Neighbor's Pet - Cover

Neighbor's Pet


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Beth Ann Durke couldn't be any less conscious of the male eyes appraising her enhanced young curves as she, accompanied by her outlandishly dressed husband, treaded the familiar sidewalks of the Edgemont Heights shopping center. His whispering dispatches that this 'punk' and that 'bastard' had just undressed her, dribbled off the voluptuous blonde wife like water off the proverbial duck's back. She had just over-played her starring role, then upstaged her own self in the manner of a Miss Do-Good from a B movie! In short, she'd absolutely muffed it... needling him with Sara, then slipping into the offended other-woman part before she'd even been cast!

God, how stupid could one get? Pretty bad, she inwardly seethed, sick at the thought of having him, that gorgeous hunk of man, right in her eagerly yearning, little hands, then frittering away her hold through girlish ridiculousness. Damn, she'd never intended they be any more than lovers, an affair, an experience! "When Beth? Tonight? Can you get out... ?" he'd panted, his breathing a masculine, lusty blowtorch against her face. "Whoa, darling... not so fast... !" she'd childishly answered... and God, why, she'd never, never know... !

"You dig the boots, baby?" Jay's raucous voice interrupted.

"I-I guess so."

"Wilson was wearin' a pair of suede jobs, but they're Goddamned sweet for me. Fruit boots, you know," he said, his ludicrous inference not even meriting a reply from her. "You know, he seems to be an all right guy? We'll have to get better acquainted with 'em... like that Vickie Davis next door to us. I see her and Sara talking a lot, and she just walks right into the Wilson's as if she owned the place."

"Does she? I never noticed," Beth replied, preoccupied and barely with their conversation.

"Sure... she and that German Shepherd dog of hers... What's its name?"


"Yeah, Lancer." He wagged his bearded-faced head as he lumbered along beside her. "Beautiful dog, but town's no place for an animal like that. Should be on a ranch or farm where it can get out and run... exercise, you know?"

"I suppose," she idly answered.

"But, I guess she keeps him for protection, living alone and all. That's a funny thing, too, a model like her with no male around, at least, once in awhile. You think maybe she's lez, doll?"

"Frankly, I never thought about it."

"Well I have," he said with a snigger, holding onto his young wife's arm in true claiming fashion. "Something's smelly there... all by herself... just her dog... You get it, baby? Just her and that Goddamned brute of an animal... ?"

"You've got a dirty mind, Jay Durke," Beth retaliated, not trying to hide her disgust. God, why didn't he just go off somewhere so she could brood in peace?

"Yeah, a dirty old gold-mine!" he punned, nudging at her ribs with his hand holding onto her arm. "How'd you like that one, doll?"

She said nothing, not even daring to look in his direction for fear she would blow her top right there on the street. Then, thanks be to the powers, he stopped in front of the barber shop and said: "This is as far as I go with you, baby? Going to get handsome for you. Where you off to now?"

"The supermarket," she answered, elated that he was about to unhand and separate from her for a few hours.

"Okay. You take the Caddy home. I'll walk. It's only ten minutes and I need the exercise... sitting at that desk all day."

"You could take a cab..."

"No, I'll walk. It won't hurt me," he said, grinning and leaning toward her for a kiss.

Beth did, knowing that she was doing untold things for his ego right in front of his favorite bragging grounds. But it was the last lewd pat on her buttocks right there on the street that set the readied rancor to bubbling inside her! Damn! What a slob he could be...

"See you, babe."

"Bye!" she snapped, whipping away, her mind becoming an immediate well of Stan Wilson, and thankfully so.

Even as she shopped, she could concentrate on little else but her handsome neighbor and the way she had stupidly bungled the whole thing. Of course, she could have gotten out tonight, or any other night! Jay never questioned her in that respect, whatever story she came up with, and most times it was just to get a break away from him and take in a movie, or a quiet relieving walk. Damn... was it too late? She could go back alone now, eat a little crow and set it up for tonight! God knows, she was still that sensually excited... but no! No, she wasn't about to eat crow for any man! If... if only she could cool down a little! She was actually wet, wet between her legs, and no one but Stan Wilson had done that! But damnit, she wasn't about to eat crow for him! Never... !

Oh, where were the damned pickles... ?

The sexually flustered young wife's entire grocery shopping excursion was marred by similar incidents. She couldn't concentrate, and finally in dismay, had called a halt, knowing she'd forgotten half the items on the list she'd made out and left on the kitchen table.

