Blackmailed Teenagers - Cover

Blackmailed Teenagers


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Two college girls go to cabin by a lake on summer vacation. One of the girls is raped/coerced by a complete stranger. Soon one of the girls boyfriend shows up with a friend and after drinks and watching a porn flick, all four get it on. They all get filmed as they are messing around and the film gets back to one of the girls father and all he-- breaks out. The girl who gets raped, finally meets her rapist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook   School  

Sandy was dreaming when the telephone rang. She and Ed Walsh were lying on the beach in her secret cove. His body was above hers, naked and gleaming in the sun. His thick cock seemed to be huge, much larger than she remembered, and it poised obscenely between her white thighs, the large purplish knob just inches away from her moist vaginal lips. Sandy was begging him to fuck her, pleading for him to hurry and plunge the pulsing rod into her hungry cunt. Just as she felt the massive organ begin to penetrate her, Ed's face and body became that of the stranger. He was laughing at her pleas.

The telephone rang again.

While one part of Sandy's mind struggled to come awakes another part screamed to let her finish the lewd dream. Her dream images became confused as the male figure above her changed again. This time he became Jimmy. Sandy suddenly became aware of Lucy's voice calling her name from somewhere off in the distance. Sandy pleaded with Jimmy to make her cum quickly before Lucy found them. His cock was filling her young pussy and she cried out in frustration as the voice of her friend Lucy became more insistent.

Sandy bolted upright as the telephone rang again. Her eyes were wide open and staring, and she heard Lucy's voice from the other bedroom.

"Sandy! Answer the phone, Sandy! SANDDDYYYYY!"

She picked up the telephone from the bedside table, confused and uncertain where she was. Jimmy and Ed had driven back to San Diego early this morning, leaving the disappointed girls utterly satiated and bone- weary from their feverish lovemaking. Jimmy had promised that they would return this evening, but he failed to explain why they had to leave. Dawn was just breaking as the exhausted girls fell into their beds and went to sleep quickly.

"Hello?" Sandy's voice was yawning as she spoke. The electric clock beside the telephone said 4:32, and the sun streaming in through the window confirmed that it was indeed late afternoon. There was a long silence at the other end of the line.


"No... this is Sandy speaking." She didn't recognize the voice. Lucy had come into the room and was now standing by the bed. She gave Sandy a quizzical look, as if to ask who was calling. Sandy could only shrug her tired shoulders.

"This is Jimmy. Is Lucy awake yet?"

"Oh! Hi, Jimmy. Lucy's right here," Sandy said, and she held out the receiver for her friend.

"Hi, lover! What's up?" Lucy said into the receiver as she collapsed down next to the still-sleepy Sandy. She was completely naked and her free hand immediately went to her pussy, rubbing it gently as she winked at Sandy, who smiled knowingly in return.

"Listen, baby! I'm about twenty miles down the road, but I wanted to find out if Ed has arrived there yet. Has he?" Jimmy's voice sounded tired and anxious, and the question puzzled Lucy.

"I don't understand!" Lucy said, "aren't you two driving back together?"

"No. Ed wanted to have his own car there so he drove alone. He's up to something and I wanted to make sure he didn't get there before I had a chance to warn you!"

"Up to what?" Lucy asked impatiently. She wanted to get back to her own bed and wait for Jimmy there. Her busy hand had begun to concentrate on her clitoris and she could feel a warm glow spreading through her lower body. She hoped that Jimmy would not be too tired to help her quench the rising passion.

"Look--I'll tell you when I get there! Just make sure you stay awake until then! Okay?" Jimmy sounded irritated, and it was apparent that his patience was wearing thin. "Oh! Make sure Sandy is awake until then, too. She'll want to hear this!"

Jimmy hung up before Lucy could respond. She lay there for a moment with the dead phone in her hand before replacing it on the table. She was surprised by Jimmy's brusque attitude, but she didn't say anything to Sandy until she had cleared her head. "What time is it anyway?" she asked.

"A quarter to five. What did Jimmy want?" Sandy asked.

"Hell, I don't know what he wanted. It's too damned early to listen to someone babbling on the telephone. He said something about Ed Walsh being up to something. What did you do to Ed Walsh, anyway?" Lucy had gotten under the covers with Sandy and she pressed her naked warm body against her friend. They often slept together when they stayed at Lucy's house, and Sandy liked the feel of Lucy's flesh against her own.

