White Captive - Cover

White Captive


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Novel-Pocketbook  

The low powerful sports car pulled smoothly into the long curved driveway and came to a silent stop before the large darkened two-story colonial-type house. The lights switched off, throwing the well kept grounds and garden into greater blackness. Inside, the boy reached over and pulled the young, silken-haired girl close to him and locked his lips tightly to hers. There was only the sound of a heavy impassioned breathing for a moment and then a small abrupt cry from the girl.

"Richard! Darling, please don't."

She struggled a moment with his hand, pulling it with hesitant force from beneath the top of her thin white-veneered formal. He resisted, and then let it be pushed limply away.

"Susan, for God's sake! We're engaged now. At least you could let me touch you."

"Oh, darling, I know, I know," she moaned against him. "I want you to touch me as much as you want to, but we just can't. Not before we're married."

"That's a good four years away and you know it," the boy objected. I‹I just don't think I can wait that long. It's driving me crazy already."

"Darling, we've just got to wait. It'll go by so fast we won't even know it, particularly with you away at college and me working. And we'll appreciate it so much more. You know we will."

She dropped her head to his shoulder and began to sob gently. Susan knew her arguments sounded childish to Richard, but in spite of even her own temptations that were growing more and more intense with each time he touched her, she could not bring herself to let him go too far. She remembered only too vividly the promises she had made to her father of being a good girl just before he died several months ago. He had been the most wonderful man in the world, and had been so deeply hurt by her brother's running away that she just couldn't go back on her promises to him now. She was sure that wherever he was, he would somehow know if she let him down. But, explaining this to Richard sounded so foolish she hadn't even bothered to try. She was certain he was beginning to think she didn't really care for him at all and this just was not true.

Richard sat still for a moment beside her, his arm hanging limply around her shoulders and then slowly began to stroke her hair with a comforting softness.

"All right, darling. I‹I think I know how you feel and I'll try to hold myself back."

"Oh, Richard, I promise when we're married, I'll make it all up to you. Every moment darling," she cried with frustration into his shoulder.

"Hey, wait a minute," he kidded, regaining his composure, "this isn't a forever promise. Every man has the right to unlimited tries. Particularly, with his own fiancee."

"Oh you nit," she raised her head and laughed nervously, wiping the tears from her eyes with her handkerchief. "I had better get in the house before my mother wakes up and comes out and drags me in by the hair. She just might have a few harsh words for you too."

"I just imagine she's out to the world," he laughed. "I saw Dad and Mr. Grover helping her out to the car about an hour ago at the club. None of them were in the best of shape."

"Well, your mother wasn't doing too well, either, Mr. Evans," she said sarcastically. "As I recall, they had to send her home about ten o'clock. She could hardly walk."

"Touché," he laughed again, "these country club parties are all alike, just one big contest to see who can make the biggest fool of themselves."

"I know," Susan's brow suddenly wrinkled and a serious tone came to her voice. "Mom seems to have changed in that respect. I've never seen her this bad before in my life."

"She's still just in a state of shock from your father's death," Richard consoled, holding her hand softly. "She'll he all right."

"I hope so," she whispered. "She seems to have changed so much since Dad's will came out. I think it hurt her more than he realized it would."

"Now listen, honey, you stop worrying about that. If your Dad thought he could trust your mother with all that money he would have left it to her instead of in trust for you. Besides, she has a good substantial income guaranteed for life. What more could she want?"

"I‹I don't know. But it almost seems sometimes as if she hates me more than anything else in the world. I‹I think she even blames me for Billy running away."

"Oh, Susan," he admonished. "She's just jealous of you being your father's favorite. And, if she hadn't lavished so much attention on that weak-livered sissy then maybe your father could have respected him as a son."

"Richard, you stop that," she shouted at him in sudden anger. "What right do you have to sit there and criticize my family that way?"

"Because, damn it," he shouted back, "they're going to be my family too, one of these days, remember?"

"Well I just don't know about that," Susan ansered in a huff as she opened the door on her side and started from the car.

"Oh Suzy, damnit again, I'm sorry," he grabbed her arm and apologized softly. "I'm just so much in love with you that I hate to see you hurt in any way, and I know you are being hurt."

"I don't care," she sobbed back at him. "That still gives you no right to run down my mother and Billy that way. They're all I've got left and they are my family."

"Suzy, stop being ridiculous. I know they are your farnily but that doesn't mean you have to suffer over them like this. They have no right to do that to you."

"I‹I think we had better talk about this later," she said, trying to hold back the flood of tears that were beginning to build in her eyes. "I don't even like to be near you when you talk like this."

