt fluttered. "Ohhh, that-- that feels so funny! It... it's making me... ooohhh..."

She reached up, hardly aware of what she was doing, and tangled her fingers in Susie's long blonde hair.


They were both taken by surprise. Without warning Susie found her mouth filled with vibrant tit-flesh, her lips stretched apart to take almost the whole soft orb of Pam's tit between them. She'd hardly expected anything like this to happen, but now she discovered that the feel of having another girl's tit thrust into her mouth wasn't an unpleasant sensation at all. She began to suck, recalling the way Mark had sucked her big tits.

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