Blackmailed Teenagers - Cover

Blackmailed Teenagers


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Two college girls go to cabin by a lake on summer vacation. One of the girls is raped/coerced by a complete stranger. Soon one of the girls boyfriend shows up with a friend and after drinks and watching a porn flick, all four get it on. They all get filmed as they are messing around and the film gets back to one of the girls father and all he-- breaks out. The girl who gets raped, finally meets her rapist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook   School  

After Jimmy and Ed had gone to bed, Sandy and Lucy lay on the rug and argued about what to fix for dinner. When they finally had settled on a quick snack of hamburgers and Cokes, they couldn't make up their minds who should to the cooking. Ultimately, Sandy gave up and went into the kitchen to prepare their snack. Lucy was still lying on the rug when Sandy brought the tray with their food back into the front room.

"Come on and eat, Lucy," Sandy said to her naked friend, "you want to get your strength back for the next session!" They both ate hurriedly, hungry from their earlier activities. When they were finished, they once again stretched out on the rug.

"I wonder how Ed affords all this filming equipment," Lucy said, waving her hand around the room at the camera and lights.

"Oh, I imagine most of it belongs to the college," Sandy replied. She was still a little miffed about being left out of the afternoon's activities with Jimmy. It didn't seem fair that she should be the "star" of the movie if the blonde-haired girl was going to get all the fucking. And from the way Jimmy had watched her while he was balling Lucy, Sandy felt sure that he wished he had a different partner, too. It seemed strange to lie here with Lucy, both of them stark naked, discussing film equipment that had been used to shoot such candid movies of themselves. Less than two days ago they would have both been shocked at the suggestion of appearing in pornographic home movies. Despite Ed's protestations, Sandy could still not bring herself to believe all that he had told them about the movie being for any film festival. Still, she and Lucy had been given a choice and they had both decided to go ahead with the movie.

"Do you think the camera operates automatically so that all of us can be fucking at once?" Lucy asked. She felt a little guilty about this afternoon, too. Not that she would have traded places with Sandy. Jimmy was her boyfriend and he should be fucking her! But it would be nice if the four of them could be fucking at the same time for the movie.

"I don't know," Sandy replied, "all I know is that there's going to be one hell of an argument if I don't get some action soon!" She ran her hand through her short hair, feeling the tangled mess it was, and decided to do something about it.

"Lucy, I'm going to take a shower before the guys wake up. My hair feels awful!" Sandy stated, and she got up and started toward her bedroom.

"Do you mind if I join you in the shower?" Lucy asked, getting up from the rug. She didn't want to use the shower in her own bedroom for fear of disturbing the sleeping boys.

"No, I don't mind. Come on!" Sandy said over her shoulder.

Sandy turned on the shower while Lucy got extra towels from the linen closet. They both stepped under the stinging spray and began to lather themselves. Sandy watched her friend out of the corner of her eye. Lucy's busy hands were working so gently it was almost as if she were caressing herself instead of bathing. When the young blonde reached her pussy, her fingers began a slow massage with the bar of scented soap, rubbing it gently into the space between her legs and teasing it along her pussy lips. She lifted her legs and body a little to give her hand better access to that secret spot. Unconsciously, Sandy's own hand began the same moment and her fingers suddenly brushed her clitoris, sending little shivers of delight through her loins.

Sandy heard someone laughing and she looked up to find Lucy grinning at her. She blushed and took her hands away from her pubic mound.

"Don't let me stop you, Sandy! I was laughing because someone walking in here now would think we were a couple of real sex-starved girls. They'd never believe all the fucking we've had in the past twenty- fours hours!"

Sandy smiled at her friend's words and resumed soaping herself. The warm water felt wonderful and she stepped closer to the stinging spray until it was coursing through her hair and down her whole body. She wondered what it would be like to be fucked in the driving rain, to have soft sky-water mix with perspiration and cum. It was an exciting thought.

Both girls finished their showers at the same time and toweled each other dry, using the huge fluffy beach towels. Afterwards, they climbed into Sandy's bed and lay there, arms around each other until they both dozed off, Lucy, tired but satiated--Sandy, tired but looking forward to Ed's promise of satisfaction for her soon.

Sandy and Lucy had awakened from their sleep about midnight and were sitting in the front room drinking coffee when they heard someone stirring in the bedroom. It was a warm night and neither had bothered to dress, preferring instead to just wear thin and revealing wrappers.

"What do you think Ed is going to have us do tonight?" Lucy asked. The wine and sex-induced euphoria was gone and she was beginning to have some misgivings about continuing with the film. More than anything else, she needed to have reassurance from Sandy that they were doing the right thing.

