Sally's Secret Lover - Cover

Sally's Secret Lover


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

The tobacco-brown station wagon nosed into an angled parking place at the curb in front of the drugstore. In the back, Duke whined and wiggled his sinuous form expectantly.

"No, boy," Lauralee chided the big dog affectionately, "stay. I'll only be a few minutes, and then we're going for a nice ride, OK?" The dog sat down patiently.

She opened the door and stepped out gracefully, the flash of exposed brown thigh drawing a flicker of interest from two loafers who were ranged along the curb. She did not mind, and in fact deliberately let her firm, round buttocks undulate a bit more than was usual as she stepped up to the parking meter and slid a nickel into it. Then she walked into the drugstore, quite aware of the ogling pair of eyes that followed her progress. Well, Lauralee thought, if you can still get attention at my age why not give 'em a little ass-wiggle or two... brighten their day? Good for their morale as well as hers.

Her morale was high, and her contentment showed in the brisk, purposeful way she entered the store, smiling at Miss Minnie as she moved along the aisles, surveying the merchandise displays. The change from the dark, dusty interior of the store as it had been never failed to amaze Lauralee, although the remodeling had been completed for a good two months now.

"Hi, partner!" she called out gaily as she approached the gleaming new prescription counter. Ray Denham looked up from his desk with an answering smile.

"Hello... partner." There was a special warmth in his voice which might have suggested to a listener that there was something more here than a simple business relationship.

She really knew how to dress, Ray was thinking. A simple, expensive button-down-the-front cotton dress that might have looked severe on a figure that was less well-endowed. Ripe... that was the word. Ripe, without an ounce of extra flesh... a figure that care and exercise had made the equal if not the envy of the average woman fifteen years younger than Lauralee Blodgett. The petulance and boredom had disappeared from her face and her eyes were clear and sparkling.

She pushed through the little gate that led to the prescription department, with a nod and pleasant word to the new assistant pharmacist, and seated herself on Ray's desk... one long tanned leg swinging and the rather brief dress hiked up to a point on her thigh that was barely decent.

"Well, how do the books look, partner?" Lauralee bent right over the ledger so that the point of her full right breast nearly touched the open page.

"Well, they look damn good... but it's a bit hard to keep my mind on the profit and loss statement with such, uh... distractions," Ray laid his pen down and deliberately let his hand rest against the warmth of her flattened thigh.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," she purred, glancing around the store to see if anyone was watching and then wriggling closer to him as a loose, pleasant feeling pervaded her lower body, "just keep on making money for us and I won't bother my head about the books. Do you know why I'm here, darling?"

"Couldn't keep away a moment longer, I reckon?" he teased.

"Shame on you..." she wriggled again as his hand began to move slowly along her upper leg with insinuating pressure, "I'm here to fetch you. Sally phoned and suggested, since I'm coming to dinner at your place anyway, that I give you a ride and save her the trouble of picking you up."

"God, is it actually that late?" he consulted his watch. "Funny, how the time goes these days... I always used to be watching the clock, when..." he paused, leaving the statement unfinished, but they both knew he meant to say when I was working for John. They avoided reference to Lauralee's late husband, not out of regret but merely because the subject was still distasteful. It was now six months since the day he had collapsed in the bedroom of the Denham's apartment over the drugstore and died a few hours later in the hospital, of a massive heart attack. From conversations with their family doctor, Lauralee learned that her husband had tricked her right up to the last. Doc had not been expecting John to have a heart attack... he was, in fact, surprised, and attributed it to the unusual stress of the occasion. None of those present that day had revealed that Lauralee had threatened her husband with a gun; by mutual agreement all of the sordid facts had been concealed. Lee Quigg of course was glad to keep silent... as was Tully Fairchild, as he was promised a permanent job as manager of Lauralee's farm... and Eula knew that her husband's job at the sawmill was his as long as he wanted it.

The story given out was that there had been an argument of the pending sale of the drugstore, and John Blodgett had become too excited. After his death Lauralee abandoned all thought of the Florida apartment, she'd never wanted to go to Florida anyway and had only agreed because she thought it would be beneficial to her husband's health. Nor did she sell the drugstore. A partnership agreement was drawn up between Ray Denham and- Lauralee, with Ray receiving very favorable terms and a loan from the Quigg personal funds to finance the purchase of his share.

