Mother-Daughter Twosome - Cover

Mother-Daughter Twosome


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Novel-Pocketbook  

Lani Walker was still flushed with the exertion of her passionate love-making, when she and Bob wandered down to the Village about 20 minutes later. It had been so wonderful, the feel of coarse grass on her naked body, the hot sun standing high overhead, the magnificent body of her boyfriend drawing from her every ounce of her sexual energies. They often made love in the middle of the day, and they never tired of the infinite ways they used their fresh young bodies together, ways which, before she had met Bob, Lani had never even suspected existed.

They ambled slowly into the clearing, rubbing their satiated bodies against each other with gentle playfulness, bumping and stumbling with laughing abandon. Then Lani stopped in surprise as she saw the familiar Ford Falcon parked in front of the main meeting hall.

"Hey Bob," she said, growing excited, "that looks like my mother's car."

Bob looked up and a slight frown twisted his face.

"Yeah, it sure does."

Lani ran up to the small car, peeked inside, saw the familiar upholstery and fittings, and then turned to Bob enthusiastically.

"It is her, Bob, she's come to visit me!"

"Great, kiddo... great," he said darkly.

Lani didn't notice his tone of voice, but started quickly up the stairs onto the front porch of the meeting hall. She met Moses, the thickly bearded man in overalls who had made such a good impression on her mother, coming out the front door.

"Hey, Moses, guess what?"

Moses smiled at her excitement, and gave her a fatherly pat on the head.

"Your mother's come to visit. I know, I've already met her."

"Isn't she great?" Lani didn't wait for an answer. "Where is she? Is she inside?" She started for the screen door of the meeting hall.

"No, she's not in there," Moses advised her. "I showed her the way to your cabin. I think she wanted to sit down and rest. She was pretty tired from her climb."

"What climb?"

"She took a little walk up to the Chapel, looking for you" Moses answered. He caught the quick and apprehensive look Lani shot Bob, who was sitting now on the steps below them. "But she said she couldn't find you."

Lani's face eased in a sly wink at him, and she laughed a reassured laugh.

"Well, it's a good thing she didn't. She might not have liked what she found."

"Maybe she should have found us," Bob interjected harshly, "then maybe she'd realize you're a big girl now and she doesn't have to come change your goddamn diapers anymore!"

"Oh Bob," the voluptuous young teenager retorted, "it's the first time she's visited me in all the time I've been up here. You're just being difficult." She turned again to Moses. "You said she was down at my cabin?"

"Yeah, she went down about fifteen minutes ago."

"Well, I better get on down there then!" she exclaimed excitedly, and skipped down the steps of the meeting hall. She poked her boyfriend as she went down. "Come on, grumpy, come and say hello."

Bob glared at her, and shook his head.

"I'll see her later. If I know her, she'll be here at least a month. I'm going to take a swim."

Lani frowned at him, but then her face brightened immediately.

"Well, you're an old stick in the mud, but I don't care. You just sit here and sulk, I'm going to go have a good time. Bye, sweet." She gave him a playful peck on the cheek, let her eyes linger warmly on his for a split second, and then turned to run gaily across the clearing and down into a grove of oaks on the far side, to where her mother was waiting for her.

Bob sat slumped on the steps, his eyes following her curvaceous body as it finally disappeared in the trees, and then glanced quickly at Moses.

"Shit," he said simply.

"Well, it might not be all that bad, Bobby my boy," Moses laughed. "Unless I miss my guess pretty badly, it seems that you got that little piece of yours pretty well sewed up. She's not going to go running back to Momma now, not after what you've taught her."

"Awww," Bob answered wearily, "I don't give a fuck if she does. You know that. It just bugs me, you know, when parents can't leave their goddamn kids alone."

"Now, now," came the teasing voice behind him. "You're projecting again, Bobby boy. Not everybody has the ogres you had for parents, you know."

"Listen, doc, would you do me a favor? Take your freshman psychoanalyzing and shove it up your ass for me, would you do that, doc?" Bob said, and then turned to his friend, smiling, to show him he'd only been kidding. "Want to go have a swim?"

"No thank you, Bobby, never touch the stuff."

"Right. See you later then."

