Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 8

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

Well what can I say. The day that Robert was away was a clear warm and sunny day just as you would expect in late spring or early summer. Every body at the stables was in high spirits from the weather if not from the news that was coming to us from across the channel.

Things were bad over there.

Elaine and I worked hard through the morning so that we could maybe have a restful afternoon. We did get our way after about two thirty. We had selected two horses to ride out last for exercise and after the majority of the chores where done we saddled up these mounts and rode at an easy pace onto the forest. Elaine led the way and took the trail that went up to Duddleswell. A little bit further we came to the highest point on Ashdown forest. From here we could see right the way to the south downs at Eastbourne some twenty miles away, and to the north we could see as far as Sevenoaks, about fourteen or fifteen miles. We stood up there in the heather and looked around at the wonderful view that surrounded us in all directions. It was so fresh and green. There is a lot of gorse on the forest and that was in flower making large patches of yellow and then there was the heather with its bold purple bunches of tiny flowers.

We loved it. Elaine danced about and behaved as though she were a little girl of ten and I soon caught the bug and joined in.

We ran about and played until we were both exhausted. Then we lay down on the fresh grass that grew between the bushes and just stared at the clear blue sky. A sky that to us was the most beautiful thing anywhere but would bring so much pain and misery to so many, in the form of enemy bombs and rockets. We talked about the work and about those that had left to help in the war. About Robert who would be called up as soon as he had his seventeenth birthday. We both knew that we would miss him, especially as there were no other young men in the vicinity. They had either gone to war or were too young for us.

It was at this point that Elaine reached across and placed her hand on my shoulder. I thought nothing of it and I looked at her and smiled, accepting that she probably wanted to have some physical contact just for a moment. Her hand lingered and then brushed down my arm and over my hand. I did nothing except look at the sky with a big smile on my face. She must have taken this as an invite because her hand continued to stroke my arm for a while. Then she moved her hand onto my body, stroking me through my clothes from shoulder to shoulder. Her hand strayed lower over my body. Over my breasts then down to my tummy and on to my thigh. It was such a nice feeling having her touch me. I did not object.

I reached out and touched her. She leaned closer to me so that I could reach better and we sort of fell into a mode of exploring each other's bodies. It took a little while but eventually clothes started to come off. Elaine started by taking off her blouse. She had a large brassier underneath and I seeing that it was quite tight told her to turn over and I would help her undo the clasp if she liked. She needed no further encouragement and presented me with her back so that I could unclip the metal fastener. When it was loose she rolled back onto her back and let her bare breasts free to the open air.

I had seen them on a number of occasions before but it had always been in poor light. Now with the sun shining down I lent over to her and had a good look. She just lay there and accepted my scrutiny. They were large and round hanging to the side as she lay in front of me. Her nipples were a deep red colour set into the milky white of the rest of her skin. The red ring round her nipple was large and stippled and there were dimples on the ends of the nipples themselves. I reached out and touched one just to feel what it was like. I had felt my own nipples of course but mine were still not fully grown. At least I hoped that they were not. I had a 'B' cup now and hoped to get to a 'C'.

Elaine had told me some time that boys like big breasts so I wanted big breasts so the boys would like me. I later found out it depended on the boy, and I found out that big breasts are such a burden to the one who has to carry them all the time. But at that time I was young and impressionable and I wanted big breasts to impress the boys.

I stroked Elaine's breasts for some time and then I decided I would like to get out of some of my own tight clothes. I removed my blouse and Elaine helped with my bra. Then I squeezed out of my jodhpurs and laying them on the ground I used them as a rug to soften the ground.

This left me in just my panties and socks. I went back to admiring Elaine's breasts and touching them with my finger tips. I suddenly had a desire to suck. I lowered my head to her nipple and closed my lips around it sucking it in to my mouth as if I were her baby. It did not take her long to start sighing. She reached across and fondled my breasts in return, but her hand did not stay there very long. Soon she reached down and slid her hand into my panties. She slid her fingers into my hair. I was going to object but realised that nobody could see us so what did it matter. I said nothing and carried on with massaging her wonderful globes. Her fingers slid through my hair and found my pussy. Just the top of it where my clitoris is. I had not realised that I had wanted sex so much, but when she touched me there the desire hit me like a rock. The sensation filled my body. I had to have some one or something now. I thought about the horses but both were mares.