She stepped back and slammed the door shut, her heart beating wildly in hurt and anger. She turned and started up the stairs without looking back and heard the angry screech of tires behind her as Richard gunned the car down the driveway, and out the gate. She slumped against the door for a moment, cradling her head in the crook of her arm and then slowly opened it and entered. She felt so empty inside and wished she could make Richard understand about her mother and Billy, but it all seemed so hopeless. He just didn't give her a chance to try and explain the way he should have done if he really loved her. Sometimes, she doubted that he really and truly did love her. Yes, he liked her and very much, but did he really understand what love was all about. Did he know that it involved more than just necking in the car and "making out" as he termed it? Did he understand that it included helping her, or at least, trying to be patient with her when she had a problem of this magnitude?

Susan tip-toed through the hallway toward the kitchen. She didn't want to awaken her mother and have to go through any kind of questions and answer games that she had become so adept at playing recently. She just couldn't understand what had come over mother since her father's death ‹-- with all her intimate questions about what she did out in the car with Richard and so on. Some of them had been so blunt and direct she had almost been too embarrassed to answer and she was just in no mood to have to go through that tonight. She would just have her glass of milk and get to bed without making a sound.

She opened the swinging door to the kitchen and quietly slipped inside The light was still on and several half-filled bottles of liquor were open on the counter next to the sink. Someone had obviously been having a good party. No doubt, Richard's father and Mr. Evans had come inside and had a few drinks when they brought her mother home.

My God, she found herself thinking, how on earth could they take anymore after the way they had behaved at the club. She had been embarrassed at the way her mother had been dancing with all the men who kept asking turns with her. It had seemed as though she had been trying to seduce them right on the dance floor. She had said something to Richard about it but he had laughed it off as just one of the standard country club occurrences and had pointed out several other prominent women who had been behaving as equally foolish. This had helped a little but not much, and she had been happy when the two men had volunteered to drive her mother home early. She certainly was in no condition to do it herself.

Susan started to open the refrigerator to get the milk, changed her mind and turned back to the half-empty bottles on the counter. She still felt a little light-headed from the small amount Richard had slipped in their cokes at the club and decided quickly that perhaps another little bit might help get her out of this foul mood and get to sleep faster. Things had been piling up on her so fast in the last few months she could hardly stand it.

She took a glass from the shelf and poured herself a small amount, thought again, and poured the glass half-full. Might as well really sleep, she thought with a girlish giggle, filling the glass the rest of the way with coke and lifting it to her lips. She drained half the glass, feeling the warm liquid relaxing her almost instantaneously as it hit bottom. She was ravenously hungry and that seemed to help speed the welcomed nerve settling reaction to the warm smooth alcohol. She finished it and filled the glass again to take upstairs with her. The light-headed tingle running through her mind helped no end and she didn't want it to stop before she got to sleep. She was afraid of the thoughts she would have to think, and right now would prefer to put if off until tomorrow. There was nothing she wanted to do at this moment but sleep and forget everything.

She carried the drink in her hand and began the slow quiet climb to the top of the steps leading to the second floor. She held tight to the rail and took each step holding her breath. Her mother's bedroom was right on the landing at the top of the steps and she just couldn't wake her now, not carrying a drink like this and coming in so late. There was no telling how long she would have to sit and listen to the lecture she was certain to get if she were caught.

She held her breath tight as she reached the top of the steps and noticed the light on from under her mother's door. Oh God, she thought, she's awake and waiting up for me. I'll have to stop by and say good night to her now or I'll never hear the end of it tomorrow. She took a few guarded steps in the direction of her room to the right, and placed the drink she was carrying on the hall table. She pushed it behind the vase in the center of the table so that if her mother came out, she wouldn't be able to see it in the semi-darkness that covered the landing.

Susan straightened herself up bravely and walked to her mother's door. She raised her fist to knock and suddenly froze to the floor.

There was a groan from the room!

Oh my God, she's hurt, she thought, and her first reaction was to jerk the door open as fast as she could. She reached for the handle in the darkness and as her hand came into contact with the cool metal door knob, she froze again.

There was a harsh male laugh!

Good Lord, what was going on? Who was in there with her and what was he doing to her? It sounded as though he were hurting her.

There was another groan but it was longer this time and had an unearthly pleading tone to it as though someone were being tortured. The groan was followed by harsh slapping sounds as though someone were being hit across the face with a hand.

Susan dropped her hand from the door handle and started to back away, holding her breath and moving as softly as she possibly could. If she could just get to a phone and call the police before they discovered her, perhaps she could save her mother's life. She stepped back a few paces in the darkness, being careful not to trip, and then turned to work her way down the stairs. There was phone in the hall just below the stairs. If she could make that, she could talk in a whisper and who ever it was beating her mother could not hear it. It was then that the pleading voice spoke again.