"And don't worry about Ann Walker. Who knows, we may not be losing a daughter at all, we may be gaining a mother."

Bob turned to him quizzically, and tried to define his meaning from his leering, hair-covered face.

"Just how, exactly, do you mean that, oh gracious leader?" Bob asked curiously.

"Oh, I don't know," the lewdly grinning man on the porch beamed down at him. "I just think that maybe Ann Walker likes our little utopia here, and we just might be able to... uhh... persuade her to stay."

"Well, if you can do that, baby, I'll have to hand it to you," Bob said skeptically, "because she's an iceberg, man, a real deep freeze."

"Icebergs melt, Bobby my boy, they finally melt."

"Well good luck, flame, you'll need it."

Bob laughed and turned away, and began walking slowly across the clearing. Hell, Moses is out of his fucking mind, he grinned to himself, but wouldn't that be a kick, though! Getting Lani's puritanical mother to join in on the community fun and games. Then he chuckled aloud. There was no way, not even Moses with all his talent would ever be able to crack this nut, he felt sure, though it was going to be out of sight watching him try!

Ann Walker watched with tears in her eyes as her young daughter stalked away from the tree they'd been sitting under, and disappeared into her cabin, slamming the door behind her. What did I do wrong, she asked herself, but she knew the answer very well.

Lani had come rushing down to the cabin excitedly, and had thrown her arms around her mother joyfully. They had kissed each other again and again, Lani overjoyed to see her mother, but Ann unable to shake the lingering visions of her daughter thrashing under that strange man's weight not even a half hour ago. They had gone to sit in the shade of the towering oak in front of Lani's cabin, and begun to exchange trivial bits of news with each other, how it was in the commune, and how it was in South San Francisco, and on, and on. Finally, Ann had been able to take no more of it, and had abruptly stated that she wanted Lani to come home with her, that the commune was an evil place, and that Lani must leave it at once.

Lani had been taken completely by surprise by the fierceness and irrationality of Ann's attack, and had immediately begun defending the Zodiac and the people who lived there, with fiery intensity. She couldn't understand how her mother could be so dictatorial and show such a lack of understanding after having so long seemed amenable to the idea of her living in the commune. And as Lani had become more and more defensive, Ann had become more and more insistent, until at last they were arguing with each other almost violently, the first time Ann could ever remember having done so.

And now her daughter had left her angrily, saying that there was no way she would go back to South San Francisco, that she loved it in the commune, and was staying there. Ann sat forlornly under the spreading oak, trying wildly to think of another plan of action, and rebuking herself for having lost control with her daughter. She should have known that to insist would only make Lani more insistent on staying. But now what? Her daughter was locked in her cabin, and she was alone, with no one to turn to for help.

She got up slowly, and began to wander aimlessly up toward the Village. What could she do? Of course Lani was underage, but Ann would never think of forcing her to go home on that basis. She had to convince her headstrong, young daughter that it was better for her, better for all of them if she came back. But how?

Suddenly a desperate thought came to Ann's frantic mind. It was an outside chance, and she didn't know whether she could even force herself to do it, but she had to try. She walked quickly up to the Village, strode purposefully to the main meeting hall, and found Moses sitting on the porch, staring vacantly into the bowl of a freshly smoked pipe. He looked up after she'd called his name twice, and smiled distantly.

"Hello, Ann."

"Moses, can you tell me where I can find Bob Seikerd?" Ann had discovered the man's name during her argument with Lani.

"Who?" Moses replied blankly.

" Bob Seikerd... Bob... Lani's friend." Ann's tongue stumbled over the last word.

"Oh, yeah, Bob... let's see. He left here just a little while ago."

"Can you tell me where he went?"


"Can you tell me where he is now?" Ann asked slowly, infuriated by his seemingly indifferent attitude.

"... where he is now... ?" Moses echoed, his voice trailing off as his eyes wandered to where a small bird had perched on the railing of the porch.

"Please, Moses," Ann pleaded with exasperation. "It's very important."

"What? Oh yeah, sorry... let's see... oh yeah right, he went down to the Pool."

"To the what?"

"The Pool... oh you don't know about that." Moses stood up sedately and pointed vaguely towards a path that led out of the clearing. "You just walk on down there, and you'll come to a little pond. That's the Pool. I mean, we call it the Pool, but its not a real swimming pool. Although, we do swim in it, so I guess it must be a pool... right?"

