Black Captain - Cover

Black Captain


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Hostages and Captors. In such situation many things can happen and personal feelings can affect things.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   MaleDom   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Well, today they were entering the big time for sure, Eflo sighed heavily as she entered Captain Happy's elegant suite. Today the first of the hostages would be taken and would arrive and talks would begin. The Captain would win the independence of his country or he would lose and they would all go up in the big bomb, or so Eflo thought. She was very, very frightened of the big bomb that was the way the white men won their nowadays, so she had heard. But she was far more frightened of Captain Happy and did not seriously question what he did... out loud. Oh, she bickered with him sometimes, making weak objections, because he was so sure that he liked his women to have minds of their own that she didn't dare keep completely quiet. However, she knew that if she stood up and said, "Captain Happy, you are doing a silly thing, trying to make a whole country out of 'The Whitelaw Estates," Captain Happy would have another woman immediately.

Eflo felt a deep sense of disappointment because Happy wasn't there to greet her the way he always used to be when he wanted her during those days when he was a common laborer in the white man's mines. She stood inside the door for a moment and then she heard him singing off-key in that beautiful bass voice of his in the shower. The edges of her beautiful full mouth turned up in a broad smile of delight, and the first zephyrs of anticipation were already blowing through her belly when she moved stealthily to the bed to turn back the rich counterpane. God, she had never known there were such things as "counterpanes" before.

"Aaaaahhhh," she moaned aloud as she noticed the feelings in her own stomach. "More and more I am just a bitch in heat!" Oh, she wanted her Happy. She wanted him now, right now, not after his shower and after he talked on the telephone and after he talked to the man in the study and after all those busy things he was constantly finding to do lately so that she just about went out of her mind. She was thirty-five and he was ten years older, but that was no excuse to become busier instead of sexier. With many men it was exactly the opposite way around, so she had heard. There was a vast loneliness aching down there between her legs. There really was a problem that she had to solve. It had occurred to her that she ought to play hard to get and act coy, and yet she also thought it might be wise to take a stronger initiative than she ever had. The time had come when she had to choose between these alternative courses of action. The time had come when she must either waylay him as he came out of the bathroom, his big black chest shiny and sexy with the water of his shower or she must avoid him and appear not to care.

She strode across to the large bay windows and gazed out the little panes of glass toward the river where dozens of little boats rode, tied to their stakes. They bobbed gently up and down on the rough waters, waiting patiently for the men to come and use them to catch their fish just as she waited patiently for Captain Happy!

Now her hands had begun to shake and her knees felt rubbery. Surely the moment for action or non-action had arrived or at least the moment of decision! Her dark eyes lit up. Well, there was just one way the decision could be made, wasn't there? In a moment she was almost frantically removing sandals, yanking down the fatigues she had to wear lately and taking off the shirt. She wanted to be naked before he finished his shower.

The beautiful black woman shook the shortened hair, to which she would never become accustomed, and stood in the center of the room, waiting for Happy. Her tits had darkened in a blush and her nipples had grown erect by themselves. She groaned as she ran a hand feverishly down over her pubic hair. Like a snake in the rapids, a current shot through her. She flaunted her pelvis a couple of times and whimpered deep in her throat. Yesssss, a bitch in heat, she thought to herself.

When Happy did not come, Eflo bit her lower lip indecisively and then tiptoed rapidly toward the bathroom. She opened the door, and the steam hit her with a warm moistness. Through the white fog she could see his dark, muscular body outlined in the glass door of the large shower stall. He was still humming and then again broke into louder song.

Suddenly her eyes flashed as mischievously as her heart beat, and she slowly reached out for the little gilt handle of the door. Quickly she opened it and stepped inside. There was no better setup to try one of her alternate plans, she thought. For here was Captain Happy, his kinky hair all lathered up with the sweet-smelling soap, his eyes closed and not the least bit aware that someone had stepped into the shower stall with him. It was so good to be with him, so exciting, she choked back a giggle as she watched him, watched the white soapy suds running down his ebony backbone to disappear into the crack between his strong black asscheeks. Slowly, with a prankish grin on her face, she reached out for his magnificent cock.

Captain Happy's first awareness that someone was in the shower with him came with the soft touch of a hand sliding down his abdomen to fasten gently on his cock. It frightened the shit out of him! After all, he was a target now... for the government, for the envious, even for his friends very likely!

"What the hell!" he shouted, jumping in sudden alarm but grabbing the slender wrist at the same time. His eyes snapped open, but the soap blinded him again immediately. Yet he had seen that it was Eflo, and he was shocked. Before thinking that he should maintain his anger in his new position as Head of State, he yelped in surprise.