"You know what I did to him! Or to be more precise, what he did to me!" Sandy laughed. Her loins were still tingling from the dream-fuck she had been about to receive when the telephone interrupted her sleep. "Didn't Jimmy say anymore than that? And why aren't they coming back together?"

"I don't know anymore about it than I've already told you! He said that Ed was up to something and that he wanted to warn us. He's going to be here in a few minutes and he wants us both to stay awake!" Lucy was beginning to worry a little, but she laughed to avoid alarming her friend. "Who knows? Maybe he just can't wait to get some more of my beautiful body!" Lucy continued, as her hands reached out and began to tickle the naked flesh of Sandy.

"Stop that!" Sandy pleaded, giggling as she fought to escape Lucy's fingers.

Lucy suddenly jumped from the bed and ran toward her own bedroom. "Let's get dressed and get something to eat before the boys show up. If Jimmy is as horny as I am, I may not get another chance to eat all day.

Sandy watched her friend's naked back disappear through the doorway. She was becoming a little concerned about Jimmy's mysterious words too. Her thoughts returned to the previous evening and the second time that she had been soundly fucked. She had really enjoyed her coupling with Ed, and she had nothing but pleasant memories of all that had happened. She hoped that he had enjoyed it as much as she had. She was looking forward trying out some of the things she had seen on the film, and she didn't want anything to happen to spoil that.

Lucy came back into Sandy's bedroom fully dressed before Sandy had time to slip into her own brief shorts and halter. The blonde girl was carrying a tray with two glasses of orange juice and several pieces of toast. Sandy could see that Lucy was also worried about the telephone call. The two girls ate quickly, neither willing to speak of Jimmy's warning.

"Christ, I hope he gets here soon!" Lucy said finally, her patience about exhausted. "How long does it take to drive twenty miles?"

"Why don't we go outside and wait for him?" Sandy replied.

They were just going toward the front door when they heard the sound of Jimmy's car coming up the forest drive. They almost tripped over one another in their rush to get to the door, and their scrambling only made them look ridiculous to Jimmy when they finally opened it.

"What's going on?" Jimmy said, stepping into the house.

"You tell us!" Lucy said, as soon as she was able to catch her breath. Sandy stood behind her, staring at Jimmy.

"I'm not sure, but we better sit down to discuss it," Jimmy answered, and his nervous composure made the two girls all the more curious. Somehow, Jimmy's arrival was reassuring, and they calmly walked over to the large couch and sat down before pressing him further.

"Okay, so tell us what this is all about!" Lucy said when they were all comfortably settled. She and Sandy were sitting on the couch together facing Jimmy, who had plopped down in an overstuffed chair.

"I'm only guessing, mind you, but I think Ed took pictures of our escapades last night," Jimmy announced to the astonished girls. The serious look on his face made Sandy burst out laughing as though appreciating a good joke. "I'm serious, damnit!" Jimmy said harshly.

"How do you know?" Lucy asked, sensing his real concern. Sandy had stopped laughing and was watching Jimmy.

"On the drive back to San Diego this morning he did everything but admit it. And he said that he had to go home to pick up some film and lighting equipment. He wouldn't tell me anything more than that except that he promised to tell me--and you two, all about it when he got back this afternoon," Jimmy replied, his worried expression softening as if the burden of passing on bad news had been lifted from him. "I've heard some weird stories about Ed from other kids at school, but he always seemed straight with me. I just don't know what to think."

Sandy looked at Jimmy and thought that he was being a little melodramatic. It was just too mysterious and menacing to be real. After all, she had spent the better part of the night with Ed Walsh. He just didn't seem to be such an ominous figure as Jimmy was making out. It must be some sort of practical joke.

"I think you're putting us on, Jimmy." Lucy looked directly into Jimmy's eyes as she spoke, but his only expression was one of anger.

"You can think whatever you want, Lucy, but I don't think you'd want nude photographs of yourself passed around anymore than I would! And are you forgetting what we were doing last night?" Jimmy's voice was tense as he spoke.

"But how could he have taken any pictures of that?" Lucy asked seriously, unable to forget just how wild and abandoned their fucking had been last night. She turned to face Sandy. "You were with Ed all night! Did he take any pictures?"