He beamed down on her with a foolish grin on his face, as though he had discovered some very basic truth about life and the workings of nature, but the importance of his find left Ann unimpressed.

"Thank you," she said hurriedly, and turned quickly toward the path he'd indicated.

"No charge," Moses called after her, giggling ludicrously, "no charge! Maybe you can do me a little favor sometime, hmmmm?"

But Ann didn't hear. She already dismissed his obviously intoxicated behavior, and her thoughts were now all focused on what she would say to Bob to convince him to help her persuade Lani to return home. But no matter how hard she tried all the little speeches she constructed in her head as she walked quickly down the path toward the Pool seemed insufficient. How could she even stand in front of this man who had just fucked her daughter right before her very eyes, much less try to convince him to let loose his obviously powerful hold on her'! What could she possibly say to him that would have any effect, would hold out even the slightest chance of success?

She still hadn't made up her mind when she came suddenly into a small clearing, with a small pond in the center, and stopped abruptly. She raised her hand to her mouth in surprise at what she saw, and stepped quickly back under the trees. She almost turned back up the path, but something made her turn her eyes back to the side of the Pool, and gaze with fascination at the forbidden sight she had stumbled upon.

Bob Seikerd was standing by the edge of the pond, his tautly muscled young body facing away from her, his naked buttocks and thighs presented clearly to her gaze. He was drying himself slowly with a towel, rubbing his back and legs with languid, loving motions. She stifled a moan of embarrassed excitement and felt the small of her back tingle with the lurid sight. He spread his legs slightly, bending forward to wipe his thighs, and his testicles were dark shadows hanging from between the crevice of his buttocks. A gripping desire settled in Ann's stomach, the lascivious wish to again see his huge penis, as she had that afternoon, and unknowingly Lani's mother found herself mentally willing him to turn around... turn around and show his genitals to her. Instead, the powerful young man rubbed his chest and arms, his inner thighs, everywhere except where Ann's tortured mind had settled...

God! What was happening to her?

She didn't know what was making her react in such a sex- crazed manner, what was making her stare at him with a tingling in her own loins growing stronger, centering in her aching pubic area and in the taut firmness of her barely covered breasts. She had come down here to stop this man's corrupt seductions of her daughter, but here she was, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, gawking with a growing lewdness. What was wrong with her! She had not even seen a naked man in years, much less felt the obscene sexual tingling that was coursing inexplicably up between her legs now, and she tried to force herself to turn away, to escape the awful temptation she'd avoided for so many years.

But her voluptuous body, goaded by the passions she'd so long repressed, betrayed her in spite of her misery and self- flagellation, powerfully overruling her will with an iron force. Unable to resist, the aroused mother breathed faster and faster, excited and tormented at the same time, as her daughters lover pivoted slightly and revealed his balls and fresh young cock to her.

Feet splayed, towel curved underneath and around, the young man began to dry his pubic area in soft, sensuous massages, slowly moving his now limp shaft of male flesh around in the towel, exposing it on all sides to the woman's fevered eyes. Then he moved lower and stroked the distended, sac of his testicles, rubbing between his legs and up around his anus. Then he flipped the towel aside and placed his right hand back on his penis and began to slide his fingers casually up and down it.

Ann stayed, transfixed, as she saw the husky man's flaccid cock turn a stronger reddish color and quickly swell from his knowing manipulations, rising until it was the enormous size she had seen that same afternoon. A low sigh, a moan of pleasure issued from his lips as he shut his eyes for a moment and flicked his hand swiftly back and forth over the now erect shaft of his cock, making it stand out from his hairy loins at a rock-hard angle, its burgeoning, thick blunt head an angry red.

Why... why he's masturbating! With a cry she was unable to choke away, Ann mewled audibly with the lascivious sight of his masturbation, falling back with her hand over her mouth as the sound erupted spontaneously from her constricted throat.

Bob whirled around, dropping his hand, his eyes filled with fright. "Wha--! Mrs. Walker! I... I thought you were talking with Lani!"