"Oh God! Yessss, yessss, do it to me like that!"

It was her mother again and her voice was drunkenly slurred in a desperate pleading tone she had never heard before. Susan paled in the darkness and stood still for a moment. She was uncertain what to do now. The man was obviously hurting her but it didn't sound like it was against her will the way she was almost crying for him to continue. What should she do? Perhaps he was making her plead with him‹perhaps he was a sadist like some of the men she had read about in her Psychology course and enjoyed hearing a woman beg.

She was almost ready to begin her descent down the stairs to phone again when the noises suddenly grew louder. There was a second male voice that she could not make out too distinctly through the heavy thickness of the door, but it was unmistakably egging someone on to do something to her mother. Her voice was muffled and sobbing but clearly not against her will. She was asking for it, in fact, pleading for more. Susan stood breathlessly on the Ianding, trying to make up her mind what to do. She couldn't call the police or anyone else unless she was certain what was going on.

She had to find out and there was only one way!

She took a deep breath and worked her way slowly and silently back toward the door. She knew it by heart now‹after all the times she had slipped from her own room as a child to that of her parents when she had been frightened by a bad dream or strange noise in the house. She could remember vividly, even after all these years, the exact amount of pressure to put on the knob to turn it without making a sound. All of it came back to her as she reached forward through the darkness and pressed her hand against it. Her whole body tensed as it turned slightly, and she felt it begin to give against the pressure.

There was a squeak!

Her heart stopped and she dared not breath. They must have heard it; it had been so loud. But no, there were still the strange noises coming through the door without letup, their intensity increasing with each passing moment. The door gave a little against her gentle pressure and the noises through the opening became more clear to her senses. She could discern the sounds of heavy rushed breathing and the staccato sounds of squeaking bedsprings punctuated by animal-like grunts and moans of pain and pleasure. A thin crack of light rushed into the hallway as she inched the door open a millimeter at a time. The light blinded her and she could not see for a moment‹but the sounds continued unabated by her silent and unknown intrusion.

Her eyes adjusted to the intensity of the narrow path of light streaming into her face and the easy chair in the corner of the bedroom came into view

She paled again and sucked in her breath in horror!

It was Mr. Evans. He was sitting back in the chair completely naked and holding his hard rigid penis tightly between both his hands. His eyes were glazed and he stroked the long hard instrument up and down in lewd rhythmic time to the now wet sucking noises she could hear coming from the bed across the room. Susan could not see what was making the sounds as she was afraid to open the door farther just yet. Mr. Evans was so close to her she was afraid to even breath for fear he might hear her. Instead, she stood immobile for a moment and watched in horrified fascination as his fingers skinned the thick foreskin of his uncircumcised penis rapidly up and down the full length of it, the huge bulbous head bursting evilly into view like a giant monster crawling from a secret lair with each hard down-stroke he made with his hand. She was close enough that she could see that it was wet on the top from the white, sticky lubricating fluid beginning to ooze forth from it. His breathing was thick and heavy and she could see thin trails of saliva running down his lips as he kept his eyes glued tightly to the bed just out of her view. His penis frightened her as she had never seen one before, and it looked like the most monstrous thing in the world. She could not imagine ever having something like that inside her. It just wouldn't be possible for any woman to take. It would kill her.

Susan held the door knob tighter. Mr. Evans was rising from the chair. Oh, God was he coming to the door! She had no time to run in the darkness, and he would find her. Her mother would never forgive her if she knew she were spying this way, but she just had to find out what was going on. She breathed a guarded sigh of relief as she watched him walk toward the other side of the room which was out of her vision from the slight crack in the door. He was going toward the bed where the noises were still increasing in tempo and Susan pressed the door open a crack more to follow him across the room. As she pushed against the door, the bed came into view by tiny degrees, and the fear of what she was going to see restricted her chest as though it were wrapped in thick steel bands. Her whole body was shaking violently, but suddenly it stilled!

A cold chill ran crazily up the full length of her spine.

There on the bed was her mother locked in a lewd embrace of intercourse with Mr. Johnson, Richard's father!

Her fiancee's father and her own mother!

She felt the blood draining from her head, and fought to retain her balance and keep from falling backwards. She was certain that she was going to faint from the sudden shock of the unbelievable sight going on before her eyes. There on her own dead father's bed was another man, making violent love to her mother while at the same time, another man stood above them stroking his vile-looking penis above their thrashing bodies. He was eagerly urging Richard's father to hurry up and finish.

