Her Sensuous Search - Cover

Her Sensuous Search


Chapter 14

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - She was an ice-queen in bed, but her son and his wife help change her to the better.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   InLaws   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

They were gone -- Chris and Jessica returning to their home, and taking their daughter with them temporarily, so Bettina could gather up her things. Of course she was going to move in with Lauralee and Robbie, but there would be much staying over a t each family's home, for days and nights at a time, Lauralee knew.

In fact, the other couple would return before long; there were certain arrangements they had to make locking up their house, making business calls and the like. Lauralee was glad of some time for herself, for the chance to get things cleaned up and ;meals planned. And, she was happy to have an hour or so alone with her son.

He was in the shower now, using her bathroom instead of the other one, wanting to stay near her and share the things that had been her private domain, and Lauralee was glad for that. She knew a certain lassitude in her limbs, a good kind of tiredness that felt warm within her belly.

The kitchen was clean and the living room tidy, although not with the fantastic, dustproof cleanliness that had driven her before. Her own body had been freshened, her hair washed and fluffed with the dryer, and she lay relaxed upon her king-size bed clad in a pale pink negligee that caressed her skin with beguilingly sensuous draperies. Looking up at the ceiling, Lauralee smiled to herself. She felt so--so worldly now, experienced and adept at anything sexual, sure of her sensuous appeal and the power of her freed body.

But despite all her newfound confidence, Lauralee found herself thinking of her husband. It was strange that Marshall should come so often to her mind, that the memory of him and the unhappy times they shared would occupy so much of her thoughts. Sex had never been good with him, never exciting and stimulating only a distasteful duty to be suffered.

Even now it might be no different, she realized. Liberated as she was, there could still be a barrier of habit and dislike between them that no amount of habit and dislike between them that no amount of frenzy and pumped-up desire could eliminate. But--and Lauralee turned restlessly upon the bed--but something kept nagging at the back of her mind, an insistence that she had been at fault all throughout the marriage, and that Marshall at least deserved a chance.

Would he pay any attention to a call from her? She wasn't even sure the phone number she had was still good. The, what would she say to this man she hadn't seen for so long--Marshall, darling, please hurry on over, because I want to see if we can really fuck the way we should have been fucking, from our wedding night on?

Her eyes opened as her son, *their* son, came glowing from the shower, walking slim and proud in his arrogant sensuality, his beautiful penis swinging softly between slender thighs. It was shrivelled now, but Lauralee knew that a mere touch could bring that glorious young meat springing erect again.

Inside her head, she addressed her husband again: you see, Marshall, I've learned how to screw by balling our son. Oh yes; I've fucked him in every way possible, and what do you think of that?

"Mom," Robbie said, sitting naked upon the side of the bed, "you look terrific, all sultry and kind of smooth. You also look thoughtful. Not worried about anything, are you?"

Lauralee put one hand lightly upon her son's bare thigh. "Darling, you don't know exactly where your father is, do you?

He glanced away. "Yeah, I do. I--I've been keeping in touch with him. Dad is still in town, and before you ask--he hasn't married again."

She stroked his thigh, her fingertips barely touching the marvelous softness of his pubic hair, so brown and curly. "How'd you know I was going to ask you that?"

Robbie turned slightly toward her. "I guess we've both been thinking about him a lot--and maybe worrying a little bit."

"Because of you and me," Luaralee said, and now her fingers wondered over the yielding softness of her son's flaccid prick. When he was so close, she couldn't help touching him there, could not resist fondling the adorable boyish cock that meant so very much to her. "I know, dear. It all depends upon how he takes it -- learning about our fucking. But he can't really complain, since I'm not his wife anymore."

His shaft began to stretch, lengthening and growing rounder, the lovely dark pink head spreading like a meaty blossom. Robbie said, "I guess you want him back with us, as much as I do. so we're just going to have to take the chance that Dad won't freak out about his kid fucking his wife--his ex-wife."

Lauralee caressed the expanding meat, realizing that she would never get enough of its sweet hardness and eager beauty, that screwing her own son meant more to her than fucking anyone else, in whatever wildly stimulating combination. If Marshall couldn't accept that fact, then her former husband would have to return to the limbo where their divorce had relegated him. And that would be too bad; she was really interested in him now.

As she had always been, she admitted. There had been something every good between them, at the beginning, before sex had turned them against each other. Marshall had tried so hard, but perhaps he had also been uptight in his own way, too brutish and demanding for the frightened girl she had been then. For years now, Lauralee had accepted his going, even though she had been so damned lonely. So, if Marshall Jergens was shown how much she had changed, and given the opportunity was shown how much she had changed, and given the opportunity to taste her new, fiery flavors, and*still* turned them down because of his shock or disgust, then the fault would no longer be hers. She would never stop fucking Robbie--never.

"All right, baby," she murmured. "You can contact your father. but later; after you and I have had ourselves a long, easy fuck, just the two of us."

Tilting her head, Lauralee rubbed her cheek into the boy's crotch, feeling his pubic hair against her face, knowing the rigid erectness of his enticing shaft that seemed to be covered with the smoothest velvet. Unfurling her tongue, she drew it around the stem of Robbie's cock, then worked it lingeringly upward along the veined staff, finally to bathe the throbbing cockhead.

Just before closing her lips over the pulsing knob, she whispered, "Oh, how I love your prick, darling. It's the sweetest, loveliest cock in the entire world."

Stroking her hair, he murmured down to her: "And I dig have you eat it, Mom. But please don't make me come. Just roll my cockhead around in your hot mouth for a little while. I don't want to blow off down your throat right now. I'd rather fuck you, get back into your deep, rich pussy."

So Luaralee only curled her tongue a few times around that succulent bulb, only dipped her inner cheeks around it a bit, and drew it back to the satin cupping of her throat. Then she reluctantly let it go.

Urging her over onto her back, Robbie ran his hands warmly over her taut body, reassuring himself that her breasts were as firm and upthrusting as he'd learned them earlier, re-exploring the thick hair of her mound and gently touching the soft cunt lips that quivered beneath the mossy covering. He fondled the marble columns of her lean thighs, and passed one fingertip tenderly over the flinching knot of her anus.

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