Sandy couldn't even begin to guess what Ed had in mind for them. She had awakened with a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. At first, she had attributed it to the wine and the excitement of the afternoon, but it soon became apparent to her that it was more than that. Sitting quietly here with Lucy while the exhausted Ed and Jimmy slept, she was more than ever convinced that they were making a mistake by going on with the obscene motion picture. Ed's arguments had been just a little too smooth to be true. It was almost as if he were playing some sort of game with them. She didn't want to alarm Lucy by voicing her doubts, but they were certainly there. It was one thing to have the boys up for a good time while they had the opportunity. It was something else entirely to allow something to happen that would put their future in jeopardy.

"Are you having any second thoughts about going on with it?" she asked Lucy, trying to keep her own doubts out of her voice.

"No!" Lucy replied immediately. "At least, I don't think so. I don't think I've ever felt quite so good as when Jimmy was fucking me this afternoon. You know, the idea that you and Ed were watching and everything made it really great!"

"Yeah, you looked like you were enjoying it!" Sandy said sarcastically. She had still not gotten over her disappointment at having to watch her friend being fucked while she could only look on in frustration. She knew that if something didn't happen to her hungry pussy soon she might just tell all of them to go to hell! It wasn't fair to expect her to just sit idly by while Lucy got all the pleasure. She, Sandy, was supposed to be the star of the movie!

Sandy's thoughts were interrupted as Ed came out of the bedroom, dressed only in his shorts. He smiled at the girls sleepily, rubbing his eyes to clear them. "Hi!" he said, "did you guys get any sleep?"

"We got a few hours rest," Lucy told him. "Is Jimmy awake yet?"

"No, we don't need him for this next sequence, so I thought I'd let him sleep for awhile. Is there anymore coffee?" He sat down on the couch next to Sandy while Lucy went to the kitchen to get his coffee. "How do you feel, sweetheart?" he said to the grim visaged Sandy.

"Just fine, Ed!" Sandy's reply was cold and unfriendly. "But I think it's about time we settled a couple of things! First, I'm not at all sure that I believe you about what the movie is for!" She motioned for him to remain quiet as he tried to interrupt her. "Secondly, I'm not going to sit here and watch everyone else get screwed! Is that clear?"

"Jesus, Sandy, take it easy will you?" Ed pleaded, sensing that Sandy was close to spoiling all his plans. "I don't know how else I can convince you that I'm telling you the truth!" He put his arms around her and pulled her to him, his hands beginning a slow, passionate massage of her back and hips. "As for not getting any of the action, well, I promise you that won't happen again!"

He could feel Sandy's warm body begin to respond to his caresses and he increased the area of his massage by slipping one hand underneath the thin wrapper and moving the palm of his hand over her swelling breasts. Her nipple started to come erect, and a warm feeling began to spread through her loins. As she opened her mouth to speak again, Ed brought his face to hers and his mouth closed over her parted lips. His tongue darted out seeking hers, and she responded warmly by wrapping her own moist tongue over his and drawing it further into her mouth. His other hand came inside the wrapper and forced itself between her heated thighs, probing for her pussy. Just as she relaxed and began to spread her legs apart, they heard Lucy's voice.

"Wow! You two don't waste any time, do you?" Lucy was standing in front of the couch, a cup of coffee in her hand.

Ed and Sandy pulled apart quickly and Ed took the coffee from Lucy. He knew everything was all right for the moment, but he told himself that he would have to be damned careful with Sandy. She was no fool and it would be a serious mistake if he didn't make sure that she got fucked soon. He gulped down the hot coffee and smiled at Sandy.

"I guarantee you that you'll get all the fucking you want tonight! Okay?"

Sandy's pussy was burning with desire and she could only nod in assent. All of her misgivings were gone for the moment and she wanted nothing more than to feel the ecstasy of orgasm exploding within her moist pussy. If she didn't get fucked soon it would be more than she could stand.

Ed got up and went to one of the black equipment cases piled on the floor. He opened it and took out a smaller package in his lap.

"What do you have there?" Lucy asked, reaching out to take the package.

"Just a minute!" Ed said sharply, and Lucy took her hand away. "I want to explain the scene we'll be doing!" Both girls looked at him expectantly. He paused for a moment, then asked them to go to the rug that had been the scene of this afternoon's activities and sit down.

Both girls removed their thin wrappers before sitting down. "Okay, So what do we do now?" Sandy questioned in a slightly mocking voice.

Ed stood over them, his arms moving rapidly as he explained the scene. He was using his director's voice again, self-assured and authoritative.