I did not know what to do. My hands lost control and I stopped fondling Elaine's body. I raised my head from her nipple to give a sigh of pleasure. She must have read the signs because she suddenly slid a finger into my wet pussy. I came almost instantly, crossing my leg over her hand so she could not escape.

Using her other hand she slid my knickers down so that they were just below my buttocks. I don't suppose she could get them down any further as my legs were so tightly crossed. She leaned across me and kissed my lips. I kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her to hold her to me.

Soon I let go of her and we both stripped naked. She came and lay on top of me as though she was going to play the part of a man. Her finger went back up between my legs and I opened them to give her plenty of room. I reached down her body and found her clitoris. I started to rub it, gently at first but getting harder as she drove her fingers into my wet hole. We were both panting and gasping.

As I came again she rolled off me and turning round put her lips to my pussy. I felt her tongue slide into the crease of my pussy lips and then it slipped into me. I reached for her legs and guided them over me so that I could bury my face in her. I licked for all I was worth sinking my tongue as deep as I could get. That was not far but I felt her come anyway. My own orgasms were not absent and I was awash with ecstasy.

As we sucked and licked and orgasmed into each other's faces my arms flailed about some and I found my riding crop. It was a simple leather bound rod with a leather loop at one end and a thicker lattice work leather handle. Not knowing really what I was doing or what I had in my hand I pushed the thick handle into Elaine's pussy. It slid in quite easily. She stopped licking me and gasped.

"Oh yes, that is just what I want. Do it to me please." She begged.

The handle being about four inches long disappeared into her cunt. I pulled it out again and then thrust it back.

"More, more please, faster." She groaned. I obeyed and worked the riding crop in and out of her quite hard. She just loved it, asking for more and more. She forgot about what she had been doing to me but I did not mind. I was intrigued with the way that what I was doing to her had got her so worked up. I was soon to find out the effect I was having with this new found toy.

I kept using the riding crop on Elaine until she eventually asked me stop. Then she turned the crop on me and I was subjected to deep penetration. She placed one hand on my breast and then she inserted the handle of the crop up inside my tender young pussy.

It was not that the crop was that thick or that it felt lick a real penis. It did not. But the highly polished leather surface and the little bumps that were formed by the platting of the leather strands that made up the handle were a real sensation as it was thrust up and down my vagina. It had me creaming profusely within moments and I did not stop until Elaine stopped administering the treatment. The effect was all most instant. My first orgasm filled me within minutes and I had a new orgasm about every three minutes there after. I did not ask for Elaine to stop, she just did but she said that it was because I was screaming loudly with each orgasm that I had and she was afraid that I would attract someone undesirable. I do not remember the screams but I do believe her, I do not think she would ever have lied to me. We became best friends and stayed in touch until she got married and moved to Canada. She married a Canadian air force major.

We lay in the sun for about another half an hour until one of us noticed that the sun had moved quite a long way across the sky. It was getting late and we had not told anybody where we were going. In fact they all would have expected us back by four at the latest and it was well past that now.

We quickly got dressed and then went to find the horses which had wandered off. Then we headed back to the riding school as quickly as we could without making the horses tired. We arrived back at about six thirty. Neither of us had a watch so we did not know what time it was but we knew that it was much later that it should have been. As soon as we arrived we took the horses to the stables and gave them a good rub down and then fed them all. Only after all the horses had been looked after did we go to see if there was any food left.

When we arrived at the dinning room we found everybody there and an army sergeant as well. He was apparently requesting the use of the stables as a collection point for the blankets that I told you about in the last chapter. We sat quietly and said nothing and nothing was said to us.

