Eager Horny Cousin - Cover

Eager Horny Cousin


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young teenager goes to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Novel-Pocketbook  

Susie Blake had big tits, and she knew it. She cupped them in her hands, hefting them out for Mark's inspection as he stood gaping before her, frankly astonished.

"Well?" she asked sweetly, enjoying his stare. "I told you they were bigger than Pam's, didn't I? Is this proof enough?"

Slowly Mark Harmon's head bobbed up and down, his face slack with amazement. "Jesus, are they ever! I never saw any like those before, even in pictures! Can... can I touch them?"

The question came out shy and breathless, making Susie smile at the tortured look on her cousin's face. Though excited by the prospect of having her oversized titties touched, she pretended to hesitate. "Well... I don't know. Are you sure Uncle Dave and Aunt Linda won't come back from town early? If they got home and started wondering why we didn't have the morning eggs collected yet..."

She glanced fearfully at the open chicken coop door, almost expecting to see Uncle Dave's big station wagon coming up the gravel driveway beside the house. She'd arrived almost a week ago to spend her entire summer vacation with them, and the last thing she wanted now was to get caught like this.

Mark's handsome face scrunched in a wince, and he spoke hastily. "Nah, they never come back early from their town trips. And even if they do, they won't bother coming out here to look for us. Look, I'll make sure no one can see anything."

With those words he quickly set down his egg basket and bolted for the wood-slatted door, pulling it shut with a bang and hooking its crude, handmade latch to give them privacy.

Actually, the chicken coop wasn't the most private place in the world even with its door shut. Little more than a makeshift shack, its boarded walls gaped to let the country morning sunshine stream in, more than enough to let someone peek in if they wanted to. And the subdued lazy cackles of the chickens as they perched in their roosts or waddled along the hay-strewn wood floor poking for food reminded Susie of an audience, all intently looking on as she stood with her shirt bunched at her shoulders and her tits jutting out.

For a moment she was almost sorry she'd set out to show Mark that her tits were bigger than his sister's. If he hadn't pointed out Old Bess, the family cow, as they were heading for the coop and made a snide remark about Pam's tits, it never would have gotten started. On the other hand, she was the one who'd pushed the subject by announcing that her tits were every bit as big as his sister's and maybe even bigger. One thing had led to another, and now she found herself standing in a chicken coop with her tits sticking out just like that cow's, all because she wanted to impress her cousin.

At least she'd accomplished that much. Mark was impressed. Glancing furtively toward the house where he hoped Pam was still sleeping, he fixed the door shut and came back.

"Okay. Now we've got lots of privacy. Are you going to let me feel your tits, or not?"

"Oh, all right." She shrugged, making them bobble with enticement. "Just a little, then. Until I say to stop."

"Sure." Mark grinned agreeably, knowing that once he got hold of those big tits he intended to hang on just as long as he wanted. After all, it wasn't every day a guy got to wrap his fingers around a pair like those! "Anything you say, Suse. Anything at all."

As he spoke, his hands flew up without warning and mashed against her ripe pliant tits, making her gasp.

"Ohhh, that hurts! Not so hard... ahhh, that's better. Much better..."

Mark's fingers slowed their first urgent kneadings, and began to rub across her tits in a slow, tender massage. His voice came out husky. "Is that all right?"

"Uhmm, yes..."

Susie gave a purr as her fat, tingling nipples spiked out against his palms, itching with a sudden incredible sensation.

Startled by that abrupt press of hard rubbery nipple flesh, he jerked his hands back. "Jesus! What's happening?"

Staring down in total amazement, Mark saw her nipples puff out until they had to be at least an inch long and finger-thick, their flared points distended, red with inflamed reaction.

She had to smile, observing the consternation on his face. Despite all his big talk about tits and the fact that he and Susie were the same age, Mark was even less experienced than she was! "Nothing's happening, silly. That's just how girls are, that's all. I thought you knew all about titties from Pam and Old Bess!"