At one point, while retrieving a box of soap powder from a lower shelf, she had half-glanced behind her to see an older man pushing a cart full of groceries pause to observe the spectacle she was thoughtlessly offering him in her bent-over position. Though she had immediately straightened and turned to glare at him, his elderly, lecherous smirk as he pushed on only seemed to add unneeded fuel to the already glowing bed of coals smoldering in the hot, fluid hearth of her body. The male clerks, the homely, balding assistant manager, even the young carry-out boy, Jerry Adams, who lived in their block on Tasmen Drive, all were doing their unintentional share in provoking her private passion.

Lord, it was absolutely absurd to work one's self into such a lewd state. Yet, there was something erotically exciting about it, too... being caught up in such a lascivious mood right out in public... before God and everyone, and in broad daylight, she lightly mused, leading the way to where the Caddy was parked. And the manner in which she was unnecessarily switching her rounded hips for the young carry-out boy's benefit was hardly Kosher either. She could tell after she'd bent down to open the car's trunk-door that his youthfully bugging blue eyes had briefly fed on the unexpected, engaging sight. His good looking teenage mouth was agape, his smooth, fair cheeks a flushed crimson.

Of course, she couldn't help but recall a sequence from one of Jay's novels in which a lecherous young wife had seduced a neighbor-boy in oral sex. At the same time, she'd thought the scene not only disgustingly obscene, but extremely impossible. What normal woman in her right mind would ever set out to lure a boy when she could have a man... ?

"Thank you, Jerry," she warmly smiled at him as he opened the door and she slid in under the steering wheel, making no effort to hide her exposed nylon-covered thighs with their tiny garter-belt frills peekingly visible. She'd tipped him then, still smiling as he backed off with his handsome young face blushingly afire, offering her a little wave.

Damn, he was a sweet, young dream, the infused blonde wife reflected most of the way home. Some lucky girl either was, or was going to be made mighty happy with that gallant little darling crawling between her legs! Lord... if she didn't stop thinking this way she was going to be a mess of frayed nerves before the day was over! And it was her own fault, too! Her bewitching little scheme had worked perfectly with Stan... then, she'd had to goof it! Damn... damn! What she needed was a drink!

After lugging in the groceries and dumping them on the kitchen table, Beth made straight-away for the liquor cabinet and a gin-tonic. With this fortification, she returned to put meat and perishables in the refrigerator, then drained her glass to make room for a second.

Just how the devil was she going to manage another such situation with her impassioned desire of the moment, Stan Wilson? Or should she leave it for him to make the next move? Of course, that was the proper approach... if you could use the term proper in conjunction with adultery! The truth of the matter was that she'd turned chicken! No denying it, she had... !

"Which comes right down to one thing, Lady Beth!" she said aloud to herself, "you're not the wanton whore that you pretend to yourself... though if anyone knew the way you're boiling inside they'd never guess it! What you need is a cool bath to calm the fires before the genius comes home and you find yourself enticing him into bed for a repeat performance of last night! On second thought, better that you do it yourself and eliminate the middle man... !"

A tiny ripple of excitement added a new emotional arousal of the sizzling agitation already stewing in her soft belly and hot, moistened loins. Determined, she attacked the liquor cabinet a third time, carrying a gin-tonic to the bedroom where she quickly stripped naked.

In the adjoining bath she wound her long blonde hair into a top-knot, and started to draw water as she sipped at her drink, the gin beginning to effectively warm her. Her sultry green eyes glancing at her white nakedness reflected in the full length mirror and glimmered narcissistically as a tiny rippling sensation of pleasure flittered through her voluptuous, twenty-six year old body. For a moment, she stood unmoving, admiring her sensually harmonious curves, her full, pink-nippled breasts and slender waist, the sweeping flow of her arched hips into the long, white columns of her smooth, rounded thighs and tapering calves.

Stan Wilson, baby, wouldn't you love to see what I'm looking at right now? Nothing short of an erotically pleasing sight, I'd say.

She let her eyes sensually caress the secret ivory-like outline that her swim-suit halter had left across the resilient mounds of her uptilted, full young breasts, and below where her tiny bikini had cupped the curved moons of her satiny firm buttocks. But it was the milky-white of her generous hips and lower belly where the silken triangle of sparse, golden curls began to sprinkle over her vaginal mound that invariably fired her excitement.

God, would she do it first, right there in front of the mirror... or in the bathtub... or after on the bed... ?

The harsh sound of the service-door buzzer startled her. Now, who the devil could that be? Irritably, she looked for something to put around her, finally settling on her husband's terry-cloth, swim jacket. Though a jacket for him, it was a good three-quarters length on her, covering enough that she could peek around the door and see what whoever it was wanted. She rolled back the sleeves into huge cuffs as she walked into the kitchen inching open the service door to look into the fair-haired young face of Jerry Adams. A stimulating little tingle raced through her at the recognition of his clean, youthful smile.

