Neighbor's Pet - Cover

Neighbor's Pet


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Beth was all thumbs with her typing that afternoon as she worked at the small desk in Jay's study. Across the room, her bearded, middle-aged husband didn't seem to be doing much better, but without looking, his young perceptive mate was aware of the underlying cause. Demure Sara in her itty-bitty bikini was no doubt performing in her front yard. It mattered little to Beth that he whiled away a good portion of his day ogling their vivacious, raven-haired young neighbor in her next-to-nothings. It, in fact, relieved her of considerable sexual anguish, since he'd begun to make a fixed routine of his lusty gawking, part of which time in the past he had invariable devoted to a 'quickie'.

The young, blonde wife actually passed it unjealously off as the harmless, if lecherous, pastime of a lewdly oriented mental paramour, and that's where it all ended... in his oversexed mind. Anyway, even if she were concerned that anything might come of it, Beth would've given little thought to it that afternoon. She was too sensually fascinated with what had taken place between Vickie Davis and herself a few hours earlier, not to mention the obscene thrill which rippled over her whenever she remembered Lancer!

Shortly after her intoxicating neighbor had left, Beth had lapsed into a shameful sense of pre-guilt at the thought of their proposed, 'informal dinner party'. God, there wasn't the slightest question in her confused young mind but what Jay had been right in his guess. Vickie was a lesbian! or at the very least, a bi-swinger, as her husband put it in his novels. And Lancer... damn! She obviously had that beautiful animal trained, too!

Following several more cups of coffee and a long hour of lurid, irresistible thinking, the erotically perplexed young wife had decided against keeping their little tete-a-tete. Damn, she had no silly misgivings regarding what Vickie intended should happen and she knew it! To what extent the beautiful, lissome model would go, or expect her to go was another alluring thought which bemused her. Certainly, she had no way of knowing! Such forbidden acts had never even entered her mind, let alone been explored... but then, why had the mere touch of the enravishing girl so excited her... ?

Beth remembered Jerry Adams then, and what she'd mentally labeled as disgustingly obscene and extremely impossible. God, how wrong she'd been on that score! But at least, that was male- female, normal enough in one respect... ! And... and... just exactly what did girls do to each other when they... they made love? Were Jay's descriptions accurate, or was he just assuming... ? One thing for sure, she knew that every time she typed one of those heated scenes, it really turned her on... !

She had left the kitchen for the study and the typing awaiting her, with her mind still webbed in a lust-infused dither, though pretty much determined to fall conveniently ill and send Jay over with a note before he left for his meeting. Better that she should climb into bed with a good book and a few gin-tonics. There would be ample nights in the future for them should she find her desires leaning that way. Still, she couldn't deny the sensorial feelings of excitement that lingered and taunted her the remainder of the afternoon, whenever thoughts of her lovely enticing neighbor crossed her roused young mind.

The sequence her big, robust husband had ready for final draft hadn't helped matters, either. It'd concerned two neighborhood wives and a cookware salesman, the naked girls taking turns tonguing one another's "hot, wet pussies" while the salesman with super-energetic lust and a massive penis screwed each of them from behind! God, by the time she had finished it, her already keyed-up passion had reached such a degree that she'd nearly dragged Jay off to the bedroom! On second thought, however, she'd decided against adding agony to aggravation. Tonight, alone with her book and gin-tonics, she would resort to her only pacification of late... her busy, knowing finger. At the same, the typing of the intensively firing scene had found her casting herself and Vickie, together with sometimes Stan, then young Jerry Adams playing the male role, until when she'd put the cover on her machine for the day, she'd had all she could do to forcibly jot off the note to her enchanting neighbor.

"Look, babe, maybe you'd rather I didn't go tonight if you're feeling that bad?" Jay had thoughtfully offered.

"No, no. It's nothing that serious, darling," she'd quickly set him at ease, knowing how much he looked forward to these monthly dinners and meetings with his counterparts. "I feel headachy and a bit nauseous is all. Afraid I wouldn't be very good company for Miss Davis on our first get-together. I'm sure she'll understand."

"Yeah... sure she will," he agreed. "I'll just emphasize how sorry you are and that you were looking forward to it all day, eh?"

"Well... all right, but don't make it too strong," Beth cautioned, knowing how her mouthy husband could get carried away, with all his good intentions.

Alone at last, Beth released a little sigh to herself. She'd always enjoyed her solitude, but even more so since her marriage, and with no reflections on Jay's blustering character. It was simply that they were almost constantly together and a person needed some time to themselves, at least, away from each other. She went straight to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a gin- tonic, consuming half of it before going into the kitchen to fix a plate of hors d'oeuvres to munch along. It was almost seven, the scheduled time Vickie had set for cocktails, and a little chill rippled through her at the thought.

She wasn't sorry, though, over her decision. It had all happened so fast between them there in the kitchen, just about overwhelming her, was all. God... she had to have more time to think about it, or... or get used to the idea... whatever, even with the carnal sensations wildly racing helter-skelter in her soft belly and day-long provoked loins. But the latter, she was very soon going to look after! Oooohhhhhh... she had to, or she might just ignite! Yes, and maybe three or four times for good measure, the torridly flushed young wife contemplated in her privacy.

Setting gin bottle, an ample supply of tonic, along with ice and her plate of goodies onto a tray, Beth trekked off to the bedroom, placing all conveniently on the bedside stand beside her book before beginning the ritual of undressing. Whenever she planned a lewd little party of her own, the curvaceous blonde girl hedonistically strove to get the most out of it. And why not? After all, if one had to be her own lover in order to receive satisfaction, then a narcissistic approach wasn't so far out of order, was it?