"Well..." He blushed, trapped by his own bravado. "Well, hell, Bess is only a cow! And... uh, I mean Pam never did really show me her tits on purpose. Just sort of once when I walked into the bathroom while she was taking a shower... you mean all girls get like that?"

He reached out again, this time gingerly, and flicked one stiffened nipple with a finger.

Susie gasped. "Ye--ehhss..."

Her nipple strummed out quivering.

Mark frowned. "Does it hurt?"

His finger flicked across her taut nipple again, then moved in a circle over the bumpy plumped surface of its pink areola.

Susie felt her cunt melt in a flood of steamy juices. "Uhm, not when you do it nice and easy like that. In fact, it feels nice!"

Picking up courage once more, he gently placed his palms over her large expanded nipples and rubbed them in a rotating motion, feeling those huge swollen buds bend and spring erect, stiffer than ever.

Frowning in utter concentration, Mark studied his cousin's tits as if they were the last tits he would ever see. He watched their nipples pop up resiliently under each roll of his hands. He also noticed the tremors that shot through Susie's body. Her attractive face took on a strange expression, full lips parting in a long, low groan and blue eyes fluttering oddly as he twanged and teased her nipples with hesitant, curious care.

"Are you all right, Suse? I mean... I can stop, if you really want me to..."

"Nuh--no, don't stop."

Breathless and dizzy from the aching excitement that soared through her pussy, Susie shook her head, her long blonde curls cascading like a golden aura. Instead she arched her shoulders, shoving those big bouncy jugs at him for more attention. "Keep doing that. It... it feels nice. Oh, ohhh..."

He grinned, gaining confidence. Hell, maybe Susie's tits weren't all that different from Old Bess after all. They sure weren't the floppy old cow udders he was used to, but they looked just juicy enough for milking!

His grin spreading wide at that comparison Mark deftly grasped those fatly blossomed nipples between thumb and forefinger and gave them a couple of rhythmic squeezes, as if actually expecting a stream of hot liquid to gush forth. "Aaah!"

Susie gasped at those curious nipple-twisting tugs, her teenaged pussy frothing in a fresh torrent of cream.

Seeing that she didn't object, Mark tugged again. His fingers pulled on her big inflamed nipples with tender expertise, taking care not to pull too hard. "Oh man, I could milk these babies dry! I'll bet I could get a gallon out of 'em and it'd taste sweeter than Old Bess ever thought of! Yeah, I'll bet you'd taste just like sugar, Suse. All creamy and warm, like... oh shit..."

Suddenly he couldn't stand it anymore. His head swooped down and without another word Mark pursed his lips hard onto one giant pink nipple and sucked it into his mouth, unable to hold back the urge to taste that sweet sugary tit a moment longer.

"Oh Mark, that--ooohhh!"

She squealed and arched, automatically mashing her tit to his face. Susie had never before felt a thrill of pleasure like the one tearing through her now. But then, she'd never had her tits sucked, either. The nipple caught between his lips started to tingle like crazy, and the tingling abruptly increased as his tongue slid wetly over her bloated spike, making it quiver like a plucked string.

"Yes!" Before she quite realized it, Susie heard herself crying out. "Yes, suck my titty like that! Suck it good and hard! It feels so... so nice, soooo nice! Ahhhh..."

She reached up and clutched his head, fingers tangling in his dark tousled hair. Her tit shoved forward, filling his mouth and smashing against his face with such ferocity that he couldn't breathe.

However, instead of pulling back he sucked all the harder. His hands slipped about Susie's waist, and found that she was shuddering all over in a series of ripples that almost scared him all over again.

But her gasping, purring voice urged him on. "Suck... suck me, oh suck me good! Harder, Mark, harder! I'm--I'm going to--to-- oooooh!"

Her cry rose to a wail, and she spasmed. An earthquake seemed to erupt all through her, and by twisting his head Mark could see that her blue eyes were glazed and glassy, not like. Susie's eyes at all.