Lauralee had at last found something to occupy her time in straightening out the tangled business affairs of her late husband. She began to take an active interest in the various things, especially the store, and her drinking problem improved almost immediately. Now it could be said that it was no longer a problem at all--apparently she had not reached the point of real addiction to alcohol, as she was able to take a couple of drinks and then voluntarily call a halt.

"Yes, it is that late," she swung her small foot, observing with hardly concealed pleasure the effect that the motion of her shapely leg had on Ray. "How soon can you be ready?"

"Oh, Jack and Miss Minnie can close up. I'll be right with you." He pushed his chair back and stood up, stretching wide. Ray had gained some needed weight and had lost the harried, worried look he had worn in his earlier months in Quiggville.

Sally had given him a set of golf clubs for Christmas, shortly after they joined the country club, and as often as the mild Tennessee winter permitted he had been on the course, taking lessons from the club pro.

In a few minutes the owners of the drugstore were getting into the station wagon, where Duke ecstatically greeted Ray with barks and thumping wags of his tail. Lauralee piloted the car expertly around the square and through the outskirts of Quiggville and in five minutes they were turning in at Hickory Acres.

"What did you think of the housewarming party?" Ray inquired, his eyes going proudly to the brand new pink brick colonial ranch type house into which he and Sally had moved the previous week. Lauralee shrugged.

"I reckon it was a great success... everybody was there. But personally, I do prefer more intimate parties... with just you and Sally and a few of our special friends..." her prettily curved lips parted in a cat-like little smile.

"So do I, darling," Ray assured her, "but for the occasion, with, as you said, everyone there, we had to be careful not to shock some of our more... uh, sedate citizens. Not everybody in Quiggville swings, as I'm sure you've noticed."

"Thank God, some people do," Lauralee giggled wickedly, "and thank God you and Sally joined our 'inner circle.'"

"Well, there'll just be the three of us tonight," he said as she braked the car in his driveway, "but we'll have to see if we can give the new place a real housewarming!"

Sally appeared at the side door as they climbed out of the car and Duke, released at last, bounded right up to her, barking joyously. She ruffled his fur affectionately, smiling a welcome to Lauralee and her own darling Ray. Sally still couldn't get over the way things had worked out for them, and just when the future had appeared so bleak. She had found, after that nasty John Blodgett was out of the picture, that Lauralee was really not stuck-up at all and the two women had become close friends. Lauralee had seen to it that the Denhams were welcomed into the very private little group of more modern Quiggville couples who had adopted a 20th century attitude toward sex and particularly group sex. At the time it all happened, Ray had deplored the terrible experiences Sally had been put through, but he now wondered if it had not been for the best in the long run. At least she had been initiatated--however drastically--into the pleasure of the male-female relationship.

Sally led them into the living room, one arm around Ray's waist and the other encircling Lauralee's slimness. "I'm a lousy bartender," she confided, "but I put all the fixings out... build us some drinks, Ray?"

He complied with the request and then they all seated themselves around the long living room which was not as yet completely furnished but had all the essentials.

"How was your day?" Sally asked her husband warmly, her gray eyes lingering on his long body with a gleam of... could it be desire?

"Good. Thursday's getting to be almost as big a day as Friday or Saturday."

"Yes, that's what Lee was saying," Lauralee remarked. "By the way, Sally, Lee and his wife really had a good time at your open house. I don't think I've ever seen that prig he's married to unbend quite so much. Why, one of these days we might even recruit them for some fun and games."

"Oh, I'm sure we could recruit Lee right now," Sally laughed knowingly, "but that wife of his is something else. She reminds me of... of me, the way I used to be."

"Yeah," her husband nodded, "the way you used to be... B.S."

"Why, Ray Denham, hush your mouth!" his wife giggled.

"I wasn't referring to the common expression 'bull shit, '" he said loftily. "I meant 'before sex.'"

"What were you planning for dinner?" Lauralee changed the subject, "I hope you didn't go to a lot of trouble."

"No, not at all. The salad's in the refrigerator and the baked potatoes are finished and in the warming oven. It's just a matter of putting the steaks on the grill."

