Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 6

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

The next day I was woken by my mother coming in to make my bed. It was half past ten and I had slept right through most of the morning. My mother was most surprised to find me, thinking that I had got up and gone to work as usual. She asked me what was wrong and I told her that I was not well because I had been thrown by one of the horses, but I also said that I was expected into work. I got up but my pussy was so saw that I had difficulty walking. This convinced my mother that I had indeed been injured and she offered to get the doctor. I told her I had already seen the doctor and the stiffness was just from the bruising. I went into work. Slowly, and when I saw Mr. Rice I made up a story about falling over on my way home the night before and hurting my leg.

I was just so glad that neither my mother or Mr. Rice wanted to see the bruising and I hoped to high heaven that neither spoke to the other about my mishap. As it happened they did not mention it again because by the next day I was fine. I worked slowly that day and towards the end of the day Robert came over and asked if I was all right. I told him what was wrong and said that he should not worry.

That night I went home as soon as I had finished my chores and after a light meal went early to bed. the vaseline I had plied to my wounded body had done the trick in healing my sawness and the next day I was fine. The world carried on as normal for three or four days. March went into the history books and April filled our senses with the smells of spring flowers and the sounds of birds nesting. The war was getting under way and it had become a daily ritual to sit by the wireless, actually a cats whisker and some other electrical gubbins, and listen to the BBC world service for reports of our boys on the continent. Robert started to talk about what he would do when he was called up as though he would be the one to change the way things were turning out. We did not have much going for us up until after the Battle of Britain but that is another story and one that is well documented by many others.

It was about five days after my mating with Rum that I next had sex with Robert. We were both feeling very frisky and we made our bed in the mare's stable in the free stall. He came on top of me and after emptying his load into me he rolled off me to rest. I, then feeling a little cheated by his swift completion decided to try to rouse him again and this was when I discovered that he was not up to two goes in a day.

I gave him a long blow job taking his penis right into my mouth but all that happened was that after about ten minutes his penis had thickened up a little but it was still floppy. It had grown from two inches to maybe three and a half in length but it was not enough for a girl to play with satisfactorily. I tried to slid him into my pussy but every time we made contact he bent in the middle and scooted off to one side.

I gave up and resorted to rubbing my self for a while to satisfy my need. It did not work so I told Robert off for not seeing to his girl before himself. He looked puzzled and did not comprehend what he had done wrong. I had to spell it out for him and he still took a long time to get it. He never made that mistake again though and always satisfied me there after though he was rather kack handed at it when it came to oral or finger stimulation. (what do you call that when you put fingers into a pussy to stimulate a sexual response? Could it be called digital stimulation? ) Anyway one should not speak ill of the dead and as a first lover I think he did really well for me seeing as I had no experience at all. We had sex once or twice a week as a rule which means he was getting it about four times a week with humans and maybe twice a week with Ruth's Horse. Now in hind sight I suppose its not surprising that he could not get it up more than once a day.

Toward the end of April I decided to try again with Rum. Robert tried to deter me but I knew that I could manage if I got enough practice.

The first time I had lane on my back on a straw bail. My legs had been bent back as they hung down and I had found that quite uncomfortable after a while. I decided that the next time I would lay on my front on the bail and straddle my legs either side this would ease the leg position for me but I was not too sure how Rum would cope with the different angle of my opening. After much arguing and frustration I eventually got Robert to agree to help me again, though I think he did it that time because he realised that I would go ahead whether he was there or not, and he did not want to miss it if I did. It was late in the evening. About eight thirty or nine o'clock. I had gone in and started to rouse Rum. Robert came in about ten minutes later and arranged the bail in the right position.

Rum had managed to produce his usual long thick erection and I was happy with the end of it in my mouth. I was trying to gage it so that I would still be able to take Rum out of my mouth when all was ready without scraping my teeth on Rum's delicate skin, but still have him hard enough that he would not start to retract when I stopped sucking and changed position.

The time arrived. I had been slowly rubbing my love box with vaseline to lubricate it and to get my own juices flowing, not that that needed much encouragement as I was wet just thinking about the prospect. I was not afraid of injury. The sawness I could take if I had too. The pleasure of being filled far out weighed the pain after. Besides if the new position worked for my legs, and I was sure it would, the sawness should be greatly reduced.

