Her Sensuous Search - Cover

Her Sensuous Search


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She was an ice-queen in bed, but her son and his wife help change her to the better.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   InLaws   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

She cooked them a strengthening meal, steak and baked potatoes, a green salad and spring peas. They had milk while Lauralee drank strong coffee and spiked her final cup with good brandy. She still wasn't quite used to sitting around naked with her equally bare son and his young wife, especially doing something as mundane and familiar as finishing dinner.

That would come with time, she thought, as most of her earlier programming had already. She didn't need to hide her body behind a stylish shield of clothes; it was a good body, sensual and pleasure-giving. People love it, all the hillocks and crevices, all the smooth skin and warm flesh. Now she did, also.

Bettina helped her clear the table, and they stuffed dishes into the washer while Robbie went to clean up. In one way, Lauralee felt comfortable with the girl; in another there was an undercurrent of sexual tension between them that would never allow her to be completely at ease with her daughter-in-law. but that wasn't bad; she felt the identical tension with her own son, a heightening of all her senses as their bodies struck sparks from each other.

It was probably just that way with Bettina and her father, Lauralee thought, that closeness of blood and breaking of the taboo causing an accelerated drive, a more intense need. Yet both she and the girl had plenty of love left over for others, perhaps even magnified because of the incomparable fulfillment they knew, a completeness always laced with a certain degree of insatiability. Whatever it was, the results were nothing short of terrific.

Bettina leaned back against he dishwasher, and its red *on*lights seemed to accent, to outline the sleek charm of the finely modelled body. The girl said, "Mom and Dad were really surprised when I told them all about us. Robbie had mentioned how could you were, how you never went out with anyone. But they're happy it's all working out so well, and very eager to meet you."

"I feel silly because I've only spoken to them on the phone," Lauralee answered. "I didn't want to meet them because I was so set against Robbie getting married--not only to you, but to any girl. Now I suppose I'm a little afraid of them."

The girl slid gracefully away from the machine, the tiny body undulating, all honey-gold and smooth. "They're cool people, Lauralee; I'm sure you'll dig them and it'll do you a lot of good to screw another guy, someone besides Robbie. My dad can give you a wonderful fucking."

A little tremble stirred deep within Lauralee's body, and her skin felt warmer, more sensitive. She wondered what the man looked like, and about the size and shape of his prick; would it be thicker than her son's shaft, or longer? Would the swollen cockhead be formed any differently, and would it make any kind of change in her sensual enjoyment? Having a strange body fitted to her own had to be exciting, she decided, and hoped she would be able to make the man as happy.

She reached out for Bettina and drew the slim body to her own, revelling in the touch of the flawless skin and its eager warmth. "I'm sure he can, dear. I just hope I can match it; I haven't had much experience, you know."

Bettina snuggled close, pressing the cones of her neat tits into the flesh of Lauralee's ribs, pressing the satin glory of her humid mound into a thigh. "Oh, you will, don't worry. Daddy will go ape when he sees you, and we'll be lucky if we can pry his big cock out of your sweet pussy later. And Mom--well, she's wonderful. You'll see, when we all get together tomorrow. Tonight, we'll ball each other some more--you and me and Robbie."

Lauralee stroked gently seeking hands over the diminutive sculpture of the girl's lovely ass and said, "In my bed this time; it's been empty too long. And with the lights on, so I can see everything, so I can catch a glimpse of us in the mirror. My husband and I always did it in the dark -- my fault, of course. And we didn't fuck all that often, anyway. Again, my fault."

Bettina came up on tippytoe so she could touch her furry little vulva to the thick matting of Lauralee's pussy. "It couldn't have been *all*your fault, darling. You're too passionate, too hot a woman. He must have done something to turn you off."

"I'll take the blame," Lauralee said, and forced her self back from the pulsing body. "But we'd better take our baths right now, or we never will. Robbie ought to be done and waiting on us."

Holding hands, they moved along the hallway, their hips and thighs brushing with occasional quick kisses. Heat grew in Lauralee's belly, dampening her pussy and Making her inner thighs tense. The entire night lay before them, beckoning and laden with erotic promises. They separated as Lauralee headed for her own bathroom, turned a little dizzy by overlapping expectations of tonight and tomorrow.

When Lauralee came back into her bedroom, she was refreshed and squeaky clean, her skin powdered and perfumed, her ebony hair fluffed out. She walked tall, her long legs swinging easily, smoothly, with her firm and nicely rounded breasts bouncing their tips gone stiff and dark. Her olive-toned skin was touched with rose and glowing from her bath. Lauralee was ready for anything, knowing she looked good, that she was appealing to the eye, a joy to all the senses. It was good to be proud, to show all she had.

She paused a moment, looking down at the beautiful couple already stretched and waiting for he upon the bed, and saw their eyes light up with appreciation. They were so lovely in their youth, she thought, both of them slim and sleek, both tapered just so, rounded delightfully in the proper places. The girl had her slender thighs parted slightly, the blonde hair of her small mound gleaming, the polished belly flat and silken. Robbie's prick was fully turgid, the blue veins a delicate network around the hardened shaft, the adorable cockhead bulging splendidly. Brown hair curled over and around his balls, and the boy's hand was gently caressing the sack.

"Wow," he breathed. "You can make any guy jack off, by just standing there bare-assed, Mom. I sure feel sorry for my father, not knowing what a fantastic piece of hot pussy you are."

Lauralee flowed toward the bed, and lay down beside him, giving him her tits to fondle, her heart picking up its pace and pulses throbbing in her throat. This was the bed, the place she and her ex-husband had slept, where she had so many times lain stiff and unyielding, merely trying to do a repugnant wifely duty and never enjoying it.

Robbie's hand was on her snatch, one finger sliding up and down her damply palpitating labia, and her entire body yearned to him, for him, urgently needing the plunging of that boyish cock. But Lauralee forced herself to pull away from him.

"Darling, I don't want to be greedy. Beside, I haven't watched you put that gorgeous stiff prick to your wife yet. Show me how you fuck her, Robbie; I'll enjoy that as much as screwing you myself." And she would, she thought; she wanted to see every minute detail of their lovemaking, to watch each slide of her son's rigid prick into the delectable lips of Bettina's lovely, girlish cunt.

"Okay, Mom; I'll still have a hard-on for you, anyway."

His wife rolled toward him, and Lauralee gave them room, eyeing the caressing movements of their hands and the slow writhing of their bodies. She saw them kiss, and watched the resultant tremors that shook them as Robbie's hands sought the girl's breasts, as Bettina's fingers crept down to heft his balls and wander along the staff of his ready cock.

When Betina wriggled off to one side and rolled over onto hands and knees, Lauralee blinked at the girl, but delighted in the sight of that enticing ass that showed a peeping of hair in its cleft. Lauralee lay upon her side, one arm curled upon the pillow beneath her head, and watched her son move around behind his wife. Of course, she thought; the pornographic movies had show this position, and Lauralee remembered the scene with clarity now.

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