"No, I... I left her a little while ago," Ann managed, swallowing hard, stammering confusedly. This wasn't the way she had planned their talk, not at all! She wasn't sure exactly what she should do now.

"Then... you've been watching me, haven't you?" An incredibly knowing grin slowly spread on his features as he sensed her sudden contusion.

"You were, weren't you?" he demanded, after his first question only drew a blushing silence. "Hiding in the trees there, getting your jollies watching me play with myself. Weren't you, Mrs. Walker?"

"No... no..." she protested weakly.

"Yes," he said softly. He took a step for her. "You wanted to get to know your daughter's boyfriend a little better, didn't you? Well, here I am, Mrs. Walker, in the flesh, so to speak. And I bet you liked seeing me beat off, too. I bet you're all hot under that little summer dress of yours," he added cockily, grinning with an all too apparent smirk. "Well, you wanted to see me naked and here I am. Admit it!"

"No!" Ann blurted irrationally. "No, I didn't already seen you naked!" And then she realized what she had said and groaned piteously, sinking weakly to the ground. Bob, puzzled, his original confidence sagging, walked over to the stricken woman.

"You... what?" he asked incredulously. "You've seen me naked before now? When?"

"Please--please don't make things worse," she said, stiffening her resolve. "Just... just get your clothes on and go away."

Bob stared at her for a minute, and then put his head back and laughed. That was all: laughed--but it stirred the anger of shame and anguish in Ann's already confused mind.

"All right, if you must know," she retorted, her face crimson, "I saw you this afternoon. You and Lani in the grass on that hill... you two were..." She choked on the words, sensations of excitement and revulsion welling up in her at the remembrance.

"Go on, Mrs. Walker," he urged breathlessly, his cock jerking hard. "What did you see?"

"Everything!" Ann gasped recklessly, rapidly losing control of her logic. "I saw everything! You raped her! She doesn't want you! You must have forced her to..."

"Fuck me... ?" the muscled young man laughed. "Oh, far from it, Mrs. Walker, far from it. If anything, she raped me! Didn't you hear her begging for it? Begging for my cock?"

Bob watched the distraught young mother wince at his brutal description, and then grew harsh.

"You try to break us up, Mrs. Walker, and she'll come with me. That I can promise you."

"But... but you don't love her!"

"Whether I do or don't doesn't matter. What matters is what you are going to do in the next few minutes."

Ann stared at her daughter's lover fixedly, her mind a swirling fire of total disconcertion. Her carefully considered battle plans were in disarray; her most controlled management of her secret desires had crumbled as if made of clay; and now, the shattering blow of once more being confronted by his naked, hotly aroused and fully erect penis lanced through her armor to strike fear and unwanted desire in her heart and she was at the edge of collapse and breakdown.

"I'll fuck your sweet little daughter until hell freezes over if I want to!" Bob Seikerd said sadistically, and watched as tears brimmed Ann's eyes and spilled down over her cheeks.

She knew that she shouldn't be crying, that it wouldn't do any good, but she felt too wretched and indecisive, so disturbed and crazy from her unwanted passions, that the flood was a reaction and she let the tears flow freely, pouring from her like cascading rain, sobbing brokenly beside the naked, still hard- cocked man.

Dimly she was aware that Bob had moved closer and was kneeling beside her, his hand touching her shoulder as if he had relented in his cold, callous, merciless onslaught of her senses, and dimly she smelled the odor of his clean body. Her eyes blurred the close-up image of his erect penis and balls, and she cried deeply and despairingly.

The aroused young man felt the warm, resilient flesh of Lani's mother so near to his, felt her quivering body beneath his lightly encircling arms. Goddamn! Oh, it was going to be good really good...

He laughed as he remembered how he had thought this helpless woman, huddled on the ground in front of him was an iceberg, untouchable. Moses would be pissed he didn't get to her first, but what the hell, Bob was not going to let a golden opportunity like this pass by. Both the mother and the daughter! The blood in his cock was throbbing like mad, and his balls ached with the prurient anticipation racing across his flesh. Damn, he wouldn't be able to last much longer; he was going to have to screw this voluptuous older woman or shoot his cum all over her right there.

