Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

Supper that night was an abnormally quiet affair. So much had happened in so short a time within the family that no one could pretend that everything was still the same as it always had been.

Pam picked at her food. Mark ate quickly, concentrating intensely on his meal. Dave and Linda hadn't spoken a word to each other all evening, both of them upset and disturbed by the things they'd done today.

Only Susie was unaffected.

"Umm, this meal is really great, Aunt Linda! Wow, was I hungry!" she luxuriated in a mouthful of steak and mashed potatoes, her blue eyes shining with bright innocence as she went on unmindful of the ominous quiet all around her. "Just think--I've been here one week today! And it's been the best week of my life! Wow, living on a farm sure is something! I've learned so much already, and I've got the whole summer ahead! Isn't that great?"

"More peas, dear?" Linda's eyes flashed with momentary anger as she thrust the bowl at the exuberant teenager, fixing her with a glare that Susie didn't even notice.

It was all Susan's doing. Everything, every single event that had taken place in the past few days. Linda knew that now without a doubt. Her own unleashed horniness, the awful things she'd done with Mark... none of it would ever have happened if Susan hadn't caused it.

And even worse. When she and Mark had arrived home this afternoon, she'd noticed immediately that there was a difference in Pam and Dave as well. The flushed expressions on their faces, the way she'd noticed Dave looking at his own daughter all through the evening...

It wasn't difficult at all to imagine what had happened. It wasn't even a very great shock, since it had happened to her too. Dave and Pam. Linda and Mark.

And Susan...

"Is something wrong, Aunt Linda?" Susie smiled brightly, not really concerned at all by her aunt's quietness. "You're not mad or anything, are you? Gosh, I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow! There's new stuff to do every day--it's just fantastic! I wish I never had to go home again ever!"

She wiggled on her chair like a happy kitten, not in the least perturbed that all eyes had been drawn to her. In fact, she enjoyed being the center of attention. That was why she'd slipped into a skimpy pink nightie before coming to supper, knowing that its flimsy sheer material displayed the thrust of her tits and the veiled swells of her hips in a way that couldn't be ignored.

The girl was flaunting herself, as if to purposely infuriate Linda. And it was working. The woman opened her mouth for a sharp retort, but Dave broke in hastily.

"Kids, don't you think it's about time we cleared things away? I think we've all had about as much supper as we can take."

"Sure Dad."

"All right, Daddy."

Silently, aware of their mother's incipient rage, Pam and Mark began to collect the dishes and hurry them to the counter.

Susie hopped up to help, her light nightie fanning out to expose long slender thighs and a momentary, almost taunting glimpse of blonde pussy fleece.

"Here, let me pitch in too!"

She swept past Linda in a self-assured flurry, and that was when her aunt's fury broke.

"Oh no you don't, young lady! Not in that outfit. All you want to help is yourself!"

She caught Susie's arm, roughly jerking her about.

The entire household froze, as if they'd all been expecting an outburst. Only Susie seemed stunned, her eyes going wide as she swayed in her aunt's grasp. "What's the matter, Aunt Linda? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

If anything, the absolute sincerity of her plea angered Linda even more. "Didn't do anything wrong? Wearing that thing to supper and prancing around practically naked as if you owned the place -- I'd call that wrong! Showing yourself off in front of my husband and son like... like some kind of little tramp! I'd say that was very wrong, wouldn't you?"

Linda was shivering now, swelling with a pentup outrage that had been building for days.

Susie saw it too and squirmed in her aunt's tight grip, suddenly a bit scared. "I... I wasn't showing off, Aunt Linda, really! I just thought it would be nice--"

"Oh, I believe that!" Linda cut in with a hiss. "Just like you thought it would be nice to teach my children how to fuck each other--"

"Linda!" Dave croaked, but that didn't stop her.

"And like you thought it would be nice to seduce my husband! Don't play little Miss Innocent with me, I know just what you've been up to with Pammy and Dave, involving them in your disgusting games because you thought it would be nice! And what you did to Mark and me--the things you've gotten us all to do. You... dirty... little... bitch!"

Her voice rose to nearly a screech, and Susie paled.

She wasn't the only one. It was all in the open now, and they were all faced with it. Dave looked as if he'd been punched. Pam blushed and stared hard at the floor, while Mark shifted uncomfortably and tried to stop it.

"Come on Mom..."

But Linda was beyond stopping now. She shook Susie hard, rising to tower over her in a quivering mass of rage.

"Oh my, you're really pleased with yourself, aren't you? Turning our whole family upside down until you've got us fucking our own children, and them fucking each other, just so long as you're satisfied! Well I hope you're satisfied now, you bitch! Bitch! Bitch!"

She screamed the word out, her anger totally unleashed and out of control now. Susie's attractive young face took on a film of sheer terror, and she tried to pull away.

"Aunt Linda--oh!"

Fabric caught in Linda's hands and Susie shrieked as a harsh ripping noise filled the room, spinning the girl away.

Linda was left standing there with the garment hanging limply in her fingers, facing the nude teenager who stood in the center of the kitchen feebly trying to cover herself, on the verge of tears.

For a long moment no one moved. Mark and Dave gaped, speechless. Pam blushed more furiously. Linda let the bits of tattered cloth float to the floor, shocked by her own action.

Susie wavered, one hand fluttering to her fleecy blonde cunt and the other fumbling at her oversized tits, not quite managing to hide anything. "Aunt Linda, what'd I do? I was just having fun, that's all! If--if everyone else wanted to have fun too, that's not my fault! What'd I do to cause trouble?"