Sandy tried to remember every detail of last evening. The only time she and Ed had not been together had been when he had slipped out of the room while she was watching the film. He had been gone a long time!

"I wasn't with him all the time," Sandy announced sheepishly. Lucy and Jimmy immediately started throwing questions at her, and she was so confused that she could not understand any of them. "Just after you two went into the bedroom, Ed left the room, too. But I don't see how he could have taken any pictures of you. I mean, did you leave the lights on, or something?"

"No!" Lucy said quickly, and then she caught herself, as if trying to hide a secret of some kind. "I mean there wasn't enough light for a picture. Anyway, we would have seen him."

" Infra-red flash!" Jimmy announced suddenly, and he slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "He could have taken pictures without any of us knowing it by using infra-red film and a flash. He's always boasting what sophisticated equipment he's got!"

Lucy looked nervously at Sandy and Jimmy, and the full impact of Jimmy's statement hit her. "God, Jimmy, you've got to stop him somehow. My father would kill me for sure if he found out about it!"

"Take it easy, Lucy!" Sandy pleaded, her own mind racing with the thought of what her parents would do if they even suspected that she was involved in anything like this. "We've all got to calm down and try to figure out what to do."

"Right. There's no point in getting hysterical over nothing. At least we don't know yet what Ed plans to do with the pictures... if he even really took any. I can't be sure he was telling me the truth. He may have just been joking!" Jimmy's voice was reassuring and suddenly more calm than it had been. It put Lucy and Sandy a little more at ease.

"Look, maybe he did get some pictures of you two in the sack, and some of me lying naked on the couch. That doesn't mean he's going to show them to anyone." Sandy didn't believe her statement anymore than Lucy or Jimmy did, but it reassured her somehow. She knew that Jimmy was probably right. She remembered thinking last night that Ed had been watching her on the couch before he came back into the room, unbuttoning his shirt. Still, his motives might be harmless enough.

"All I know is that I don't want anyone to have pictures of Jimmy and me in the sack!" Lucy said heatedly, but a little unconvincingly. "At least I don't want my parents to see them," she added, and she giggled as if realizing what her statement meant. "Heck, it might be kind of groovy to have some pictures of us together," she laughed, and glanced in Jimmy's direction.

"If that's as far as it goes, fine! I just wish I knew what he really wants with them," Jimmy said. He searched his memory trying to recall some of the stories he had heard around the campus about Ed. Vaguely he recalled something about a hushed-up scandal involving Ed and a local teenager, but for the life of him he couldn't remember any of the details.

Sandy suddenly jumped and ran to the window.

"I think I hear a car coming," she said, "maybe it's Ed now!"

Jimmy and Lucy joined her at the window and they watched Ed drive up in an old sports car. He waved to them casually as he got out.

"Listen, you two stay in here while I go out and find out what the hell this is all about!" Jimmy ordered, his voice calm and self-assured now. "I'll get this thing settled!" he added as he went out the door.

Sandy and Lucy watched as Jimmy joined Ed Walsh by the side of the car. They were soon engaged in animated conversation that the two girls were unable to hear.

"Jesus Christ, what a way to start a vacation," Lucy said wearily. "I think I'll have a glass of wine to settle my nerves. Care to join me?" she said to Sandy as she went to the bar and poured two full glasses of wine.

"Hell, yes! Why not?" Sandy replied, joining Lucy at the bar and gulping down the wine. It warmed her whole body as it went down, and she almost gagged. Lucy sipped hers more slowly, but was soon pouring out more for each of them.

"You know, Ed really threw it to me last night," Sandy announced suddenly, and she felt light-headed as she watched Lucy's face for a reaction. She was still a little worried about the possibility of Ed having pictures of her in the nude, but she couldn't help the desire that was building up in her loins.

"I gathered as much from the way you've been defending him," Lucy responded. The two full glasses of wine were beginning to affect her speech. She was slurring her words slightly as she spoke, and her head was full of images of how Sandy and Ed must have been fucking together. "You made it on the couch, huh?"

"Yeah! And he wasn't taking any pictures then... I'll guarantee you that!" Sandy said simply. She was thinking about the possibility of the pictures again, and she was sure that Ed didn't intend anything sinister. "You two must have had a good time yourself, last night!"