"Listen," he whispered in her ear. "Listen, I'm sorry. I think we should be friends... Good friends..." His words were a long, planned flow of honey, mesmerically soothing murmurs which, combined with his nearness and nakedness and excitement, would slowly have the effect on her he desired. He began to stroke the satiny skin of her shoulder and upper arm gently, and continued to intone softly.

"Don't think about it, Mrs. Walker... Don't think about the way Lani and I looked on the hill this afternoon, the way my penis was inside her, sliding up and down, the way she held me tightly, wanting more... Don't think about it, Mrs. Walker..."

He felt her warm breasts pressing against his rib cage and her nipples hardening slightly, and he smiled lewdly as he continued the soft hypnotic sounds. He knew that even though he was saying not to remember, that his spoken lewdnesses were doing just the opposite--the tortured mother was thinking even harder of her daughter and him fucking away, and that the mental images were in turn causing unmistakable, if unwanted, arousal in her body.

And he was not mistaken. Ann could feel a certain twitching deep within her belly, and her traitorous vagina began to secrete droplets of moisture which flowed warmly down between her legs to dampen her soft inner thighs. She tried to will her body to cease its tingling ardor, but she had kept her sexuality repressed too long, and it was rising in her now with undeniable force.

Her daughter's lover continued to stroke her shoulder, letting his hand slide slowly and lightly down her side, knowing it was having the desired electric effect upon her. She sobbed against his bare chest, finding a gentle security in his strokings... she began to whimper softly... and all the while he was whispering words in her hair, words constantly bolder and more corrupt... "Don't think, Ann... no, your daughter and I were fucking... but you mustn't think of such things... it only makes you excited..."

Ann was breathing faster now, and then her daughter's boyfriend brought his hand casually and lightly up against the ripely swelling mound of one of her breasts rubbing the pliantly quivering flesh tenderly through the light material of her dress. He heard the sharp intake of breath, felt the shudder of excitement spread through her voluptuous body in a shock wave, and convulsively she stiffened against him. But he didn't stop caressing her breast, running his thumb freely over her nipple, and his cock lurched obscenely in his loins, throbbing with the victory he felt was now imminent...

A warning voice in Ann's mind penetrated the lethargy her hapless state of affairs had placed her in. "No..." she gasped, trying to jerk upright from his clasp. "No... what are you trying to do to me?"

"Come now, Mrs. Walker. You want me, don't you? You want me to love you like I loved your daughter... that's why you were watching us this afternoon and didn't say anything then... that's why you were staring at me just now... that's why you're holding me now. Be honest with yourself, Mrs. Walker... you want me to fuck you..."

"Oh, God..." she moaned, still trying to fight the voice of sensuality deep inside her, and she jackknifed against him, squirming her hips on the hard ground, turning her body away from him, him and his hard, up-thrust cock which seemed always in front of her, taunting... taunting.

And in doing so, her mouth brushed the young man's lips; he kissed her suddenly, grinding his lips down, completely engulfing her mouth and flicking his tongue forward immediately to enticingly meet hers. No... this is wrong... I love my little Lani... I can't let this happen... ! Ann crazily thought, but already her mouth and lips and tongue were responding. The primeval urges of the strong, young male and the unrequited, long denied body of the tortured mother were far, far too strong, too basic in nature to allow the artificial restraints of social pressure to interfere, and she let Bob saw his tongue mercilessly in and out of her mouth, and continue to pinch her nipples and c up her breasts, and she made tiny, passionate mewlings deep in her throat.

Bob's fingers had pushed her dress up, and slipped inside her brief nylon panties, grazing against the curling strands of her soft, silken pussy hair. He let his hand slide still lower. until his middle finger was in sudden, heated contact with the warm, damp flesh-folds of her excitedly palpitating vagina. She tried one last time to stop herself, and then everything became a whirring blur... Oh God, she couldn't stop it now, she liked it... she liked it...

Automatically she spread her thighs, opening the smooth flesh of her inner legs to his softly probing touch. The heat of desires mingled with the blistering rage running rampant in the testicles and cock of her daughter's naked boyfriend, and the warm air of the fading summer day wafted across her now exposed vagina, sending another ripple of wonderfully rising sensations through her.

"God, but I want you," Bob said huskily, and Ann thought that her whole body was afire. Shame at what she was doing swept over her flesh even as a wanton unaccustomed craving agitated her loins, and with depraved sureness, the muscled young man probed deeper and deeper inside her moistly throbbing vagina.