"Mrs. Durke... you forgot and left this on the counter in the market," he said, holding out her wallet to her. "It's got quite a bit of money in it, so Mr. Sheppherd wanted me to bring it right over."

For a moment, Beth stared at it in surprise wondering how in the world she could ever have done such a stupid thing? But undoubtedly, she had, for it was the hand-tooled, snake-skin one that Jay had bought her in Mexico.

"Good Lord, and I hadn't even missed it! Oh me... just how inefficient can a girl get, Jerry?"

He laughed, then said: "Maybe you better count the money, Mrs. Durke to be sure it's all there."

"I'm certain it is, dear... and it was so thoughtful of you to bring it right over," the blonde wife said, her brain beginning to function along a once believed extremely impossible vein! "Here, I must reward you for..."

"No! No, really, Mrs. Durke! We're not allowed to take rewards for such things!" he said, holding up his hand and backing away.

"Why... why that's ridiculous, Jerry! Besides, no one has to know... !" she insisted, leafing out a bill as he continued to wag his head and smile.

"Gee thanks, Mrs. Durke... but I can't take it," he repeated, shaking his young, handsome head.

"Well... well at least, you can come in and have a Coke or something," she said, stepping to one side as she opened the door wide for him. "Come on, I'm not going to take no for an answer on that offer."

"A-All right... I could sure use it. Boy, it's hot in that sun," he said, passing close to her, his arm lightly brushing the tip of one sensitive breast behind the white, fuzzy material covering her, raising a sparkling little ripple in her soft belly. In response, the young blonde wife pulled the hardly adequate jacket of her husband tighter around her aroused nakedness, smiling at him as he timidly looked at her. His face was flushing as it had in the parking lot of the market. He'd noticed the soft erotic contact, too!

She offered him a chair as she moved toward the refrigerator, but he didn't sit. God, she felt certain his pale blue eyes were avidly traveling the length of her near-naked body, imagining beyond the single garment, wondering what, if anything, she wore beneath it. Or... or was she letting her overly keyed-up imagination run away with her? She selected a king-size Coke opened it, and offered it to him with a glass. In expected routine, he took only the bottle, tilting it to his good-looking, teenage lips, while she continued to appraise and measure him, wildly wondering what was going through his young mind... !

It was a crazy conversation, almost as if she were finding it as hard to talk to him as was he in coming up with answers that wouldn't make him sound like an awkward geek, the fifteen year old youth nervously thought. She was so frigging beautiful! And he'd seen her nearly naked ass right there in the parking lot... nothing on it only a flimsy pair of tiny black panties! Man, she had to know he could see it... just the way she had to have felt it when he'd brushed against her tit a minute before... !

"Excuse me just a moment, dear, while I get a drink and join you, okay?"

"Sure... that'd be fine!" he answered, probably too enthusiastically, the thoughts he was thinking absolutely knot- headed, he told himself. Get with it, lead-skull! What could a beautiful girl like her even want from the likes of you? Better stick to Kathy Lovell.

"Here we are!" she beamed, re-entering the kitchen with a glowing smile, her long blonde hair no longer in the wad crowning her pretty head, but sweeping down around her shoulders the way she'd always worn it when he'd seen her. She'd changed it! What for? "Cheers," she offered, toasting her glass against the bottle in his hand, not a foot of space separating them!

"C-Cheers, Mrs. Durke... !"

"Oh, why don't you call me Beth, darling. I'm not that much older than you, am I?" She tilted her head to one side, her sexy green-eyes level with his and liquidly pouring into them. "Am I... ?"

"I-I don't know. I'll... I'll be seventeen next March," he lied, knowing he looked it.

"And I'll be twenty-three in December," Beth retaliated, making no effort to draw Jay's swim-jacket tighter across her full, rising and falling breasts, even as she felt it inching slowly apart. Instead, she pulled out a chair and lowered herself onto it, facing the one she'd offered him. "Sit down, Jerry doll. Let's get to know each other better... that is, if you'd like to... ?"

For answer, he accepted, trying to keep his eyes above where the thing she was wearing had fallen part-way open. Cumsville! He could see some of the deep, mind-bending crease between her tits, even a part of one where it began to swell out from her chest like a Racquel Welch gem... soft looking... creamy white from a bikini halter... and even part of one full satiny thigh! No question! He'd bet his crummy paycheck she wasn't wearing so much as a kleenex beneath... !

Suddenly, she leaned forward, displaying all but the nipples of her rounded white breasts to him as she touched the sewed-on crest of his sweater that he'd earned playing tennis! "What does it say, dear, and how did you get it?" she throatily questioned, the soft tips of her fingers searing into his chest like branding irons!

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