"Eflo?" he gasped, then choked as soapy water ran into his mouth, for Eflo had begun to slowly move her hand back and forth on his wet prick. A low groan of desire came squeaking out of his larynx, and her delighted, relieved laughter rang in his ears.

Emboldened, the curvaceous Eflo stepped up even closer to him and, still stroking his cock with her right hand, put her left arm around his thickening waist. She knew she was getting her hair soaked, but now that it had to be so very short and soldier-like, it hardly mattered. Under the machinations of her slender fingers, she could feel life surging into the Captain's prick. Oooohhh, it was a terribly sensual feeling as the soapy water caused her hand to slip almost without friction from head to base of the huge black rod. She felt lewd excitement expanding in her loins as the thing in her hand grew in size. Now it was elongated, sticking out in front of him as though it were the long, black rod of the old Chief's authority years ago.

"Quickly," she dared to pout. "Get the soap out of your hair and eyes," she said, beginning to feel impatient again and jerking his cock a couple of times in emphasis. He was enough aroused now to be clay in her fingers, she guessed.

Captain Happy, who had been standing them with his eyes closed once he knew who it was, let the sensations flow over his tired body. He had been up since dawn and had sent for Eflo to relax him so that he could take a nap and forget the tension of taking hostages. There was nothing she could have done for him better than to have taken her own initiative, something he had decided she had forgotten how to do lately. What miracle had happened?

He could feel the warm water flowing over his head, could feel Eflo's tits and nipples pressing against his chest, but the best thing of all was that excruciatingly wonderful movement of her hand stroking his hardening prick. Quickly he rinsed his hair and washed the soap from his blinded eyes. Then he looked at her. Even barefoot she was tall, but no woman was taller than he. He would not allow taller women in his country. Everybody understood that. Eflo's eyes were gazing unfathomably at him, almost as if they were daring him. Her moist lips, parted in amusement and possibly hunger, were only inches away. He had not seen much of her lately or of any woman. There was too much to do. Being the Head of his own country certainly made him a very important man but also so busy that he had little sleep, less sex, and no time to notice that his life was slipping away unattended. There were moments when he yearned again for a simple day fishing on the river or even for the mindless labor of the diamond mines.

He reached out, planted his sinewy hands on Eflo's flaring hips, and gruffly pulled her to him. The new position made it difficult for her pliant fingers to stroke his prick, so she contented herself with holding it tightly in her fist, clenching and unclenching her hand in time to the beat of his pulse down there. It was a maddening tempo, one that she found echoed in her own belly.

The Captain found his thoughts in comfortable disarray, but that did not stop him from shoving his tongue wetly into her open mouth. Her tongue met his and teased and cajoled it until he was pushing it in and out of her mouth as though it were a little red throbbing cock. They dueled this way for almost an eternity it seemed to the big black Captain, the water streaming pleasantly down both of their faces, but there were other things to do.

Yet he felt so powerless that Eflo was the first to break contact. When she pulled away her breath was coming in short, puppy dog pantings. She looked at her hand grasping his lust-engorged cock and then pushed down on the hardened rod so the head of the prick was touching the upper entrance to her cuntal slit. He moved forward just a tiny bit, and she felt the head slide against her dampened pubic hair and soap-lubricated clitoris. She groaned as a shower of heated sparks shot through the region of her nakedly exposed sensitive genitals.

"I see you came quickly," Captain Happy said, French-kissing her again. He had forgotten all about scolding her for surprising him the way she had as he felt the wild elation growing in him, waking him up for the big relaxation he so badly needed, as Eflo began sliding the hair covered softness of her cunt along the top of his cock. She was tall enough that he could take her this way without undue strain on his leg muscles, which after the hours of battle training he had put in this morning were in no condition to bear the weight of a fly!

She was obviously ready for him, he thought. He could put it into her delicious cunt right now if he wanted. Her eyes were closed as her breath rasped out hoarsely. She did something with her pelvis and inner thighs which caused the cuntal lips to look like a hot fleshy vise over the cock. She held it that way as she began moving back and forth again. He repressed a sigh that might have betrayed his weak sleepiness. It was almost as if he were deep inside of her now, whatever she was doing there!

Amazed, the Captain began running his big hands up and down her soapy asscheeks. He slipped his middle finger down into the soft, yielding crack and nudged her asshole. She jumped and her eyes fluttered open as the sensation of his finger against her rectum startled her.

Actually it had shot a nefarious jolt of pleasure through her. Never before had she realized she was sexually sensitive there. She had always shied away in the old days, and he had gotten in the habit of obeying her wishes. But now his wishes were law. He was doing other things, too, with those capable hands of his. They were all over her, kneading her tits as though they were bread dough, tweaking the nipples, stroking her abdomen in time to her own body movements. She was afire down there. She wanted him inside her. She said it, and the obscene words spilling out of her instead of him caused a certain amazement to register in her mind,

"Fuck me, Captain Happy," she crooned. "Please fuck me!"