For a few moments, Beth sat on the edge of the bed nibbling and drinking, actually taunting herself with further lust-filled thoughts of all that had happened to her the past two days. She arose finally, the gin warm in her churning belly, and began to slowly strip to sensuous nakedness, admiring her voluptuous white curves and the blonde tufted "vee" of her fleshy vaginal mound with its swollen lips and pink ribbon of moistened, secret flesh up between her full thighs.

Caressingly, she smoothed and stroked her small hands over the supple naked skin of her satiny body, her sexual tension increasing beneath the feel of her self-loving hands as she slowly turned and walked toward the bed. Drawing down the cover, she stretched out languidly on the satin sheet, then reached over to flick on the radio for some soft, romantic music to make her little party complete.

Raising her head high on the pillow, Beth could see herself in the vanity mirror, and provocatively, she eased her legs open, spreading them wide until she could see all of herself, from the soles of her tiny feet to the long golden hair forming the halo beneath her head on the pillow. She watched her reflection as she brushed her soft hands over the full white mounds of her breasts, pausing to tease their little pink nipples into bursting hardness before moving down over her ribs and the flattened bowl of her belly to rest on either side of the damp, feverish cunt-lips up between her spread thighs. There, with the edges of both hands gently pressuring inward against the hair-fringed folds of sensitive flesh, the naked young wife began a lewd, self- gratifying massage, playing one wetly throbbing pussy lip against the other in order to stimulate the intimate, inner petals between...

This was what Vickie Davis saw when she hesitantly peeked around the doorway from the hall, her breathing hitching in her swan-like throat at the unexpected obscene sight! Spontaneous sensations of lust coursed through her lithe body, her large amber eyes immediately aglow! Soooo... she impassionedly thought to herself, reaching down to pet Lancer's massive head beside her, she wasn't going to be denied after all... !

Beth had no idea how long Vickie had stood there before she saw her and gasped aloud in a shock wave of horrified shame! In those first stupefying seconds, she had lain there in her obscenely exposed position as if petrified, her hands still between her legs in their lewd finger-fucking arrangement... and then, she abruptly reacted. With a second moaning gasp, the humiliated young wife sat upright in quivering, curved nakedness to grasp for the covering at the foot of the bed, to which her softly smiling exquisite neighbor remarked, "Don't you think that's being a bit ridiculous, darling? Something like, closing the barn door after the horse has gone... ?"

Nevertheless, Beth completed the act, drawing the covering above her nakedly exposed breasts which she felt sure were blushing from the overflow of blood reddening her mortified face! She watched the auburn-haired beauty move gracefully into her bedroom, then saw Lancer behind her. Her awe-stricken brain still reeled in its unequaled embarrassment, though she was able to reason that the radio had made their entrance possible without her hearing the door open or close. Had she knocked... ?

As if reading her mind, Vickie velvety intoned, "I would've knocked, but I didn't want to disturb you if you were in bed... and you were, you see, so I did the right thing." With a whispering rustle of silkish material from the loose, flower print wraparound she wore, the lithesome girl folded down onto the edge of the bed beside Beth, her heated amber eyes never leaving the young blonde wife's stunned green ones. "I came over to bring you some broth I concoct for myself when I'm not feeling up to sorts... but on second thought, I don't believe you need it, dear. Your problem calls for a different variety of treatment..."

"Oh... oh God, Vickie I'm so ashamed... !" Beth exclaimed on the brink of tears and dropping her face toward her hands to hide them.

"My Lord, baby, don't be!" Vickie quickly responded. "If anyone should be ashamed, it's me for walking in on your privacy the way I did! What you were doing... or about to do, is normal enough! Believe me, darling, I've done it many times, myself... all through my short marriage as a matter of fact! It was my only source of completion with the young, rabbit husband I had... but that's another story and very uninteresting. What is of importance to you, though, is that I've since learned some beautifully extraneous ways of reaching the same end, darling... and I can't think of more appropriate circumstances in which to introduce you to them... !"

Beth raised her head slowly to stare at the exotic face, her sultry green eyes moist in their bath of contained tears. A mixture of emotions began to frantically race through her... a blend of which her self-abasement was rapidly dwindling in importance. The beautiful, deep amber eyes gazing hotly into her own were mesmerizing, effectively causing the tempo of her breathing to increase and shorten in length! The young blonde wife in her hidden nakedness trembled in response to the slender, gentle hand raising to pressure against her shoulder, urging her back down onto the pillow.

Vickie smiled, a dazzling sight to Beth, even more splendorous as the sylph-like girl arose and gracefully slipped out of her wraparound to stand in statuesque, lightly tanned nakedness before her! She had come prepared... intending... or perhaps, just hopeful, Beth reasoned, knowing that she, herself, was captivated by the sight of the auburn-haired model's high- set, firmly rounded breasts with their hardened, berryish nipples, her slender waist and the smooth, breathtaking curve of her hip! The thighs of her long, shapely legs were full but taut without being muscular, a look of underlying strength to them, and between at the base of her flat belly and loins, partially hidden by a sparse triangular shadow of dark silken ringlets, peeked the faint, pink inner flesh separating her pouting vaginal lips... !

The tall beauty seemed to float down beside her once more, until Beth felt the tender brush of her warm, delicate hand on her brow and in her hair. Fascination spread through the younger girl like wildfire, her belly and the soft inner sides of her feverish thighs quivering in empathy to the delicious caresses. Still, traces of apprehensive repugnance tried to register in her impassioned mind, but she blindly barred them! God... ! She didn't want to resist, the sensually aroused young wife thought, as she felt loving hands on her breasts! Then, the exquisite face moved closer to hers, its perfect, soft mouth closing down onto her own with a moist warmth... and finally, with urgent affection!

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