"I wanted to get under the sheets, but Jimmy was in such a hurry he fucked me right on top of the bed. Ed must have really gotten some good shots of us!" Lucy sounded almost proud in her statement, as though she wouldn't really mind having pictures of the two of them fucking.

"If he's as good at taking photographs as he is at fucking, I'm sure they'll be good!" Sandy laughed. She wanted to get laid again, and the wine was making her feel like going out to Ed and pulling him into the lodge. She hoped that Jimmy could get everything resolved quickly and that they could resume where they left off this morning.

"I still can't help wondering why he would want those pictures! I mean, why should he take them unless he wants something out of it?" Lucy said, pouring another glass of wine.

"Maybe he wants to fuck you, too!" Sandy replied, laughing at the expression that suddenly crossed her friend's face.

"If what you say is true, that wouldn't be so bad. Christ, my pussy is getting wet just thinking about getting laid!" Lucy said, gulping down her drink and sprawling on the soft couch.

Sandy followed her friend's example and drank another glass of wine. Her mind was confused and clear at the same time. Anything would have been all right with her at that moment, and she was getting anxious for the boys to come in so that they could join in the drinking. She held up her glass. "Cheers! To a set of good pictures!" she toasted.

"I'll go along with that!" Lucy responded, beginning to laugh at her friend's wit. Both of them were still laughing as the front door opened and Jimmy and Ed walked in, their arms loaded with more cases.

"Hi, girls!" Ed said, smiling as he dropped the cases on an armchair. Jimmy set his down on the floor alongside the chair and watched Ed go back out the front door.

"Not more movies," Lucy groaned. Jimmy walked to the bar and poured out drinks for Ed and himself before answering her.

"Everything is okay. Ed will explain it to you when he gets the rest of the equipment," he said, sitting down on the couch next to Lucy.

Sandy was giggling when Ed came back into the lodge with the remainder of his equipment. "Come on, one of you two... tell us what's going on?" she said.

"I'll explain it all as soon as I can sit down," Ed replied, out of breath. He sat on the couch next to Jimmy and Lucy and he took the glass Lucy offered, drinking it down in one long pull. "Jesus, you make a strong drink!"

"We're dying of curiosity, Ed. What about those pictures you took? Or did you take any pictures?" Lucy demanded.

"I have them right here!" he said smiling, and he pulled a brown envelope out of his jacket pocket. He handed the envelope to Lucy, and Sandy jumped up and sat on the arm of the couch to see. Lucy pulled a stack of black-and-white photographs out of the envelope, and she was immediately shocked by their pure clarity. On top of the stack was a picture of Sandy lying naked, full length, on the couch just as she had suspected, only the lips of her mouth looked white, and Sandy noticed that fact right away.

"Hey, how come I look so funny?" she questioned, and she took the photograph out of Lucy's hand and thrust it at Ed. He didn't take it from her, surprised that she didn't get angry immediately upon seeing it.

"It looks like hell!" Sandy said. She watched the fascinated Lucy thumbing through the stack of prints. The top ones all seemed to be of Sandy. She could see that in some of them she had her hand clasped tightly to her pussy. Suddenly, Lucy came to a photograph of her and Jimmy. It had been snapped at just the right moment. Jimmy was leaning over her, his erect cock pointed straight down at her hair-lined widespread pussy, and she had a look of excited passion on her face.

"You bastard! What a sneaky thing to do!" Lucy said, but her eyes were glued to a close examination of the picture. The pictures got even better as Lucy continued to examine them, and they showed her and Jimmy in the process of fucking in many different positions.

"Did you walk into the room with them?" Sandy asked incredulously. She was astonished by these photographs, and just looking at them made her excited.

"I had to. They were so busy they didn't even notice me!" Ed replied cockily, and he laughed rather sadistically at his own statement. He got up and walked over to the bar to pour himself another drink.

"God! If my mother... or my father... ever saw these, they'd lock me up in a convent!" Lucy said, and her face was turning red with embarrassment and anger. Yet, at the same time, Lucy thought it was a good joke on her and Jimmy.

"Don't get angry, honey! Ed wouldn't let anyone see them... would you, Ed?" Sandy said, the idea of what the pictures meant finally sinking into her brain. She knew what would happen if her parents ever saw them! They would kill her!