"Come on, Sam, damn it man. I want a little too." She heard him say through her dazed mind.

They were taking turns on her mother!

Susan wanted to rush into the room, and tear them from her mother's body. She felt a scream building up in her throat, and wanted to hit and scratch at them until she drove them away forever. She tried to blot the horrible scene from her eyes, but she could not. She was frozen to the door, unable to move and merely watched in detached revulsion the ravishment of her mother's drunken and more than willing body on the swaying bed across the room. The foot of the bed was pointed right at the door so that she could even see Richard's father's thick, bard penis disappearing and reappearing with each cruel thrust and withdrawal that he made into her. Her legs were splayed out wide on either side of his plunging body and periodically, would kick high in the air, then fold around his driving buttocks, her ankles locking tightly behind his thighs, pulling him into her with all her strength.

Susan could see the muscles standing out on her inner thighs as she struggled like a crazed nymphomaniac to get him deeper inside her. His hands were cupping her naked white buttocks with a savage strength that cut red bloodless lines into the flaccid, giving flesh. He squeezed the large rounded moons tightly together, forcing the walls of her vagina closer around the thickness of his rigid penis. Susan strained her eyes and could see the thin, ragged edges of her mother's vagina clasping tightly around it, as though it were a hungry child nibbling voraciously at the last banana in the world. She could see the thinly parted pubic hairs grazing teasingly against the narrow sperm-filled ridge than ran the full length of the underside of his penis.

Her buttocks were grinding faster now, and the groans and mewls of pleasure were becoming more desperate, as the glazed, almost uncomprehending eyes of her daughter stayed glued hypnotically on the lewd, obscene coupling taking place on the bed. Her wild? demonic upward thrusts were met with equal fury by Richard's father's pelvis, which was smacking hard down into her, driving her back down into the mattress with each mighty surge. The loud slap of belly against belly resounded through the room like tiny distant claps of thunder. Her legs curled and uncurled in wild final desperation around the driving hips that flattened her buttocks hard down into the bed with each long, powerful stroke.

Susan held her breath again, for the hundredth time since she had climbed the stairs, as she watched her mother being fucked more and more viciously with each passing second. Both she and Mr. Johnson were puffing wildly, and she could see small rivulets of sweat streaming down over his pumping and hollowing buttocks, as he worked frenziedly on top of her twisting body.

And then, suddenly it was over.

She could hear a low, unearthly gurgle coming from her mother's throat, as her buttocks slowed their wild scramble for completion and began small, spasmodic jerks up tight against the penis which was sunk deep in her belly. At the same time, Mr. Johnson groaned above her and ground hard down inside her vagina, his thick, fleshy rod beginning to throb it's white, milky sperm deep down into her quivering belly. The rich creamy fluid filled her completely, and cascaded out around the pink moist lips her cunt. To Susan's horror, she could see clearly a tiny white stream of it running down the wide split crevice of her buttocks and down onto the mattress below. The couple jerked against each other for a moment longer, and then lay still.

Evans, stroking his prick above them, could stand it no snore. He grasped Richard's father by the shoulder and pulled back hard, almost jerking him bodily from off the top of the spread-eagle woman.

"Move over, damn it," he shouted as he pushed the other man to the side of the bed

Susan watched in wild-eyed fright, as Mr. Johnson's half- deflated penis withdrew with a wet, sucking noise from her mother's wide-open crotch. His sweating, spent body was replaced one moment later by Mr. Evans, who leaped between her still wide- spread legs, and without hesitation, plunged his rock-hard cock deep down into her moist, open vagina. He did not delay and immediately began fucking into her with long, hard strokes. His gleaming wet instrument could be seen clearly sliding in and out of her mother's ragged pink cunt like a well-oiled piston, his balls smacking rhythmically into the moist crevice of her wide- spread buttocks below.

She waited for her to scream in protest, or to fight back against the horrible obscene rape she was being subjected to‹but none came.

Instead, her legs quivered straight out into the air again, and then wrapped python-like back again around his waist. Her hands slid slowly down his gleaming body and came to rest on his white, hollowing buttocks. The fingers spread, whitened from the pressure, then pulled him gluttonously into her, while below, her cunt flowered open in welcome acceptance. It swallowed the whole of his plunging cock with each greedy upward jerk. Small piteous pleas of passionate supplication began to roll from the woman's lips They were lewd and horrible supplications, using words that Susan had seldom heard except in whispers from the more daring girls at school.

She stood for a moment longer‹listening in abject horror to the small, mewling cries of her mother as she rolled and rocked beneath Mr. Evans like a common whore off the streets.

