Horse Whispers - Cover

Horse Whispers

Copyright© 1999 by Jillian Anonymous

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Bestiality  

Christmas came and went and everybody had a good time. It was into the second week of January that the next event in my tale occurred. Rum had started to expose himself again soon after New Year and I soon became troubled by his behaviour. It seemed that whenever I saw him his penis was hanging down almost touching the floor and a thin clear liquid seemed to always be dripping from the end.

I eventually asked Elaine about it but she swept the matter aside saying that he was just feeling randy and that I should take no notice. I tried to follow her advice but Rum started to be a little frisky pawing the ground and shaking his head. I tried riding him longer and harder than normal to ware him down but to no avail. Robert came into the scene and, I think now as a joke, suggested that I should give Rum some sexual relief as I had done before. He said that Rum was just showing his desire for me. I thought that this was a little strange, could horses really have affection for humans? But as the situation got worse I eventually decided to do it.

I eventually took the bull by the horns, or more literally took the horse by the penis one evening after the days work was finished. I wandered into Rum's stall, talking to him as I approached. When I got far enough into the stable to see him, I was surprised to see that his penis was already extended its full length and slapping against his belly. I went right up to him and petted him and stroked him talking all the time. He seemed to quiet down a little at the sound of my voice but his penis continued to swing and slap in a slow staccato rhythm. I slowly worked my way over the whole of his body until I reached the part he wanted me to attend to. Then I stripped off my cloths and just in my panties, in spite of the cold of the January evening, I started to pleasure him. I had a small jar of Vaseline which I had kept warm in my clothes and taking the horses enormous member in one hand I smoothed a large quantity of the grease all along the length just leaving the head of the shaft free so that I would not have Vaseline in my mouth. Then I set to, rubbing the length of the shaft with both hands. It stiffened up quickly and I was glad to see that the Vaseline was sufficiently slippery as to give a good lubrication. After a short while and finding that everything was moving easily I started to kiss the end of Rum's penis. I had forgotten just how big the head was and pushing the end into my mouth I had difficulty fitting my lips around it without scraping my teeth on the delicate skin. But it did go in and I found that my mouth was literally stuffed, it was now that I realised that I could not get the end out again. I was stuck, fixed to a horses penis by my mouth. I was quite surprised by the event as I had not anticipated that this might happen. I became a little frightened that I may end up drowning on horse come. Then I figured that if I was ready, and read the symptoms from Rum's actions, I could probably hold my breath moments before he ejaculated until the time that his penis went limp again.

After all it had only been a short time before, and it had always been quick when he was mated with a mare. It was then that I realised that I was being his mare, it quickly crossed my mind that maybe I could no longer be considered a virgin as I had taken a penis into my body but I supposed that as I still had my hymen it did not count.

I continued to massage the length of Rum's penis as I knelt at his side.

Long and slow, he seemed to be enjoying the attention. Gradually I increased the tempo and pressure working the whole length with my hands.

I prayed to god that I would recognise the signs from Rum. After a short while Rum started to rock forward pushing my head back, I soon learnt to go with the motion, back and forth while keeping the action going with my hands. It was quite soothing except that my mouth hurt from being extended so much for so long. But the contentment did not last long as Rum's motion became more aggressive. It became rather fierce and I was soon wondering if I wound injure my neck. It could not be helped, I was stuck and if anything it felt like the bulb on the end of Rum's penis was even bigger now. I did my best to keep up with the motion that Rum set and tried to continue with the massage. It seemed like ages but afterward I discovered that I had only taken half an hour.

Eventually I felt the stiffening of Rum's muscles and heard him snort as he tossed his head. I knew what was to come and I took a quick deep breath. Just in time. The jet of sperm instantly filled my mouth right to the back of my throat. I tried to swallow but my mouth was filled to brimming, before I even swallowed half, with the second load. I held my breath, desperately trying not to gag. The sperm started to squeeze out of my mouth and run down my chin. I swallowed again and as I did the third spurt shot in to my mouth and straight down my open throat. It was such a relief to have found a way to stop my mouth being filled so much and so ease the feeling of constant imminent choking. A fourth, fifth and sixth spurt entered me but they were slowly diminishing in size strength and frequency. I was able to take a long needed breath and ease my burning lungs. I swallowed the rest of the sperm and waited for Rum to shrink. It did not take long and soon I was released from my fetters.

I checked myself over carefully. All that I could find wrong was a very saw and aching mouth and a large quantity of sperm on my face breasts and thighs. I looked at the decoration for quite a long time and decided that it was nice. Rum's penis was shrinking by the second and seemed to be fine, though I did not get long to make sure. I went round to the front of Rum and patted his neck. He sniffed at my breasts and nodded his head at me as if to say "yes I did that". Then I cleaned my legs and breasts with straw and licked the come off my chin. I got dressed and after a final pat for Rum went home to my bed and a good nights sleep.

The following morning I had the usual chores of cleaning the stables and feeding the horses. I was glad to have this opportunity to be with Rum again so soon. I talked to him as I usually did to all the horses but though he did not present me with his usual exhibitionist demonstration of size he did seem far more friendly than normal. As I did my work through out the morning I petted him each time I came close and I let him nuzzle me if he wanted. He liked to eat my hair and I have since been able to liken it to a kiss on the neck by a lover but that is a different story. The day went by quickly and I soon found the shadows spreading into night around me. I had had a good ride on Rum that afternoon and I was feeling quite tired from the effort of the days work. As usual I had a couple of small jobs to complete before retiring and these required me to enter both stables. First I had to go into the mare's building to check on one of the horses that had a Cut on the inside if one of her legs. We all thought that it was coursed by the shoe on the neighbouring hoof as the suspect shoe had warn quite thin.

My task that night was to go and clean the wound and redress it for the night. When I walked into the stables I found Robert fondling the sex of Ruth's Ambition with one hand and himself with the other. I watched for a while not letting on that I was there but I soon got fed up with waiting for him to finish so I left to attend to my other task.

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