"Of course not!" Ed said from the bar, but his voice was not too convincing. "Oh, I have a reason for taking the pictures, all right, but it's not what you think it is!"

"So what the hell is it?" Lucy asked, still a little angry and embarrassed.

"Call it a screen test, or at least that's part of the reason!" Ed said casually, and he sat down taking a sip from his drink at the same time.

"What do you mean screen test?" Sandy asked, a frightening idea already forming in her mind. She remembered that Ed was a film student or something, and she wondered if he really meant what his statement implied.

"Well, I want to make a film with all three of you in the parts, and I was afraid that you wouldn't do it without being reassured that you're all photogenic. The pictures prove that you all look good in the nude!" Ed was acting like everything he wanted was already settled, and as far as he was concerned, it was only the first rehearsal for his production.

"You're crazy!" Lucy said, waving some of the photographs over at him. She still didn't understand what Ed was driving at, as she was far more interested in the pictures of herself than what Ed was a film student or something, and she wondered if he really meant what his statement implied.

"Well, I want to make a film with all three of you in the parts, and I was afraid that you wouldn't do it without being reassured that you're all photogenic. The pictures prove that you all look good in the nude!" Ed was acting like everything he wanted was already settled, and as far as he was concerned, it was only the first rehearsal for his production.

Sandy understood immediately, and she couldn't contain her anger. "You mean you want us to play parts in a dirty movie. That's what the equipment is for, right?" She tried to keep her voice calm, but the unexpected shock of what Ed was saying, on top of the wine she had drunk, made her almost hysterical. She was suddenly very afraid of the smiling Ed.

"Now, wait a minute, Sandy!" Ed pleaded. "I've already admitted that I had an ulterior motive in taking the pictures... but it isn't what you seem to think! I've been working on a film for the New York Film Festival all year, and there's a dream sequence in the film that calls for some uninhibited sex. But the film isn't dirty or pornographic in any way! And, I really think I can take the ten-thousand dollar first prize with my film." Ed was lying smoothly, and he was proud of the way that the expression on the faces of Lucy and Sandy had changed from anger to uncertainty as he talked. "Look, I'd be happy to tell you all about my movie if you'd like!"

"I think you'd better!" Sandy said. She only half-believed Ed, but she kept her voice on an even level.

"A character in my film has a dream, and I want to film this dream using the three of you in the parts. I use special lenses that make the picture blurry, your faces won't even be recognizable. Believe me, these technical things are hard to explain, but I can tell you the film has to do with the psychology of sex. It's about the secret fears and wishes of a young girl. I've already made most of the film in San Diego. The dream sequence is all that's left," Ed lied. He was making up the whole thing as he went along, off the top of his head, but his voice was assured and convincing. He looked at Sandy and judging by her expression he knew that he had to go on.

Sandy wanted to believe Ed's story, but she was still concerned about the possibility of him lying. At first, the idea of being in a pornographic movie appalled her. But this was somehow different, if Ed was telling the truth. If their faces were not clear in the film, then it would present no real danger to them. And, the idea of strangers watching her cavorting naked on the screen lent a good deal of excitement to Ed's request. Sandy knew that she had to keep her head about this business. She waited for Ed to go on.

"The dream sequence will really be the most artistic in the whole film. It will keep changing colors, go to negative instead of positive, all kinds of very special effects to show the girl is having a special dream. How about it? Will you do it for me, Sandy?" Ed was smiling broadly, his eyes slightly moist to convince them that he was sincere-- even though he wasn't.

"You mean you want me to be the star of your movie?" Sandy asked incredulously. She was almost sober now, the effects of Ed's startling proposal overcoming the wine she'd drunk. Despite her misgivings, she was flattered that he wanted her in the movie. And if she would really be anonymous, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. After all, they were all friends. She looked at Jimmy and Lucy to see their reaction. Jimmy's face was impassive, and Lucy was once again staring at the pictures of herself being fucked. Her pink tongue was lightly licking her lips and her eyes were boring into the prints, as if to memorize every lewd detail.

