Neighbor's Pet - Cover

Neighbor's Pet


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jay realized that he had no right to be angry, but nevertheless, he was and heatedly so. He was as guilty of being unfaithful as was she, but that wasn't the reason for his inner fuming. It was self-ire and aimed at his own stupidity. From the very beginning of their marriage she'd ridiculed and mocked him and he'd tolerated it, played the part of the buffoon rather than to chance losing her, but that, Goddamn it, was over and done with! It was time for phase number two of this jolly journey through life, whatever the friggin' cost, and it couldn't come about on a better occasion, with friendly bare-assed neighbors to witness it!

"Come on, Beth baby!" he ordered, unable to keep the harshness from his voice, thinking that if he hadn't been such a stupid son of a bitch from the onset that probably neither one of them would be where they were at that moment! "Let's get that hot ass up higher and shove it back here! The baby-games are over with! Move!"

Beth immediately recognized the stridency in his tone and wasn't sure that she liked it. But she also knew that she'd never felt such a sudden wave of happiness in her entire life! She loved him... God, yes! And from now on, it was Jay Durke and no one else for her... !

Abruptly, she both heard and felt the resounding slap of his huge hand across her naked buttocks, a gasp of stinging surprise bursting from her!

"I said, get that hot ass up higher and shove it back here, wife! That's better! Now, face right down on the bed!" he commanded. "Okay, the rest of you nice people can move in close to watch the way a real loving husband takes care of his wife!"

An uneasy feeling of apprehension began to gnaw at Beth's naked belly. She still couldn't believe that he'd slapped her! He'd never done anything like that before... and right across her naked ass, too! She could still feel the stinging imprint of his big hand! God... he was angry... !

"Now, right before God and everybody, do you or don't you love me, wife?" he harshly threw down at her.

The question itself, and the way he had put it to her, caused Beth's moment of hesitation.

"Yes, I do, I do... and I'll prove it to you if you let me, darling... !"

"Sounds to me as if you had to think about it for a bit..."

"No, honest, Jay! I do love you, and I want to prove it..."

"Well, baby, you're going to get that chance, and right before witnesses," he interrupted to advise her. "'Cause your lover-man is going to fuck your tight little asshole! That's right, doll, sodomize you... but not against your will! You've got to ask me to do it... otherwise, I'll get up and walk out of here... out of your Goddamned life for good!"

Vickie Davis had crawled closer to Jay's summons, with Stan sitting up beside her. His liquor-slackened mouth had dropped open at the big, barrel-chested husband's obscene words, but at the same time a renewed charge of lust sparked deep in his groin, and then he felt Vickie's soft hand curling around his re-swelling cock. Vickie felt Stan's arm slipping around her waist, and then his strong hand cupping her naked breast. My God, she thought, Jay was going to sodomize her with that huge cock of his... fuck her in the ass! She'd tried just about everything, but she'd never had that! How would it be... a long, thick spear of hardness like Jay's burning its way up your rectum? Ooohhh... agony, no doubt, but she couldn't deny the lascivious sensations the thought alone was firing inside her!

She watched almost transfixed as her bearded neighbor clutched at his big swollen penis, while Beth remained nakedly poised in her lewdly submissive position with her now tremoring buttocks beautifully exposed a foot or so before him... !

"Well... have you made up your mind, baby?" Jay's guttural voice demanded. "It's your decision, but you better be quick about it! I'm running out of patience... !"

Beth had nearly lost her breath at his incredulous, sordid ultimatum! Her brain swam wildly and her belly and loins were a sensual beehive! God, she was so hot! Her pussy felt as if it were a bubbling pit of molten lava... as if nothing but her Jay's long thick hardness could possibly answer its need! But... but, in her tight little virginal anus... why? What had suddenly happened to make him want to cause her pain, to subjugate her like this and right before all of them to see? Was he trying to shame her... was he that jealous... ? Oh God, she did love him! Her life would be worthless without him! She knew that for certain now belatedly perhaps... but not too late!

"Well... last call, Beth baby... ?"

"Yes! Do it!" his blond young wife raspingly exclaimed. "Please, Jay darling, do it to me! Fuck me there... in my ass! If... if that'll prove that I love you, then I want it every day for the rest of our lives! Now! Do it, lover-man! Hurry... !"

Jay Durke felt a surge of new blood racing toward the throbbing head of his cock. He glanced excitedly at the faces leaning close to watch, then saw Sara moving in to join the audience, the powerful German Shepherd beside her. He kneed himself up between Beth's widespread white thighs and rounded, open buttocks. They, like him, could all see her pink, moistly glistening little cunt, with its passion-swollen lips and blonde fringed curls, but it was the tiny puckered rosette between the ovalled mounds of her taut ass-cheeks that really held their attention. He heard their tight breathing, almost feeling the heat of their lust-filled eyes as he slowly positioned himself behind the subserviently kneeling blonde. Gently dipping his finger between the feverish lips of her wetly heated pussy, he watched as her curved hips and full buttocks shuddered from the erotic intrusion.

Jay smeared the slippery vaginal lubricant over the dimpled little lips of his naked wife's rectal mouth, his big frame alive with charging sensations of rampant lust. Maybe he was wrong, taking her this way, like a Goddamned animal, but he knew he had to do it now! The buffoon was dead! Long live the dominating male! Again, he dipped his finger into the hot, seeping moisture of her excited pussy to swab the tiny pink hole of her ass. Then, grasping his thick throbbing cock, he wetly coated its blood- filled head, finally nuzzling it up against her vulnerable, defensively puckering anus.

