Blackmailed Teenagers - Cover

Blackmailed Teenagers


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two college girls go to cabin by a lake on summer vacation. One of the girls is raped/coerced by a complete stranger. Soon one of the girls boyfriend shows up with a friend and after drinks and watching a porn flick, all four get it on. They all get filmed as they are messing around and the film gets back to one of the girls father and all he-- breaks out. The girl who gets raped, finally meets her rapist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Rough   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook   School  

"You look positively radiant, Sandy!" Lucy said in a half-serious voice. "Country life certainly seems to agree with you!"

Sandy blushed at her friend's statement. If Lucy only knew what had happened so suddenly on the beach this morning. Sandy hated to keep secrets from Lucy. They were such good friends that it didn't seem right somehow not to tell her about the older man who had so casually raped her this morning. But something in her confused mind told her to remain silent about those terrifying pleasure-filled moments. Lucy might be so frightened as to want to return to Los Angeles immediately, or even to report the incident to the local sheriff. Far from wanting the man arrested, Sandy fervently hoped that he would return again soon.

"How do you know I didn't meet my Prince Charming on the beach this morning?" Sandy replied, trying to keep her voice light and humorous. The two girls were just finishing a lunch of broiled steak and vegetables from the huge freezer in the kitchen. There seemed to be enough food there to last for several months.

"If I know you, you wouldn't know what to do with a real man, let alone some Prince Charming!" Lucy said slyly, proud of her own experience with Jimmy and wanting to rub it in a little with Sandy. She had always been amused and puzzled by Sandy's refusal to allow boys that kind of liberty.

"You might be surprised!" Sandy retorted hotly. She looked Lucy squarely in the eyes, tempted to blurt out that she was no longer a virgin. The sudden ringing of the telephone saved her from speaking the secret words.

Lucy arose quickly and ran to the instrument. Her voice was excited as she put the receiver to her ear and began to talk rapidly. Watching her, Sandy could tell that it was Jimmy calling. From her friend's little squeals of delight, she guessed that Jimmy and his friend would soon be joining them at the lake. Her loins warmed at the prospect! As Lucy hung up the telephone and rejoined Sandy at the table, happiness was written all over her smiling face.

"Score one for our side, Sandy," Lucy said, "Jimmy and a boy named Ed Walsh are driving up this afternoon. They should be here around eight o'clock. Isn't that great?"

Sandy tried to match the name Ed Walsh with a face in her memory but could not. Jimmy was popular at college and had so many friends that she probably had not met him. She listened as Lucy went on.

"Jimmy says that Ed is a real groovy guy. He's studying film-making or something like that. Didn't I tell you we were going to have a great time here?"

It pleased Sandy to see Lucy so happy. The two girls had been close friends for several years now, as close as sisters really. They were dissimilar in appearance but they complemented one another in many ways. They were both attractive, of course, but the similarity ended there. Lucy was heavier-boned than Sandy, although they were about the same size. What set them apart most obviously was Lucy's long blonde hair and green eyes. Her body was firm and smooth where it should be, and where it was soft, it was very soft. She had proud, full breasts, and though her waist was not as narrow as Sandy's, her shape tapered nicely to her round, curving hips. Her buttocks were little, like two melons, ripe and round, and she was well-proportioned to her smooth, tan legs. Despite her sexual experiences with Jimmy, Lucy had an air of innocence about her.

Sandy was more a natural beauty, and her lithe young body was graceful without being too delicate. Her dark eyes gave her a mysterious look, a look that seemed to mask her actual inexperience.

"Let's take a walk down to the lake, Sandy," Lucy said in an excited voice, "I want to see your 'secret cove!'" She was already running toward the doorway, her long blonde hair flying.

Sandy followed her friend out of the lodge and the two girls chattered gaily as they walked toward the granite outcropping. When they reached it, Lucy ran the last few yards into the cove.

"Wow! This is a neat place," Lucy exclaimed, looking around the sandy cove. "It's like being in another world!"

The dark-haired teenager smiled as she walked to the sunniest part of the beach to lay out her towel. She could see that Lucy was impressed with "her" beach, and she was glad she had decided to share it with her.

"Shall we keep it a secret?" Sandy asked, a little anxiety in her voice. Somehow it would spoil everything if Lucy told Jimmy and his friend Ed about the little cove.

"Don't worry! You can come here and fantasize about your Prince Charming in complete privacy," Lucy laughed aloud as she sat down next to Sandy, "I'll be too busy with Jimmy to bother you!"

Sandy was still in her bikini and the sun felt warm and good as she lay there. She looked over at her friend beside her.

"It's too bad you didn't wear your swimsuit. I'd like to take a dip." Lucy was wearing shorts and a brief halter, and although it emphasized her full ripe curves, she looked even better in a skimpy swimsuit.

"I wish I had. A swim would be great about now." Lucy replied, smiling. She turned away from Sandy to look at the water. "The lake sure looks inviting!"

Sandy stood up quickly and began to pull the halter of her bikini off, releasing her beautiful twin mounds. "It's so private here we could swim naked and nobody would see us." Her breasts shone white in the bright sunlight.

Lucy looked up to see if Sandy was serious. "I'll do it if you will, too," she said sheepishly.

"Okay, let's go!" Sandy said bravely, pulling the little panties off and kicking them away from her feet. She was completely naked before Lucy could get to her feet and disrobe herself. The two girls stood there for a moment, as though each were waiting for the other to make the first move toward the water.

Sandy couldn't help noticing the silky-smooth curls of light blonde pubic hair that formed a triangular patch over Lucy's pussy. She thought that Lucy looked very sexy standing there in the nude, and she was reminded of her own nakedness this morning in this very spot. Trying to force the lewd thoughts from her mind, Sandy ran toward the water and felt the hot sand turn cool on her feet as she entered the green liquid. Forcing her body into deeper water, she lowered her body and thrust it forward to cover it completely with the coolness. She loved swimming. It made her feel secure and alone... away from the prying eyes of her parents and their hopelessly out-dated ideas about growing up.

Sandy came up out of the water to see Lucy still standing on the beach. She waved to her to come join her in the water. Lucy walked to the water's edge very slowly, her body moving sensuously, as though she was making an important decision. Then she stopped for a moment and giggled as she ran into the water.

"This is great!" Lucy said as she treaded water next to Sandy. Only their heads were above water and they might have been mermaids surfacing.

"I am the siren of the cove!" Sandy wailed, then she dove into the water again, her white buttocks shining in the sunlight as she submerged.

Lucy waited until Sandy had resurfaced, then she, too, dove down into the clear depths. It was like being suspended in a weightless world of liquid beauty, and they both swam around the cove until they were tired. Lucy was the first to call it quits, and she walked out of the water, trailing a piece of sodden weed from the lake's bottom in her hand.

"Neptune's daughter!" she said to Sandy, and they both laughed as they ran across the sand to where Sandy's towel lay. Neither bothered to put on their beach garments, but instead, just lay down on the big towel, still wet and glistening from the water.

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