Everything was ready. I leaned away from Rum and slowly with my mouth as wide as it would go pulled Rum's erection out from between my lips.

I managed to avoid scraping him with my teeth but he was a little disconcerted at having the nice warm hole removed from his knob. He looked round at me to see what was about to happen. His expression said it all 'come on girl, you aren't done yet, I've still got a present to give you.' I told Robert to hold the long piece of meat that Rum was about to insert into me so he could guide it to the right place. Then I turned round and lay down on the bale, face down with a leg on either side.

The position felt good right from the start. I shifted my body back toward my quarry and settled down ready for a good stuffing. I placed my hands under my face to stop the straw from pricking my cheeks and waited.

Robert presented the tip of Rum's penis to my love nest and tried to push it in. it slid along between my pussy lips and jammed into my clitoris. I cried out with the pain as though I had been struck. The angle was too tight for the thick meat to bend into me. I straightened my legs pushing my bottom up into the air and raising my vaginal opening. At the second try there was no refusal and Rum's penis slipped in to me like a well oiled piston.

"Wow!" I heard a gasp from Robert. "Six inches in one go." He sounded amazed like it was the most wonderful thing on the planet. To me it was. I already felt full and was rising to the joys of my first orgasm.

Rum was not happy yet, he withdrew about half from me and thrust back in. I came. The pleasure exploding inside me and I was left panting as Rum withdrew again, and again thrust into me.

"At least eight inches." Whispered Robert. As he watched every moment of play. I felt another orgasm start to build as Rum thrust in a third time. My pussy lips were drawn in to me as he entered dragging on my clitoris.

If you should ever decide to take a horse in this manner you should be careful about checking the horse thoroughly before you go ahead. There are two fundamentally different types of horse penis. The first has the same thickness all the way along its length and the head is only a little bit bigger than the thickness of the shaft. Very good for beginners. You can get accustomed to the length without having to master the thickness as well at the same time. The second type is a little different in that the head is often quite a bit bigger than the end of the shaft, which is nice in that once the head is in the rest of the next three or four inches follows easily. But the shaft gets thicker the further back toward the testicles and at the junction with the horse's body can be as much as five inches thick compared with a three inch head. This gives a fantastic feeling when it is slipping in and out of ones body, as it is want to do, but it stretches every muscle to the limit. And if you are not really relaxed and loose, could cause some damage. Rum had a penis of the second variety and if I was not relaxed to begin with, I was as my second orgasm flooded through my body.

Rum pulled out and thrust a fourth time. I felt pain as the tip of his penis mashed against my cervix and I almost cried out again but Rum pulled back a fraction and seemed to take the measure of what was available. He then pulled out almost to the tip and started to thrust forward into me with a strong slow rhythm. The pain subsided into a pleasant ache and with my buttocks still held high I settled down for a good strong mind blowing fuck. Another orgasm took me and they followed one after the other almost over lapping each other from then on. The tip of Rum's penis rubbing along the front of my vaginal tract and pressing into the place that is called the 'G' spot kept me stimulated and on a constant orgasmic role. The thicker part of Rum's penis dragging my pussy lips into my vagina as he thrust into me, and releasing them again as he withdrew, stretching the skin around my clitoris and anus. Soon I was totally out of it except the wonderful thrills that I could feel engulfing my entire being. Robert was still beside me and I think he tried to steady me when I became a little faint and almost fell over, but I remember nothing of this, only the in and out of that magnificent machine and the flow of joy through my pounded body. There was a gentle rocking motion in time to Rum's thrusts and I think it would have sent me to sleep if it had not been for the massive intrusion into my soft body. I just lay there hoping that it would never end, but it did. Some where in the depths of my awareness I noticed a change in the rhythm. It was stronger and more forceful. I felt my cervix more often as Rum's penis pushed against it. It did not hurt, I was too far gone to register the difference between my orgasms and pain. It was mot even a discomfort just a change in the priorities of what was happening and I realised that Rum was ready.

It still took a while, I don't know how long but I was able to recognise the degrees of urgency as Rum's excitement built up to a peek. Suddenly I felt his body tense above me. I could not touch his body, it was a subtle strain within the penis that was so deeply embedded in my loins.

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