Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 5

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

The next day Robert seemed very nervous of me and I had to go and comfort him and let him know that everything was all right. I slipped my hand into his and whispered in his ear that I loved him and thanked him for the wonderful evening. He blushed beetroot red so I told him that a repeat performance was in order when he had the time, and then I left him to carry on with my work. I did not leave him in any doubt about my availability and I smiled at him every chance I got in the hope he would see his way to giving me a favour in the form of his time and stiff cock.

That night I went to see Rum again, he greeted me in his now familiar way and nuzzled and nibbled for all he was worth trying to get me to attend to his needs but I had this feeling that I would rather have a little more of Robert at present, so Rum went without, and so did I for that matter as Robert was nowhere to be found. Either he was still to unsure of my sincerity or Elaine had whisked him of to do her bidding.

As a result I went home early and had a good nights sleep, all be it with a finger stuffed up my freshly opened cunt.

I awoke the next day feeling fresh and eager for the day to begin, so that I could go out and enjoy it. I felt on top of the world, full of the spirit of spring and wanting to get on with my life. I had so many plans and I knew exactly how it all would turn out. I had slept very soundly and the rest had done me a power of good. I had an early breakfast and then headed for work taking the long way over the forest.

It was still dark and seeing my way was difficult. I could not use a torch as the black out laws forbade the use of unshielded lights at night due to the possibility of air raids. There was a crescent moon rising before the sun and its meagre light cast strange shadows creating illusory shapes that danced and swayed as I walked through the trees and bracken.

I arrived at work late but only by a few minutes. I do not think anybody noticed as I was able to get to the stables and start work before anyone else. I was going to get all my work done as quickly as possible and then seduce Robert into giving me a good service.

Things did not go quite as I had planed. For one thing Robert went to town with Mr.Rice and they did not return until late afternoon so instead of having time with Robert and a good fuck I spent most of the day feeling frustrated and unhappy. Eventually I was able to get with Robert but it was not until late in the evening and he made it quite clear that he was not interested in sex. Too tired he said, so we lay in the hay loft in the dark and chatted. It was then that I brought up the idea of him helping me have sex with Rum. I started the conversation slowly, talking about wonderful he had made me feel that time and how I longed for a rematch. Then I went on to talking about sex in general, followed closely by asking him about his sex with Ruth's horse, Why did he do it? How did it feel? Was it like sex with a woman? We chatted for a long time before I eventually told him what I wanted to do and that I had tried but could not manage on my own.

"Would you help me?" I asked pleadingly. He was silent for several minutes and I was almost thinking that he had gone to sleep when he asked why I thought I wanted to do it. I had not expected this and it took me a moment to think of an answer. I was relieved that he had not stormed off or tried to dissuade me and grateful that he had not laughed at me and told me I was stupid or some other derogatory thing. I eventually told him that apart from the sexual desire that I felt for the horse, I thought that Rum would like it just like he did when I sucked him. He wanted to know what it was that made me think that Rum enjoyed the oral that I gave after all I had only done it once. So I told him that I had done it several times since then and that Rum still greeted me with a kiss and showed his shaft for me to admire and play with when ever I went near him. After much thought Robert said

"OK let me think about it and I will help you tomorrow, but its late now and you still need your rest, so go home to bed." With that he got up and left me.

I slowly rose and made my way home for another very restful night but one that was filled with dreams of horses having sex with almost every other animal imaginable and I was standing naked on a hill with this beautiful big stallion who made passionate love to me for hours. There was no feeling to it, no wild sex, just a sense of an aura of love surrounding us as we stood on the hill.

Another day dawned and I was off to work as soon as the birds were singing. My duties went by very quickly and I soon found that it was late afternoon. I had ridden all the horses and Rum had had an extra mile. It was not that I wanted to exhaust him or that I thought it would be a reward for him to have the extra run, it was just that I felt so good sitting on such a large horse and the rhythm of his hooves gave me such a good feeling as I received the vibration in my buttocks and thighs. Eventually everything was done and it was tea time. Bread and cheese with hot soup makes a very satisfying evening meal.

After tea was finished I made an excuse to go out again and I went to the stables to talk with Rum. He had had a thorough grooming after his ride so I just ran the brush over his coat slowly massaging him. He had again presented me with his weapon to see but as I brushed him it slowly retracted leaving just the last three inches or so exposed.

It was getting dark later in the evening and I had to wait for a couple of hours before Robert appeared on the scene. Rum seemed to realise that I was waiting and stood quietly while I brushed. I did not turn on the light as it got dark but I put away the brush and used my hand to groom Rum. He felt silky smooth and I soon was resting my head on his musclly body as I stroked. I eventually heard a soft step in the dark followed by a whispering enquiry.

"Jillian, are you there?"

"Yes." I called back softly. Robert came in to the stall and put his arms around me as I rested against Rum's flank.

"Do you still want to do this?"

"Yes," I replied. "But I would like to have you first."

"All right, do you want it down here or up in the hay loft. I have to go up and through down the bales for tomorrow which would you prefer?"

I said that I would like to stay bellow as it would make the change from Robert to Rum that little bit quicker.

After a little more cuddle, Robert went to the ladder and started to clime and I went to the switch to turn on the light so that he could see where he was throwing the bales. As he threw them down I would collect the and place them along the wall behind the horses ready for the morning. When that was done Robert came back down and I started to undress. Soon he was helping me and in a very short while I was naked.

I picked up my cloths and walked into Rums stall. Robert followed and was soon kissing me and stroking my body. I started to undo his cloths but I had difficulty with the buttons in his trousers. He eventually helped me and we lay down in the straw of Rum's stall. Robert's love making was hard and fast. He shot his sperm into me after only a few minutes. His breath was ragged and very fast but after a short rest he soon recovered. I was left feeling open but nothing else. There was no sensations of love as there had been the first time.

I urged him to get off me and help he to arrange things for my coupling with Rum. There was no point in Robert staying on top as his penis had gone limp and soft and had dropped out of me.

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