Ed knew it was time for his final argument. "Look!" he said, pulling another envelope from his pocket. "These are the negatives of the pictures I took last night." He got up quickly and went to the fireplace, hoping that no one would ask to see the negatives. "I'm going to burn them," he went on, hurriedly lighting a match and touching it to one corner of the negatives, and they watched them go up in acrid smoke. He turned around to face the three of them, the picture of sincerity. "Now do you believe me?"

"What do you think, Lucy?" Sandy asked, preferring to put the onus on her friend. She had been impressed with Ed's performance just now, the idea of them being bogus negatives never occurring to her. There was almost no question in her mind that it would be tremendously exciting to be in the movie, but she insisted that the decision be unanimous.

"It's okay with me, if Jimmy agrees!" Lucy said, giggling a little with lewd anticipation and mild drunkenness. She turned around to face Jimmy. "Do you think it's all right, honey?"

Jimmy was in a real quandary. He knew that Ed's story was a lie, that he intended to use the film for other than legitimate purposes. But he also needed the money Ed had promised him for helping to convince Sandy and Lucy to appear in the movie. For a few moments he was almost tempted to expose Ed and throw him out of the lodge. But then, he suddenly decided to go along with the scheme. Ed had also promised that Jimmy would have an opportunity to fuck the lovely young Sandy while the movie was being made, something that he felt was probably impossible under any other circumstances.

"I think it's okay," Jimmy heard himself saying. "What the hell, it might be fun!"

"I vote to go ahead," Lucy said. She was really feeling the effects of the wine, and she didn't really care about anything now but being fucked good and hard. She was having a difficult time putting her thoughts together, her pussy was burning so fiercely with anticipation.

Ed was on his feet, as if the argument were over and the decision already made. "Great, kids! I really appreciate this. To show you just how much I appreciate it, I'm going to split any prize money with you three! How's that?"

"What do you want us to do?" Sandy shrugged, and she felt herself yearning to get on with it. To hell with it, she thought to herself, I'm going to get fucked soon and that's the important thing. She could already feel the warmth spreading through her hungry loins.

"I'm going to use this room for a studio. Everything is perfect just as it is." Ed was moving about the room like a master director, shifting a piece of furniture here, moving a lamp there, until he was satisfied with his arrangements. "Jimmy, give me a hand with this equipment, will you? You girls have another drink of wine and take it easy until we get everything ready!"

Sandy and Lucy sipped another glass of wine and watched the two men set up the equipment. They were both impressed by the fancy array of gadgets Ed assembled from the cases of equipment he had brought up. Sandy found herself wanting to believe Ed's story about the film. At the very least, she was excited by the idea of being fucked silly or whatever in front of a camera. It was like having her talents recorded for posterity, even though she wasn't quite sure what those talents might be.

By the time that Ed and Jimmy had everything set up to their satisfaction, the girls were anxious to get on with the filming. When Ed went outside to get one last piece of equipment, Jimmy poured himself a drink and sat down with the girls.

"There's still time to change your minds about this," he said quietly. "Are you sure you want to go through with it?"

"Not a chance, lover!" Lucy giggled and reached over to fondle Jimmy's cock through his pants. She was really anticipating making the movie, and it was all she could do to keep herself from fucking Jimmy before the film even got started.

Jimmy could feel his cock beginning to respond to Lucy's hand. He had never fucked anyone in front of someone else... except last night, of course, and that was without his knowing it. At first he worried about being able to get an erection with people watching, but his throbbing cock told him that he would have no trouble. He hoped that he could fuck Sandy first. He wanted to feel her little pussy tightening around his feverish cock while he pumped into her. Lucy was a great lay, all right, but it never hurt to try something new and different once in awhile. He had suggested to Ed that one sequence could be of the two girls alternately sucking his cock, but Ed had only promised to think about it.

The self-styled film maker came back into the room with a light meter and told them that he was ready to begin. He insisted that they all come to the center of the room for directions. "Okay. Sandy, you will be the dream image of the girl... you're what the girl thinks of as herself. The first part of this sequence, this dream, the girl is seeing herself on the outside of a relationship. She sees her imagined lover with another girl, and she symbolically fights for him without success. Lucy will represent the mysterious girl that is waiting to have Jimmy. She wins him without a fight. The only struggle is within the dreaming girl herself. Do you understand?" Ed looked directly at Sandy, his mouth wide and smiling.

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