The blood had long since been pounding hotly through the distended veins in his rigidly swollen cock. His balls throbbed intensely. He wanted her now, and yet he wanted to enjoy this mindless moment to its fullest. He thought he would sleep afterwards, but he wasn't really sure.

So he pulled his prick from between her tightly clenched thighs.

"What's wrong?" she whimpered, a little frightened.

"Nothing is wrong," he told her. "I am in no hurry, that is all!"

True to her recovered aggressiveness, she fought her fear of him, reached for his cock and enclosed it in her fist again.

"I want you now," she pouted. She began yanking on his huge, inflated cock in short impatient motions.

Surprisingly, Captain Happy said nothing more. He reached behind himself and got the soap from the soap tray. He loved the scented white man's soap that was almost an aphrodisiac in itself, and he used the palms of both hands to raise a lather.

Eflo didn't protest when he began to lather up her black tits. She watched the white bubbly river run down across the dark bed of her navel and disappear down into her drenched pubic hair. The Captain was now lathering up her abdomen and hips. His hands were gentle, not angry, and the electrifying sensations arched through her belly. Then he was using two fingers and the palm of his hand to soap up her cunt. She closed her eyes and moaned. Her legs became so weak that she felt they couldn't support her any longer. Then Happy actually kneeled in front of her and used both hands to bring a white lather to her black thighs and legs. He ran his big hands up and down her lower extremities as though he were stroking some great cock. She screwed her pelvis toward him, wanting to feel his strong rubbery lips against her clitoris, but he avoided that and began working his way up her backside.

A part of the big man's mind stood off watching himself. It was so good to do something so simple and innocent again, and it was obvious that Eflo was just about to go out of her mind with lust. He knew that he had neglected her dreadfully and would feel apologetic if he were not now the Head of State! But as long as it had been for them, he knew the symptoms. Eflo was very close to an orgasm.

Quickly then, he lathered up his black cock and used his soapy hands on her abdomen. His fingertips brushed across the wet, curling strands of the soft nest of fleece between her legs. He didn't pause there. His hand slid down ever further, middle finger extended, until he parted the soft wet strands of pubic hair, touched and began caressing her cuntal slit.

The beautiful black woman's tall body almost jackknifed with the maddening contact of his finger sliding through the already fevered area. She began to moan in wild, inarticulate phrases, and her inner thighs tried to trap that hand, that beautiful, familiar hand, and keep it captive. Now a second finger was making a lovely intrusion. The middle finger toyed with the clitoris. Both fingers moved in unison.

Oooohhh, she had to have it now! She was close! She wanted to feel the power of that wonderful man inside her. She had missed him so very much! She could no longer be patient. "Pleeeeaaassse!" she begged, sounding like a night creature of the jungle as it fell prey to the mighty cat.

Happy, watching her and listening to her, reveled in the feel of her hot pussy once more and the vibrating arousal of her goddess-like body. God, he thought, she will make a most beautiful queen if I cannot find one I like who is younger. How badly she wants my blood-pinkened cock, he thought, looking down at the rod in question. It was indeed a blushing pink on the tip and getting darker. She's so fired up for me that she's about to explode like a bundle of dynamite in a mine!

"Eflo," he commanded. "Put it in for me!"

Eflo needed no second command. Frantically, she reached down for his soap-slickened prick and pulled it up between her legs. She spread her thighs and pointed the stubbornly rock-hard cock, like a stick of dynamite, toward the hole of her voracious cunt. She snaked her other arm around his hefty waist and pulled him forward, guiding the magnificent hardened instrument toward her eagerly awaiting cuntal lips.

Her dark cuntal hole opened and closed like a hungry bird being fed by its mother as she pushed forward with her pelvis. His swollen prick sliced through the voracious lips, down and up, and fucked deep into the soft pulsating flesh of her belly.

"Uuuuggg!! Oooohhhaaaa!" she chanted, moving her lithe body back and forth, feeling his cum-bloated scrotum swinging and teasing against her thighs. She reached down for his testicles and caressed the gigantic balls as she wildly flaunted her pelvis, sliding her hungry cunt up and down on the throbbing rod of hardened lusty male flesh sunk with a hard feeling of permanence so deep up inside of her. It all happened unbelievably fast.

"Aaaahhh! Oooohhh! Ah! Aieeeee! I'm... I'm cummmiiinnnggg!" she screamed. And then she was really in a frenzy with her pelvis slamming so hard against the Captain's powerful hip bones that it seemed certain something was about to break.