"Hmmmmm," Ray looked from one woman to the other. The drink had relaxed him and was having a pleasantly languorous effect... except on his penis, which was stirring down there in his pants as he contemplated the girls he referred to as his two partners. "Then why not postpone dinner for a little while. Did I show you the new master bedroom the other night, Lauralee? There's one feature that's very handy... the king size bed. I think it would hold all of us without any crowding... right, Sally?"

His wife smiled as a tingling excitement commenced to make itself felt in her loins as she grasped his meaning. "Lovely idea. Will you give us a guided tour?"

"Just follow me!" He set down his empty glass and all three stood up eagerly and trooped toward the bedroom, Duke following, nosing his way through the door after them.

"What a dog!" Lauralee groaned. "He never misses out on a chance for some pussy... he's really shocking, sometimes... but you know, since I'm alone, I do find it's nice to have Duke around... there are times when a dog is woman's best friend!"

The trio undressed rapidly and soon were all sprawled naked on the huge bed. Ray lay on his back in the center, his enormous, erect cock pointing toward the ceiling like a flagpole as he slowly stroked the uncircumcised head to even greater hardness, rolling the thick fold of skin down until the purplish, blood- engorged tip quivered with arousal. Lauralee leaned over him, staring down fondly at the big prick she had seen many times now but still found thrilling in a lewd, vulgarly fascinating way. Just the sight of it and the thought of it pushing up inside a woman was enough to moisten the hair-fringed folds of her cunt lips as her secretions oozed from her heated vagina and she pressed her thighs together to further stimulate the exciting flow. Ray reached up with one hand and began to fondle her breasts which hung pendulously over his flat stomach, their dark nipples hardening under his fingers.

Sally's long soft body lay on his other side, fitted closely to his. She lay on her back, watching with lewd interest her husband's caressing of their friend's full-swelling breasts. God, she was hot already... sometimes she thought the Spanish Fly had not completely passed out of her body yet, though she knew that was impossible. But ever since that day she had unwittingly swallowed the powerful aphrodisiac, Sally had welcomed sex... in fact, she eagerly sought it from her husband... and then, when construction began on their new home in Hickory Acres they had met some couples in the subdivision and had been invited to a few parties... gradually, carefully, the subject had been broached... little hints were dropped that here was one part of Quiggville where the inhabitants had been liberated from old-fashioned sexual taboos. It had not taken long for the Denhams to join in, and with them, Lauralee Blodgett.

Ray's free hand came to rest on Sally's little belly, feeling her instant, quivering response. She sighed and pushed her thighs slightly apart, waiting tensely for his hand to slide, as she knew it would, into the warm, damp "vee" between her legs and play with her hot pussy. Aaaahhh, his probing fingers found her clitoris and began to steadily manipulate the sensitive little nub of flesh and Sally moaned contentedly and screwed her buttocks into the soft mattress as she opened her legs wider and wider to him.

"You lazy gals are making me do all the work," Ray complained jokingly as he continued to arouse them both by means of his strong hands.

"Oh, all right, I'll take pity on you," Lauralee sighed, letting her hand go to his desire-swollen penis and grip its thickness that she could hardly contain in her small fingers. As she carefully smoothed back the foreskin, Ray groaned and writhed in pleasure. She quickly crawled to the foot of the bed, spreading his legs apart and crawling up between them, her excitement mounting to feverish heights at the mere thought of what she was getting ready to do to him. Still working the foreskin up and down over the velvety smooth cock-head, Lauralee dropped her face until her mouth was almost touching his extended rod. Tantalizingly, she blew her soft breath on him and he groaned with pleasure. Her tongue flicked out and made delicious warm moist contact with the rubbery bulbous tip. She ran her tongue in a circle around it, while his big body twisted until she found the tiny crevice and pushed her tongue-tip into it, savoring the pungent flavor of his seminal fluid that had seeped from the minuscule opening. Her nostrils flared with lewd excitement and prickles of desire teased the nerve-ends of her body as she relished every savory drop. Both of her hands now smoothed down his pointing shaft and caressed the velvet-smooth softness of his testicles. Cupping his sac in one palm, she again pulled back his foreskin until the ponderous, naked head stood starkly revealed... slowly, shaping her lips into an oval, she lowered them onto the rubbery cock-head letting it rub against the lip-covered ridge of her teeth as her wet mouth slid down to encompass his maleness... down, down...

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