"All right! In the beginning of the dream, Sandy, you represent the girl's vision of herself watching others make love. Now in this sequence we'll do next, you experience your second disillusionment. You expect to have a man make love to you, but the dream turns into a psychological nightmare, and you discover yourself in the arms of a woman instead." Ed was talking off the top of his head, but he was sounding as if he knew what the film was all about. It was his excuse for having them do what he wanted.

"Do you mean that I get it done to me by Lucy?" Sandy asked in mock horror. She was trying to stay with Ed's train of thought, but couldn't help laughing at this absurd idea.

"In a sense, yes!" Ed replied, and he then picked up the package and opened it. He very dramatically pulled the contents out of the box, and he held up a large dildo in front of the girl's astonished faces. "With this!" he announced, and he handed the rubber phallus to Lucy.

"You're crazy!" Lucy exclaimed, holding the dildo like some diseased object, but at the same time she was fascinated by the strange device. She had never seen a dildo before, and she stared at all its intricacies.

Sandy started laughing again as she realized what the plan was, only her laughter was more nervous than jovial. It was a lewd, vile idea, and she didn't want to be subjected to such an obscene seduction. Yet her womb burned at the sight of the dildo, and she could feel the hungry feeling in the pit of her stomach growing more intense. The dildo was pink colored, and it looked just like a hugely erect penis, except that it wasn't on a man. In spite of her distaste, Sandy found herself wondering what the large hard rubber object would feel like inside her vagina.

"I'm not going to do it!" Lucy suddenly stated, and she held the phallus out for Ed to take back.

"Of course you are!" Ed said quickly, and his tone had an edge to it that made Lucy hesitate. He was smiling, but there was a hardness to his expression that frightened her. She thought of the photographs Ed had taken earlier. For the first time the thought came to her that he could have made other prints from the negatives before he burned them! Giving up the prints would be meaningless if he could have others to hold over them!

"Don't worry, I'll direct you through the whole act," Ed said in a more pleasant tone. He was the director of the film and he was going to be obeyed, of course. "You needn't take it all seriously, you know. That's part of being a good actress," he added, and he was looking directly at Sandy. She hadn't said anything yet, but he was convinced that she wasn't going to give him anymore trouble.

"Sandy, you just listen to what I say, and everything will be all right. Remember, the girl is dreaming this whole thing, so you will have to pretend you are enjoying it after I tell you when." Ed started moving around various pieces of equipment as he spoke, getting things ready to shoot again. When he turned the lights on, Sandy felt isolated again in another world.

The apprehensive teenager looked away from the lights as they came on, and she saw that Lucy was holding the dildo like some foreign object not to be touched. She took it from her and immediately felt the full length of the hard rubber penis. There was no life to it, but it seemed like a warm object nonetheless. She was dismayed and disappointed at the planned scene, but she still felt like it would prove to be an interesting experience. She smiled at Lucy, who was still a little confused, and handed the dildo back to her. "It's bigger than anything I've ever had," she said smiling, making a comment about Ed, and Lucy felt more at ease as she realized that there was a camaraderie between herself and Sandy.

"So what do I do first?" Lucy asked boldly, her mind made up to enjoy the part she was given. "Do I just stick this thing in her cunt, or what?"

"It's a dream! You've got to seduce me!" Sandy said without waiting for Ed to reply. She was getting strangely excited about the part too, and she was beginning to think that the whole experience might be a lot of fun.

Ed switched on the last of his equipment before moving behind the camera. After checking the camera out, he decided it was ready to roll. "Okay, this is what I want," he commanded in his best directorial voice, "Sandy, you are lying on the rug as if in a dream. I want you to run your hands over your breasts and thighs as if waiting for someone to fuck you. Then, Lucy, you stand over there," he continued. He moved Lucy to a point just out of camera range, to show her where he meant. "Now you stay there until I tell you to move, then you go to Sandy, and begin to make love to her. I'll tell you when to bring the dildo out," he added. He placed the dildo within reach of Sandy's naked body. Then, checking the lighting one more time, he returned to the camera. He pressed his eye to the viewfinder, and adjusted the lens to take in all of Sandy's naked young body.

The familiar feeling of being in a goldfish bowl took over again for Sandy. She was lying flat on her back legs out a slight distance apart, and she could see nothing at all except the bright lights around her. She was going to be fucked, and suddenly it didn't matter how or by whom, it was enough just to be fully satisfied. It was the mixed sensation of feeling isolated while at the same time knowing she was being observed that made her passionate, and she found herself anxious to go.

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