Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

The next day, after a restless night trying to ease the frustration I was feeling, I went about my business as usual but all the time attempting to form a plan to achieve my aim. By the end of the day I had what I thought would be a workable idea but of course proof of the pudding is in the eating and only attempting it would tell. At about seven thirty I found myself in the company of Rum again. I was ready to try my idea but I found one or two problems in my way. Again it was quite late in the evening as I settled down to attending Rum. I stripped off as usual and took his big rod in my hands. I had the Vaseline with me this time so I smoothed some on to his shaft keeping the head clear so I could still suck it as a prelude to what I hoped would be a most satisfying experience. Everything went to plan until I actually attempted the entry. I sucked Rum's penis and ran my hands up and down the shaft and he became very big and hard. Then I took a copious scoop of Vaseline and smeared it on to the end of Rum's knob and a similar amount and applied it to my virginity. Then on my hands and knees I crawled under Rum and taking hold of Rum's penis which I could see hanging down behind me, I applied the end to my lower lips in an attempt to get it in me. With all the Vaseline I had applied I could not get a good grip on Rum. I could not get any pressure on his penis to force it in me and even worse was the fact that in the time I had taken to spread the grease on my box, Rum had lost some of his stiffness and so it bent in the middle instead of spearing into me. I also found that I was really to low down to get a good angle. I decided that what was needed was for my bum to be higher and to get Rum stiff again.

Instead of being on hands and knees I would try to stand under him, bent over to present a good aspect for the job. I rubbed the penis again and made it come back to attention and then I assumed the new position. I grasped Rum's penis and presented it to what I thought was the right place but again I had no luck in achieving a penetration. I just could not manipulate everything into the right position, and, as I tried and time went by, Rum again went limp leaving me frustrated and unhappy. I had to give up that night and neither Rum or I came to a climax.

The next night I tried again but this time I decided to lie on my back on a bale of straw under Rum and see if I could get a better result. I found that I could not. Either I could not reach Rum's penis to direct it because his great bulk got in the way or I was just too far away to be of any help guiding him. After a couple more nights of frustration, with Rum becoming more and more skittish I gave up on trying to have Rum as my first Husband. Instead I settled on Robert. I knew that he had Elaine regularly and I reckoned that I could grab a bit of the action that went on in that circle. I decided that the best plan was to wait until they had just finished together and then confront Robert and ask for the same service. If he refused I would just have to accidentally interrupt their fun each time they got together. I had not seen them at it so often, but I had heard them and now I knew their most frequent hangouts. I did not have long to wait, in fact it was within the week that I heard them in the hay loft, so I hung around until they separated and I could get Robert alone. When I approached Robert, he was the one who had come out of the stable first. He was most surprised to see me still about this late at night. He said that I should be in bed, so I retorted that I had been hoping that he would take me there and keep me company for a while. He was absolutely stunned and turned a strange colour of beetroot. Then to try and cover up his fluster he said that I was too young for that and I would get him into trouble if he was caught doing it with me. I turned to look at the stable door and asked if it would be the same trouble he would get into if he was caught doing it with Elaine. He was stunned and just gaped at me.

"You wouldn't tell?" He asked me in a very worried tone.

"Of course not" I said "I just might see my way to making you and Elaine pay though if you neglect me. I'm sure you could manage two girls and a horse couldn't you". He looked crestfallen at me "of course if you didn't want me to know about the horse then you should not have shown me, but then I probably would not have discovered some of the pleasures that I have, if it had not been for you. Do this for me just once and you can come and watch me, may be even help if you like, I have had some problems lately. But I hope you want to be with me more than just once.

Oh, and I wont try to take you completely away from Elaine I like her too much to upset her like that. I would just like a share, and a small share at that, I'm sure you could manage". With that I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm and spun me back. He gave me such a whirl I thought that he my be angry and hit me or something but when I was facing him again he let go of my arm.

"When would you want to do this?" He asked tentatively and almost in a whisper.

"Oh, when its convenient and not going to interfere with you and Elaine, but soon please. I have been trying to solve this problem on my own and I am just getting in to more difficulty. Should we walk? Elaine will be coming out of the stable soon and I don't want to upset her". We both turned and started toward the gate so I could leave to go home.

"Are you still a virgin?" Robert asked

"Well yes, of course I am, you said your self that I am still too young to do this, but then so were you this time last year and I don't suppose that stopped you did it?" I answered.

"When then?" He asked.

"When would you like?" I countered.

"Tomorrow, latish, in the other stables, How about eight thirty?"

"All right" I said and with that I went through the gate and home.

The next day dawned slowly and took even longer to pass. I did all my usual chores and was finished at about seven. I had my evening meal, though I did not really feel like eating I forced myself to eat so that nobody would suspect anything. At about eight thirty I wandered into the mare's stable and went to the stall holding Ruth's Ambition. I did not do much while alone with her. I was too nervous to do any thing except stroke her and mumble things that probably meant nothing to her or me. Though I can not remember any of the long wait I endured until Robert arrived, everything that followed is as clear as a bell, even after all these years.

When you work with animals you quickly learn their ways and means of communicating, and recognise the reactions they have to certain stimuli.

Nothing had disturbed Ruth all the time had been there until Robert turned up. The first thing that caught my attention was when Ruth's ears turned back to listen. I knew that some one was coming and this was confirmed when she gave a snort and a low whinny in greeting. I still had no idea who it was though I hoped it was my date but Ruth not only knew who but obviously was expecting something. Moments later I heard Robert whisper my name so I whispered back and he came to the sound of my voice. I had been lying in the straw of Ruth's stall to one side of her feeding box with my legs to the entrance of the stall. From this position I could see anybody who walked past the end of the stall and I would not be seen unless the person actually looked in. thus it was that I saw Robert before he saw me. He really looked quite worried and I thought that maybe something had happened and he was going to try to postpone the action. His expression changed to one of relief when he saw me and he came to lie beside me.

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