Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 7

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

I was not nearly as saw the next day as I had been after my first mating with Rum. Indeed I hardly felt any discomfort at all except around the opening to my vagina. My pussy lips were thick and swollen when I rose from my bed but that was gone by the evening.

However my poor breasts were very saw and red from the straw sticking into them as Rum rocked me back and forth. I had lots of red marks on them and on my chest and shoulders where the straw had come into contact with my skin. The inside of my thighs and arms also had the marks but were not saw.

I had a good idea as to how I could solve this problem. A blanket or soft towel would do the job if it was placed over the straw bale before I lay down on it. The problem would be how he get one from the house to the stable without my mother noticing it was missing. Most materials were on ration due to them being needed for our soldiers uniforms and equipment. In fact almost everything was on ration by this time and we had to reuse many things that had been repaired over and over again by the time the war came to an end in forty five.

When I started work in the mares stables I found that one of our dogs had commandeered the spare stall. This of course was a great hamper to any sexual activity that was to take place as it reduced the hiding places by 50%. It ultimately led to a discovery by Elaine and a wonderful new aspect to my sex life. Fortunately the weather was warming rapidly and this soon led to new and more open places to have sex, but it was in the two or three days after my latest gander with Rum that these changes took place.

I abstained from sex for two days I think it was though it could have been three. Robert had been very attentive to me again, needing much reassurance that I was all right after my bout in the new position and with the horse. I tried to console him and was very glad when I was able to go to him and ask for his favours again. He joyfully agreed and it was arranged for that night. Naturally with the puppy ladened bitch occupying one of out sex hides we had to use the other, in the hay loft of the stallion's stables. We both finished work quite early and were able to get together at about seven thirty. We started with kisses and cuddles and gradually our clothes came off until it was time for Robert to enter. Everything went fine and we were well away on our own little planet both forgetting that there were actually other about still, who may hear our antics. We did not act on the side of discretion that night and indeed a person did come in to investigate.

Robert had really got into his stride and we were both panting and groaning, engrossed in our private performance. We did not hear Elaine come into the stable, and later we accused her of spying on us, though it was very likely that we did not hear her because we were making too much noise of our own. She said that all the animals gave the usual signs that some one was about, but that did not matter because once she had entered the stable she would have known what was going on. She climbed up the ladder to the loft and found us. Robert in full swing, pounding into me, and me, underneath, trying to suck every little bit of his muscle into my hot wet pussy. From what she described afterward she must have watched for about fifteen minutes and she chose her timing to perfection. She must have recognised the signs because as Robert started to come into me she smacked him across the bottom with a riding crop. Just the once. But it was enough to ruin my orgasm and Robert nearly had a heart attack he was so scared. Robert was unable to stop once he had started and he was suddenly in a position where he wanted to get up and pretend that he had not been doing anything, and at the same time, totally unable to stop doing it. It is quite funny now when I look back on it but at the time I was both miffed that my orgasm had just disappeared and at the same time shocked that someone had found us out. That we may now be beaten, sacked, or worse still that my parents may be told what had been going on between Robert and myself was appalling to me. I wanted to get up and run. Find some place of hiding where nobody would ever find me, but with Robert on top of me, still shooting his load, I was a prisoner. I just lay there staring at the apparition of Elaine and gasped in panic. I think that Robert was in quite some pain. Isn't it true that if a man comes, his penis gets very sensitive and the only thing that prevents it from being painful is the orgasm me experiences at that time. I would say that from the writhing and groans coming from Robert that that is what happened to him.

Elaine thought that it was hilarious and laughed so much that she nearly fell of the ladder. At that time I might well have pushed her except that I still had Robert on top of me, groaning and gasping in agony as though he was taking his last breath.

Elaine came up into the loft and lay down beside us. I was very grateful that she had not run off calling for Mr Rice, but I guess that she did not because she was just as guilty of infidelity as I was and she new that I new about her. The difference was that while she was of an age, I was not and should by all reasoning have to wait another year before I could legally have sex and then only with my parents consent.

But what child ever went to its parents and said?

"Mum, Dad, Can I have sex please?" and for that matter what parent ever said "Yes."?

Elaine quickly stripped out of her cloths and started to kiss me. I was not in a mood to be kissed by a woman and certainly not by a woman who had just ruined my orgasm. However I did not have much of a choice as I was still pinned under a prostrate Robert who had become like a dead thing except that he breathed and was still warm. He was lying over me, between my legs and with his thick member, now not so thick, still several inches up inside me.

In between kisses Elaine begged my forgiveness for ruining my pleasure.

I was not of a mind to grant her, her wish, but she placed her hands in some very sensitive places on my body and I was soon malleable to her touch, and her wishes. She seemed to know just where to touch me. All right, she may be a woman too but we are not all the same as so many men tend to think.