"Mom, Susie's right." Pammy spoke up then, in a soft, shy whisper. "We... we all knew what we were doing--"

"Shut up!" Linda exploded at her daughter, not in the mood to be reasonable. Then she whirled on Susie, advancing with a menacing stalk. "I'll tell you what you've done! You've flaunted around here fucking everything that moves, without caring whose life you upset! Getting Mark so hot and bothered that I--I had to finish what you started! You taught Pam all the disgusting things no girl her age ought to know, and then showed her how to fuck her own father!"

"Now wait a minute, Linda." Dave's face went tight, and he started forward. "What happened wasn't like that. Now calm down and I'll--"

"Calm down! Calm down? After what this bitch has done to all of us? Yes, I'll calm down, just as soon as I make my point! Come here, you little slut! I'll teach you trouble, damn you! Come here!"

Everything seemed to happen at once then. Susie wailed, and Linda grabbed her. Dave reached for his wife, but she tore herself out of his grasp and flung the teenager to the kitchen table.

Susie slammed back on it in a clatter of dishes, her legs flailing in the air.

Before anyone else had time to move Linda swooped between the girl's outflung legs. Her mouth dove into the soft bushy-fringed pout of her niece's cunt, and her tongue plunged along it.


Susie gave an astonished cry of intermingled terror and sudden lust as her aunt knelt there, urgently licking her pussy and worming her tongue deep between its delicate pooched cunt lips.

A burst of cream flooded from her pussy and she gave a squeal.

"Oh Aunt Linda, what're you--oh! Ohhh!"

She thrashed, scared and whimpering and turned on with an abruptness that left her weak. Her legs flopped feebly as Linda's tongue stabbed in and out of her cunt, working it to a froth.

It all happened so unexpectedly that her family stood gaping as she lashed her niece's cunt to a churning lather of juices, bent on repaying some of the debt of guilt she owed. Susie's fingers tangled in her glossy red hair as if to push her away, but only tightened their grip as she began to hunch in spasms, overwhelmed by the greedy tongue that had her pussy melting.

"Oooh--oooh Aunt Linda, that's... ohhhhh..."

Her long legs slid wide apart, and Linda burrowed even deeper into her cunt.


Dave stood there, aghast. He saw his wife's pink tongue flit between Susie's cunt lips and saw her manicured fingernails clutch the girl's thighs and push them wide, her attractive face growing shiny with pussy juices. His cock jerked in his trousers as he looked on helplessly, unable to believe what he was seeing.

The effect on Pam and Mark was identical. Neither tried to stop what was happening.

And quickly, within mere moments, Susie's squeals turned into cries of delight as she arched to her aunt's face, plunging onto her tongue in ecstasy.

"Eat me, Aunt Linda! Eat me good, oh that feels so fucking good! Eat meeeee!"

She hunched faster, soaring to an unbelievable climax. Her lithe teenaged body surged and her big tits rolled with bouncing urgency.

Abruptly Linda pulled back, her face slick and her full lips drawn into a strange smile. Even as her tongue slipped from Susie's cunt she replaced it with two fingers, stabbing them up that sopping hot pussy with fast prick-like strokes.

Susie's blue eyes went glassy, and she cried out.


"Now, you little bitch!" Breathing heavily and feeling her own pussy juicing up with an astonishing ache as well, she pumped her fingers in and out with merciless thrusts. "Tell me what you are -- and I want everyone to hear it! Tell me! Tell me!"

Her fingers shoved into Susie's wet, sucking cunt hole, punctuating each word.

"Bitch!" the blonde practically screamed, humping her aunt's hand without inhibition on the kitchen table as ripples of climax tore through her; "I'm a bitch! Oh yeah, fuck me and suck me and eat me, I can't stand it! Annnhhh!"

She writhed, orgasming with gleeful convulsions.

Plucking her fingers from the teenager's cunt, Linda turned to face her family. She reached up and began to unbutton her blouse. "All right, which of you horny men wants to fuck this bitch first? After all, you've both done it before! Who wants a piece of ass now?"

First blouse, then bra slipped to the floor. Linda stepped out of her slacks and tossed them aside as well, then stood nude and defiant before them all.

Mark made a gurgling sound. His jeans were tented in an ominous bulge, his gaze fastened on that scene. Pammy whimpered slightly, and Dave saw that his daughter had a fist clenched against her shorts-clad crotch, digging in hard.

This was too much. He broke from his stupor and started forward, his jaw set angrily. "Mark, see to your sister! Linda-- Susie... Jesus Christ, what the hell's happening here? Are you crazy?"

But the stiffness of his own cock gave him away, and Linda saw it too. Without warning she grabbed his shirt and pulled. Buttons flew, and her voice was a hoarse eager hiss of mixed rage and lust as she groped at his trousers.

"Fuck the bitch! I want to see you do it like you did it this morning, lover. I want to see you fuck the living shit out of her!"

Her eyes glittered as she fished in and captured his prick, jerking it free. "Oh Christ..."

Sprawled on the table and splaying her cunt wide in juicy approval at sight of her uncle's monster cock, Susie was in complete agreement. "Oh yesss, fuck me! I need it, Uncle Dave! Aunt Linda knows--she's just as horny as I am! Oh hurry, pleeease!"

Linda smiled. They were two voluptuous nude women, both urging Dave into the most incredible situation of his life. His wife's hand tugged on his prick, guiding it toward Susie's spread-open pussy.

Dave groaned, unable to resist. He glanced back to catch a startling glimpse of Pam and Mark standing together, clenched in a tonguing kiss, Pammy's shorts pushed down to her knees and Mark's hand plowing into her little brown-fuzzed cunt while her fist pumped on his bared cock.

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