I'm a bitch... a slut... a whore... she told herself in utter capitulation. I can't help myself... I'm sicker than I ever imagined... but ohhh God I don't want it to stop...

Ann moaned aloud and struggled against herself vainly. "Ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh..." she whimpered helplessly as he continued to jerk his middle finger, then two fingers, then three, in and out of her hungrily clasping cunt-hole.

"You want me to fuck you with my cock, Mrs. Walker?" he asked with sneering confidence.

"No, please... don't ask... don't..."

But he had to, he had to subjugate his girlfriend's beautiful mother just as he had had to force her daughter to bow to his whims. The cruel and malicious streak which curled deep inside Bob Seikerd's soul rose to the surface at exciting times like this, rose as surely as oil on water. With lecherous, gleaming eyes afire he grinned up at the now humbled, now surrendered woman beside him, and moved his lewd fingers still faster inside her tender, moistly sucking cunt. "Yes! You will tell me you want to fuck me! Tell me Mrs. Walker, tell me like Lani told me... Tell me you want my big cock inside you... Tell me you want me to fuck you..."

Ann moaned aloud and struggled against his burning fingers. "Ohh, God, ohhh..." His carnal words invoked her to react with strange, blood-pounding need. "Oh, Yesss, yes, fuck me, Bob..." she screamed hysterically. "Fuck meeeee!"

The young man scooped up Lani's mother in his strong, muscular arms before she knew what was happening, and carried her a short distance into the trees, dropping her unceremoniously on a bed of leaves. He gazed with lewd, rapturous intent down at her sprawled, wide-legged body, her dress up around her slim waist, her panties down around her knees where he'd already pulled them. He drooled anticipatorily as he looked upon her defenseless pussy, completely and abandonedly splayed in feasting array below him. "Tell me again," he groaned, rubbing his thick shaft up and down as he stood over the insensate mother. "Tell me again, only this time tell me about my cock! Now tell me, you slut, before I get angry!"

A foaming tide of salacious passion ripped through the final cloth of Ann's defenses like a hot knife through butter. She looked up through tear-stained eyes at the strutting boy, at his giant, hard cock jutting from his black-haired loins, at the oozing drop of seminal fluid emanating from its tiny, winking cock-slit, and her mind was immersed in her own sexual whirlwind. Without considering, without a will of her own any longer, Ann dropped her mouth open and heard herself say:

"Yes, Bob! I want your cock to cum inside me, fuck me until I cum too! Fuck me hard, just like you fucked my daughter!"

Lani Walker got up from the bed in her cabin where she'd been sitting, and peeked out the window to where she had been talking with her mother. Seeing she wasn't there, Lani walked outside and looked hesitantly around the cabin, thinking perhaps Ann was still near by. When she saw she wasn't, the beautiful young daughter returned to the steps of her cabin, and sat down sadly.

Oh, why did I get so upset with her? she asked herself. It's so childish. The small young girl felt no more anger towards her mother now, realizing that Ann had only been doing what she thought right. But why couldn't Mom see that the commune wasn't the evil place she thought t was, but a haven of freedom, of happiness? She bent down and picked up a small twig between her fingers, and played with it unconsciously as her mind ran over the argument with her mother. She sat this way for a few moments, and then stood up abruptly and began walking up toward the Village.

She would apologize for the way she had shouted at her mother, but she wouldn't give in. She wouldn't go back to San Francisco. Perhaps she hadn't been completely fair, though, and she decided resolutely to visit her Ionely mother more often, and to write her every chance she got. Lani thought to herself, as she walked along under the late afternoon sun beating down through the canopy of oak above her head, that that would be enough of a compromise for her mother, and if it wasn't... well, it was the most she could do!

Coming up to the front porch of the meeting hall, she saw Moses sitting with a small cat soundly asleep in his lap.

"Hey, Moses, have you seen my mother?"

Moses looked up slowly, and answered her with great precision in his voice.

"Uhh... yeah, Lani she... uhhh... she went down to the Pool, I think."

Lani looked at him amusedly, and with a small laugh, said, "My oh my, you look like you're flying, man!"

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