She was very adept at fondling my breasts in such a way that I wished I had a baby hanging off each one, it made me want to fuck and fuck until I dropped. Her hands roved any exposed part of my body, that is any part that was not covered or unreachable due to Robert. I was thankful when eventually he rolled off me, his pines leaving a sticky slimy trail across my leg. Elaine took a moment away from me to lick the sperm off my leg and then to lick and suck Robert's limp shaft, but she soon returned without warning and it seemed that her hand were everywhere.

As her hands fondled and caressed she kissed me repeatedly on the lips.

At first it was just lip to lip but she soon grew bold and introduced her tongue into my mouth. It was like a drill the first time. I did not think I wanted her tongue to enter my mouth and I put up a fight to try and stop her, but she broke my resistance by shear persistence.

After a while I found that I liked to have a tongue exploring the inside of my mouth and I tried to reciprocate. But only one tongue can explore at once and I was bared.

Elaine's hands roved around my body stroking my ears and stomach, then she was fondling my breasts, then a caress in my arm pit, which tickled, followed by a finger entering my vagina only to leave again immediately to touch some other part of my body. I found it most stimulating, far better than Robert ever was, poor lad, and I wanted more. Fortunately Elaine had plans to give me more and I accepted.

Within fifteen minutes I was cumming regularly every other minute and loving it all. I forgave Elaine her indiscretion of breaking our love at the wrong moment, though I am not sure that Robert ever did. Elaine just kept on at me, touching, kissing, petting, exploring. Eventually I had had enough and I asked her to stop. Either she did not hear or she just ignored me, but she did not stop. I think she was having such a nice time, that she did not want to stop. She finished kissing my mouth and worked her way down my body, kissing and licking different places as she found them until she found my pussy. I did not know what she was going to do to me but I obeyed anyway when she requested me to turn over and assume a dog like position on my hands and knees.

She crawled round behind me and I soon felt her hands on my hips. This was fine though I still did not know what to expect. Then I felt something wet enter my vagina. At first I thought that she had induced Robert to put his limp member into me, but then I realised that it was the wrong shape. Besides Robert was still lying next to me though a little more alive now that he realised there was a show to watch.

Something pressed up against my anus. I had not expected this and my anal muscle clenched up tight in an involuntary reaction. I could not have helped it even if I had been prepared. I looked down between my arms toward my legs. I saw Elaine's chin close to my pussy hair and realised that she was licking me out. It was her nose that was pressing against my anus. I gave a little cry as I realised what was being done to me. I was being fucked by a woman's tongue.

Elaine's tongue was quite long and she seemed able to extend it to so many different places inside me. I came again and Elaine seemed to lick my juice as it flowed out of my love hole.

Robert seemed to gain some interest. He sat up and started to play with his penis. I did not really take that much notice of what he did at that point as I was too engrossed in the attention that I was getting but suffice it to say that he eventually rejoined the fray and it became a threesome.

I closed my eyes and groaned at the feelings that I was having. Such pleasure I had not experienced before and never would with a man, or a horse for that matter, but a woman's touch is something very special and I shall always remember the things that I felt that night.

I don't know where my thoughts went while I was having this wonderful therapy but I was brought back to reality when Elaine started to gently rock me forward and back. I looked back again to see why she was doing it, because I could still feel her tongue deep in me, well as deep as a tongue can go, and I found Robert at the back of Elaine helping himself to a portion of her body. He moved slowly and with long thrusts. Of course as he moved into her she was pushed forward against me and I was rocked forward as well. All was explained. I went back to enjoying the game and cumming at regular intervals...

From then on, Robert and I had sex with Elaine included about once a week, periods not withstanding. I became adept at cunnilingus though it was another twenty years before I learned the word for it. I think it is a little more descriptive or should I say more appropriately sounding for the topic than "cunt licking" but it is still not a good word for what it is. You know how some words just sound like the thing they are designed to refer to.

I eventually got round to telling Elaine that I would forgive her for her interruption of Robert's and my sex and that was when she decided that enough was enough and stopped burrowing into my love nest. She said that she was very glad that I had take so long to forgive her because she had such a good time. Robert's attention to her rear end had brought her off several times for which she was very grateful even if he did not find it within his power to fill her with his seed that night. Well we know why that was, don't we.

It was a little over a week before Rum started to ask me for a favour, but when he did I was ready to help. I had been thinking about how to stop the straw from pricking me and I had come up with a solution. Now I was eager to put it into practice and see if I worked.

When the dog had decided to have her pups, Mrs Rice brought out a load of old blankets for her to make her nest in. Dogs are not very good at nest making, not like cats who can arrange a rag or two into a very comfortable bed. if you dump half a dozen blankets in a pile for a dog to lie on she will generally just go and lie on then as they are, unless they are very uncomfortable, in which case she will expect you to arrange them for her. This was what happened to our dog and I had to go and rearrange the blankets for the silly animal, and in doing so I pilfered one for myself. Isn't it just lovely when you have a problem which you think will be a real stinker to solve, and then a solution presents itself out of the blue in a matter of moments.

As it happened I need not have worried too much any way. The army put out a call for all spare blankets for their lads returning from Dunkirk.

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