Beth thought she detected a mean little laugh escape her middle-aged husband whose massive hairy frame was heatedly crowding in behind her, and she clenched her hands into small fists, clamping her eyes tightly shut! She tried to imagine the thoughts filling his brain... motivating him toward this debasing, lewd act, but her young brain was a melee of fear mixed with passion and totally unmanageable! Only one thought prevailed: he was about to punish her... and she had to endure it, or lose him now for certain... !

Then, without the least mercy, she frantically reasoned, he thrust forward and she felt an agonized stretching of her babyish rectal mouth! Her breathing bunched in her dry throat as a vicious spasm of torturous pain racked through her obscenely bent, naked body. She twisted and half-screamed, waggling her hips and buttocks to squirm off the wickedly impaling rod of thick flesh that was spearing into her back passage!

"Aaaauuugghhhh... Jay... stop... stop it... you're killing me!" Beth pleadingly cried back at him. Oh God... ! She'd blindly imagined that somehow she could endure it, but she'd sorely misjudged the size and capacity of her tight little rectum! He was going to savagely rip her open back there, she knew in sudden horror, and her unprotected, upthrusted buttocks began a desperate thrashing to be free! She heard him laugh again, no mistaking it this time, and felt his powerful hands gouging into the tender flesh of her hips and thighs! Damn him! He was holding her vise-like, and her every attempted move only helped slide his huge rod of solid cock-flesh deeper and deeper into her tormented and cringing nether passage.

"Get with it, Beth baby! Push back onto it... make it easier on yourself!" he unreasonably commanded, clutching at her tensed upper thighs and straining his heavy hips forward. "It's too late to change your mind now, little wife! You may hate me forever, but I'm going to fuck this beautiful ass of yours come hell or high-water! So you might just as well grin and bear it!"

Hate him forever? Goddamn him, she'd kill him for sure if she ever survived his depraved sodomy! Scratch his watery eyes out! Cut his fiendish cock off with a meat cleaver... ! "Oh... ooohhh, damn you... !" she choked, unable to hold back the tears of agony and guttural moans of sudden shame that were possessing her. Yet, at the same time, she knew she was being tormented by more than just this debasing humiliation he was subjecting her to before these people. It was self-shame at the way she had treated him, belittled him in her own mind since the very beginning... !

God almighty... could she stand it... ? He'd ripped her for sure! It was tearing her little anus wide open! Ooohhh... ooohhh, God... God... how he was punishing her for the bitch she'd been! Yes, bitch... deceiving little bitch... and did she ever have it coming! Ooohhh do it, lover-man... I deserve it... every solidy, brutal inch of it right... right up my ass! Yesss... punish me, husband, darling, lover! Make me know it... !

Overwhelmed with an undefinable wave of masochistic love and lust, the luridly groveling, naked young wife hunched backward with determination as her heavy-framed, bearded husband thrust forward! Tears flowed wetly down her face at the excruciating torment of his thick pulsating penis surging like an ax handle up into her painfully quivering rectum. She felt its turgid, mushroomed head pushing the rubbery flesh of her forever- stretched, fire-filled channel before it... until at last, with one final buttock-flattening lunge he brutally ground it all the way up into the warm, constricting depths of her obscenely stuffed rectum!

At last! At last! her brain reeled in a weirdly pleasurable, masochistic agony! Then, he moved slowly out and in, and out and in, until she began to feel his big hairy pelvis smacking against the resilient softness between her lewdly presented buttocks, his sperm-filled balls swinging with delighting slaps against her wetly seething pussy below! God, she was impaled to the very hilt... hardly able to breathe with the unbelievable, racking pressure which felt as if her thighs were splitting apart... but she didn't want him to stop... not now... not ever... !

Vickie Davis clung to Stan Wilson's revitalized, boyish hardness with one small, gripping hand, still kneeling beside him as she watched fervently the goatish spectacle of Jay's heavy- veined cock burrowing in and out of his beautiful young wife's salaciously stretched anus! Immeasurable sensations of lust inflamed her own naked body, and she couldn't resist slipping her free hand down between her wetly heated pussy-lips to gently stroke her erect little clitoris while she enviously observed the zealous ass-fucking going on only inches in front of her face.

She had never in God's world believed that Beth could take him there, that her tiny puckered anus would stretch to such an obscene degree, or that she wouldn't go right out of her gorgeous head before he wormed it all the way up her passage! But now, already the voluptuous blonde beauty was rhythmically working her desire-tautened buttocks back and forth to meet the charges of his solid hips, his huge, hardened cock vanishing to the hilt into her incredibly expanded rectum!

The auburn-haired model suddenly realized that she was filled with admiration for her curvaceous blonde neighbor, covetously perhaps, but knowing for certain that she, herself, could never have endured it... not Jay Durke's massive cock! And now, Beth's stunning face was taking on an almost ecstatic glow... ! A shiver of wanton passion rippled over Vickie's infused, sensuous body and she clutched harder at Stan's slender penis. A movement from behind caught her attention and she looked back to see petite Sara on all-fours once more with Lancer mounting her... only this time, the naked, raven-haired girl was reaching down between her wide apart thighs to catch the dog's long animal-cock and trying to guide its pointed tip into the tiny hole of her own anus!

"My God, Stan, look!" Vickie gasped, and the handsome husband did, just as Lancer thrust, driving the scarlet length of his beveled penile hardness completely out of sight into the wide- stretched hole of his young wife's lewdly presented buttocks.

Sara screamed, jerking partially upright, her full white breasts dancing wildly, her eyes bulging in pain and her pretty mouth gasped open! Again, she wailed out, but there was no shaking the clinging forepaws of the growling German Shepherd, nor the thundering invasion of his hammering length of thick animal- hardness savagely reaming into her tight little rectum!

"Good Christ... he'll kill her, Vickie!" Stan exclaimed in half-drunken horror. "Call him off... do something... !"

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