Except at the end the whole conversation was about blankets and collections and pay. I thought that the army chap would leave without even acknowledging us but just before he went he asked us each if there was anything that we kneaded. Of course Elaine and I both said no but when he had left the room I ran after him and asked if I could have a tin of Vaseline. He thought it was a strange request but when I explained that it was for make up he quickly agreed and promised to deliver within the week, which he did. Another problem sorted out at a least expected moment.

I was able to get to bed at a reasonable time that night, but Elaine managed to get a service out of Robert who was ever eager to please her.

She told me all about it the next day as we worked together in the stables. I felt pangs of jealousy as she went into full descriptions of what had gone on between them but I realised that I had Robert to myself just as much as she did and I was not even willing to tell the tale afterwards. Up till then. I passed a new resolution to confide in Elaine about everything that went on between Robert and myself. Then I conditioned it with not talking about my horse activities. Not yet any way. As it turned out I never did confide my horse activities to her, and I do not think she ever found out for sure but I feel she may have suspected something after Robert left.

The day after the romp on the forest went very quickly and I soon found the evening approaching and my desire to have Rum was strong. He had not shown any need for my company and as I did not have a fresh supply of Vaseline yet I was glad that demand had not been made and I could choose my companion.

I went in search of my trusted mate Robert and found him hard at work lying naked on his back on the floor of the hay loft with Elaine doing her best to imitate a rising trot on his shaft. It was the first time that I had really had an opportunity to watch the finer points of this position and I spent about fifteen minutes watching them and getting very hot and wet down bellow.

Eventually I spoke out and having seen Elaine go through her fourth orgasm in this manner I decided it was time for me to have a go. I told Elaine how long I had been watching a suggested that we make a game of it. Four orgasms each turn and then it was time for the other rider.

Who ever it was that was riding at the point of Robert's ejaculation, would win the prize of being boss over the looser the next day. I figured that as Elaine had already ridden quite a distance I would have a good chance of getting the cream, but I did not reckon on Elaine being a cheat.

She climbed of the surrogate horse, I took the saddle as it were, and started to ride. I found that it was quite nice to sit astride a man and do the work for once. It gave me a chance to control the pace and rhythm to what I wanted. It took a while to reach my first peek and I was just starting on my second assent when Elaine grasped my breast in her hand. I was just getting accustomed to this when she poked her finger at my anus. My muscles clamped up and my second orgasm rushed at me suddenly and was gone in seconds. That did not matter too much but Elaine did not take her finger away even though I asked her to. She maintained a pressure with her finger, and rubbed my anus as she pressed. My muscles slowly relaxed and I felt her actually insert her finger tip. My third orgasm started to build, and I knew it would not take long. Elaine pushed her finger in deeper and soon got right through my defences. As she broke into the chamber inside I had my third orgasm. I had only one to go and I would have to relinquish my place to my competitor, but there seemed nothing I could do. My orgasms were coming so strong that I had almost given up making any motion on Robert's tool and so there was little likelihood of him cuming in me. I was squatting over Robert with about half his penis in me and no will to move.

Elaine started to thrust her finger in and out of my anus penetrating my rectum as far as she could. I could feel her knuckles hitting my buttocks with each inward motion. It was beyond my ability to do anything about this indecent assault so I just let her rock me as she thrust into me and I received my fourth orgasm, courtesy of Elaine.

Of course I had to relinquish my mount to her for her second ride and I resolved to be as mean to her as she had been to me. What I had not realised was that she had wanted me to do the same thing to here so when I did she got what she wanted.

She sat astride Robert and started to ride him as she had before. I had realised that Elaine had used some lubricant on her finger when she entered me so I looked around dumbly trying to work out what she had used. It only occurred to me, when I felt my loins twitch for more sex and I stuck my finger in to my cunt to ease the sensation. My finger came out all covered in my slippery juice and I realised what Elaine had used her juice to enter my anus so easily. I immediately knelt down next to Elaine and placing one hand on her buttocks I applied my slippery finger to her ass. Her anus clamped up just as mine had done but I persisted and eventually was rewarded with a successful entry. At first I could only get in up to my first knuckle but as I worked and applied some saliva to the right spot, I was able to get all of my finger in.

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