Happy's eyes had widened in complete surprise. It was the first time he had ever known her to reach an orgasm within thirty seconds of the time the cock was first fucked in. He hadn't made one single thrust on his own part. Eflo had done all the work. What had come over her? Now she swallowed with her mouth hung loosely open, and the sound of air panting in and out of her throat made almost an obscene noise of unmistakably satisfied lust.

Trembling uncontrollably, Eflo stood there as the orgasm drained away her strength. She was forced to lean against the Head of State. There was nothing left in her body. She was sure she had lost consciousness at the height of the climax for she had slumped, and the movement had caused his hard rigidly bloated cock to slip out of her cunt with a wet, plopping sound that could be heard even above the hiss of the shower water and the deep gasps of her breathing. Oh God, it had been so long!

The beautiful black woman felt an almost uncontrollable desire to go to sleep. She knew though that she must not, that Captain Happy was more important and needed his sleep far more than she. She knew how hard he worked and had heard that he arose at dawn to work out with the men himself. They all knew that at forty-five, he was as fit as they, or almost so. Of course, he could not join them in everything they did because there was so much planning and paperwork he had to do. Everyone understood.

Eflo closed her eyes. She had reached a powerful orgasm, though, and had to savor it for a moment. Once she had seen a native boy blown into the air by the wires that connect the white men's houses with the fenced in metal houses by the river. "High Voltage" it said to those who could read English. She felt now as though she had touched those wires and was soaring back down to earth, perhaps to the rough waters of the river. She had been aroused for some days now, and release, when it came, had been as sudden as a tropical storm.

In no time, Happy's great hands were on her shoulders, turning her around so the soap would wash off. She was as obedient as a small sleepy child. Then there came the velvet-like softness of a cloth gently rubbing between her legs as it rinsed the soapsuds from her still slightly pulsating cunt. She winced when the cloth, as soft as it was, accidentally brushed against her clitoris. The organ was overly sensitive now. Any touch there was painful for the moment, even that of the Head of State, she thought wearily. On the edge of her mind she was aware of how much like his old self he seemed, the old Happy, before he was concerned with countries and titles and the white man's way of life! Then the hissing hot water was turned off.

God, now he was actually toweling her dry, treating her as if she were the infant they would have had if he had not become so engrossed in making a country. But the roughness of the towel began bringing a new life to her body. It felt, she realized, very sensual. It was warm, comfortable and readying her to satisfy him, she understood, for he still had his mammoth erection. She stood on tiptoe to help when he rubbed the towel between the cheeks of her shiny black ass. She wondered how he wanted to reach his orgasm.

Finally the big man, wadded up the towel and threw it into the corner of the shower. Silently, he picked up Eflo as though to show her he still could and carried her out of the shower and out of the neatly tiled bathroom and to the great bed where the counterpane was all turned down. He was much too worn out to carry her as effortlessly as he once did, but it still made her feel some of the childish exuberance and joy of the old relationship when at least some of their time was carefree. She put her cheek against his strong black chest, closed her eyes, and gave herself to the sensation of his erect cock rubbing across her ass with each step he took.

As carefully as he could, he put her in the center of the bed and stood looking down at her. He could not help remembering how he used to drop her on a grass mat on the dirt floor, but all of that was behind them now, behind her as well as himself. For even though he might have to marry a younger woman, he would never abandon Eflo. It would be impossible to do that. She still had her eyes closed, and her lovely full dark tits rose and fell like the surge of quicksand up river with each breath. It was incredible, he thought, that he had been able to take the Whitelaw Estates, with which to start his country, for all he had to do was make this beginning and the followers came. Now he could love Eflo on the kind of bed she deserved!

On the bed, Eflo's brown eyes blinked open. She felt a great wave of tenderness well up within her as she gazed at the revolutionary. It was something she felt for no other man and never had. Those broad shoulders, she thought, that still strong, handsome face, those muscles that he kept firm and powerful, and that... that beautiful prick that she hadn't seen in so long! How she wanted it!

They had always made love with each other in a more or less traditional fashion, but today she herself wanting to kiss his marvelous cock, pay homage to it instead of to him! How strange, she mused. Never before had she desired the taste of his prick, and she could not imagine why she was having this sudden urge, but it brought her the new problem of whether she should act on it or not. Would it please him? She had heard that men liked such things very much. Still lying on her back, she bent her knees and used the balls of her slender feet and her shoulders to scoot over so that the prick was directly above her pouting mouth. It hung above her somewhat frighteningly, like the sword of doom. She was amazed at how bold she had suddenly become, and her words sounded as though they belonged to some other woman, not her.

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