He didn't have the vaguest idea what was happening. But since she didn't seem the least interested in releasing her death-grip on his head, he kept on sucking.

Finally the eruptions subsided, and it was at that moment that Mark had to jerk back for air.

"Whuh--whew!" he gasped, flushed and breathing hard. "Wow, I never thought I'd almost get smothered to death by a tit! Suse? Hey Suse, you all right?"

He took her shoulders and gave her a nudging shake.


Susie focused once more into reality, and the worried look on her cousin's face. Spiraling down from the nicest surge of sensation she'd ever known, she blinked. The haze that had clouded her eyes slowly seeped away, and with it came the dawn of realization.

She'd just had an orgasm. The very first real honest-to-gosh orgasm of her life! The crotch of her jeans was sopping wet, and her tits throbbed. Her heart was pounding, and she felt dizzy all over. Her very first orgasm--and it was wonderful!

"Hey, Suse, come on! If you're just trying to scare me again-- "

She smiled, and Mark let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Oh shit, what'd you do that for? The way you looked, I thought you were dying or something!"

Her smile widened. When she spoke, her voice was a bit hoarse. "Oh, don't be such a big baby! Haven't--haven't you ever seen a girl come before?"

Mark went blank. "You mean girls can come too?"

His total ignorance and serious expression were so ludicrous together that she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. "Of course I did, silly! You should know--you're the one who did it!"

At first he didn't understand. But the glow in Susie's bright blue eyes told him he'd just done something 'right, whether he understood it or not. After an instant's hesitation, Mark grinned.

"Want me to do it again?"

He looked down at her tits, ready for another taste.

However, he was in for a new surprise. Susie nodded, reaching for the snap of her jeans. "All right. But this time I'm going to let you see just what happens when a girl comes. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Stunned, Mark stared as she undid her jeans and began to push them down. He swallowed hard, feeling his cock lurch in his pants. He hadn't expected anything like this! His prick was twisting into a confined lump of solid rock as he watched the jeans slither crisply over his cousin's hips and glide to the old wood floor. She stepped out of them, at the same time tugging her shirt the rest of the way off too.

Now she stood before him in just her panties, atremble with a mixture of shyness and anticipation as the vivid memory of that very first orgasm urged her on.

Mark's eyes fastened on her damp silk-clad crotch, and he let out a hoarse breath. "Oh shit..."

He could see the darkened thatch of her cunt hair beneath the flimsy white fabric, and his prick began to throb so much it hurt.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Susie's taunting voice cut through his mesmerized stare. "I'm not going to strip naked in this old chicken coop all by myself, you know! And... and besides, if you want to see how girls come, you're going to have to show me how boys do it too! That's only fair, isn't it?"

He looked up at her dumbly. Then his face contorted. "You mean I gotta take off my--the hell I am! Hunh--uh. No way!"

"Oh, is that so?" By this time Susie had noticed the ominous bulge in his trousers, and the sudden sexy smile that flitted across her face was playful and knowing. "You want to see me, don't you? Like this?"

Hooking her thumbs under the elastic band of her panties, she eased them down. The crisp top fringe of her pussy curls burst into view, all gold and downy and rich with the promise of more to come.

Mark's throat went tight. Just that hint of pussy hair had his balls aching like hell, practically begging for a better look. Despite his inexperience, he knew when he was trapped.

"Oh, shit! Cock-teasing bitch!"

Angrily he jerked his shirt off and threw it on the hay- littered floor. Then he went for his pants, and had them completely unfastened before he froze, too embarrassed to go on.

"You first."

Susie smiled. "All right. I don't mind."

With one deft motion she shoved the panties down her legs, and stepped out of them completely.

Mark ogled the abrupt spectacle of her blonde-furred cunt. Its thick triangular carpet glinted in the rays of the morning sunlight, and he could even see little flecks of wetness on the tufted peak that curled between her thighs, hiding the rim of her pussy from view.

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