And suddenly, she could stand it no longer.

Susan turned and stumbled blindly toward the steps. Tears of abject hurt and humiliation rolled silently down her cheeks, smearing the light coat of rouge she had put on earlier in the evening to accentuate her passing to womanhood with her engagement to Richard. She was totally lost and didn't bother to close the front door behind her as she left the house. In the distance behind her, she could hear a loud, mocking shriek coming down the stairs and chasing her into the dark street. Now she was almost glad her father wasn't alive because it may have been going on long before his death. She could remember things that had seemed so insignificant during his long illness. Her mother stayed out late often, blaming it on the charitable work she had always been so involved in. Well, she certainly was practicing charity now, and giving as much as she could, Susan thought bitterly.

She walked to the end of the block and aimlessly turned toward the park. The night was half warm, and she didn't notice that she had left her coat hanging in the hallway back at the house. Her bared shoulders chilled slightly from a periodic breeze that brushed over them, but it didn't matter now. There were too many things to think about and her tortured mind just couldn't absorb all of them at one time. Some of them would just have to wait until she could get away and do some thinking under less trying circumstances. And, get away she must. She could never face Richard again, much less, marry him. Not after she had seen his father taking turns with another man ravishing her own mother. It was almost incestuous, and the horrible thought brought forth more bitter tears of anguish which streamed down her face unnoticed.

What could she do? Where could she go? She only had about eighty dollars from various graduation presents, and nothing else. The money her father left her was in a trust fund, and she wouldn't even begin drawing money from the interest income for three more years when she would be twenty-one. It was out of the question to try and borrow any. Anyone she knew that had enough money to lend her would question her about it, and she couldn't let anyone know she was going to leave. She was certain her mother would try to stop her even under the circumstances that had occurred tonight. She had a social position to protect in the community, and there were those who would frown on her having a runaway daughter on her hands. No, she must think of something else.


The thought came to her like a flash. She knew he would take care of her if she could just make it to San Francisco where he was living. He didn't have much money, she knew that, as he had been sending home for it as often as he could get it. She had even sent him some of her own money quite often before Dad died but her mother had stopped giving it to her afterwards when she found out. From that time on, her mother had sent it to him, and had given Susan just enough to get by on herself. She was certain it was because her mother was jealous of the close relationship she had always had with her brother, and didn't want her to be able to do anything for him when he needed it so badly. In fact, the money he demanded had reached almost unbelievable proportions in the last few months, and she couldn't imagine what on earth he could be doing with that amount. He was supposed to be writing as he said he was doing, and shouldn't have the need for the quantities he requested.

His letters had become more and more desperate, and she was certain he was in some kind of serious trouble or he couldn't possibly spend that much. The worst part of it was that her mother had begun to cut down on the amount she sent him in order to force him to come home and in the last week he had sent his requests direct to Susan. She had written him about the will their father had left and tried to explain the best way she knew how the reason why she thought their father had not left anything to him. Still, she had detected a note of bitterness in his answering letter. He simply could not see why it should make a difference to Dad that he had left home right in the midst of his illness when it was almost certain he would die.

Billy had never felt that his father had really loved him because he had been so strict with him. But Susan knew it was just an attempt on his part to make a man out of Billy, in spite of their mother's coddling him since childhood. In fact, this had been the biggest bone of contention between her parents during their marriage, and she knew that this had driven her father to giving her more and more attention as time had gone on. It had been a natural thing and she hadn't regretted it, except that it had alienated her mother from her‹ but after what she had seen tonight, she was glad for that. She didn't care if she never saw her again as long as she lived. She was nothing but a "damn whore" and probably always had been. Susan felt she owed her nothing, not even her loyalty or love anymore. Billy was the only thing she had left in the world, and she had to make him understand about the will and why it really didn't make any difference between them because she would share it all with him anyway.

"Ride, baby?" a coarse voice suddenly broke through the darkness.

Susan jerked around to suddenly find herself staring into the shadowed face of a Negro, speaking to her from the open window of a car. The headlights were out, and it had coasted to a silent halt next to her. That was why, in her deep concentration, she had not heard it approaching.

"You look lonely, baby, all by yourself out here in the woods," the voice said in a sinister tone.

It was then that she noticed in sudden panic that she had walked beyond the park and was approaching the outskirts of town. The houses were few and far between, and she was walking now by a large vacant lot with the nearest house almost half a block away. Even then, the lights were all out around her and there was no one she could turn to. She mustered her courage, and continued walking in spite of the violent tremors that were beginning to run through her body. Perhaps if, she could just reach the next house, she would have a chance to awaken someone if she had to scream.

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